I take this from the mind and words of an individual who wrote between 1813 to 1859. It is funny that I just found him (recently through a friend) and read these words (from my book) yesterday as I too have been exploring what he mentions. Do you understand him?
NOTE: I am only up to page 50 as of the end of this day. The page where these lines fall occur on 35-36. When reading slow, I am pondering fast. Might I add, that after reading this section a question came to mind "Where are the bones?" I seek the bones of those that burned and other things. All my notes in regard to this matter are documented in scrawl. Mind you, when I hit others with the line of questions that I had in my head, they wanted to know too! Anywho...do you understand him? Well?
“As from the direct light of the sun to the borrowed reflected light of the moon, so do we pass from the immediate representation of perception, which stands by itself and is its own warrant, to reflection, to the abstract, discursive concepts of reason (Vernunft), which have their whole content only from that knowledge of perception, and in relation to it. As long as our attitude is one of pure perception, all is clear, firm, and certain. For there are neither questions nor doubts nor errors; we do not wish to go farther, we cannot go farther; we have rest in perceiving, and satisfaction in the present moment. Perception by itself is enough; therefore what has sprung purely from it and has remained true to it, like the genuine work of art, can never be false, nor can it be refuted through any passing of time, for it gives us not opinion but the thing itself. With abstract knowledge, with the faculty of reason, doubt and error have appeared in the theoretical, care and remorse in the practical. If in the representation of perception illusion does at moments distort reality, then in the representation of the abstract error can reign for thousands of years, impose its iron yoke on whole nations, stifle the noblest impulses of mankind; through its slaves and dupes and it can enchain even the man it cannot deceive. It is the enemy against which the wisest minds of all times have kept up an unequal struggle, and only what these have won from it has become the property of mankind. Therefore it is a good thing to draw attention to it at once, since we are now treading the ground where its province lies. Although it has often been said that we ought to pursue truth, even when no use for it can be seen, since its use may be indirect and appear when not expected, I find I must add here that we should be just as anxious to discover and eradicate every error, even when no harm from it can be seen, because this harm may be very indirect, and appear one day when not expected for every error carries a poison within itself. If it is the mind, if it is knowledge, that makes man lord of the earth, then no errors are harmless, still less venerable and holy. And for the consolation of those devote their strength and life in any way or concern to the noble and difficult struggle against error, I cannot refrain from adding here that, so long as truth does not exist, error can play in game, just as owls and bats do at night.” ~ Arthur Schopenhauer
This blog consists of thoughts, poems, stories of fiction, and stories of fact. In a nutshell, this is my life. Being that I started to write in 2006, I am posting from the date I started to write up until the present. Therefore, I will be posting a great deal as four years of writing IS a great deal. NOTE: all pieces will appear as new until I have the time to place them in their correct time slots. To those of you who happen upon my blog, I thank you for dropping by.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Site Stalking..Get A Life Asshole
Site Stalking..Get A Life Asshole
Again with values...
What one thinks they have gained through pressure is not a gain, but pity.
What one thinks is a benefit to self is nothing more than a reaction to high frequency spazz attacks. I view this as a detriment and selfish endeavor at the detriment to another.
What is viewed on superficial levels bears no merit as it is NOT real.
When seeking the unreal, you will only find the illusion.
To opt out of that which is disturbing grants me peace from within and from without.
When seeking nothing but the real, that is what I will find.
What pity, spazz zones, lack of merit, and illusion bring is "the nothing" along with a violation of free will of another.
What peace I find within self, will surround me in the peace of others.
I paint a picture the way I see it from my perspective. My perspective will grant me not pity, but understanding and peace. There is no superficial in my world as I do not allow it as depth is preferred. When opting out, I have given my inner peace an outer peace. I have found peace in myself and thus I NEED not and thus am not NEEDY. I do not settle for less that I want. I am me and will remain me in my nature without altering the nature of another.
NOTE: What you put out, you also get in return so beware of your actions. I put out love on deep levels, but depth is not understood in the land of the mundane. Line land, lie land, buried deep in shit, but at least the shit is deep if and that type of depth is sought. LOL My heart goes out to those with no light. ~ Maggie ~ December23, 2008 @ 12:29 a.m. EST
P.S.: A special note goes out to a dumb fuck who stalks my site(s)...get a REAL LIFE asshole. I mean what I say. So do, ever so gently, FUCK OFF!
Again with values...
What one thinks they have gained through pressure is not a gain, but pity.
What one thinks is a benefit to self is nothing more than a reaction to high frequency spazz attacks. I view this as a detriment and selfish endeavor at the detriment to another.
What is viewed on superficial levels bears no merit as it is NOT real.
When seeking the unreal, you will only find the illusion.
To opt out of that which is disturbing grants me peace from within and from without.
When seeking nothing but the real, that is what I will find.
What pity, spazz zones, lack of merit, and illusion bring is "the nothing" along with a violation of free will of another.
What peace I find within self, will surround me in the peace of others.
I paint a picture the way I see it from my perspective. My perspective will grant me not pity, but understanding and peace. There is no superficial in my world as I do not allow it as depth is preferred. When opting out, I have given my inner peace an outer peace. I have found peace in myself and thus I NEED not and thus am not NEEDY. I do not settle for less that I want. I am me and will remain me in my nature without altering the nature of another.
NOTE: What you put out, you also get in return so beware of your actions. I put out love on deep levels, but depth is not understood in the land of the mundane. Line land, lie land, buried deep in shit, but at least the shit is deep if and that type of depth is sought. LOL My heart goes out to those with no light. ~ Maggie ~ December23, 2008 @ 12:29 a.m. EST
P.S.: A special note goes out to a dumb fuck who stalks my site(s)...get a REAL LIFE asshole. I mean what I say. So do, ever so gently, FUCK OFF!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sharing a human experience as told to me by an Anarchist as we crossed wires...
NOTE: I leave Marcel's words as he sent them.
Sunday, December 21, 2008 at 9:17pm
Hey !
We dont know each other - on the one hand.
On the other hand, there is a mutual connection.
But see, life is a certain change. You told me that you feel in another way now, then in 1999. Whats that ? Thats usaul. Life changes you and you change your life - There is no point that stands still forever.
Look my sweet, i am going to Rumania again - Im not German at all. Im anarchist - that means no roots, no family, no mothercountry - it s an experience in my life.
Im not anarchist, because im a hippie. Im anarchist because thats life. life is anarchy. There is no government in real life - I often to places where there were no human beings beside me - fe in sweden. Once a bee or a hornet struk me. What did i do ? I took a knive and cut the fucking poison out of my arm - there was no politician, no cop that ever halped me. there was just nature. nothing else. In that situation, you are really self responsible ! There is no one on who you could take the blame for your deeds.
I dont know the right words to tell you, but i tell you - when i am alone, no human arround me - im not lonely.
Theres a feeling that connects me with the trees, with the animals even connects me to my death. What ever - there is something that so many people on the planet lost-.
I dont how to call it....but i know what love is. It is nothing that has to do with marriage or something. I see an old man working with me in the fucking hard shit harbour of northern german - he doesnt know how to speak german but i know he loves me when he gives me his mask so that i dont suffer of a bleeding nose because of working there.
All that love which is destroyed through work, state and "order".
I stop here, because perhaps you think its just silly to talk to you on that way, to you who i only know through my fucking "tastatur".
In my eyes you are the little girl of your childhood, that playes through life.
Never stop.
P.S.: i fyou want to hear me, if its ok to to you, we can exchange numbers and I will look for a way to telephone to you. Perhaps it is better just to hear voice, than to read the words that come out of a computer. Its just an offer so feel free to say yes or no.
NOTE: I have not responded to this yet.
HE has not responded to this yet as we are crossing wires:
Hi there!
By the way, my name is Maggie and it is my pleasure to feel you. What is your name?
Anarchy as viewed by some equates to chaos. I do not see it that way as I see it as a cooperative effort of all people with all people ruling themselves. When two tit for tat scenario is thrown in, it allows room for error and only violates one at a time. The violator will eventually alienate themselves from the unit. That is freedom in my perspective in our organic sense. I also think that I think a great deal and I do ask a great deal of questions, however, I rather think than not. I don’t want to be a zombie or bot.
You choose good words for what is viewed as chaos and what is viewed as necessity. I had thought and still think that the way things are going in this system, the world will wind up reverting to primitivism which would not bother me. If things continue in the same capitalistic vein of human and environmental destruction, the future is not pretty. Chaos will come and will spread like a disease until a leveling occurs. It will be survival of the fittest from an animal perspective. What do you see? I feel that you do see something, but I could be wrong. However, in my heart of hearts, I think you see something too.
From what I can gather, we used to be primitive...all of us...then something happened to take the humane out of our human. I don’t know what is was. Each level I go back, I see one or a few over the many. This saddens me. Today I had a thought about LATIN. As Latin begat the romance languages, what begat Latin? If Francs and Saxons are Germanic, who are the French? What is a Norman? What is an Arab? What is an Angle? What is a Pict? What is a Hebrew? What is an African? What is a Celt? What is an Egyptian? What is a Mayan? What is an Asian? What is an Indian? Who are the we that was at one point in time ONE? I envision one land mass with a breed that became us and as the lands shifted, so did the people.
When you think about the cave paintings, what do you see? If you had to look out your window and see life as you want it, what would you see?
I am alive as are you! Do you fight for that which is material? You may note that when it is seen by example that happiness is not found in the false, jealousy may arise, but those that see your light, may not want you to stray as they may want a part of it. However, the thing they will have the hardest time to deal with is the leaving of the material behind. Why they hold it is beyond me. I see and I cry. The wind, rain, rocks, trees, birds et al heal me. Even bugs help to connect me back to the real. Tests come with lures to beckon me into the cycle of greed, but I am not interested. The mundane holds nothing for me. What does peace cost? What is the price of happiness? I have started from within and I touch people and they touch me. Not all are dead and I can tell by their language. Communication is not the same although it is verbal.
I work at a store which allows me time for conversation, nature, and reading. At times I draw or just ponder. When an individual happens upon me, it is not odd for me to speak of zeros, circles, and eights. It is not odd to say that I was time traveling today and for someone to ask where I went and for them to tell me of their experience. The human connection is out there just waiting to be touched. People so want to be touched. Oh man, it took awhile, but it works.
Dear heart, I don’t know of loneliness nor of boredom. Therefore when bots/drones (or as you term them: zombies) speak of loneliness and boredom, I ask them to explain it. Maybe it is a hole in themselves. I don’t know.
Love...is not the way it is depicted to the masses. I view it as Uwe inspired it. I told it to Uwe whom I do love even in distance of years (time) and miles (space). He does not even know how he touches me. That is love. I will take from what I wrote in regard to love and let you see what he inspired:
True Hearts Lie In Tears...
Ah, the joy of friendship and the warmth that it brings. A true and fine heart of love in pure form. It is simply essence. Simply beautiful. The words strike a melody orchestrated in fine tune with human vibrations. Did you feel my heart? I have been a bad friend forgive me! The words written of in regard to not seeing or speaking with a friend does not diminish the friendship are mine and was sent back to me in excellent form. Friendship does warm the heart over all things as it is TRUE and unpretentious. What do we seek from one another? The sharing of color...the time when we blend yellow and red to form orange or red and blue to form purple? We then paint our world. What is our world from a philosophic standpoint? We, as creators, should know. Define and redefine over time...escape back into self...REALIZATION!
To cry out of emotion because of words spoken or written in honest and true form are best. Does that make romantic hearts? To some perhaps. Then again, what is romantic? It is defined different than it should be. Too honed to sex rather than merit with lines...fine lines joined specifically for poets, writers, and artists who understand the just difference. The just cause and causation and manifestation of real love.
How pure is pure? When seeking nothing but color from white which is light there is a spectrum. Within that spectrum lies purity and real love of the romantic because it is not superficial. Like a wound from a saber, it is deep and depth is always sought as it is greater than the shallow. Can the heart be found with a piece of cotton or a string when it cannot penetrate as the saber? Aye! However, one would have to learn the trade of understanding to find the value...the depth. Tis all a matter of perception. I have objectively looked over the words in type and hand form and found value to which I am subjective.
If the heart is an instrument of stringed precision, the chords have been struck in a mighty way awakening the sleep to see the greater light. It is good to be reminded of the real now and again by those that truly love us in kind for no reason other than they can. Within our bond lies humanity. To this I cry. ~ Maggie ~ September 24, 2008 @ 7:22 p.m. EST
I dedicate this to my sweet comrade.
No one can rule our thoughts. They can cause us to suffer, they can cause us physical and psychological pain, however, the worst thing they can do is set us free by what they deem as KILLING us. How bad is that? I don’t fear death. How scary is that to someone who does?
Your speaking of sleep and sober reminds me of Rene. You write from your heart. All the books in the world does not make your heart...you do that all by yourself. You are all the people I know and love. You are me and I am you. You are grand as you no matter what you do. I find no flaw in you. My love is unconditional.
Until we chat again...PEACE TO YOU...
~ Maggie
Sunday, December 21, 2008 at 9:17pm
Hey !
We dont know each other - on the one hand.
On the other hand, there is a mutual connection.
But see, life is a certain change. You told me that you feel in another way now, then in 1999. Whats that ? Thats usaul. Life changes you and you change your life - There is no point that stands still forever.
Look my sweet, i am going to Rumania again - Im not German at all. Im anarchist - that means no roots, no family, no mothercountry - it s an experience in my life.
Im not anarchist, because im a hippie. Im anarchist because thats life. life is anarchy. There is no government in real life - I often to places where there were no human beings beside me - fe in sweden. Once a bee or a hornet struk me. What did i do ? I took a knive and cut the fucking poison out of my arm - there was no politician, no cop that ever halped me. there was just nature. nothing else. In that situation, you are really self responsible ! There is no one on who you could take the blame for your deeds.
I dont know the right words to tell you, but i tell you - when i am alone, no human arround me - im not lonely.
Theres a feeling that connects me with the trees, with the animals even connects me to my death. What ever - there is something that so many people on the planet lost-.
I dont how to call it....but i know what love is. It is nothing that has to do with marriage or something. I see an old man working with me in the fucking hard shit harbour of northern german - he doesnt know how to speak german but i know he loves me when he gives me his mask so that i dont suffer of a bleeding nose because of working there.
All that love which is destroyed through work, state and "order".
I stop here, because perhaps you think its just silly to talk to you on that way, to you who i only know through my fucking "tastatur".
In my eyes you are the little girl of your childhood, that playes through life.
Never stop.
P.S.: i fyou want to hear me, if its ok to to you, we can exchange numbers and I will look for a way to telephone to you. Perhaps it is better just to hear voice, than to read the words that come out of a computer. Its just an offer so feel free to say yes or no.
NOTE: I have not responded to this yet.
HE has not responded to this yet as we are crossing wires:
Hi there!
By the way, my name is Maggie and it is my pleasure to feel you. What is your name?
Anarchy as viewed by some equates to chaos. I do not see it that way as I see it as a cooperative effort of all people with all people ruling themselves. When two tit for tat scenario is thrown in, it allows room for error and only violates one at a time. The violator will eventually alienate themselves from the unit. That is freedom in my perspective in our organic sense. I also think that I think a great deal and I do ask a great deal of questions, however, I rather think than not. I don’t want to be a zombie or bot.
You choose good words for what is viewed as chaos and what is viewed as necessity. I had thought and still think that the way things are going in this system, the world will wind up reverting to primitivism which would not bother me. If things continue in the same capitalistic vein of human and environmental destruction, the future is not pretty. Chaos will come and will spread like a disease until a leveling occurs. It will be survival of the fittest from an animal perspective. What do you see? I feel that you do see something, but I could be wrong. However, in my heart of hearts, I think you see something too.
From what I can gather, we used to be primitive...all of us...then something happened to take the humane out of our human. I don’t know what is was. Each level I go back, I see one or a few over the many. This saddens me. Today I had a thought about LATIN. As Latin begat the romance languages, what begat Latin? If Francs and Saxons are Germanic, who are the French? What is a Norman? What is an Arab? What is an Angle? What is a Pict? What is a Hebrew? What is an African? What is a Celt? What is an Egyptian? What is a Mayan? What is an Asian? What is an Indian? Who are the we that was at one point in time ONE? I envision one land mass with a breed that became us and as the lands shifted, so did the people.
When you think about the cave paintings, what do you see? If you had to look out your window and see life as you want it, what would you see?
I am alive as are you! Do you fight for that which is material? You may note that when it is seen by example that happiness is not found in the false, jealousy may arise, but those that see your light, may not want you to stray as they may want a part of it. However, the thing they will have the hardest time to deal with is the leaving of the material behind. Why they hold it is beyond me. I see and I cry. The wind, rain, rocks, trees, birds et al heal me. Even bugs help to connect me back to the real. Tests come with lures to beckon me into the cycle of greed, but I am not interested. The mundane holds nothing for me. What does peace cost? What is the price of happiness? I have started from within and I touch people and they touch me. Not all are dead and I can tell by their language. Communication is not the same although it is verbal.
I work at a store which allows me time for conversation, nature, and reading. At times I draw or just ponder. When an individual happens upon me, it is not odd for me to speak of zeros, circles, and eights. It is not odd to say that I was time traveling today and for someone to ask where I went and for them to tell me of their experience. The human connection is out there just waiting to be touched. People so want to be touched. Oh man, it took awhile, but it works.
Dear heart, I don’t know of loneliness nor of boredom. Therefore when bots/drones (or as you term them: zombies) speak of loneliness and boredom, I ask them to explain it. Maybe it is a hole in themselves. I don’t know.
Love...is not the way it is depicted to the masses. I view it as Uwe inspired it. I told it to Uwe whom I do love even in distance of years (time) and miles (space). He does not even know how he touches me. That is love. I will take from what I wrote in regard to love and let you see what he inspired:
True Hearts Lie In Tears...
Ah, the joy of friendship and the warmth that it brings. A true and fine heart of love in pure form. It is simply essence. Simply beautiful. The words strike a melody orchestrated in fine tune with human vibrations. Did you feel my heart? I have been a bad friend forgive me! The words written of in regard to not seeing or speaking with a friend does not diminish the friendship are mine and was sent back to me in excellent form. Friendship does warm the heart over all things as it is TRUE and unpretentious. What do we seek from one another? The sharing of color...the time when we blend yellow and red to form orange or red and blue to form purple? We then paint our world. What is our world from a philosophic standpoint? We, as creators, should know. Define and redefine over time...escape back into self...REALIZATION!
To cry out of emotion because of words spoken or written in honest and true form are best. Does that make romantic hearts? To some perhaps. Then again, what is romantic? It is defined different than it should be. Too honed to sex rather than merit with lines...fine lines joined specifically for poets, writers, and artists who understand the just difference. The just cause and causation and manifestation of real love.
How pure is pure? When seeking nothing but color from white which is light there is a spectrum. Within that spectrum lies purity and real love of the romantic because it is not superficial. Like a wound from a saber, it is deep and depth is always sought as it is greater than the shallow. Can the heart be found with a piece of cotton or a string when it cannot penetrate as the saber? Aye! However, one would have to learn the trade of understanding to find the value...the depth. Tis all a matter of perception. I have objectively looked over the words in type and hand form and found value to which I am subjective.
If the heart is an instrument of stringed precision, the chords have been struck in a mighty way awakening the sleep to see the greater light. It is good to be reminded of the real now and again by those that truly love us in kind for no reason other than they can. Within our bond lies humanity. To this I cry. ~ Maggie ~ September 24, 2008 @ 7:22 p.m. EST
I dedicate this to my sweet comrade.
No one can rule our thoughts. They can cause us to suffer, they can cause us physical and psychological pain, however, the worst thing they can do is set us free by what they deem as KILLING us. How bad is that? I don’t fear death. How scary is that to someone who does?
Your speaking of sleep and sober reminds me of Rene. You write from your heart. All the books in the world does not make your heart...you do that all by yourself. You are all the people I know and love. You are me and I am you. You are grand as you no matter what you do. I find no flaw in you. My love is unconditional.
Until we chat again...PEACE TO YOU...
~ Maggie
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Discussions with a even newer German friend:
To say that these discussions hurt, would be an understatement as I feel this person and their struggle.
Note to self: 3rd Prime
GERMANY: Please, I like your video ! But could you please make a vid overwritten with :
I mean - everything you're longing for, will be true when one's dead, wouldn't it ?
I want freedom. If i am dead, I will be free from money, materialism, all these useless things. Why should one care ? Is it fear to lose a thing.....fuck...What do you think ?
ME: Death is an illusion. You are part of all that is. The fight is within SELF for the discovery of freedom. It does not lie in the material nor does happiness. It does not lie in another unless you first find it in SELF and then you will see real value in the non-material world. You will see the interconnectedness. When you win the fight and find SELF you will be free. You will cry for those who are dead from the neck up and who seek the shallow, but you will love them.
GERMANY: Well, I would say, you can compare life and death to the two halfs of something, which wouldn't exist, without one of the halfs. So I don't think I am "alive"...it is just one part of the whole. And death is the other one. I consider death not as an illusion. There a lot of people who are dead with their bodies still working, with their bodies still speaking and eating and breathing - but they were already dead. I felt a certain connection between me and others, not only human...
but not to dead people. I mean the people who stopped thinking, fighting, enjoing...
So I want to know, what happens I am dead in their way...I never want to be I would rather die then to live like an undead. Once I will think about the greatest things in death...one thing will be TV, or cars, or money, or religion, or government, or school,...
ME: I understand what you mean. Again, I can only say what I see through my eyes. Those things of which you speak of in the material are not real. If it does not come/go with you on your journeys, it is not real. The only life/power that the non-material has is the value we as responsible beings give it. Example: If you bought tissue and a pipe cleaner and created a rose for your love, then the value of the end product does not lie in the product. It lies in the memory of the giving.
Values in education. A Ph.D. does not make a being smart or creative. A Ph.D. CAN make the mind HONED and specific, but it depends on the mind. It is based on values. What is the value of a 6 year-old's imagination when not being dulled? To me it is PRICELESS! Which would you choose if given a choice? I would take 6 and fly to Neverland and play with the pirates!
You did compare the halves and provided an accurate depiction if telling the story to a blind person. If one had to describe a zombie, your telling would create the image. There is no difference between life and death per se. (NOTE: I CAN TELL NIX THE ZOMBIES SHE FEARS ARE REAL! BOY WILL I LAUGH WITH THAT ONE. Okay, I do laugh when I scare the beejesus out of her. She gets over it. I have to break off again...she is so scared of real zombies, she has a book on how not to get eaten or something like that. LMAO) From my own perspective, you can't cease to be. I don't ask you to see through my eyes, but I can tell you what I see. The meaning of life (or value) lies within. I personally feel sorry for those who seem dead/lost. However, I cannot force my view upon them. (It is rather like a trial by fire in that you learn by burning.)
THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS even when you're down. It only takes a few jiggles to light up. We are our own best medicine we burn and learn and laugh! Just remember, it all comes with you. I do wish I could show you what gifts I was given in number formula, but it may mean nothing to you. Why I got numbers is beyond me as I suck at math. What would you do with the thought 22.5 degrees?
A story: I don’t remember where I was or what I was doing, but I was struck with this strange number from hell. Imagine being like WTF does this mean? Somewhere along my time line, I became calculating, but not in mathematical form. I connected dots if that makes any sense. Perhaps if you envision what I am real good at: DATABASE STRUCTURE (What does a database look like? Does anyone have a family tree? The macrocosm goes into microcosm. Do you see it now?) and SCHEMATICS hence, I am visual.
Imagine asking people what 22.5 means and them looking at you as if you were from Mars, but you keep on doing it? Now imagine slowly people start sharing ideas and telling you what they see in the 22.5 degrees. There is a whole section I am going to skip, but know that it was bumpy and it became smooth. Imagine if your kid started calling you John Lennon when she knew at another time you NEVER smiled. Actually, switches started to flip earlier than last year. My lights started to come on in 2005 when I was “back to being myself” and to those of you who have been with me that long, you will remember those words if they meant anything to you. I can only connect one person who may remember. Those of you who know me from my past and who see me in my present form, you will remember I was way different in form. Even if pictures were produced, you may not believe that post 1999 and pre-2005 are the same woman as before and after. I was actually carded at my own house after I told a woman who remembered the old me that I was me. Adios mios! (Goodbye me (in the masculine)). The physical does not match. The illness of diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol and the like are gone and so is half body weight. Yes I shed a person in about one year, but that person was myself. No fancy diets. I don’t watch Opra. I hope I got the spelling right. No fancy anything. It was a matter of will. I saw the picture “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.” Thus I had to will it so. However, I could as I was only dealing with me. Let me not stray from my degrees with stories of shape-shifting. lol
I had started writing about life in 2005. That is when I really started living. By other people’s standards it was sorry shit of an existence, but I was okay. I had nothing and I was okay. I let my mind create stories and dialogue with self and others. I started to tell of my life in literal or figurative forms of expression. I was returning to the arts that I loved as a child. The arts of beauty and imagination being made real by a grandfather who loved me. There I went way back prior to my rip or damage. In order to heal, I had to recognize my damage by understanding it. Damage is an improper word for events that helped to form what is. It is my grateful point that went on for many years. By most standards it would be viewed as self destruction...which is what it was. However, for all bad there is good and for all good there is bad. The degree depends on the individual who is experiencing the event.
Back to 22.5 degrees...by presenting my degrees, I was now getting images through other people’s eyes along with stories and information. Now this too is beneficial and you make friends and get warm feelings. An engineer sees a rocket or missile. A map meister sees above the tropic of Capricorn. A physicist sees an angle with interlocking parts. A goth sees the pentagram angle which lies about my neck. I see myself as nuts. The fusion of information had me tossing books and doing research over a lousy but fabulous number. Oh, I have a formula that works out pied in odd form, but it does. The silly little formula brings me joy as I see 9s and circles and interconnectedness. I see all the things that I have ever dreamed and read about come to life. I see beautiful works of art in my head and pictures that move so fast I could never capture them all on paper. Nevertheless, they bring me joy. These things I have for free show me the world in a different color...rainbow of purity. This is not to say that I would roll over and let someone take my experience away from me, but no act of violence outright against another if not out of defense. Warn in advance if possible. No act of malevolence for the sheer sake of doing so (been there done that). No act that could turn on myself as what I put out is what I will get. It is not a fear that keeps me in check, it is my own wish to be happy. All I can do is share the lift/gift of joy, a ray of a moment that lights up, I can share with you the air, and a friendly smile. I can share time, but not to the point of breaking as a stretch can only go so far. I will give my limit, and snap back into shape. Imagine playing the old Atari game. Imagine the paddle hitting the supposed ball and the other supposed paddle does not hit it back....wee ha off into outer space. No violation. It is playing happily in the bounds of love and not the bogus pretentious shit you read about in magazines or what control/need factors that are not real. Only the love is real. This love has weight to it or value if we deal in a value system.. It is putting yourself in the shoes of another before you do something. It is being responsible without the same stress as others. What grief you feel at this point is your own. I am happy for me, but I feel sorry for those who are material bound. I feel for those who worry about non-sense as if dinner time is a big issue or as if someone else’s taking a cruise is something to be jealous about. What I want can’t be bought. Corruption is difficult, but not impossible on these levels as what can be traded in virtual value for your mind’s creations? HELLO? Certainly not the dollar!. I don’t want a large house as I don’t need it. It is a burden. As noted somewhere in my writing of the past few days, sometimes more is less and less is more even paraphrased. As if funeral arrangements are important while you are alive. I don’t think of what I can’t take with me. I think of what I can and it is beautiful.
To another comrade in Germany, thanks for the inspiration to write this. Your gift to me is priceless and I thank you. ~ December 18, 2008 @ 7:01 p.m. EST (It was really penned earlier, but I was too busy to note the time.)
Note to self: 3rd Prime
GERMANY: Please, I like your video ! But could you please make a vid overwritten with :
The Greatest Things In Life Are Free Pt 1 of 2
"The greatest things in death are"I mean - everything you're longing for, will be true when one's dead, wouldn't it ?
I want freedom. If i am dead, I will be free from money, materialism, all these useless things. Why should one care ? Is it fear to lose a thing.....fuck...What do you think ?
ME: Death is an illusion. You are part of all that is. The fight is within SELF for the discovery of freedom. It does not lie in the material nor does happiness. It does not lie in another unless you first find it in SELF and then you will see real value in the non-material world. You will see the interconnectedness. When you win the fight and find SELF you will be free. You will cry for those who are dead from the neck up and who seek the shallow, but you will love them.
GERMANY: Well, I would say, you can compare life and death to the two halfs of something, which wouldn't exist, without one of the halfs. So I don't think I am "alive"...it is just one part of the whole. And death is the other one. I consider death not as an illusion. There a lot of people who are dead with their bodies still working, with their bodies still speaking and eating and breathing - but they were already dead. I felt a certain connection between me and others, not only human...
but not to dead people. I mean the people who stopped thinking, fighting, enjoing...
So I want to know, what happens I am dead in their way...I never want to be I would rather die then to live like an undead. Once I will think about the greatest things in death...one thing will be TV, or cars, or money, or religion, or government, or school,...
ME: I understand what you mean. Again, I can only say what I see through my eyes. Those things of which you speak of in the material are not real. If it does not come/go with you on your journeys, it is not real. The only life/power that the non-material has is the value we as responsible beings give it. Example: If you bought tissue and a pipe cleaner and created a rose for your love, then the value of the end product does not lie in the product. It lies in the memory of the giving.
Values in education. A Ph.D. does not make a being smart or creative. A Ph.D. CAN make the mind HONED and specific, but it depends on the mind. It is based on values. What is the value of a 6 year-old's imagination when not being dulled? To me it is PRICELESS! Which would you choose if given a choice? I would take 6 and fly to Neverland and play with the pirates!
You did compare the halves and provided an accurate depiction if telling the story to a blind person. If one had to describe a zombie, your telling would create the image. There is no difference between life and death per se. (NOTE: I CAN TELL NIX THE ZOMBIES SHE FEARS ARE REAL! BOY WILL I LAUGH WITH THAT ONE. Okay, I do laugh when I scare the beejesus out of her. She gets over it. I have to break off again...she is so scared of real zombies, she has a book on how not to get eaten or something like that. LMAO) From my own perspective, you can't cease to be. I don't ask you to see through my eyes, but I can tell you what I see. The meaning of life (or value) lies within. I personally feel sorry for those who seem dead/lost. However, I cannot force my view upon them. (It is rather like a trial by fire in that you learn by burning.)
THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS even when you're down. It only takes a few jiggles to light up. We are our own best medicine we burn and learn and laugh! Just remember, it all comes with you. I do wish I could show you what gifts I was given in number formula, but it may mean nothing to you. Why I got numbers is beyond me as I suck at math. What would you do with the thought 22.5 degrees?
A story: I don’t remember where I was or what I was doing, but I was struck with this strange number from hell. Imagine being like WTF does this mean? Somewhere along my time line, I became calculating, but not in mathematical form. I connected dots if that makes any sense. Perhaps if you envision what I am real good at: DATABASE STRUCTURE (What does a database look like? Does anyone have a family tree? The macrocosm goes into microcosm. Do you see it now?) and SCHEMATICS hence, I am visual.
Imagine asking people what 22.5 means and them looking at you as if you were from Mars, but you keep on doing it? Now imagine slowly people start sharing ideas and telling you what they see in the 22.5 degrees. There is a whole section I am going to skip, but know that it was bumpy and it became smooth. Imagine if your kid started calling you John Lennon when she knew at another time you NEVER smiled. Actually, switches started to flip earlier than last year. My lights started to come on in 2005 when I was “back to being myself” and to those of you who have been with me that long, you will remember those words if they meant anything to you. I can only connect one person who may remember. Those of you who know me from my past and who see me in my present form, you will remember I was way different in form. Even if pictures were produced, you may not believe that post 1999 and pre-2005 are the same woman as before and after. I was actually carded at my own house after I told a woman who remembered the old me that I was me. Adios mios! (Goodbye me (in the masculine)). The physical does not match. The illness of diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol and the like are gone and so is half body weight. Yes I shed a person in about one year, but that person was myself. No fancy diets. I don’t watch Opra. I hope I got the spelling right. No fancy anything. It was a matter of will. I saw the picture “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.” Thus I had to will it so. However, I could as I was only dealing with me. Let me not stray from my degrees with stories of shape-shifting. lol
I had started writing about life in 2005. That is when I really started living. By other people’s standards it was sorry shit of an existence, but I was okay. I had nothing and I was okay. I let my mind create stories and dialogue with self and others. I started to tell of my life in literal or figurative forms of expression. I was returning to the arts that I loved as a child. The arts of beauty and imagination being made real by a grandfather who loved me. There I went way back prior to my rip or damage. In order to heal, I had to recognize my damage by understanding it. Damage is an improper word for events that helped to form what is. It is my grateful point that went on for many years. By most standards it would be viewed as self destruction...which is what it was. However, for all bad there is good and for all good there is bad. The degree depends on the individual who is experiencing the event.
Back to 22.5 degrees...by presenting my degrees, I was now getting images through other people’s eyes along with stories and information. Now this too is beneficial and you make friends and get warm feelings. An engineer sees a rocket or missile. A map meister sees above the tropic of Capricorn. A physicist sees an angle with interlocking parts. A goth sees the pentagram angle which lies about my neck. I see myself as nuts. The fusion of information had me tossing books and doing research over a lousy but fabulous number. Oh, I have a formula that works out pied in odd form, but it does. The silly little formula brings me joy as I see 9s and circles and interconnectedness. I see all the things that I have ever dreamed and read about come to life. I see beautiful works of art in my head and pictures that move so fast I could never capture them all on paper. Nevertheless, they bring me joy. These things I have for free show me the world in a different color...rainbow of purity. This is not to say that I would roll over and let someone take my experience away from me, but no act of violence outright against another if not out of defense. Warn in advance if possible. No act of malevolence for the sheer sake of doing so (been there done that). No act that could turn on myself as what I put out is what I will get. It is not a fear that keeps me in check, it is my own wish to be happy. All I can do is share the lift/gift of joy, a ray of a moment that lights up, I can share with you the air, and a friendly smile. I can share time, but not to the point of breaking as a stretch can only go so far. I will give my limit, and snap back into shape. Imagine playing the old Atari game. Imagine the paddle hitting the supposed ball and the other supposed paddle does not hit it back....wee ha off into outer space. No violation. It is playing happily in the bounds of love and not the bogus pretentious shit you read about in magazines or what control/need factors that are not real. Only the love is real. This love has weight to it or value if we deal in a value system.. It is putting yourself in the shoes of another before you do something. It is being responsible without the same stress as others. What grief you feel at this point is your own. I am happy for me, but I feel sorry for those who are material bound. I feel for those who worry about non-sense as if dinner time is a big issue or as if someone else’s taking a cruise is something to be jealous about. What I want can’t be bought. Corruption is difficult, but not impossible on these levels as what can be traded in virtual value for your mind’s creations? HELLO? Certainly not the dollar!. I don’t want a large house as I don’t need it. It is a burden. As noted somewhere in my writing of the past few days, sometimes more is less and less is more even paraphrased. As if funeral arrangements are important while you are alive. I don’t think of what I can’t take with me. I think of what I can and it is beautiful.
To another comrade in Germany, thanks for the inspiration to write this. Your gift to me is priceless and I thank you. ~ December 18, 2008 @ 7:01 p.m. EST (It was really penned earlier, but I was too busy to note the time.)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Dec 13 2008
Addressing feelings using understanding of human behavior
How do you feel about having sex with him? I don’t feel comfortable about it. Unlike the other potato (the insecure one), I was NOT advised of his status prior to the initial event. Then again, maybe she wasn’t advised either. Had I had the knowledge, I would have incorporated the other danger signs into it and would have given a NEGATIVE response. First and foremost, I never attempt to mate with one who is involved.
How can you change the way you feel? I will ask if he can have me visit him STRICTLY as a FRIEND. If he cannot, I won’t visit him, but I will be his friend.
Why can’t you visit him if he does not agree? To engage under the circumstances he wishes to engage under, I would hurt SELF and ANOTHER. I do not want to hurt self or another.
Why would it hurt you? I would hurt self as the engagement is NOT real and I KNOW this. He has shown me in many ways. From MY perspective, he sees me only as a sexual object and nothing more.
Why would it hurt another? The other is insecure and requires his attention. She is hurting just in knowing I exist. I don’t like this feature. What she does not realize is that she too bears no meaning save for sex. In this I feel sorry for her and my heart goes out to her.
Do you feel sorry for him? A part of me does NOT feel sorry for him and a part of me DOES feel sorry for him.
Why do you NOT feel sorry for him? I do not feel sorry for him because he makes his own circumstances thus he get what he gives. I see that he does not really give of his heart, but he does give of his penis. Within his penis lies his value and his empty circumstance(s).
Why DO you feel sorry for him? He does not know what love is. He is more than his penis only he does not see it. Part of why I feel sorry for him is why I don’t feel sorry for him. The issues are tied together.
Do you feel that your behavior is reinforced? No I do not.
Do you see extinction of behavior? Yes I do.
Do you feel love toward him? Yes I do.
Is the love you feel toward him the same as before? Yes, but it is modified.
How is your love toward him modified? The level of love is the same, however, I do not want the intimacy based on the fact that it is not reinforced. (*See later note for elaboration.)
How do you feel about the insecure potato and the other potatoes? I feel really bad for the insecure potato. I place myself in her shoes and know how she feels in seeking love and attention only to find it not, or to find it, but on shallow levels. Memories of what that feels like doesn’t go away so I can relate to her even though I don’t know her. As for the other potatoes, it is my GUESS that they either don’t care one way or the other as it is stickily sex to them OR they too lie in shoes similar to the insecure potato, but are silent. I know not.
What is your hope at this point? At this point I hope that he and I can start over as friends with REAL love. I have love for him so that is half and half, if looked at from a different perspective, is always whole.
What if HE decided that he wanted you in his life? At this point, we NEED to be friends first as the rest would come together if it is meant to be so.
How do you expect him to treat you? I expect him to treat me with respect.
What do you mean by “treat [you] with respect?” I do not want any sexual advances verbal or otherwise from him. He may speak of others if that is his desire as I believe in free speech. I don’t want to be treated like MEAT. I refuse to be treated like MEAT. If respect cannot be had, communication shall cease, but the love won’t. ~ Maggie ~ Penned prior to 12:00 p.m. on December 13, 2008.
I HAVE ONE QUESTION THAT WILL BE *LOADED AS ALL THE DOMINOS IN THIS COMPLEX WILL DEPEND ON YOUR ANSWER. (One action (a spoken or written word) sets off a chain of events. ~ 2:45 p.m.)
*LOADED = Much information will be gathered based on a YES or NO answer. I will be open enough to show you what data (see data section) will be gathered as I can only be honest with you.
Question: WILL YOU ACCEPT MY COMPANY (in the time we had originally given ourselves) OVER THE HOLIDAYS WITHOUT US ENGAGING IN SEX? There are only two possible answers: Yes or No. The answer does not require an explanation, nor does it really require an answer. You see, in my world, no answer by the 17th, is an answer by default. The answer would then be negative.
My value (not to myself) on various levels i.e., human, friend, woman, sexual object, etc. (ties into value).
His value system. This is complex in itself and hits many target zones. View of human over sex. Also addresses psychological realm.
His level of love (this ties into value).
His level of friendship (this ties into value)
My job. This includes management while Eve is gone. There is a whole chain of events here.
My travel date. Date of departure and advices given in regard to all that is. Chain of events.
His gifts. How they will be sent i.e., details. If he wants them/does not want them, this too sets off other chains of events.
Major connection of many dots too complex to list. Everything ties together.
Regardless of answer, status is the same. Love and friendship.
My prediction using probability based on what has been observed and what has not and what has been heard and what has not in addition to all previous experiences with people in general would lead me to say that he will NOT see me for the holidays. Percentage that I am right is still at 98.99%. I see that he wants sex and the insecure potato will put out, but I won’t. I lose nothing, but I gain experience. ~ Maggie ~ Penned prior to 1:00 p.m. EST on December 13, 2008.
I hope I am wrong. ~ December 14, 2008 @ 8:22 p.m. EST
* ELABORATION: Balance. The value of the action versus the value of the reward. IF reward value < action value, cease action. If the reward is = or > the action, the action would continue as it would be reinforced. ~ 2:15 p.m. EST
The only thing that will hurt is his ego. I base this on the “NO CALL when I get home” response and various other responses. ~ 2:13 p.m. EST
How do you feel about having sex with him? I don’t feel comfortable about it. Unlike the other potato (the insecure one), I was NOT advised of his status prior to the initial event. Then again, maybe she wasn’t advised either. Had I had the knowledge, I would have incorporated the other danger signs into it and would have given a NEGATIVE response. First and foremost, I never attempt to mate with one who is involved.
How can you change the way you feel? I will ask if he can have me visit him STRICTLY as a FRIEND. If he cannot, I won’t visit him, but I will be his friend.
Why can’t you visit him if he does not agree? To engage under the circumstances he wishes to engage under, I would hurt SELF and ANOTHER. I do not want to hurt self or another.
Why would it hurt you? I would hurt self as the engagement is NOT real and I KNOW this. He has shown me in many ways. From MY perspective, he sees me only as a sexual object and nothing more.
Why would it hurt another? The other is insecure and requires his attention. She is hurting just in knowing I exist. I don’t like this feature. What she does not realize is that she too bears no meaning save for sex. In this I feel sorry for her and my heart goes out to her.
Do you feel sorry for him? A part of me does NOT feel sorry for him and a part of me DOES feel sorry for him.
Why do you NOT feel sorry for him? I do not feel sorry for him because he makes his own circumstances thus he get what he gives. I see that he does not really give of his heart, but he does give of his penis. Within his penis lies his value and his empty circumstance(s).
Why DO you feel sorry for him? He does not know what love is. He is more than his penis only he does not see it. Part of why I feel sorry for him is why I don’t feel sorry for him. The issues are tied together.
Do you feel that your behavior is reinforced? No I do not.
Do you see extinction of behavior? Yes I do.
Do you feel love toward him? Yes I do.
Is the love you feel toward him the same as before? Yes, but it is modified.
How is your love toward him modified? The level of love is the same, however, I do not want the intimacy based on the fact that it is not reinforced. (*See later note for elaboration.)
How do you feel about the insecure potato and the other potatoes? I feel really bad for the insecure potato. I place myself in her shoes and know how she feels in seeking love and attention only to find it not, or to find it, but on shallow levels. Memories of what that feels like doesn’t go away so I can relate to her even though I don’t know her. As for the other potatoes, it is my GUESS that they either don’t care one way or the other as it is stickily sex to them OR they too lie in shoes similar to the insecure potato, but are silent. I know not.
What is your hope at this point? At this point I hope that he and I can start over as friends with REAL love. I have love for him so that is half and half, if looked at from a different perspective, is always whole.
What if HE decided that he wanted you in his life? At this point, we NEED to be friends first as the rest would come together if it is meant to be so.
How do you expect him to treat you? I expect him to treat me with respect.
What do you mean by “treat [you] with respect?” I do not want any sexual advances verbal or otherwise from him. He may speak of others if that is his desire as I believe in free speech. I don’t want to be treated like MEAT. I refuse to be treated like MEAT. If respect cannot be had, communication shall cease, but the love won’t. ~ Maggie ~ Penned prior to 12:00 p.m. on December 13, 2008.
I HAVE ONE QUESTION THAT WILL BE *LOADED AS ALL THE DOMINOS IN THIS COMPLEX WILL DEPEND ON YOUR ANSWER. (One action (a spoken or written word) sets off a chain of events. ~ 2:45 p.m.)
*LOADED = Much information will be gathered based on a YES or NO answer. I will be open enough to show you what data (see data section) will be gathered as I can only be honest with you.
Question: WILL YOU ACCEPT MY COMPANY (in the time we had originally given ourselves) OVER THE HOLIDAYS WITHOUT US ENGAGING IN SEX? There are only two possible answers: Yes or No. The answer does not require an explanation, nor does it really require an answer. You see, in my world, no answer by the 17th, is an answer by default. The answer would then be negative.
My value (not to myself) on various levels i.e., human, friend, woman, sexual object, etc. (ties into value).
His value system. This is complex in itself and hits many target zones. View of human over sex. Also addresses psychological realm.
His level of love (this ties into value).
His level of friendship (this ties into value)
My job. This includes management while Eve is gone. There is a whole chain of events here.
My travel date. Date of departure and advices given in regard to all that is. Chain of events.
His gifts. How they will be sent i.e., details. If he wants them/does not want them, this too sets off other chains of events.
Major connection of many dots too complex to list. Everything ties together.
Regardless of answer, status is the same. Love and friendship.
My prediction using probability based on what has been observed and what has not and what has been heard and what has not in addition to all previous experiences with people in general would lead me to say that he will NOT see me for the holidays. Percentage that I am right is still at 98.99%. I see that he wants sex and the insecure potato will put out, but I won’t. I lose nothing, but I gain experience. ~ Maggie ~ Penned prior to 1:00 p.m. EST on December 13, 2008.
I hope I am wrong. ~ December 14, 2008 @ 8:22 p.m. EST
* ELABORATION: Balance. The value of the action versus the value of the reward. IF reward value < action value, cease action. If the reward is = or > the action, the action would continue as it would be reinforced. ~ 2:15 p.m. EST
The only thing that will hurt is his ego. I base this on the “NO CALL when I get home” response and various other responses. ~ 2:13 p.m. EST
Truth in Trees...
Taken from the tail section of my blog "Truth, Time, and Ad Infinitum" and continued in BLUE...
The complete circle comes with an infinite expansion (I'll explain this later.) as well as an infinite point as points are virtual (I'll explain this too.). Exiting from flat time, WHERE in the cone are you in regard to TIME? Imagine looking at a cut tree with all the rings of life and pulling the rings up to a three dimensional form. Each ring represents past time in present time if in fact time exists the way we SEE it or are LEAD TO BELIEVE. As rings are round, the radius of each ring will vary from TIME to TIME, yet at the same time all rings maintains its degrees of 360 which is still 9. Depending on your open mindedness, you could literally jump from the dimension of one circle to the dimension of another and be in another time/dimension altogether or be in all places at once.
What we see and what is feed to us is not necessarily what is. If you are in the digital world, come home.
*Infinite expansion: If you look at your cone, you will see that it looks like a megaphone. megaphone >noun a large cone-shaped device for amplifying and directing the voice. The shape takes what is tiny and makes it large in the direction YOU CHOOSE. Size is not important at this point.
*Virtual Point: What appears to be a point in fact is not. The closer you go to the point, the more blunt it becomes. Therefore, the point is virtually round and thus you have to imagine you see it, because you really don't. Even magnified, it would not sharpen. The point is infinite as YOU CHOOSE to see what supposedly is not real. ~ Maggie ~ Penned and refined for print today December 14, 2008 @ 6:10 p.m. EST. THIS POST IS SUBJECT TO EDITS.
ADDITIONAL REALIZATION: I had previously pulled the time/space/dimension lines in a tree upward to make them three dimensional frames to work with. Each ring representing time/space/dimension. What I failed to do was to pull it down. I was looking at the positive expansion of time/space/dimension, but had missed the fact that it also can be pulled down from its center. If you will remember (had you read my last post), I had pulled the tree rings up to show time/space/dimension with the point being virtual (which it still is) and the end of the cone forever expanding outward right? In the negative it operates the same way with the two virtual points (which is really one and the same) indicating START or BIRTH in ascension or descension. Would a black hole when looked at from the horizon then seem like a birth? Scales weighed must be equal.
Last evening the images came in glorious color to see how this thing works. I saw a spindle turn to what appeared to look like a drill-bit before turning into a tornado. It was a lovely tornado of rainbow shades. It then broke off into two rings which where spinning on each other (photo of my scribble now posted). It looks rather like the shape of my tree section cut at an angle, but this was alive. After awhile it looked like a hollowed out egg timer that was split into slices while still maintaining its rather seemingly whole nature.
POSITIVE and NEGATIVE are constant
0 spin would be constant (in this regard)
Radius (time/space) different yet regardless of size (dimension), it is still 9 using degrees broken to single digit.
The rings seemed like flaming "O, " but white/blue in color.
Both run together neg/pos while maintaining . 1D as center or virtual point of creation in up down 2D. What appears when running 2 hollow cones (3D) in clock motion (when one is flipped down), it appears to be running opposed but it is not. It folds in.
If you see the rings, you also see the sound coming from the megaphone.
< ((((((((( growing and expanding slowly as opposed to light which travels much faster. Which should you believe? Your eyes or your ears? How about listening to your own vibrations in others? How about talking to the wind and feelings its tranquil caress around you or standing in the rain and being kissed by it. The earth beneath your feet is where you too grew from and will revert back to in organic form, but your electric is wham bam experience is now out there to build upon.
THE THREE FACES OF EVE ( As in first woman offering the apple.)
Face = 3 parts
L to L (sort of alien - see photo of me left to left)
R to R (sort of hard - see photo of me right to right)
Full face in combo (the me as I appeared in total in 2007 - picture posted in negative form. If you were to request me to shake your hand, you would be looking to shake my left hand as the image is not a mirror image, but a non-mirror image or negative.
Now what do you see in the mirror? Is it real? We are looking at our negative when we view the mirror. Look into non-mirror reflection if you have that ability and try to adjust your hair. It is rather hard to see what you are doing with yourself. As what you go to fix is the wrong side of your body. ~ Maggie ~ December 17, 2008 @ 10:39 p.m. EST
Face #1: Left to left using non-mirror image.
Face #2: Right to right using non-mirror image.
Face #3: Total me in non-mirror image. Note that if you were to shake what appears to be my right hand, you would be grabbing my left as I should be spined around to oppose you, but I am not. Your right, at this point, will EQUAL my right. I now mirror you correctly.
Truth, Time, and Infinitum - Experiments & Data
TRUTH = Mirror lies
TRUTH = Clock lies
TRUTH = Calendar lies
I really don’t know where to start talking about this except at the beginning. Last year I was pondering numbers based on a 22.5 degree angle (angle of a penta which was only learned later thanks to Jason). However, I had an issue with it. I also had an issue with the months being 12 as it did not ring true to me. Today, I thought about time and noticed that it too did not ring true in its hour nature of 12 or 24. The mirror also is seen as not ringing true as well. Why is one thing backward and another not?
Perhaps at this point you may find me mad. So what if you do! If you know me, I’m not worried. If you don’t know me, I am still not worried. Bah. In my position, if I were mad, the people to whom I brought the attention of time, calendars, and reflections would have run away and there were quite a number of people I did this to and they stayed to discuss the matter some in greater detail than others. However, that is too much to get into for the moment. Mind you it did boggle some of their minds, while others realized that what we see is not real and what we think we don’t see OR shouldn’t see is real. Meh.
I started with the reflection issue first as it was the easiest one to carry out and it was also rewarding. Test. I have my subject stand in front of the mirror. Right hand is held up and it is requested that while looking into the mirror to touch right side of face and then to reach out and touch the mirror itself using right hand. There was no problem in having people do this. However, when I asked them to stand with writing in front of them and I asked if they noticed anything, they would notice that the writing was backward. I then asked them why are you not backward? To confirm theory of the lie. I opposed the individuals like a mirror and we each held up our right hands. Lo and behold we crossed. Their right was my left and my left was their right. How then is the image in the mirror true when it too does not oppose SELF but it opposes all else? What do we really see when we see ourselves? Is it a true reflection?
Once this experiment was completed, I then took the individuals into the realm of time both in clock form and calendar form. My issue deals with double digits being FALSE. At this point, I will take all from my notes...
A clock like a calendar is a flat circular event. However, if only living in time of 9 months (human gestation cycle), years, cycles, and levels, there is a constant that is not flat. In fact, there are times of divisibility and indivisibility which is kind of PIED in formula literally. There is one important factor to note: levels start at three to 9 and revert back to 1 and 2 before restart which coincides with the even and divisible time is boolean at PIED. I won’t even try to explain this unless you and I sit down and I show you and you judge for yourself. Getting on with things, take a piece of paper and draw a circle. Take anything round and trace out the circle. Mark the circle into 8ths (eights = continuum and continuum is a circle too even from the perspective of its angle). To create 8th (eights) Step 1: fold the paper in half. Step 2: Fold it in half again. Step 3: Fold it one more time. After which, do mark it with a pen so that you may see what you have created. It looks like a pizza that has been cut or a wheel. If you fold it in half you will still see 4 (four) pieces of pizza or half a circle. As 4 is square, you really have a circle. Are you with me so far?
If one were to look at the whole piece of circular paper with the lines, one could also see a clock: 12, 3, 6, 9, 12 right? Okay. Now, look at a real clock and note that the numbers go from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (1), 11 (2), 12 (3), 1, 2, 3... There is repetition or glitch in the 1, 2, and 3 being there twice in a row before going onto 4 which is square or circular. If you want to talk military time, 12 is still 3 and 18 is still 9. How do you read a military clock in comparison to a regular one? How do they tick? What is the rate of motion and are not the numbers redundant? Sometimes more should be less.
Before I bore you, let’s get back to that paper you have. Lightly color in a 1/4 (one quarter) of the circle and then seeing as you have it bent from folding it, see what happens when you fold that redundant 1/4 or the extra 1, 2, 3 out of time. Time is no longer flat. You should be holding what appears to be a cone. Look at it closely. You still have a circle only now there is a dimension to it. You have removed the illusion of 10, 11, and 12 from clocks and calendars. I mention the calendar as winter is sleep time for the mother (earth) and fall used to be harvest/storage time for our ancestors. Our ancestors did not have to run outside during the winters months to shovel and warm their cars as they stocked up for the winter with smoked and dried meats/fish and what was harvested from fields. Mind you, there were no roads either. People more or less were relaxed and resting like the rest of nature by weathering it out. If living in a warmer climate, the same seasons would still apply to the mother.
The complete circle comes with an infinite expansion (I’ll explain this later.) as well as an infinite point as points are virtual (I’ll explain this too.). Exiting from flat time, WHERE in the cone are you in regard to TIME? Imagine looking at a cut tree with all the rings of life and pulling the rings up to a three dimensional form. Each ring represents past time in present time if in fact time exists the way we SEE it or are LEAD TO BELIEVE. As rings are round, the radius of each ring will vary from TIME to TIME, yet at the same time all rings maintains its degrees of 360 which is still 9. Depending on your open mindedness, you could literally jump from the dimension of one circle to the dimension of another and be in another time/dimension altogether or be in all places at once.
What we see and what is feed to us is not necessarily what is. If you are in the digital world, come home.
*Infinite expansion: If you look at your cone, you will see that it looks like a megaphone. megaphone >noun a large cone-shaped device for amplifying and directing the voice. The shape takes what is tiny and makes it large in the direction YOU CHOOSE. Size is not important at this point.
*Virtual Point: What appears to be a point in fact is not. The closer you go to the point, the more blunt it becomes. Therefore, the point is virtually round and thus you have to imagine you see it, because you really don’t. Even magnified, it would not sharpen. The point is infinite as YOU CHOOSE to see what supposedly is not real. ~ Maggie ~ Penned and refined for print today December 14, 2008 @ 6:10 p.m. EST. THIS POST IS SUBJECT TO EDITS.
P.S.: I will be playing with the category placement as I am not sure where to put this. Oh yeah, might I repeat that I don't know my ass from my elbow. NOTE: I have an issue with all language save for one. The language of LOVE.
I AM POSTING HERE BECAUSE OF A MYSPACE GLITCH ON MY OTHER SITE THAT WOULD NOT ALLOW ME TO EDIT. There were two typos that eliminated the letter "s" and two omissions. The first omission was the human gestation cycle and the second one was my mood. Wee ha!
THERE WERE OTHER TYPOS TOO. In the event you find any, do give me a ringy dingy. Thanks.
The complete circle comes with an infinite expansion (I'll explain this later.) as well as an infinite point as points are virtual (I'll explain this too.). Exiting from flat time, WHERE in the cone are you in regard to TIME? Imagine looking at a cut tree with all the rings of life and pulling the rings up to a three dimensional form. Each ring represents past time in present time if in fact time exists the way we SEE it or are LEAD TO BELIEVE. As rings are round, the radius of each ring will vary from TIME to TIME, yet at the same time all rings maintains its degrees of 360 which is still 9. Depending on your open mindedness, you could literally jump from the dimension of one circle to the dimension of another and be in another time/dimension altogether or be in all places at once.
What we see and what is feed to us is not necessarily what is. If you are in the digital world, come home.
*Infinite expansion: If you look at your cone, you will see that it looks like a megaphone. megaphone >noun a large cone-shaped device for amplifying and directing the voice. The shape takes what is tiny and makes it large in the direction YOU CHOOSE. Size is not important at this point.
*Virtual Point: What appears to be a point in fact is not. The closer you go to the point, the more blunt it becomes. Therefore, the point is virtually round and thus you have to imagine you see it, because you really don't. Even magnified, it would not sharpen. The point is infinite as YOU CHOOSE to see what supposedly is not real. ~ Maggie ~ Penned and refined for print today December 14, 2008 @ 6:10 p.m. EST. THIS POST IS SUBJECT TO EDITS.
ADDITIONAL REALIZATION: I had previously pulled the time/space/dimension lines in a tree upward to make them three dimensional frames to work with. Each ring representing time/space/dimension. What I failed to do was to pull it down. I was looking at the positive expansion of time/space/dimension, but had missed the fact that it also can be pulled down from its center. If you will remember (had you read my last post), I had pulled the tree rings up to show time/space/dimension with the point being virtual (which it still is) and the end of the cone forever expanding outward right? In the negative it operates the same way with the two virtual points (which is really one and the same) indicating START or BIRTH in ascension or descension. Would a black hole when looked at from the horizon then seem like a birth? Scales weighed must be equal.
Last evening the images came in glorious color to see how this thing works. I saw a spindle turn to what appeared to look like a drill-bit before turning into a tornado. It was a lovely tornado of rainbow shades. It then broke off into two rings which where spinning on each other (photo of my scribble now posted). It looks rather like the shape of my tree section cut at an angle, but this was alive. After awhile it looked like a hollowed out egg timer that was split into slices while still maintaining its rather seemingly whole nature.
POSITIVE and NEGATIVE are constant
0 spin would be constant (in this regard)
Radius (time/space) different yet regardless of size (dimension), it is still 9 using degrees broken to single digit.
The rings seemed like flaming "O, " but white/blue in color.
Both run together neg/pos while maintaining . 1D as center or virtual point of creation in up down 2D. What appears when running 2 hollow cones (3D) in clock motion (when one is flipped down), it appears to be running opposed but it is not. It folds in.
If you see the rings, you also see the sound coming from the megaphone.
< ((((((((( growing and expanding slowly as opposed to light which travels much faster. Which should you believe? Your eyes or your ears? How about listening to your own vibrations in others? How about talking to the wind and feelings its tranquil caress around you or standing in the rain and being kissed by it. The earth beneath your feet is where you too grew from and will revert back to in organic form, but your electric is wham bam experience is now out there to build upon.
THE THREE FACES OF EVE ( As in first woman offering the apple.)
Face = 3 parts
L to L (sort of alien - see photo of me left to left)
R to R (sort of hard - see photo of me right to right)
Full face in combo (the me as I appeared in total in 2007 - picture posted in negative form. If you were to request me to shake your hand, you would be looking to shake my left hand as the image is not a mirror image, but a non-mirror image or negative.
Now what do you see in the mirror? Is it real? We are looking at our negative when we view the mirror. Look into non-mirror reflection if you have that ability and try to adjust your hair. It is rather hard to see what you are doing with yourself. As what you go to fix is the wrong side of your body. ~ Maggie ~ December 17, 2008 @ 10:39 p.m. EST
Face #1: Left to left using non-mirror image.
Face #2: Right to right using non-mirror image.
Face #3: Total me in non-mirror image. Note that if you were to shake what appears to be my right hand, you would be grabbing my left as I should be spined around to oppose you, but I am not. Your right, at this point, will EQUAL my right. I now mirror you correctly.
Truth, Time, and Infinitum - Experiments & Data
TRUTH = Mirror lies
TRUTH = Clock lies
TRUTH = Calendar lies
I really don’t know where to start talking about this except at the beginning. Last year I was pondering numbers based on a 22.5 degree angle (angle of a penta which was only learned later thanks to Jason). However, I had an issue with it. I also had an issue with the months being 12 as it did not ring true to me. Today, I thought about time and noticed that it too did not ring true in its hour nature of 12 or 24. The mirror also is seen as not ringing true as well. Why is one thing backward and another not?
Perhaps at this point you may find me mad. So what if you do! If you know me, I’m not worried. If you don’t know me, I am still not worried. Bah. In my position, if I were mad, the people to whom I brought the attention of time, calendars, and reflections would have run away and there were quite a number of people I did this to and they stayed to discuss the matter some in greater detail than others. However, that is too much to get into for the moment. Mind you it did boggle some of their minds, while others realized that what we see is not real and what we think we don’t see OR shouldn’t see is real. Meh.
I started with the reflection issue first as it was the easiest one to carry out and it was also rewarding. Test. I have my subject stand in front of the mirror. Right hand is held up and it is requested that while looking into the mirror to touch right side of face and then to reach out and touch the mirror itself using right hand. There was no problem in having people do this. However, when I asked them to stand with writing in front of them and I asked if they noticed anything, they would notice that the writing was backward. I then asked them why are you not backward? To confirm theory of the lie. I opposed the individuals like a mirror and we each held up our right hands. Lo and behold we crossed. Their right was my left and my left was their right. How then is the image in the mirror true when it too does not oppose SELF but it opposes all else? What do we really see when we see ourselves? Is it a true reflection?
Once this experiment was completed, I then took the individuals into the realm of time both in clock form and calendar form. My issue deals with double digits being FALSE. At this point, I will take all from my notes...
A clock like a calendar is a flat circular event. However, if only living in time of 9 months (human gestation cycle), years, cycles, and levels, there is a constant that is not flat. In fact, there are times of divisibility and indivisibility which is kind of PIED in formula literally. There is one important factor to note: levels start at three to 9 and revert back to 1 and 2 before restart which coincides with the even and divisible time is boolean at PIED. I won’t even try to explain this unless you and I sit down and I show you and you judge for yourself. Getting on with things, take a piece of paper and draw a circle. Take anything round and trace out the circle. Mark the circle into 8ths (eights = continuum and continuum is a circle too even from the perspective of its angle). To create 8th (eights) Step 1: fold the paper in half. Step 2: Fold it in half again. Step 3: Fold it one more time. After which, do mark it with a pen so that you may see what you have created. It looks like a pizza that has been cut or a wheel. If you fold it in half you will still see 4 (four) pieces of pizza or half a circle. As 4 is square, you really have a circle. Are you with me so far?
If one were to look at the whole piece of circular paper with the lines, one could also see a clock: 12, 3, 6, 9, 12 right? Okay. Now, look at a real clock and note that the numbers go from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (1), 11 (2), 12 (3), 1, 2, 3... There is repetition or glitch in the 1, 2, and 3 being there twice in a row before going onto 4 which is square or circular. If you want to talk military time, 12 is still 3 and 18 is still 9. How do you read a military clock in comparison to a regular one? How do they tick? What is the rate of motion and are not the numbers redundant? Sometimes more should be less.
Before I bore you, let’s get back to that paper you have. Lightly color in a 1/4 (one quarter) of the circle and then seeing as you have it bent from folding it, see what happens when you fold that redundant 1/4 or the extra 1, 2, 3 out of time. Time is no longer flat. You should be holding what appears to be a cone. Look at it closely. You still have a circle only now there is a dimension to it. You have removed the illusion of 10, 11, and 12 from clocks and calendars. I mention the calendar as winter is sleep time for the mother (earth) and fall used to be harvest/storage time for our ancestors. Our ancestors did not have to run outside during the winters months to shovel and warm their cars as they stocked up for the winter with smoked and dried meats/fish and what was harvested from fields. Mind you, there were no roads either. People more or less were relaxed and resting like the rest of nature by weathering it out. If living in a warmer climate, the same seasons would still apply to the mother.
The complete circle comes with an infinite expansion (I’ll explain this later.) as well as an infinite point as points are virtual (I’ll explain this too.). Exiting from flat time, WHERE in the cone are you in regard to TIME? Imagine looking at a cut tree with all the rings of life and pulling the rings up to a three dimensional form. Each ring represents past time in present time if in fact time exists the way we SEE it or are LEAD TO BELIEVE. As rings are round, the radius of each ring will vary from TIME to TIME, yet at the same time all rings maintains its degrees of 360 which is still 9. Depending on your open mindedness, you could literally jump from the dimension of one circle to the dimension of another and be in another time/dimension altogether or be in all places at once.
What we see and what is feed to us is not necessarily what is. If you are in the digital world, come home.
*Infinite expansion: If you look at your cone, you will see that it looks like a megaphone. megaphone >noun a large cone-shaped device for amplifying and directing the voice. The shape takes what is tiny and makes it large in the direction YOU CHOOSE. Size is not important at this point.
*Virtual Point: What appears to be a point in fact is not. The closer you go to the point, the more blunt it becomes. Therefore, the point is virtually round and thus you have to imagine you see it, because you really don’t. Even magnified, it would not sharpen. The point is infinite as YOU CHOOSE to see what supposedly is not real. ~ Maggie ~ Penned and refined for print today December 14, 2008 @ 6:10 p.m. EST. THIS POST IS SUBJECT TO EDITS.
P.S.: I will be playing with the category placement as I am not sure where to put this. Oh yeah, might I repeat that I don't know my ass from my elbow. NOTE: I have an issue with all language save for one. The language of LOVE.
I AM POSTING HERE BECAUSE OF A MYSPACE GLITCH ON MY OTHER SITE THAT WOULD NOT ALLOW ME TO EDIT. There were two typos that eliminated the letter "s" and two omissions. The first omission was the human gestation cycle and the second one was my mood. Wee ha!
THERE WERE OTHER TYPOS TOO. In the event you find any, do give me a ringy dingy. Thanks.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Many Mirrors
Although I believe that the looking glass reflects a lie, I also believe that seeing self in others does not. When we see past the skin into the depth, we find our common ground in the essence. Ergo, the eyes lie too. Feel. Feel with all that you have and when you do you will find you have a heart for others as you can see yourself within them. You don’t have to know the person to feel them. Hell, feelings come through various means and IF you are open enough, you will see the various connections. You will feel their pain, joy, heart, love, hate, life et cetera. Balance comes from walking in their shoes. We all have walked in many shoes. Some shoes are tight and some are loose. The fit depends on the experience and the experience comes in DEGREES. A degree is also a matter of perspective. A paper cut to one may feel like the loss of an arm to another. Yet to the one who lost an arm, understanding about a paper cut can be had.
Truth. Ah! What a beautiful word. As much as truth hurts, use it and use it consistently for within truth there is freedom. Within freedom there is life and value. Truth can turn a sea of chaos into to tranquil waters that reflect warmth and love.
Hurt...pain–of these I am all too familiar. Very recently, I opened a wound to give a view of a tiny speck of pain that I had experienced. However, what was said could not compare to what I was reliving nor what I was feeling. I am thankful for the pain. You see, in my world I rely on memories of horror that are all too real. Thus, in recalling the worst part(s) of my past and knowing I lived through it/them, I can handle anything. That is not to say that I don’t feel pain in the now, I just know how to relieve myself of it as I am a SURVIVOR.
If I must, I will reiterate that only I can hurt me at this point as I can ALLOW or DISALLOW pain to affect me. Only I can take myself down, but I love me too much. I am responsible for my actions/inactions. I am analytical and critical in my thought process and to this I am grateful. To anyone who wishes to hurt me, be my guest you would have to compete with my memories and those can’t be beat unless you kill me. Then again, I would thank you for doing so as you would release me from my holding cell and send me out into infinity!
I am following the real and disbanding the surreal. However, what is real/surreal to one may be inverse to another. Then again, at what level(s) are these transpiring on and where are they transpiring? Realize I do not write for the reader. I write for MYSELF! ~ Maggie ~ December 12, 2008 @ 8:42 p.m. EST.
Truth. Ah! What a beautiful word. As much as truth hurts, use it and use it consistently for within truth there is freedom. Within freedom there is life and value. Truth can turn a sea of chaos into to tranquil waters that reflect warmth and love.
Hurt...pain–of these I am all too familiar. Very recently, I opened a wound to give a view of a tiny speck of pain that I had experienced. However, what was said could not compare to what I was reliving nor what I was feeling. I am thankful for the pain. You see, in my world I rely on memories of horror that are all too real. Thus, in recalling the worst part(s) of my past and knowing I lived through it/them, I can handle anything. That is not to say that I don’t feel pain in the now, I just know how to relieve myself of it as I am a SURVIVOR.
If I must, I will reiterate that only I can hurt me at this point as I can ALLOW or DISALLOW pain to affect me. Only I can take myself down, but I love me too much. I am responsible for my actions/inactions. I am analytical and critical in my thought process and to this I am grateful. To anyone who wishes to hurt me, be my guest you would have to compete with my memories and those can’t be beat unless you kill me. Then again, I would thank you for doing so as you would release me from my holding cell and send me out into infinity!
I am following the real and disbanding the surreal. However, what is real/surreal to one may be inverse to another. Then again, at what level(s) are these transpiring on and where are they transpiring? Realize I do not write for the reader. I write for MYSELF! ~ Maggie ~ December 12, 2008 @ 8:42 p.m. EST.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Chemistry, Science, and Math~
I don't know my ass from my elbow in chemistry, however, I do know that when mixing certain things together they will go BANG, FOAM, SEPARATE, et al (think of STUFF...use the brain of a curious child and think "what would happen if..." and then try it, but just use caution).
Magnets are funny too. Sometimes they stick together and sometimes there is this invisible shit that keeps them from coming together as there is this field of resistance which will not allow for the contact as there is a repulsion going on.. When they resist, the closer they get, they are sent away from each other in lateral form as well. You can't see the field, but it is there. How can you tell? You can feel it. If you PLAY with the magnets you will notice that when they bond, man do they stick. And
You can't feel air unless it is blowing, but how do you know it there when it is not? Stick your head out of a moving car and you will feel that too. The effect of speed using your head out of the window will allow you to feel it. How about taking a piece of material about 4 feet in width and 7 feet long and you and a partner hold the with width ends and run. You will find resistance and the material will look like a wind filled sail on a pirate ship happily sporting Skull and Bones. When feeling festive, blow up a balloon. If you have a great balloon with a fire under it, heat rises and causes a fill that can float and lift you off the ground.
Maybe there is beauty in experimentation and the asking of why? Are things finite? Could everyone agree on that? What if what appears to be finite in fact is not? Again, I don't know my ass from my elbow, but I do believe in possibilities, asking questions, and doing strange things to see if what is in my head holds value in some manner.
The next time you are in front of someone watch as you shakes hands. It appears as if the individual opposing you will use his right hand to shake your right hand, but from our perspective he is moving what would be equivalent to our left. However, the mirror that you look into and reach our your right hand responds to your right hand. Why is it so if what is written on your shirt is backwards? Is the mirror true or false? I think the mirror lies as there is a problem if words are backwards but you are not. What data is it really providing to you? To the person whom you wish to shake hands with, hug them instead. In the act of a hug there symmetry (equality) within the act or stand in back of them to see what they see in the mirror or to see the real them. Yet there is another thing you can do, stand side by side and you then have equality.
As you may have guessed, I don't know too much about anything, however, I am looking for relationships or things that just don't seem right upon first inspection. If you want to call it science, reason, philosophy, child's play, or retarded, that is up to you. Frankly, I don't care as I state that from the get go, I don't know squat, but I can interpret from my perspective time in clock form holds no value. Time is what you make it. Does the now exist or has it passed as you as you thought about it, arriving in the seeming present, which is then the past and future? As you bring it into the future upon the moment of thought. Hell, even the time it takes you to think the thought or say the thought in the present, the present is gone and it is now the past. I question does the present exist and for how long is the present before it is the past or the future? Perhaps we in our process are in all three places at once only we don't notice it.
As far as a person holding up 4 fingers and convinces your through pain that there are more or less than what you see, you have been forced to alter your reality for that of another. I call that mind control and look at it as Orwell's 1984 for such an example.
Perhaps asking too many questions in this day and age could bring me to the position resembling Socrates trial and subsequent death, because I dare to question. If that is the case in seeking answer to questions that are outside the box, so be it. To conform to the will of another by seeing is not cool in that you could see what they see, but at the same time, what you see in addition to what is brought to your agreement such as I see a horse in a painting to "oh man, I see so much more" there are other images there. It is rather like cloud watching, you may see a giant fish with its mouth open and another might see a football. Are both right? Sure. We have the ability to see what based on perception. Does agreement have to be had? Nah! I can't say I see 4 fingers when I seem more or see less. ~ Arachne ~ December 11, 2008 @ 11:30 p.m. EST
BTW, I am not looking for agreement, I am looking to bounce ideas around. My pills are kicking my ass, so I best wonder off into dreamless sleep. Thankfully, I can dream during the day. P.S.: This work needs editing, but I am too close to zone decay. ~ Arachne ~ December 11, 2008 @ 11:33 p.m. EST
Magnets are funny too. Sometimes they stick together and sometimes there is this invisible shit that keeps them from coming together as there is this field of resistance which will not allow for the contact as there is a repulsion going on.. When they resist, the closer they get, they are sent away from each other in lateral form as well. You can't see the field, but it is there. How can you tell? You can feel it. If you PLAY with the magnets you will notice that when they bond, man do they stick. And
You can't feel air unless it is blowing, but how do you know it there when it is not? Stick your head out of a moving car and you will feel that too. The effect of speed using your head out of the window will allow you to feel it. How about taking a piece of material about 4 feet in width and 7 feet long and you and a partner hold the with width ends and run. You will find resistance and the material will look like a wind filled sail on a pirate ship happily sporting Skull and Bones. When feeling festive, blow up a balloon. If you have a great balloon with a fire under it, heat rises and causes a fill that can float and lift you off the ground.
Maybe there is beauty in experimentation and the asking of why? Are things finite? Could everyone agree on that? What if what appears to be finite in fact is not? Again, I don't know my ass from my elbow, but I do believe in possibilities, asking questions, and doing strange things to see if what is in my head holds value in some manner.
The next time you are in front of someone watch as you shakes hands. It appears as if the individual opposing you will use his right hand to shake your right hand, but from our perspective he is moving what would be equivalent to our left. However, the mirror that you look into and reach our your right hand responds to your right hand. Why is it so if what is written on your shirt is backwards? Is the mirror true or false? I think the mirror lies as there is a problem if words are backwards but you are not. What data is it really providing to you? To the person whom you wish to shake hands with, hug them instead. In the act of a hug there symmetry (equality) within the act or stand in back of them to see what they see in the mirror or to see the real them. Yet there is another thing you can do, stand side by side and you then have equality.
As you may have guessed, I don't know too much about anything, however, I am looking for relationships or things that just don't seem right upon first inspection. If you want to call it science, reason, philosophy, child's play, or retarded, that is up to you. Frankly, I don't care as I state that from the get go, I don't know squat, but I can interpret from my perspective time in clock form holds no value. Time is what you make it. Does the now exist or has it passed as you as you thought about it, arriving in the seeming present, which is then the past and future? As you bring it into the future upon the moment of thought. Hell, even the time it takes you to think the thought or say the thought in the present, the present is gone and it is now the past. I question does the present exist and for how long is the present before it is the past or the future? Perhaps we in our process are in all three places at once only we don't notice it.
As far as a person holding up 4 fingers and convinces your through pain that there are more or less than what you see, you have been forced to alter your reality for that of another. I call that mind control and look at it as Orwell's 1984 for such an example.
Perhaps asking too many questions in this day and age could bring me to the position resembling Socrates trial and subsequent death, because I dare to question. If that is the case in seeking answer to questions that are outside the box, so be it. To conform to the will of another by seeing is not cool in that you could see what they see, but at the same time, what you see in addition to what is brought to your agreement such as I see a horse in a painting to "oh man, I see so much more" there are other images there. It is rather like cloud watching, you may see a giant fish with its mouth open and another might see a football. Are both right? Sure. We have the ability to see what based on perception. Does agreement have to be had? Nah! I can't say I see 4 fingers when I seem more or see less. ~ Arachne ~ December 11, 2008 @ 11:30 p.m. EST
BTW, I am not looking for agreement, I am looking to bounce ideas around. My pills are kicking my ass, so I best wonder off into dreamless sleep. Thankfully, I can dream during the day. P.S.: This work needs editing, but I am too close to zone decay. ~ Arachne ~ December 11, 2008 @ 11:33 p.m. EST
Take your money OUT of the bank while you can...
Can anyone see what is going to happen next? Here in Kanada, a survey is being done to ask what amount you will be willing to take when (whoops...correction : he said "if") your bank goes belly up. The survey was about government bailout for fallen banks. They also want to know how long you would be willing to wait for your money. From his lingo he was saying that (this is what I hear anyway) they are looking to pay 10% of your funds over time. FROM MY PERSPECTIVE it sounds like they are putting feelers out there to find our if their bloody heads will be torn off. Me thinks yes! People have to live. I don't think the surveyor liked my answers. Meh! What do you hear and feel?
Sometimes it is not about what you hear, it is also what you don't hear. Do you get me?
In case you decide NOT to read the article take note that this information is dated TODAY: December 11, 2008 1:53pm EST ~ Maggie ~ December 11, 2008 @ 9:38 p.m. EST
From the site: "Without giving specific names, most of the significant American banks, the larger banks, are bankrupt, totally bankrupt," said Rogers, who is now a private investor.
"What is outrageous economically and is outrageous morally is that normally in times like this, people who are competent and who saw it coming and who kept their powder dry go and take over the assets from the incompetent," (MY NOTE: This reminds me of Atlas Shurgged.) he said. "What's happening this time is that the government is taking the assets from the competent people and giving them to the incompetent people and saying, now you can compete with the competent people. It is horrible economics."
"Governments are making mistakes," he said. "They're saying to all the banks, you don't have to tell us your situation. You can continue to use your balance sheet that is phony.... All these guys are bankrupt, they're still worrying about their bonuses, they're still trying to pay their dividends, and the whole system is weakened."
Rogers said is investing in growth areas in China and Taiwan, in such areas as water treatment and agriculture, and recently bought positions in energy and agriculture indexes.
Sometimes it is not about what you hear, it is also what you don't hear. Do you get me?
In case you decide NOT to read the article take note that this information is dated TODAY: December 11, 2008 1:53pm EST ~ Maggie ~ December 11, 2008 @ 9:38 p.m. EST
From the site: "Without giving specific names, most of the significant American banks, the larger banks, are bankrupt, totally bankrupt," said Rogers, who is now a private investor.
"What is outrageous economically and is outrageous morally is that normally in times like this, people who are competent and who saw it coming and who kept their powder dry go and take over the assets from the incompetent," (MY NOTE: This reminds me of Atlas Shurgged.) he said. "What's happening this time is that the government is taking the assets from the competent people and giving them to the incompetent people and saying, now you can compete with the competent people. It is horrible economics."
"Governments are making mistakes," he said. "They're saying to all the banks, you don't have to tell us your situation. You can continue to use your balance sheet that is phony.... All these guys are bankrupt, they're still worrying about their bonuses, they're still trying to pay their dividends, and the whole system is weakened."
Rogers said is investing in growth areas in China and Taiwan, in such areas as water treatment and agriculture, and recently bought positions in energy and agriculture indexes.
If Rembrandt Were Alive...
If Rembrandt were alive and living inside me (maybe he is), he would see a glorious work before him and would capture it. Many shades applied richly onto canvas–buried deep within the black only seeing in the dark–ah tis rich–listening to the music that is not playing–going only with the movements of that which is felt. I see beauty for what it is. No more. No less. Perhaps it is the eye of the master himself who draws my attention to the work. ~ Maggie ~ December 11, 2008 @ 6:33 p.m. EST
A Dialogue In Truth...December 11, 2008
This dialogue is based on what was seen in art and what was not. Apparently, I saw more than I was supposed see and this was upsetting to the artist who stated in things are FINITE and that I can’t keep asking “what if” in regard to possibilities. As he “felt” no agreement was had, he severed the tie and I, not wishing to violate his wish, accepted the sever in peace by allowing his free will. There was no direct violation. Had he insisted that I see only what he wished me would see, it would then be a violation, but a forgivable one. All in all, If one sees a fish in a cloud and another sees a football are they both wrong or right? Who is to judge? Vision, hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling vary from individual to individual and that is what makes us unique as we do often times perceive things differently. What makes us the same is that we are the same as all things seen and unseen based not only on our properties (similar to earth), but to our vibrations and to our core as humans which makes us one.
So, once there was a wealthy man who felt driven to seek the Truth and after spending many years and all his wealth came at last to a high forbidding mountain and there after considerable struggle reached a cave and entering found a ancient hag, all misshapen and covered with sores stirring a cauldron," Who are you?" he asked. "I am the Truth you have for so long been seeking.", she replied. "Oh, no, I can never return to the world of men and tell them that You, are Truth!" "Sure ya can." she said, "Just tell'em I'm beautiful."
Truth be told beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
Ms. Maggie,
I am not superficial. You might still find a soft spot in your heart for me. The winter comes, read on.
You could come to me now, ya know,
the night is growing colder
You might need a shoulder
to rest your head upon
Here in my arms all the worlds
a little brighter
and if you held a little tighter
it won't do any harm.....
Look in my eyes
you will see love and gladness
There will be no more sadness
and no fear of lies,
when deep in our hearts
we can find peace and happiness
Remember that happiness
the rest of our lives.....
Now there's a tug on your sleeve
and I know your life is calling
All the leaves are fallingand it's time for goodbyes.
I'll let you go
to the world and it's madness
it's good and it's badness
it's laughter and cries....
But you could return
even in late december
if you pause,
and remember
that look in my eyes
Here in my arms all the worlds
a little warmer
and if you hold a little longer
I would not be surprised...
So you could come to me now
rest your head on my shoulder.
We are wiser and older
than we were yesterday
Here in my arms all the worlds
a little kinder,
and this song's a reminder
I have not gone away.....
So, once there was a wealthy man who felt driven to seek the Truth and after spending many years and all his wealth came at last to a high forbidding mountain and there after considerable struggle reached a cave and entering found a ancient hag, all misshapen and covered with sores stirring a cauldron," Who are you?" he asked. "I am the Truth you have for so long been seeking.", she replied. "Oh, no, I can never return to the world of men and tell them that You, are Truth!" "Sure ya can." she said, "Just tell'em I'm beautiful."
Truth be told beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
Ms. Maggie,
I am not superficial. You might still find a soft spot in your heart for me. The winter comes, read on.
You could come to me now, ya know,
the night is growing colder
You might need a shoulder
to rest your head upon
Here in my arms all the worlds
a little brighter
and if you held a little tighter
it won't do any harm.....
Look in my eyes
you will see love and gladness
There will be no more sadness
and no fear of lies,
when deep in our hearts
we can find peace and happiness
Remember that happiness
the rest of our lives.....
Now there's a tug on your sleeve
and I know your life is calling
All the leaves are fallingand it's time for goodbyes.
I'll let you go
to the world and it's madness
it's good and it's badness
it's laughter and cries....
But you could return
even in late december
if you pause,
and remember
that look in my eyes
Here in my arms all the worlds
a little warmer
and if you hold a little longer
I would not be surprised...
So you could come to me now
rest your head on my shoulder.
We are wiser and older
than we were yesterday
Here in my arms all the worlds
a little kinder,
and this song's a reminder
I have not gone away.....
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