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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I forgive, but I can’t forget~

I believe I got it all out.  I really think I did.  Now what?  There is nothing left to read and I don’t have much to say.  What can be said?  Could I rant on how things suck and how other things are so divine?  Yes I could.  However, what point should I pick up on?  What should I let out?  Perhaps present resentment could be expressed, but where would that get me?  I have reflected out on what could be...

I forgive, but I can’t forget~

He told me had gone against my wishes because of a hard on.  Okay I give the guy credit for telling me the truth.  In turn, I forgave him, but advised him that I would not forget what he did.  How can I forget?  Unconditional love?  I had spoken of this and find that I have reached an elenchus here in that I do not believe what I thought I believed.  Yes I do find conditions.  Conditions which, when I allow myself to be affected, turn me sour.  I have soured and have lost love toward him.  Not all of course, but enough.  Enough that leaves me not sure if I can even be a good friend despite the fact that I am in a relationship with him.  How bad is that?  The only thing he has going for him at this moment is his truthfulness.  Hypothetically speaking, he could essentially do what he did again and tell me of it.  As it is, I am just about ready to depart the scene.  When an agreement is reached and a breech of agreement is had, despite the nature of truth being told, the violation is there and trust is gone.  The only thing I have left to trust in him is that he will tell me of another breech.  That being said, the relationship would be null and void. Polyamoury means multiple LOVES.  It does not mean LUST and simply thinking with one’s dick. ~ Arachne ~ May 25, 2011 @ 6:42 PM EST

P.S.:  Intercourse was not had, however, playing with each other still counts as sex.

Why the fuck are you people reading this?  Don't you have other places to be?  Be gone!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Red Emma...

In Emma Goldman I find love, strength, dignity, passion, desire, and inspiration. If I were a man and she were alive, I would have her for my own, but not. No marriage of course as she and I agree against such contracts. Yet we do have the ability to share under proper circumstances of understanding. ~ Arachne ~ May 23, 2011 @ 3:48 p.m. EST

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

To lead or not to lead? That is the question.

God (we are our own gods) helps those who help themselves can be viewed as a true statement.  On the other hand, no human is an island.

Q&A:  Are there ever differences in leaders?  Is it not the leader's right to rule?  Who rules a leader?  IF in self-rule (A), self-rule would not require leaders nor followers.  If one must lead even if they don't want to, what then happens upon the leader's death? What happens to the dependent children?  In using the term "children," I speak figuratively.  I refer to those who are dependent on leadership.  Should there be this type of dependency?  Where lies independence?  Can independence be had?  As, no human is an island, independence from a top down system can be had. You can call it interdependency or selfish altruism.  It can work.

Arachne~  May 2, 2011 @ 10:00 p.m. EST


Толерантность должна руководствоваться разумом. Когда причина будет исчерпан, больше нет порог терпимости. ~ Me ~ May 2, 2011 @ 6:59 p.m. EST

Toleranz sollte von der Vernunft geleitet werden. Als Grund erschöpft ist, gibt es nicht mehr eine Schwelle für Toleranz.

Tolerance should be guided by reason.  When reason is exhausted, there is no longer a threshold for tolerance.