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Friday, August 30, 2013

The Memory of 6 Year-Old...

Your scent lingered on my pillow
As we shared it the night before
Consciously I spoke my name in your voice
We kind of sound the same, mom
Even back then
Your hair must have been freshly washed
Or was it the smell of White Rain
That you sprayed upon your bee hive doo
Although I did not have you with me
You left a part of yourself
That I could bury my nose into
And smell your presence during your absence
As I cried myself to sleep
~ Arachne ~ Penned on 8/30/13 @ 12:50 p.m

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Rearview Mirror~

Comfortably seated on warmed leather seats
Traveling a stretch of highway
My eyes veer up and glance
The rearview mirror

At first I note the
Of cars and then I then I note the
Which has been traveled
All while looking at
The rearview mirror

Speeding past those who walk along the side of the
Their backward stares appear and
Their ghostly faces
The rearview mirror

Returning my eyes to that which
Lies before me
I can see that my journey is almost complete
As the leather seats turn
I ask myself...
How long have I been driving looking through
The rearview mirror ~ Arachne ~ Penned on August 28, 2013 @ 9:25 a.m.

Being Milked ~

As usual, we were sitting by the Sirius fire which was more or less a giant coal bed, but still a beauty to behold, when all of a sudden...

The warmth generated from said glow also spilled over to our spirits. I was sitting there minding my own business as my hand, with all its digits, probably draped over his chair with my pointer extended. It was with this said pointer that it started.

At first, maybe three or four seconds, it was held without a problem and then came the twitching. Yes! He was doing the nervous twitch thing which I find eww. Frankly, it felt like my finger was being milked, I drew it back and asked him if he wanted the udder one. With this, the joke started.

As we were seated with others, I suggested that he shake someone's hand or high five them only to grab their hand and do to their finger what he had done to mine. After milking one finger, he would have to say, "It must be the udder one." If the person retracted their hand after 2 fingers, but under 4, they were considered abnormal cows. Those who did not retract their hand and allowed for 5 or more fingers to be pulled were labeled a abnormal cows as well. Those who only allowed 4 fingers were labeled normal cows. ALL were told, "You have just been milked." They were congratulated and advised that they had to go out and do it to others and report back to us fire sitters. In one case, we watched as one of our case studies walked over and did it to someone else. After she did it, she almost fell over laughing. Mind you, we had to stand to see over the prows to catch that one. Others came over to us like excited puppies to tell us how they were doing in the milking department.

When it came to milking, those who had previously been milked had to turn away and bend over to hold in the laughter because looking into someone's eyes while it is being done to them is unbearable. The look of WTF was really going on, but the question loomed...why did they allow us to do it? Some people were actually milked numerous times. Although this probably started about three in the morning, it went on for the rest of day and into the next week. It is now a big community joke. ~ Arachne ~ August 28, 2013 in the p.m.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

God on Trial: A Correspondence

Yesterday, I was posed with a statement and a question, "I wonder what it would be like if an actual god existed. How might thing [sic] be?"  My response is noted below, however, I have left out the question regarding "God on Trial."  Nonetheless, you guys should be able to figure out what the question was.

If a god(s)/goddess(es) really existed, he/she/they should be held accountable for murder and a slew of other charges and the penalty should be death. This would then leave people accountable for their own actions or lack thereof while they live. Those who believe in something other than themselves do not believe in themselves to the full extent that they should.

"God on Trial" was a video that I viewed some time ago in which concentration camp victims held a trial against their god. Of course the movie was based on a book called "The Trial of God" by Elie Wiesel. So as not to give away the ending, I present you with the video which can be viewed on You Tube.

If you have a chance to watch it, please do so and then let me know what you think. You now have the opportunity to judge the work for yourself.

In regard to murder and the statute of limitations, you are correct to the best of my knowledge, but this may not apply to ALL countries. As for being tried in absentia, certain factors would have to be met in order for this to occur. It would also be based on the offense committed and which country it was committed in as ALL countries may not have the same provision.


Arachne ~ Wednesday, August 21 @ 7:21 p.m. EST