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Friday, March 20, 2009


Ah!  The fresh night air as it hit my face.  I close my eyes to absorb.  The smoke billows upward like an ascending oblong cloud whose movement is refined to that of choreographed spiral steps in tune with the sparks.

The sparks, as they escape the main flame, intertwine to mime that of braided snakes making liquid way in lakes whose stones are but the stars.

Black is the blanket whose cover looms above holed with the rocks’ glimmer.  I did not spy the moon.

Hail to the awakening whose spirit sores upon the birth.  Smoke and fire are mere representations of the burning within of life and all that is.

Masterful is the art of becoming
Over and over again
Where lies the dawn when the dawn is not what it seems?
Where is it that the wind blows and the ribbons fly to spin only to intertwine becoming one? ~ Maggie ~ Penned on 3/20/09 @ 7:35 p.m. EST

Having not spied the moon, I looked across the four corners searching it out only to find the hollow glow of fictitious lumination seeming like water drops on a solidly painted black water colored work.  Haze screaming in not so violet rays that decay transfer, but what if...

I am looking for the grandma--seeing the smoke and sparks ribbon their way up into the new night and I am thought of.  Yes.  A gift from a sweet woman arrives warm and with warmth of heart and contents.  Also too comes the gift of healing.  I can breath better and my mouth is not as taunt due to swelling.  To the left he drew it out and of the right he healed.

Speaking to the wind and calling to the is... ~ Maggie

Man Made~

Raindrops on concrete
Grass breaks through well fed
Sky glow radiates growth
Breaking and cracking that which keeps it covered
Not allowing for breath
The mother knows it is not of her doing
To cover the child so that the child is smothered and lifeless
Although small and seemingly insignificant
A blade of grass is mightier than concrete
Only man creates the lifeless
Where is our NATURE of honor or our HONOR of nature? ~ Maggie ~ Penned 3/20/09 in the p.m.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mutoscope Girl~

See past me – see into me.  I am you and you are me.  We volley with story and each time we elaborate on the scene.  I don’t know the writer and he does not know me, but together we are creating.  Thus far from words a being of a deaf girl has sprung from the snapshots of an old flip card movie machine thereby leaving a glitch in the movement of the moving picture.  She now sits on his table asking for a name.  Within this photo the young lady grows younger.  How will she hear her name or come out of the confines of the card to be a real being breathing and touching–being touched by the life that someone gave to her.  No longer limited to the still stance within the shot nor does she have to wait for the movement of the machine’s crank by a stranger’s hand to flip the shots so that she rises from her sitting position.  What is in a name for this black and white creature who calls aloud–NAME ME!  I wonder if she has risen from her perch to move about freely and if so, has he seen her do so?  I see her clearly and see her perched, but perhaps he sees her other than I do.  After all, she sprung forward to him asking to see the future.  What can he tell her?  In a way we are breathing life into something/someone that wasn’t, but who now is.  She now asks questions. ~ Maggie ~ Penned March 3, 2009 @ 1:20 p.m. EST

 What is a Mutoscope

The Children~

I hear the dialogue of children gaily playing a storytelling game.  Each are discussing what they are and where they are going.  Many laughs are heard, but in the youth of the tone, I cannot say of what sex they are.  Perhaps it matters not.  Do I really need to know?  Not really.  I am so enjoying listening to them talk, laugh, and make noises to simulate a noise that cannot otherwise be made.  I see them rather like shadows than solidity amongst the tall grass.  Of their movement winding through the fabric of my mind they raise their arms upward as they weave along in the folly.  Do they know I watch them and hear them from this place?  Even though they are mostly shadows, the grass, sky, odd flowers, clouds, and the scent of the sweet summer breeze are vivid to my senses.  This strange movie like scene plays on almost beckoning me to come and join the fun.  How, pray tell, do I find my way to what seems so close and so real?  I am me watching them from here to elsewhere.  If the leap could be made into the grass' height where shadow children play, would another hear us and watch us while hoping to play along?  As there are only two at this moment, should I jump, how many will be playing when the sun finally sets?  Where shall the children call home? ~ Maggie ~ Penned March 3, 2009 @ 12:55 p.m. EST

Wandering The Night

In figment of imagination
Dark stark landscape lies before me
Showing its fog rising with the night
Moon-glow like a translucent disk suspended
Hazed over in head
Wondering endless meadows in endless towns
The doors open and close as people peer into the night
Sensing...seeing a stranger amongst them
To none am I familiar
None are familiar to me
Casting my cloak tightly around me and
Holding steadfast to my hood
My feet embark onto cobblestones
Hearing my step, I note a city it would seem
Whose harbor grows dim
Candles on the small as dawn approaches
Looking east I catch a glimpse
As sky brightens with a cast ever so slightly of color
Yet the fog has not lifted its evening shroud
I know not where I go, but shall go whence I came
Returning to my starting spot
Alas, the sun must not find me
What seemed endless time in passing this night
Finds me back at base in an instant
Upon the rising of the sun
I am no longer in this space ~ Maggie ~ Penned March 3, 2009 @ 11:00 a.m. EST

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Having read the book by Roger Penrose (The Emperor’s New Mind) and comprehending in abstraction, I see the abstract thoughts connecting the dots much like he noted and as I previously noted as well. Thoughts are immense and ideas can pop into being and thus become (manifest).

Not that long ago, but some time before reading this book, I had proposed on You Tube via a comment response on one of my videos that in order to relay certain ideas it would only be possible through direct mind transfer. Of course I do not speak of a digital chip or anything outside ourselves that is made by man to cause such a link to express what words cannot.

Yes, thoughts can defy words and language is problematic in that way. The abstract that branches forth would fill volumes and attention spans are short. What I speak of is not mind invasion by one to another, but more so an exchange made via free will of information through images of which can be shut down while being adjusted by the thinker and again opened for further share.

Linguistics can come into play if necessary, but at the mind level of abstract communication, words would lose much. Of course if discussion is sought based on the data, it would be great to HEAR the person’s voice. When clarity is not had for some reason, idea or perspective can once again be SHOWN via thought transfer.

Flash cards simply up for a moment in time
Held in mind suspended
Called upon – WAKE!
Rays of light beam to show the paths
Circled around you and each showing a direction
Choose based on what you see at the end
Note that each path has branches and thus forks out
Leaving way for many more decisions
Again circled showing the directions
However, go based on what you see at the end
Is there an end?
Per se you stop walking the path and stood in bare silence upon the ray
Is that in itself a conscious direction?
Did you not have to use your free will and conscious effort to stop, look, and ponder?
Should you choose to stay and/or ponder or just stay
Again I ask is this the end?
If you indeed say this is the end then what are you doing in the future?
Have you not arrived?
What now say you upon your arrival?
Is this the end or the beginning?
Do you see the circle once again?
~ Arachne ~ Penned March 1, 2009 @ 12:01 p.m. EST

8 Months Ago:

If we are capable of creating the infinite within our minds, would that not be our reality? If a brain were left suspended would it know time in the way we know it or would it envision time to be? In reading up on John Nash, he was off elsewhere in a schizophrenic state, but his mind was GENIUS. His reality was different. Therefore could it be said that those labeled insane see that which we do not and are more open to possibilities of other dimensions? You are pretty damned clear.

Can it be said that we do not see all that we should see because we have become too narrow in scope to see that which is unseen at present? Of course these are just ideas and I am bouncing them around on you. Thoughts of "what if" can be fun. Perhaps that's the child in me. If we asked every individual to define their reality, I think each would have a different view. What is a dream? Decartes thought about dreams and reality. How is one to decide which way to go? Cogito ergo sum, but...

Earlier cultures used their mind and projection for coming year based on past events. People were more in tune with the land, sky, and animals. Agreed, we need to turn back.

Do you think a collective consciousness presently exists? Do you think reverting back to hunter gatherer societies we would be better off socially and environmentally?

If someone is in tune with nature, would that someone want to manipulate it or be in harmony with it?

Primitivism could work as it worked to create us. Wouldn't it be great to learn of all past cultures and history as it is all ours? Are we indeed separated people who are affiliated to nations, races, sexes, or other groups?

If living in TRUE harmony with nature, would it then be necessary to manipulate it? Why alter perfection? What would be the basis for manipulation?

All things are possible, but it is the probability that needs to be examined. Primitivism is going back to hunter/gatherer. Large homes are not needed and neither is our communication methods as it drives people farther apart than closer together. Even those living in close proximity have an easier time with techno communication rather than face to face. Are we losing something in the process? I would say yes.

As primitivism worked for our ancestors, why would it not work again. Would it not be a more natural process than what we have now? What is "mature communism?"

The brain is strictly physical, however, how does one quantify thought? If the brain were suspended or let's get rid of the brain all together. What if thoughts could be suspended what would reality then consist of? Would it not be a world of our own making? In effect would we not be gods? A brain is only aware of space and time based on observation. If it could not be measured with the senses, would one know the difference? So a schizophrenic's reality is in fact real to them?

Suspend would be maintain thought without a body or perhaps without a brain as the brain itself is organic.

What do I define as real or unreal? That matter would be subjective now wouldn't it.

If what the imagination holds can only be held by self, how would you quantify it? Would it be yours alone or would you use a meme process to generate the idea?

What is the essence and what makes it eternal? I am not being sarcastic as I am enjoying this rely of ideas. I thank you.

Wouldn't essence be our energy? Matter and energy work in harmony within our bodies, but organic matter can decay and the atoms will scatter to create something else. Can our essence decay being that it is electric? Ergo, the eternal/electric is in a constant state of motion. Is it not immortal?

In regard to schizophrenics, their reality is as real to them as ours is to us. Perhaps we are the ones who are not thinking correctly as our minds are fused. What is delusion? Who can say if so called mental illness is really an illness and not another type of being? Why are labels so easily applied and removed at the will of the ruling class? Homosexuality is not an illness nor is BD&SM if one likes it. To regard preference or difference of perceptions as an illness is ill advised.

Why would homosexuality make existence hard at times? Can't two people love one another as they choose? What is diseased and what is perfection?

Based on you statement about delusion, would you say it is a bad thing?

If a group within species is meant to be extinct because it does not reproduce, then that is the natural order. What does not work, ceases to be. The natural order would be a weeding process and no more would be reproduced.

When going the speed of light what time would it be? The brain is also bound by our cranium for protection. However, our thoughts...what about our thoughts? They defy space and time.

Open-mindedness is grand as one can seek out possibilities. One moment is not the same as the last and that goes unrecognized. Being aware of all that is leaves one open to all possibilities. In looking into history, the ideas from centuries ago have become reality today. Someone envisioned it so and thus it came to be. We can do the same, however, would we want more progress as is seen or would we want another level of existence?

Can it then be said that all is virtual?

By virtual I mean that if you looked at a needle or pin microscopically, it is not a point as a true point is virtual as is a line virtually straight and a circle is virtually round.

In regard to virtual, I am referring to the point itself. Under a microscope not too highly magnified, the point is not a point. It is flat. Therefore, the point is only virtual and not real. We cannot see with the naked eye how blunt the instrument is.

I do not believe we simply end. I believe we morph both organically and electronically. The body is organic, but what makes the body work is the electrical impulses within the brain. Can our electric run out or does it escape? What if you were to jar electricity. If you were to break the jar, where would the current go?

"DIE" is a word that bears different meaning to different people. Some think they will lay in the grave until the second coming or will go straight to heaven.

As we are a part of nature and it is a part of us, I believe that we revert back to nature in both organic and electric.

I would like a more expanded version of the "I" and its relation to the eternal.

You are a smart cookie! What would happen if a mutant gene were to enter the gene pool and ALL were born deaf, mute, and blind? How would communication be had? Even if ONE person could read brail and talk, who could hear him/her? How then would communication occur?

People die anyway. It would take a great deal of time for the mutant gene to effect everyone, however, would that not leave the intuition sense more open? Could communication be had through thought? If collectively conscious, mind could relate to mind and pass ideas. When you think do you hear yourself do so?

Intuition is a feeling. You just know what to do. It is a gut instinct that is not based on prior knowledge.

My happiness depends on no such thing. I simply stated ideas. The idea is based on what I see in nature. Is the MIND physical or is the BRAIN physical? MIND is thought and it would be difficult to quantify thoughts.

I don't believe we die in the traditional sense that we cease to be as NOTHING.

Rephrased: How is MIND/THOUGHT quantified? I do not refer to IQ tests either. How can thought be matter? Isn't matter a physical substance? Yes it is. Therefore the mind NOT the brain is something that can't be touched. You could destroy sections of the brain of a live individual, but the individual would still have a mind. Electroencephalography can record electrical activity of the brain. Therefore, can we possibly transmit our waves like those of radio or t.v. waves? Just an idea.

I think we are not understanding each other. Thoughts are quite complex therefore how would you quantify it? Tell me how you would measure 1 year of experience of ONE individual. If you understand how a database works, think of an apple for instance and then branch off on that simple thought can you hold it or measure the amount of ideas associated to it? What makes up the parts of thought on the apple? Can you see them?

Thoughts/ideas are complex and unlimited. What is contained in our mind cannot be held in the physical form as it is virtual. CPUs have terabits now, but the storage capacity is nowhere near ours. Imagine how much you store in 1 month? What about the thoughts, ideas, and memories for a lifetime? How does one measure the thoughts?

Comprehension would build thought and not erase it. If we eliminate autism and focus on what we can comprehend wouldn't that be a building block for further development? I think it would. See if you can not think even for 1 sec. In that second would be thinking I won't think for a second. lol

Is it reasonable to say that we may not know a person's thoughts (all of them), however, it would be possible to connect and understand based on commonalities? Would it then be possible to predict action based on your own thought? Of course a few go rounds may be needed to create a probability ratio.

No I would not see you as a fish, but would my sense of vision convince your sense of thought? That reminds me of something I used to do (yes as a full grown woman). I would close my eyes and say to my friend Bobby "I am invisible because I don't see you." He would laugh as he would see me with my eyes closed. In my mind, I was not there despite hearing him laugh.

A blockage of such can occur when noise is common. For instance, those who live beside a train will stop hearing it after awhile, but those visiting will notice it a great deal.

We see aye to aye. LOL

She:kon~ It is the self which is without color: it is the self that lies beneath the skin. If we look closely at humans and their components, we will find that we are of the earth and thus brothers and sisters. Depth is just a perception. Nia:wa ko:wa kid!

From my understanding we only use 10% of our brain's capacity. Imagine if you will the release of the 90% that we do not use. Those who are not capable of comprehending may cease to exist as that would be an evolutionary process of selection. I seek to see what lies past the scope of the naked eye. I want to see the real reality that is locked out at this moment in time. To some it would be considered surreal. I have written something in regard to this matter and I will forward it to you.

Agree with body and surroundings. The physical body would not have to alter nature, the physical body would have to alter itself through adaptation or evolution. It may still be necessary to dress according to climate. One would not walk around in a fur if hot out and one would not be naked in the cold. If two individuals and switched their environments such as an Eskimo moving to South America and a South American moving to the Arctic you they would have to become acclimated.

Please explain how thoughts are physical? Also explain how without time one would not have thought. What does one have to do with the other? If we experienced a big crunch at this moment in TIME, rather than the big bang that we experienced in the past, would time still exist? Also, where would our electric/thoughts go? Would it/we be in the antiverse?

Do you really think that we went from primitivism to capitalism? I agree with you in regard to the conquest of Europe by Romans and religion. Global anarchy would be ideal, however, we would have to agree to stay in a constant state of anarchism or to create a new system without money, religion, and concrete. I just threw that in for good measure. lol

Change yes. A constant state of motion is energy and even the stars and galaxies experience it just as we do. The combinations and possibilities are endless. That is part of the beauty of life. We are as eternal as all things even if in the negative. PEACE MAN! You make me use my noodle.

We are just having a rap session. Imagine what goes on in a genius' head? Gee, I would love to be inside that cranium watching their neurotransmitters go off. I am geek. lol

Rid one's self of thought? Ideas are thought so your statement does not seem valid. Even using one's will requires thought. The things that do not require thought are autonomic. You mention "seeing" and "new idea being planted. These are things that do require thought. If you can prove otherwise, I would love to hear of it.

I understand that reality is what the observer perceives. However, if not observed then what? When observed waves are particles, when not they are waves.

Can you be sure there is not anti-verse? As Stephen Hawkins explained, you would not know the difference as anti- would then be called uni.

Me thinks you should explore T-symmetry. A big crunch is exactly the opposite of a big bang.

Stephen Hawkins did say that. I am really not thinking of us as going from old to young and then out of existence or from broken to fixed. I made a thought error. If the universe were to contract instead of expand, were would we go and how would we go? Would we too be altered in some manner? I bet your imagination could think up wild dimensions if you thought about it. :-)

The cells in your body would have reason for adaption. It is called survival. However, it would not be reason such as thought that would make it so. The mind can create glorious things from scratch with a good imagination. Can you explain "genetically modify things..." What do you mean?

If you could, please explain in abstract what consciousness is. Do you believe it to be linear? Why language change? Do we not transfer information at will and is it not understood for the most part? Would only a fool not ask to understand if comprehension is not rightly had? Would they then in effect be a "yes" person with no clue?

The universe is still expanding. However, it is entropic. Is the universe in fact chaotic now? If thought is a creation, who is to say that it can be lost to time and space as thoughts without real sense receptors would not know time or space.

A head injury should not change who you are. I am glad you still have the same spirit. There was a woman who was used as an experiment at The Allen Memorial Hospital by Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron and her memories were erased. However, upon release she was still herself even without the memories. She was part of the MK-ULTRA experiments. It is great that we do not in fact lose ourselves even when erased.

1 Month Ago:

Why can't you explain what you think? Is it because in a way it is abstract and perhaps defies words? What if we were to transfer information via thought? There are many ideas that I have in my head only I can't seem to draw them out and the only way I could possibly share the information is for someone to plug into me to see what I see in my head. Sure I can explain in my language to the best of my ability, but much is lost as there are no words for some of what I think and visualize.

Have all done so? What about 3rd world countries? Do we all read the same twist on history? Have we all been affected by it? I think we have. Do you think we can change our conditions within self?

What if you can't see and are deaf. How would you then form a thought? Would you in fact still form thoughts? What would those thoughts be like and how would they be explained to someone who is not in the same sensory shoes?

3 Months Ago:

Could the wrongs be a result of negative thinking? Why would machines need to be incorporated with organic matter such as brain? However, the brain is just the organic house of electric thought. Can one quantify every thought? Are thoughts random or is that what we are led to believe? A problem is solved via thinking so effect is made. Is the effort and effect then random or planned? The computer is programmed and is limited. We can crack our own program and be unlimited if we wish.

IQ tests are skewed to specific areas of knowledge. Many can conceptualize beyond the test limitations. Therefore, would those IQs be an accurate form of representation for those who lack education, yet have understanding? Can you know with utmost certainty what someone is going to say as each is an individual with individual ideas and perceptions. Should that be dismissed? What of those with high IQ ratings, how would they fare in street smarts of which they are not accustomed? Ratio?

What would suppress your mind? Do we not have control over our own minds and are we not aware that what chains we bear are of our own making? How can thinking too hard cause death? What is a wrong thought in your opinion? Who causes/allows depression and who cures it? Introspection using total and absolute truth will free all chains and allow one to see the core of self both in yin/yang. Joy comes from understanding who you are and your relationship to all that is.

That would depend on the thinker and their ability to convert negative situations to positive ones. We learn through experience and at times the experience can seem harsh, however, it will later present itself as a stone within the foundation of knowledge and strength IF one allows for the recognition of the lesson learned.

Body builders and brain activity...hum. HA HA HA! I am stereotyping and that is not good. Who is to say that ALL body builders do not think or exert their imagination?

1 Month Ago:

You get it don't you? It lies in the place where words alone are not enough. One would have to have the ability to transfer mind images that cannot be adequately written in literal form although it can be transmitted rather figuratively with diagrams and picturesque images painted for the viewer with somewhat understandable words and or sounds. LOL Thanks for the comment. Peace out. :-)

2 Weeks Ago:

It is easier for people to be told what to do than for them to think for themselves. Would you agree? I do enjoy using my MIND as the mind is not really the matter such as the grey and white of brain matter. A brain can be weighed, but how would one QUANTIFY the amount of thought(s) or memories we have? Whoot!

Run this little experiment in your head/paper to semi-see your thought process. Think of 1 thing and then write down all the things associated with that 1 thing or how you got to that one thought. As you are associating, see how many branches each bring you. If you include body function used while you think, account for those too as the mind gets you there. Do you have a large sheet of paper? Thoughts are electric. Can the processes be weighed or quantified in reality?

You would probably find the end in an abstract way within your mind, but perhaps not on paper. The senses feed the brain information via signals, but the mind creates the interpretation as all comes in degrees and our perception of the degree with vary from that of another. We could always TELL another what it is and stop them from thinking. LOL Are we doing them a favor?

Do you really think that we do not confront dissonance? What makes it a cold system? What chemicals do you refer to? Does a thinker think about consequences/benefits in abstract mode running all possible scenarios based on present/prior knowledge? Do you think laws of probability are used?

Do the pious or racists use reason or are they PROGRAMMED? Do they understand what they defend? We are built like machines, but at the same time our mind directs us and that is not something a REAL machine can accomplish with understanding. I now understand the chemicals you mean. Do you know how to adjust moods? Abstract is non linear thought. Good go on LoP.

1 Week Ago:

Do you have any idea as to why they think/behave as they do? What purpose does it serve? All things serve a purpose in one form or another. Mood adjustment in regard to depression of which I used to suffer in clinical form for years can be discarded by thinking alternatively and adjusting behavior patterns. You would be surprised what you can do with yourself. LOL

There is a little trick that I failed to mention. You will need to face all your inner demons in order to understand how they came to be. Once you know, you have a key for the next is called the changing closet where you morph into the person you want to be INSIDE as well as OUTSIDE. It is not easy, but it can be done.

An inner demon does not have to be a literal demon, but it is something with you that you have not come to terms with yet. That does contribute to depression. You can be god. You have the power to create and destroy. The choice is yours and the paths are as infinite or as finite as you make them. We are our own gods.

2 Weeks Ago:

I am reading a book by Roger Penrose called the Emperor's New Mind and in it, he too states that computers can't and will not be able to think as we do because we UNDERSTAND what we think and if we don't understand, we have the capacity to understand. A program is only as good as the programmer. If you did the little experiment, can you imagine trying to program a machine to do what you did?