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Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Why do people worry about funeral expenses? Isn't that a retarded concept? Hello??? Bah are dead. Why worry: be happy! Okay, it could be said that close relations would then have to foot the bill if you did not make "arrangements." Only if they are stupid would they foot the bill. Why spend money on the dead when the living need it more. So what if it is "nice" to send flowers. Is it really nice? Why kill all those flowers just to dump them on a dead body later. There seems to be a lack of logic here.

Do people really pay their last respects and is the body in the coffin the person they really knew? Didn't the person that they knew not look so plastic or filled with cotton? Did the person feel like stone and were they cold and bloodless? NAH! The ancient Greeks and Vikings were doing something right by burning the bodies and sending them skybound in billows of smoke.

The funeral ghouls just want your money. Bury the body in your yard and be quiet about it. Hey, if it is your land, why not. Live long and prosper my friends. Do I sound cold? Nah. It is just a figment of your imagination which you will get over in due course. ~ Maggie 3/28/07 @ 7:12 p.m.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Dinner in the Sewer

Disheveled and grimy
His blackened hands lift the manhole cover
And he emerges from the bowels of the sewer
In search of food
He seeks out the weak and vulnerable
As he does not like a struggle
With a dull knife in hand,
He makes his way to a darkened doorway and waits

Many walk past him yet never even see him
Seemingly part of the scenery, he melds in like a chameleon
However, even if exposed, he would escape the eyes of passers by
As that is the usual way of the streets
In solitude, he has time to ponder dinner
Shall it be flank, leg, rump roast, or blade?
Breast has not been had in some time, then again, the meat is not that fair
These thoughts make him salivate and grow anxious
Running his finger along his dull blade, he smiles

Anticipation is building and his stomach starts to growl
There is lone movement on the sidewalk and his attention is drawn
Drawn and fixed on that which wobbles from side to side
And is approaching slowly
He rises from his recess and readies himself for attack
Just as the body passes him, he applies a left arm choke hold
While repeatedly stabbing the kidneys of his victim
As the body goes limp, he allows for the natural drop
Lifting his dinner by the collar, he drags him off the nearest manhole
And disappears back into the sewer ~ Maggie 3/17/07 @ 6:56 p.m.

HIM (Acronym: He In Me)

Your head lies in my lap and I listen to the words you speak. I watch your face through amazed eyes and see thoughts expressed through facial expressions and hand movement. The feeling is cozy and warm as comfort is abound and freedom reigns. We can be who we are.

I stroke your head while I listen to you and I begin to stir. Maybe it is my breathing or my movement that gets you stirring and you pull me forward to kiss you. Our mouths are open and our tongues start off slow and become more wild with each lash. This intensity is followed to the floor as we tear each others clothes off like animals.

You know that I want to be tied so you grab me and...
A struggle is given as that is more fun as I want you to work for it. I try to bite you...maybe I succeed, but I want you and you sense it. Your force is stronger than mine and that arouses me like a cat in heat.
O, mind of fantasy lift me and take me away
Art there no end to my longing?
Bring me to the arms that I want draped around me
Bring me to the lips that I want to kiss
Allow me the warmth of thy body under cold sheets
Allow me the gentle caresses and rough play that thou art capable of
Art thou there in reality?
Aye, as I have heard thee stir!

Lest we tear ourselves from this dreamlike state, reality will not occur. Dost the pain of longing bear more weight? Nay to pain and aye to joy! The joy of caring and sharing as we have been more step beyond. Art thou at the edge? My fingers grip the cliff's cuff and yet I want to free fall for the rush of it all. Let's splatter the walls with blood and litter the floor with paper or mags. Let's paint the walls, ceilings, and floors black and enter the constellations in every room. Lit only by candles held by skeletal hands that have long ago lost feeling. We cast enough to feel for all the bones that have yet to turn to dust. ~ Maggie ~ Dec 15, 2006
Dreams of a soft spring night bring me to his arms
We hug and stare into each other's starry eyes which have told many stories
Only now the glimmer seems...
I feel your lips kissing my neck and shivers run down my spine
Kisses in other regions bring deeper shivers and yet I want more
I have felt these kisses in my mind as you spoke of them
However, reality is longed for
Will you pin me down and make me struggle?
Struggle for that which I want in the first place?
Maybe you will tie and tease me and grant yourself the right of full exploration
Then again, perhaps passion will not allow time for such a game
At least not at first
The world is our playground and nothing is predefined or limited
Perhaps ritual sex in a tomb could be had
Making love in the grass on a warm night
Rough sex in a bed
Wild sex in a car
Sharing thoughts about life which end on the floor in nakedness' delight
Toys and and toys
Roles to be had and scenes to be done
Who is who?
What has been won?
Prizes that we both want and will share accordingly
In that which we have only grazed the surface with subtlety
The beautiful subtlety that leaves questions unanswered
The subtlety that makes my mind wonder
Simple words that bring me to climax
The complexity has yet to be felt by two...
Doused with butterscotch
You can be my lollipop
Gently I enjoy the concoction
While bringing you pleasure
A pleasure that is actually my greed
I want you to cum first
As I will have you longer each time afterward
Although fairly gentle in that area
The desire to bite you is there
To bite you while in the heat of the moment
While you are inside me
My nails rake your back and dig in
Not because I want to hurt you
No...more so because of the intensity which I cannot hide
I want you to bite me in various places and drive me wild
Pain and pleasure are one
Open your mind and allow me to enter
See the possibilities of what has not been totally discussed
The wonderful delights of torture on a subject most willing
I am most willing
However, I can take you in my own ways although not dom
Fear would not be had in throwing you down to go down on you
Nor to ride you while you slumber or are awake
How deep will you sleep if sleep is had?
Will you wake to a candle lit room?
Will I be in a costume geared for a game?
Perhaps you will be too tired...however, if my hunger is great
I will attempt to arouse you nonetheless
In sleep you will feel my mouth take you in
And I will feel it grow within my mouth
You can pretend to sleep, but I will watch for other signs
Is his breathing different?
Do his toes curl?
Is there a gentle moan?
Sleep can be played off, but your member will tell me otherwise
As such, full advantage will be taken of my prize and satisfaction will be had
Aye, I am a greedy woman ~ Maggie ~ 3/17/07

Thursday, March 15, 2007

New York...

The booger wants me to travel and so do I. Actually, the parade is this Saturday, but I am working so that is a no go. However, if a certain party comes through tonight (running 1:26 min late thus far), then it is a possibility within the next two weeks. The party came through (cash in hand). Now if the rest of the moolah comes through next week....I'll see ya babes. I could do a night an then pull a U and return...been there and done that without the benefit of a night. Man, I do dislike driving during sun up...must be the vamp in me.

The way I am thinking, I could leave right after work and make it there by 10:30 or 11:00 p.m. ( boo hiss spit coppers are out). As my peddle won't be to the metal, it will take longer. Besides, I can't shoot by Saratoga without stopping to see Stevie boy. Right Stevie?

Looking forward to FREEDOM of the road and speed...wind through my hair. The music is soooo loud the deaf could hear it. Actually, I love to scare the penguins with it. Especially, during a school crossing with Cradle of Filth. "Arch angel dark angel lend me thy light..." Bah on the penguins (nuns). ~ Maggie - 3/15/07 @ 8:57 p.m.

Monday, March 12, 2007


Bad news is like a brick to the head. If only I could reach out and help I would, but I can't. No magick exists in my fingertips to help the person I wish to help: the person I wish to hear laugh and see smile. Okay, so I have stumbled upon an obstacle that I can't change, help, or dismiss. That is fucked. Where is/are the supposed god(s) when he/she/it is needed? Bah!!!!

BOO~ HISS~SPIT!!!! ~ Maggie ~ 3/12/07 @ 10:48 p.m.


Saturday, March 10, 2007

He called me "MAX"

"MAX" was called upon and a new breeze of life occurred
Spoken and heard in dreamlike manner
Conjuring images of past, present, and possible future
Stirring from a bottomless pit resurrected and uninspected
Hark and check...
What venom has been released and into whose veins?
What darkness has loomed out of the envelope...
Only lying slightly below eyes mildly grazed?
The well is deeper then the chain allows
Thus the bucket ne'er quite touches the bottom
Effectual when seeking obscurity ~ Maggie (a/k/a MAX) 3/10/07 @ 1:29 a.m.
A wee bit earlier...

Everything is stored in memory flatly until retrieval is necessary. Upon retrieval via reiterated information or instances of glitched information, the original data appears like a three dimensional object when restored to the foreground of the program. Aye, I do think like a computer. ~ MAX ~ 3.10.07

Nathan has given new life to Max and I thank him with all my heart. Only close old friends and Drew called me Max and now he does. What a guy...gotta love him!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Call this a hunch...

*This is based on a discussion with someone on March 4, 2007.

Call this a hunch, but I don't think I will be going to Edmonton. This is being posted 4 days after the fact as gave the benefit of the doubt to the individual to see if they would come through.

As I am going to be in the person's neighborhood or pretty close, I was going to go visit them. Mind you that I would have had to have purchased a bus ticket and changed my flight back to Montreal from Edmonton rather than Calgary. Hell, I don't mind running around to do shit, but when the person I am going to go visit can't even let me know certain information, then gee I don't know. Perhaps it or I am a goof. Ah bah! If it is a joke, I'm laughing as there are no hard feelings. Nathan did say that I was wasting my time and he was right. Nathan is such a doll. He knew that I liked this guy and he trusted me and was okay with my decision. Gotta love him as he is such a sweetie.

NOTE: Trust first instincts as they are usually correct. This was written to verify my hunch. Kudos to me!!! ~ Maggie ~ Written 3/5/07 ~ Posted on 3/8/07

Discussion From Hell: The Opening of an Old Wound

Last night I let loose and discussed Sadie with Nathan. He asked me to tell him about her and not too many ask as not too many know the situation. I admire the man for wanting to really get to know me for me and to explore how I came to be what I am. Reliving the time frame hurt and I did cry. I don't hate Sadie for abusing me nor do I hate my mother for her refusal to acknowledge the fact. All I want from mom is for her to accept me for who I am. She dislikes me because I am not who she wanted me to be. Her actions used to get to me and I had attempted suicide a few times starting at 13 until not all that long ago. However, I will not go down that road with her again. I am me and I will always be me until I die. When she is dead and gone, I will still be me as I can never be HER. Although, I had sought her love and approval when I was younger, much younger, that stopped when I was around nine (9) years old as I realized that approval would never come. So far, I am right. ~ Arachne 3/3/07 ~ Penned at 11:00 a.m.

* No wonder I never used to smile. Actually, smiling and laughter are something new and delightful to me.


Was listening to 99.9 THE BUZZ ~ Burlington, VT

Sadie, Rats, and Motels

Despite all the crap that I have lived through, I am thankful for every moment of it as it made me who and what I am. Had life been easy and viewed through rose colored glasses, I may have turned out different. Gee, I could have been a pansy posy...blind to reality and unaware of back doors, side entrances, and the sneak approach.

Being a lowlife had its benefits and downfalls, yet if I had to do it all over gain, I wouldn't change a thing. Hell was okay and thought me well.

To be honest, it felt good to go live with Sadie as an adult and to face her head on as I could protect myself. However, that old bat carried a loaded Saturday Night Special in her purse. She showed me on a few occasions and I would assume that was her way of intimidating me. Guess what? It didn't work. Actually, while I was in South Carolina, her friend shot and killed a man. Sure I chose to live with my abuser rather than stay with my mom as that was the more logical choice.

Much of what I could deal with most people would skeeve. How many women could kill rats without a real weapon? I used to smother them in the glue rat traps. Hence the name Rat Girl is appropriate.

The last critter that I killed was about as big as my cat. A loud screech came from my bedroom which I thought was the cat clawing the window. When I got up to go check out my room, out ran this big black sewer rat with the cat not far behind it.

As rats like to run against the walls rather than out in the open, I had strategically placed the traps all over the place as I was infested. Unfortunately, Kat Kat did not kill the critter and she left the kitchen to go chill in the livingroom. Lazy cat. When I went to check the traps, there was nothing there the first few times. However, another check revealed that big bastard stuck in the trap trying to pull himself out of the glue. Kat Kat had poked out one of its beady black eyes and it did not look too happy. I took my broom and was trying to push it's head into the glue when the shit bit the broom handle and wouldn't let go. Holding the broom handle with the rat at the end, I grabbed the mop handle and tried to push its head under again...just the snout. You know? That little prick was not going down easy. I had to get another trap and drop it on top of this moving biting critter to make a rat trap sandwich out of him. I smothered and disposed of the bastard. RAT - 0...ME - 1. Got big sewer rats? Call Arachne. LOL

Of all the rats that I had to tangle with, only one got away and he left much of his fur behind.

WARNING: Do not try this at home unless you have big gonads as rats will attack you when cornered.

Bed bugs, roaches, water bugs, spiders, worms, and snakes don't bother me. Centipedes on the other hand do. I kill those suckers.

Today I was talking to my cousin and was telling her about the funny comments left about fleabag motels in Edmonton. I find it funny as I could deal with it. Hell the shitholes in Jersey that went for $25 per night were real dives and gross, but who cares. If the sheets are dirty you make them change them. Who cares about the paint on the walls, broken wall lights, dirty shower curtains, and holes in the mattress. Shit! What do you expect for $25 per night? Certainly not the amenities that the Waldorf Astoria, Hilton, or Plaza offer. Nope. You get what you pay for. Besides, the people there are probably more colorful. No matter what dive I choose, I am sure that it will be an adventure. Oh yeah... ~ Arachne ~ 3/5/07 ~ Penned prior to 3:00 p.m.

Was listening to 99.9 The Buzz ~ Burlington, VT

A Good Man

What do you do when you find a good man, you hang onto him by the nuts if you have to. If you have to use your teeth, then by all means do so. Most men are flakey to begin with and more so than a pastry chef's delight. Therefore, when a decent unflakey guy is found and he has heart, mind, soul, and keeps to his word, KEEP HIM. ~ Maggie ~ March 5, 2007 - Penned prior to 3:00 p.m.

P.S.: HE IS AMAZINGLY FANTASTIC and WOW in his thought processes!!! What a wonderful sharing and caring person! I can't wait for April 21 to arrive.

Was listening to 99.9 THE BUZZ - Burlington, VT

Friday, March 2, 2007


There is a poem at the end of this spew.

Everyone experiences fear in one form or another, however, many won't face their fear head on and challenge it.

Fear provides a thrill and makes life exciting. To say that "I FEAR" to the point of inaction would leave one stagnant and limited. Therefore, can it be said that those who stare fear in the face actually fear what it is that they face? Perhaps avoidant behavior is more apt when approaching a fear. You know what I say? "FUCK FEAR!" Grab the bull by the horns and slam him the fuck down.

Don't walk on eggshells. Don't hold back. Free fall and enjoy the show. What is the worst case scenario? You'll die? Shit. You are going to die anyway so you might as well go out in a blaze of glory living life on your terms.

To hear voiced concerns from another that occupied head space was amazing. The exact same level of concerns were addressed. Talk about being in TUNE. Hum. I like it.

Hallowed by an uprising globe of red in blue skies
Cloudless and beautiful
The wind exhales and
Reeds, willows, and grass breathe
Breathing life into still art
Captured in pixels
Sitting glorified upon a throne
A god without a mass
Save for one who pays homage
One who see the beauty with in the shell
Shells of temporary capture
Temporal and aligned signatures
Hold tight electrical energy
That delightfully dance in the cosmos upon release
Release form the confines of one's structure

* Love has many levels, but me thinks the Eros type is the most false of the loves as it is LUST and not true LOVE. Tis quite shallow. Depth can be dived into. ~ Maggie ~ Penned 3/2/07 prior to 3:00 p.m.


Thursday, March 1, 2007

The Apartment Story: * a startling discovery

One day when bored, my daughter read my blog and this little story led her to discover her half brother. I am glad I hold details of certain types in my head. Only one close would know what I know and the facts cannot be refuted. We have pictures to boot. LOL *wink* Too bad I can't remember her younger sister's mother's last name. However, I do know where she lives. Hum...I forgot to mention that fact as the house she lived in was OWNED and not rented. She lived in Gravesend off Ave. X and her name was Joanne. Little sis is Andrea, however, she is older than my daughter's brother. He is the baby of the lot.

Okay, Drew beat the crap out of Erin and Joanne and used them. He punched me a few times and blackened my eye, however, I sliced him and beat the crap out of him. When I broke a bottle over his head publically, he didn't file charges. Maybe he liked it. Hell, he got his face punched and head banged into the wall in front of his friends and his ass kicked from the West Village to Rivington Street and he did SFA (sweet fuck all). Mind you, he was 6' 3" and had a record for armed robbery and attempted murder and served prison time at Fishkill Correctional Facility. NO FEAR here. Uh uh. Considering that I sold all his clothes, guitars, amps, cords, wha wha peddles, actually everything he owned, he still wanted me. Weird huh? Nah...MAXIMUM. Take no prisoners: take no shit. ~ Arachne ~ 3/12/07 11:21 p.m.

He was a Long Island guy who lived in a dive on the lower east side and I was a burnout from south Brooklyn who met while enjoying the entertainment that only Wendy O could provide. The Brooklyn Zoo was jam packed that night and you could loose yourself if you were not hanging on tight enough.

Pam (Horse Head) and I had gone to the show together, but somehow, and as usual, we lost each other in the crowd. Just hanging there with everyone else with my blue, pink, and black hair with green metallic high-top sneaks and some wild vest that had sooo many buttons bah!!! Anyway, there I am minding my own damn business when someone, who I could not see (too many people) grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd only to release me deeper within??? Again, minding my own business, someone in the crowd thinks I am a chicken and grabs my breast. I turned, but could not figure out who did it. This happened a few times and then I grabbed his hand and than slapped him. When that was done and peace was made, we moved out of the crowd to the sides and started talking. He was real drunk and threw up on me and himself. As I did not give a fuck back then as I don't give a fuck now, I dragged him into the ladies room to clean him up.  The guy who dragged me through the crowd was Drew's friend. He was getting me for Drew. Weird huh? (HORSE HEAD was a name that Drew gave to Pam as he thought she was ugly.)

After the show, Pam, Drew, Drew's friend, and I all headed back to my apartment to hang and to sobber Drew up. I told him to shower and made some coffee. After taking off his clothes, he wrapped himself in a towel and came out of the bathroom and invited me to shower with him. Saying "no thanks" to the prospect, he finally showered and came to chill out with us. By this time it was the wee hours of the morning and he was starting to nod despite the coffee. Pam was going home with his friend and he did not want to go back to Manhattan, however, I did not want him at my place as I didn't know him. So I made him leave when they left.  He slept in the train that night.

A couple of weeks later, Pam called to say that Drew's friend wanted my number to give to Drew and would I let her give it. I said "sure." When Drew called, he was real sweet and read me poetry and played his guitar and I wanted to see him again. We dated for a bit staying mostly in Manhattan, but his apartment was real bad. Real real bad. It used to kick when I would end up on the lower east side alone at 3:00 a.m. on my way home (his house) and these messed asses would say "hey meda (sp?) mommy!" from dark doorways. Right in spirit or nuts, I would tell them off saying something like "what do you all have the same mother?" Yeah, I have a mouth on me.

Realizing that keeping two apartments was crazy as we were both paying around $300 per month, he dumped his place and moved in with me. As a compromise was struck, he got rid of some of his stuff and I got rid of some of mine...duplicate things were discarded. Yet when that van dumped the final load (3 loads), wow what a mess we were in. There was no place to move around in. It felt like his stuff invaded my space and I was frustrated...he was frustrated. Believe it or not, it look a few weeks for us to settle. Things come and go, but memories of a loved one live on in eternity regardless of the relationship's ending. RIP Drew! My lucky 13 Scorpion!  We both had studios apartments which means most of your living was done in one room...his bathing and bathroom were just about in his kitchen. Wait...his kitchen was in his living room which was his bedroom which was all in one room. HA HA HA Good old Manhattan 6 story walk-up. Why would they put glass shards sticking out of the cement on the exterior windowsill on the TWO windows in his place when it was six floor up? Ok, it would cut off or badly cut the fingers of someone trying to hang on from outside. Maybe that will explain the neighborhood. Hum.

The first song my daughter ever heard was by the Scorpions called In Trance. She was newborn (1 day old) with headphones on plugged into a Sony Walkman! Nix is Drew's kid.

Gee, I even had the ballz to call Erin to tell her: It's a girl. Ah, the bitch bought Nix something before her birth and we buddied up years before. Besides, I can relate to ex-gal pals real good. Oh yeah, Erin's son is my daughter's younger brother.

Side note: Erin was Drew's social worker when he was in UNDER 21. Her daddy was a hot shot NYC lawyer with a penthouse on Park Avenue, yet she lived in the slum. Gotta give her credit for that one.

She (Erin) is a story unto herself. *smirk* ~ Arachne ~ March 1, 2007 @ 9:36 p.m.


Wow, it feels good to just say what I think to someone and not have them bite my head off or think that I am nuts. Then again, I say what I think to everyone regardless of the outcome. When a certain someone is real cool it makes the saying all that much better. Knowing that they feel the same kind of insecurities is fine as that is what makes us human. We differ at many levels, yet we are so much the same.

If you haven't walked a mile in a person's shoes, put yourself there and contemplate your next move.


Listening to song "AGENDA."