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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Correspondence and Reply with M~

Dear M~

Did I really clear anything up?  Sometimes I like to muddy the waters so that clarity is not had.  The bottom of a puddle might uncover a coin or gem that is otherwise hidden and left for discovery on a dry day.  Nonetheless, you are correct with your assumption that I will not easily be nailed down to anything.  I would prefer to go hungry then to be at someone’s will and I have gone hungry before.  Finding yourself on the bottom after coming from the top is earth-shattering, but it is also enlightening as the fall makes you smarter.  

The menial I works in sales and I am good at what I do.  As previously stated, I have open time for others who need me for sales.  However, I never turn away when someone needs their computer fixed, has software issues, needs a contract, a will, or power of attorney.   Having served as my own attorney against the powers that be, I can help people like myself who strive for their rights as Native people.  I invested more than twenty years in a legal battle that I realized was not worth the war.  I won the battle and a settlement of $20,000 for my endeavor, but in the end I saw that I was fighting to get into a system that I am against.  To this, I advised the government that I would not abide by their laws.  

If I had to interpret the poem or quote that you note, I would say that the youth did not see his or her years pass them by.  I would then question if the individual had the opportunity to stop and smell the roses?  What did you want to do with your life before the gift was bestowed?  If you could, would you change anything?

I did find your books on Amazon “******************************” and “***************.”  I see that you have a five star rating on both.  I see a similarity in both books in that you must see something to make it be.  I have added your books to my wish list as I do enjoy reading those I have come to know personally and those I have come to know in cyberspace.  Your books are fundamentally related.

Perhaps you have stopped and smelled many roses on your trip through life.  When you state your “purpose is to go and be ‘home’,” do you refer to your residence or where your heart is?  Is the “world of illusion” what you view as external?  My best guess is that you are a helping individual with spirit and heart whom is fulfilled by doing.

As I did pose a few questions, should time find you, would you mind keeping our volley going?  Meanwhile, do have a wondrous and enchanting evening.





Well, that clears it all up!:))

I'll just assume you will do things as you like and won't be easily nailed down to anything specific, and leave it at that. You are delightful just the way you are, and you don't need me to tell you that, do you?

There's a poem or a quote from a poet that goes something like this: "I turned my face and then eighteen years had passed." I took a job as a management consultant and lo and behold I had a career that has kept me going for more than half my life. Since I didn't aspire to it, it was a gift, and I rarely forget that.

I'm also an author of one business book with another one on the way, and one "spiritual" novel. You can look me up on Amazon. The apparent (to some people) unrelatedness of that is a key to my life -- my purpose is to go and be "home", and meanwhile, in the world of illusion, to meet people and be useful and to fulfill on whatever there is in front of me to do.

I think I'm trying to answer you in kind, but this might be the best I've done to say a few words about who I am as a person.


February 28, 2013 @ 10:53 p.m. EST

Monday, February 25, 2013

A Volley With "E" ~

Dear E~

We are connected in more ways than one.  That is good, yes?  It is nice to hear from you as well.  How are you doing today?  Was your day all that you wished it could be?  Did you dream during the day?  If so, what did you dream and how do you see it coming to fruition?  Better said, would you like to see your dream(s) come to fruition?  If I seem to ask odd questions, it is because I assume there are day dreamers and night dreamers.  As I do not remember my dreams of the night, I dream during the day.  The advantage of dreaming during the day is the memory and the involvement in the infolding of the novella or a magnus opus.  Much like a child’s book, there are pictures/scenes available to the reader and yet like a mutoscope, without participation by the viewer, there lies no life.  Unlike the mutoscope, there is no crank to turn and thus I turn to myself.  The experience is like a book in which there is a scene available to the reader, however, lying neatly and beautifully over the scene are transparent sheets where overlays can be made to build actions and dimension to what would otherwise be flat.  The distant farmhouse can be viewed by the minimal rays of a rising sun giving way to a crowing cock.  This in turn brings a light to a window which had previously been dark.  As there really is no book, the overlays are made in this supposed reality and I do create lovely stories which are entertaining and sometimes sad when they fade away.  I sometimes lose my lasso. 

Ah yes the old AT&T Audix!  Only two people from my company went for the certificate and only one person did the initial setup and  Actually, I still have my papers of successful completion and all the material for the course.  My course was taken on July 8, 1991 and concluded on July 11, 1991.  At the time, I found it a cool challenge.  Then again, working for AIA during that time was a challenge as they had one of those old reel to reel computer systems located on an otherwise abandoned floor.  I not only had my own office, but I had my own floor.  Unfortunately or fortunately, no one knew how to use the system.  Therefore, I had to not only teach myself how to how to work the bugger, I also had to learn to get the bugs out of the bugger as much was not correct.  The greatest part of that job was not only the challenge to learn the system, but to fix all the errors that I found within it.  I sometimes miss such challenges of the corporate world, but I like my slice of menial heaven right now.  Thankfully, when I worked my brief stint at Prudential, I had time to teach myself Paradox.  I would rather learn than be idle and then apply my knowledge.  And so began a database love affair.    

You are lucky that no damage was had by you and yours during the storm(s) that have beset the northeast.  Much to my dismay, the only damage I have had this winter was when my roof vent got covered with snow which caused both snow and ice to enter my attic.  This little ditty lead to my ceiling falling down.  Oh, the woes of owning a home.  Meh.

As we are into late February, look to the trees as they should be speaking very shortly.  Their silent buds are the indication.  Much like fall has a smell to it, so too does spring.  The phoenix arises from the ashes and the cycle begins once more. 

Being that I have written quite a bit, I best lay myself down now as Hitchcock puts me to sleep.  Silence leaves the hamster wheel in my head rolling and squeaking; noise blocks the wheel’s movement somewhat. 

While I have you here, have you ever read “Woman on the Edge of Time?”  If so, can you tell me how it affected you?  If you haven’t read it, I suggest you do.  I read it years ago and cried.  Much of me wished to be in the land that was the possible utopian society as opposed to the possible dystopian society.  Maybe, if we take a good look around, a dystopia may be creeping up on us: hence the dream and the dreamer.

Stay warm and stay in touch.  Correspondence is a lovely thing when one has time.  Be thee well my friend and do stay warm.  Adieu.

~ Arachne ~ February 25, 2013 @ 1:57 a.m. EST

Friday, February 22, 2013

An Answer for "M."

Dear M~

Endorsing you was my pleasure.  I do apologize for my tardy reply, however, I have been keeping myself occupied in other areas.  How might you be doing this fine evening?  Has the winter left you cold or have you kept the internal fires raging?  There is nothing like a good internal fire to get one going in the direction they desire.

Ah, the question of my profile.  I guess it would leave one wondering now wouldn’t it, however, I rather like that aspect of my profile.  What do I do?  Hum...that is a good question.  Let us just say that what I do leaves me the ability to be me in all aspects of my personality.

As my profile states, I don’t care for the corporate experience as I have been there, I have done, that, and I have the T-shirt to prove it.  Since that is the case, I work doing something that allows me to be me in all my glory without the binds of conformity in the land of beige.

What I do for money is not as important as what I do for pleasure.  My pleasures are about learning new things or expanding on what I already know...Jack of all trades, but master of none.  I do not seek a job within ********, but I do seek minds in which to read or interact with when time finds me.

Regarding work, I do work two days a week which allows me to have my cake and eat it too by granting me twenty days of the month to spend as I so choose.  Summer and winter finds me with two weekends off which means that I am away from home for three weeks at each shot.  This is not too shabby huh?  Nevertheless, what do I do, right?  How many employed can travel almost 1,000 driven miles per month to be with loved ones for a week?  I bet only a few may do that and I am one of them.

Having owned a similar business to the one I now work for, I know the ropes of not only how to manage the place, but how to make sales even with hagglers.  My strongest point is my human factor which allows me to know that everyone shits and that all things are subjective.  My vulgarity/quirkiness is taken into consideration and is also a selling point as are my discussions with customers.  Mind you, what I do is not everyone’s cup of tea, but it works for me.  Being that I only work two days a week, I am open when other businesses need me be they in the same trade or not.  One woman that I worked for said that I could sell snowballs to Eskimos.  Personally, I don’t believe that as I never push a sale.  Rather, I let the person “think” for themselves and base their decision not on what I tell them, but more so on their own experience.  My boss may not like my selling style, but I bring her the most profit so she shuts up and puts up lest I quit.

What I do is not corporate by a long shot and may even be considered menial by many, but I am happy with my freedom.  By now you must be wondering, “What does she sell?”

M, it is your turn.  Tell me about you and your likes and dislikes in the corporate world.  What would you like to change in your life to make it better?  If you had the option, would you opt for free time over labor?  What makes your motor run?  What cranks your cranium?  I too do not have an agenda, but would like to know more about you to satisfy my curiosity.  I may not be able to connect you to others, but we can make a human connection right here and right now.  What say you?  Shall you go for it?  I hope so.

In looking forward to your response, I bid you adieu.

~ Arachne ~ Feb. 22, 2013 @ 10:26 p.m. EST

Mixed lines, but life goes on...

I have read a couple of posts and posted replies. As the hour is late and my meds are kicking in (kicking my butt), my brain turns fuzzy and thoughts are not clear as clarity is lost in the fog of Xanax.

Time should find me this week to read and respond providing nothing comes up. The cue ball is aligned to the 8 which is poised by the right side pocket. The 8 shall fall while the cue falls to rest nearby.

Please forgive my late reply to this correspondence, however, it was buried and I was gone. Does that make any sense? However, to over think a thought as to whether I am here or not here is another question. Here I be reading lines from a time that was. Did you ever find time to take in the flick? Odd, but I never tire of seeing it. Each time I watch the video, I come away with something more. I wonder when I will find the well empty?

"To sleep, perchance to dream.." :)

I truly appreciate your words and your time. As was said in the movie Wayne's World, "I am not worthy!" However, I do thank you.

"Trust me"--

I thank you for the fine recommendation which I do not feel that I deserve. Nonetheless, I accept and with the hope that I can live up to it. Coming from you, it feels like a gold medal.

The Olympian thanks you again.

The limitations of time... So long as one dreamer remains, that dreamer will weave the web of dreams and make them available to others. For this we can be thankful. To look at loss is not positive. To look at what is available is positive. I thought it well to address this issue. Dreamers dream, but if they do not act, the dream does not come to fruition. My dream is knowledge and knowledge, as well as life, has kept me from here. How might I look to heavenly bodies or photograph them if I am only here? How might I learn about the cosmos if I do not do the research? How might I seek to find new programs which will do what I want them to do? How long does it take to learn various programs when teaching one’s self so that the best program is chosen from the lot? It has come down to the complexities of challenges. This is not to say that I have dropped out of here, but my devotion also lies in other areas of interest which I do for sport and not for profit. Unfortunately, some of my interests cannot be discussed here for various reasons. Nonetheless, if a dreamer falls from here, perhaps that dreamer has chosen to make their dreams come true and may return to share of them. There is a positive side to all things. One just needs to seek.

I thank you kindly and wish you likewise. Time willing, I will try to keep in the loop, however, the loop is larger than I. It makes me wonder how it is possible for so many to write in many areas of this site in the course of the day. Where does their time come from? Surely, if I had to look at the economics of simply writing where I had already written, I would not be able to keep up. It would be a 25 hour per day job. I did say 25 hours. I see a gambler seated at a one armed bandit. His pants are baggy and his hopes are high. Despite the fact he is maintaining a fluid intake, he fails to leave the machine. I suppose he 'DEPENDS' on winning. It is not much of a metaphor, but I am sure you understand where I am coming from.

• to pee or not to pee that is the question.

Correct. However, he can feel free to pee as he depends on his DEPENDS and therefore does not have to leave the machine. A number two could leave him to be a stinker giving him access to surrounding machines.

Being that the odds are in the house's favor, he has the ability to go home penniless. Then again, there is that possibility that he could hit the jackpot. Unfortunately, I do not believe the payoffs are in the millions. Oh, how is the poor man behaving badly? He is wearing his diaper and not soiling his nice baggy pants? For all we know, he could have doubled his Depends depending on how long he planned to sit and not stink.

• OK I withdraw! Uncle Uncle Uncle

Trouble should be everyone's middle name. I'm as serious as a heart attack when I say that. What we've got here is failure to communicate...failure to elaborate...failure to enunciate...failure to extrapolate...failure to reciprocate...failure to al. This culture is programmed to be clones in mind and manner. Manners are not manners...more at politically correct which is a contradiction and restriction of freedom of speech. I have nothing against gay people and I know that faggot means a bundle of sticks or chopped liver. If I feel pretty witty and gay, questions might arise. Do I love women? Maybe. Does it matter? No. Hail to anarchy and for being sexy when causing trouble. Not for anything, bad boys are always sexy. Aren't bad girls sexy too?

A DVD burn of *.avi files was made possible by VSO ConvertXtoDVD 4. This is not to say that I did not give Roxio Creator 2011 Pro a shot. This one comes out best in my personal opinion. Excuse the shitty picture.

A DVD burn of *.avi files was made possible by Nero 11 in either Nero Video or Nero Digital - Nero Vision Express. I used so many damned programs, I am confused. Mind you, I had to get them before I could use them.