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Sunday, April 26, 2009


spell be bound to alpha
in omega shall it be set          
in words or verse of types of rhyme
to type away into a line
by a line what can it be
that makes “I” think that I “C”
what Roman numeral is cast to thee
no scent to linger eternally
for what is it the capitol seeks
when traders are traitors
naught is what it might be
if thou art open capitally
thee will drown in the sea
the weight of gold won’t set thee free ~ Maggie ~ April 26, 2009 in the p.m.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I have not gotten very far in my book entitled HYPERSPACE by Michio Kaku.  It is not that I read slow, but more at I run what I see in my head.  When I got to the part about LIVING IN CURVED SPACE, Dr. Kaku states:

    If we look ahead, light will circle completely around the small perimeter of the hypersphere and return to our eyes.  Thus we will see someone standing in front of us with his back facing us, a person who is wearing the same clothes as we are.  We look disapprovingly at the unruly unkempt mass of hair on this person’s head, and then remember that we forgot to comb our hair that day.

     Is this person a fake image created by mirrors?

Not for anything, but mirrors lie and what you should see it the back of your head.  I have run this experiment in various ways and no matter how it is run, the image is not correct.  Let me first start by saying what you see in the mirror is backwards.  This is easy to see if you have wording on your shirt.  Why do you not appears as backwards as the words?  Now, if you create a non-mirror image of yourself, that too is not correct as when you go to touch dirt on your face or a mislaid strand of hair on your head with that view, you touch the wrong side.

Let's go one step further.  In natural mirror image when you raise your right hand you can touch your right hand and it will be equal even if wrong.  If another individual is in front of you, should they not act like a reflection?  However, when you both raise your right hands you will oppose each other.  Why can't we oppose self?

When two or more people looking in the mirror side by side or in back of one another, the image will be equal, but still backwards.  Why is it then when looking at another, you oppose them?  If you took a photo of yourself in non-mirror form and then went to shake your own hand, it would be wrong as your right hand would be seeking the shake of your left hand as the image is in negative form.  Where then is true self?  If another were to stand behind me or in front of me or even at my side, we would be equal and operating in the same manner and not be in opposition.  This is interesting is it not?

Based on this information, is Dr. Kaku talking about a “fake image created by mirrors?”  The images would also apply to "hyperdoughnut"  I ask because he states that this effect would occur in a hypersphere/hyperdoughnut.  Should I refer to my interest in round time? ~ Maggie ~ April 21, 2009 @ 3:23 p.m. EST

NOTE:  My photo album contains mirror experiments that were run several years ago.

ADDENDUM:  If you really want to see what you look like in true form, stand behind a forward image of yourself, however, the image must be a FILM NEGATIVE taken by any camera which produces a NEGATIVE. When you are looking through the back of your head, you see you correctly. Your right and left arms will perfectly match. A regular photo or painting of self will oppose self and it too will not be an accurate REFLECTION. If you stood in front of a photo of you, find your right arm and note the problem.  Now how do you see yourself?  You really can't.

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Story Or A Truth?

In the not too distant past (several years ago), I had been minding my own business within my own home when there came a knocking at my door.  The woman who stood before me was asking to speak to the owner of the store and house.  As the store was mine, and please do note the past tense, I was the owner.  However, at the time the woman came searching, the store she sought had not been in existence for a few years and the sign had long been discarded.  I told the woman that I was the owner of the store that is no longer in existence and that I am the owner of the house.  She told me that I was not and insisted that I tell her of the owner.  It should also be noted that the type of store I had is a dime a dozen store and so many more are in existence, why did she come looking for the naught?  Try as I might to convince the seeker that I was in fact the woman she sought, I could not do it.  Alas, a thought came upon me and I asked “Are you looking for a fat bitch?  Do come in as I would like to ask you if this is whom who seek.”  The woman did come in and did look at the photo whose head I had removed, but whose body lies on my fridge in remembrance.  She looked long and hard at it and another thought came upon me.  My I.D.s of then and now.  Upon the looking she seemed startled.  Granted I can’t quote her nor truly quote myself, but I can say that she stated that I altered myself into a different person that she would not have recognized and did not recognize.  She did recognize the woman whose ID I had and whose name is mine because we are one and the same.

She called her husband from the car and as they both approached my door, I asked them what do they know of zeros, circles, and eights.  Perhaps to anyone else entering my home the words might have rung as rather strange, but these individuals were content in my question.  He spoke more than she as we sipped our coffee.  He told me that our voices will be heard in space one hundred years from now.  He also mentioned that we are the cup and the contents (if speaking of the holy grail) and that the arch of the covenant box was empty.  We spoke of electric conduction as well.  As I am not religious, I did not take it as such nor did I feel he was bringing it forth as such.  Being that the whole situation of Doris and her husband coming to a place that no longer existed and to a woman who was not the same as last remembered was odd in itself.  Another thing he stated was that I should spread the word.  Mind you, I had been.  

On this night I truly questioned my sanity and called a friend in tears explaining what had happened.  What I have failed to mention here is that while I was sitting with them at the table I was also above and looking down at what seemed like a honeycomb whose activity seemed strange in the cell.  The cell were we sat was charged with light while the others were dim.  I was in two places at once.  I can’t even tell you what form I was.  To describe the way it appeared to me may seem odd, but what other way can I tell what I saw except to tell what I saw.  Perhaps now you can understand why I would question my own sanity at that point. 

You may wonder if I felt myself leave my body and I will tell you NO.  I was in both places.  My body was seated in a chair across from Doris’ husband and she was seated to my right.  When first I was above I saw the sitting of us as though I were on the ceiling.  However, I went higher to view in cell form this activity and how it looked from afar.  It was not an intentional move on my part, but this is what happened.

A similar experience happened when an angry man with guns told me how bad he was.  We altered our states and questioned the validity of what happened as it did not seem real to either one of us.  His name was Nicholas and I was at work when this happened. 

All this started because of incoming numbers several years ago.  What do you do when you really stink at math?  You play it out with your eyes open and question everything.  Now it does not seem odd to create and speak about it as best as I can to those who are open.  A few words on the wind brings forth conversation from real people in real life who are experiencing similar things.  If only I could with all I could muster bring to story or art the things that I see, but I could never do it justice nor might it be understood.

Why this is finally making it to virtual paper at this point is beyond me.  This is a TRUE STORY.   ~ Maggie ~ April 20, 2009 @ 9:40 p.m. EST

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tri monad neo eon/aeon


Tri as eye mite smaller not aye bee
When an eon is not neon
How bright will we see?

Monad, Dyad, and Triad
Ogdoad Ad Infinitum
Ennead Ad Infinitum
Zero is not nothing but is Ad Infinitum at Uroboros

Imagine looking out into what is and upon a pondering it vanishes with thought.  What comes into focus in piecemeal form is that of visions overlaid on the here/now.  When reading things dealing with math, science, biology, et al, I often run experiments in my head and what I see is the making of my vision.  Focused are these that even if I could spill to you what I see, I could not do so in words.  I had once written about not needing bodies as we could produce via thought.  Mere meme replication which is capable of building itself within our world (the thinker) based on all previous knowledge be it personal experience and/or otherwise.  Maybe I am wrong, but what I see in simple form is that even upon a collision, something else arises.  Call it a phoenix if you will which exists in round time. ~ Maggie ~ April, 19, 2009 @ 10:37 p.m. EST

The first line was inspired by my friend Ryan. !Erauqs ton era ew.