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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Correspondence of 11/19/2013

Dear Sir~

Before leaving for the grind, I had typed something...who knows what at this point, anyway...damned contractors flipped the switch on my breaker knocking out this (my computer) section of my house. Lovely...meh.

Anyway, I lost what I was writing to you. It must be awful to be without both parents, but at least you had both parents. I only got to know my dad for about year before he committed suicide or what have you to flip his car as he did. It took 5 days to put him together for an open casket. Well, that is how my family swings in Dixie. That was back in '86 I think... Mom is wacked on drugs asking, "Where's the lawyer?" and "Is that Angel?" What lawyer? Why would Angel be at the hospital? She was not even aware of being there...yesterday or today... It feels like 100 or so years since tomorrow, but I am continuing to walk backwards to find the NOW that does not exist.

Let your words fly as you will. Since the account that I gave you has little traffic, I will be able to catch the e-mail when time...what time? finds me.

Questions always arise when reading something even if the question(s) is (are) not is the whole head thing. I like to know how people arrive at their view especially when the view is something internal. I'm sure you get my drift, sailor.

Anyway, I have to pop off this thing and pop a Xanx to shut my head lest it explode. Who would see brain matter within this room? It is way too dark in here.

~ Arachne ~ 11/19/2013 around 11 ish p.m. EST

Thursday, November 14, 2013

You See~

You see as you
And I see as me
You see a man,

But could there be three?
I see facial parts
Like lips and some eyes
Yet upon closer inspection,
There are also hips and thighs
There is so much that can be viewed
The images in mind can be construed
You see as you
And I see as me
However, together we see...
HARMONY! ~ Arachne ~ Oct. 14, 2013 typed at approx. 10:50 p.m. EST

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

An Attempt At Writing...

Images cascade themselves vividly,
But leave only a fleeting memory
Of which velvet brocade paper covers
Dust is noticeable, having not been kept
Soaked and saturated by time, it appears faded

Noting their frailty,
Tired bones attempt to lift the paper’s weight a sheet at a time
Making them ready for the pen
A drop of ink falls from the faulty nib 
Bubbling up and then breaking through
Creating holes of ill-shapen form
Leaving behind an asymmetrical Rorschach image 
That is open for interpretation ~ Arachne ~ Penned 10/17/13 in the p.m.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

This Old House~

The heart’s foundation is of odd stones and mortar
which encompass a dirt floor
Long ago, this cellar served to store food
I remember the sacks in which the potatoes were kept
Perhaps more than potatoes were kept, but I was just a kid
Only visiting...
The kitchen used to house an old wood stove
Which not only served to warm the place in the winter,
It also served to cook meals for all seasons

This old house has stood for more than 200 years
And has seen many a family member come and go
Each time it was handed down, something new was added
It would seem that my great-great grandfather
Added the summer kitchen which is now the kitchen
Its foundation, which is low to the ground,
Is made of cinder block
Therefore, gaining access is made via belly crawl
This part of the house could have been here since the 1800's
As there are early 1900's pictures of him by that addition
I can’t say what my great-grandfather did,
But to the best of my knowledge, he built an enclosed porch
In which his wife, I called her my Ista, would store things
At least she did in my youth...
My grandfather turned the porch into a proper extension of the house
Giving the kitchen extra space for a sink and washing machine

This old house was made of railway ties
Insulated with newspapers
And if you look under some very old wallpaper
In a section of the house that has never been touched,
You will find ads from 1932
Yes, you could buy a 7-Tube Lowboy for $55
Or a Henry Herbert player piano for just $298.50 on sale from $735
Johnson’s Baby Powder could be purchased 3 for $.59
How about 2 pounds of bacon for $.27
Maybe this section of the house was left as a reminder
To a time that has long passed

During the time of my grand father,
An oil furnace, a cement porch, running water, wood paneling,
And two picture windows were added to create modernity
The other 8 windows were the type you had to use a stick to hold them up
In the winter, another framed window was placed over the original
Luckily, there was a window lift panel that exposed 3 holes to allow for air

As the self appointed keeper of the homestead,
I too have left my mark to follow with the times
In that I have modernized the whole house and
Created two additions of my own
In the past two weeks, I have signed two contracts for more renovations
To give this ol’ girl a longer life
Once these jobs are completed,
I only have two more jobs I want done
Whatever comes next will be in the hands of she who will inherit
This old house ~ Oct. 14, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

To Ryan ~ Lost In Cyberspace

I have something to say and I am here!
Don’t you see me?
Being here and yet not creates an illusion
Or delusion of something that is real in this reel to reel feel of not quite.
Get the picture?
Let me draw it out...
You affect me.
Don’t you see that?
Hasn’t that always been the case?
It was always upon the exchange in which you provided me with triggers...
The semi-live ammo, being this is cyberspace, charged me with thought!
Yes, thought!
Whatever creative moment that you inspired me with, I credited YOU.
YOU and your words which caused me to BLAZE with...
Ideas and abstract writing that I knew you would understand
Because we were on the same wavelength.
I saw something that I had overlooked and I am sorry.
If you can still “call but normally can’t spake, speak or mutter anything, but where are my glasses?”
Let’s take the glasses and clink a cheer
To words and the thoughts behind them.
Are you in the matrix?

You posed “yes” with a question, however,
I don’t know as
You didn’t stick around long enough to allow me the view.
Then again, where is my reading and replying reliability?
Should I claim “the toilet?”
Aye. That would seem to be the case.
Even still, sitting here in a panic,
I write...

Arachne ~ September 16, 2013 @ 8:58 p.m. EST 

To Ryan - An Inspiration Lost

His last words were:  just shared one of your notes to my inbox, sometimes you should too but i have no idea where you are, because usually its in a very different place. until i get back on facebook and see you with something to say. can still call but normally can't spake, speak or mutter anything but where are my glasses?

You may not understand his words, but to me the view is crystal clear.  Feeling the loss, I reached out and wrote the following in hopes that he returns.

Abstract junction of head function
Wires crossed yet connected
To the unconnected
Which was suspected
Indeed gone...
Off to other pixelated regions or NOT...
I don’t know!
Where did you go?
What mind or minds do you now feed with words?
Absurd or not in WORDMEISTER fashion?
Don’t throw stones at glass houses!
I am so shattered...
Having taken for granted of the “being” being
Here, there, everywhere...
The brain strain will continue in the lost and found department
Stored are the memories
I remain...

Arachne ~ September 16, 2013 ~ 7:02 p.m. EST 

Friday, August 30, 2013

The Memory of 6 Year-Old...

Your scent lingered on my pillow
As we shared it the night before
Consciously I spoke my name in your voice
We kind of sound the same, mom
Even back then
Your hair must have been freshly washed
Or was it the smell of White Rain
That you sprayed upon your bee hive doo
Although I did not have you with me
You left a part of yourself
That I could bury my nose into
And smell your presence during your absence
As I cried myself to sleep
~ Arachne ~ Penned on 8/30/13 @ 12:50 p.m

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Rearview Mirror~

Comfortably seated on warmed leather seats
Traveling a stretch of highway
My eyes veer up and glance
The rearview mirror

At first I note the
Of cars and then I then I note the
Which has been traveled
All while looking at
The rearview mirror

Speeding past those who walk along the side of the
Their backward stares appear and
Their ghostly faces
The rearview mirror

Returning my eyes to that which
Lies before me
I can see that my journey is almost complete
As the leather seats turn
I ask myself...
How long have I been driving looking through
The rearview mirror ~ Arachne ~ Penned on August 28, 2013 @ 9:25 a.m.

Being Milked ~

As usual, we were sitting by the Sirius fire which was more or less a giant coal bed, but still a beauty to behold, when all of a sudden...

The warmth generated from said glow also spilled over to our spirits. I was sitting there minding my own business as my hand, with all its digits, probably draped over his chair with my pointer extended. It was with this said pointer that it started.

At first, maybe three or four seconds, it was held without a problem and then came the twitching. Yes! He was doing the nervous twitch thing which I find eww. Frankly, it felt like my finger was being milked, I drew it back and asked him if he wanted the udder one. With this, the joke started.

As we were seated with others, I suggested that he shake someone's hand or high five them only to grab their hand and do to their finger what he had done to mine. After milking one finger, he would have to say, "It must be the udder one." If the person retracted their hand after 2 fingers, but under 4, they were considered abnormal cows. Those who did not retract their hand and allowed for 5 or more fingers to be pulled were labeled a abnormal cows as well. Those who only allowed 4 fingers were labeled normal cows. ALL were told, "You have just been milked." They were congratulated and advised that they had to go out and do it to others and report back to us fire sitters. In one case, we watched as one of our case studies walked over and did it to someone else. After she did it, she almost fell over laughing. Mind you, we had to stand to see over the prows to catch that one. Others came over to us like excited puppies to tell us how they were doing in the milking department.

When it came to milking, those who had previously been milked had to turn away and bend over to hold in the laughter because looking into someone's eyes while it is being done to them is unbearable. The look of WTF was really going on, but the question loomed...why did they allow us to do it? Some people were actually milked numerous times. Although this probably started about three in the morning, it went on for the rest of day and into the next week. It is now a big community joke. ~ Arachne ~ August 28, 2013 in the p.m.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

God on Trial: A Correspondence

Yesterday, I was posed with a statement and a question, "I wonder what it would be like if an actual god existed. How might thing [sic] be?"  My response is noted below, however, I have left out the question regarding "God on Trial."  Nonetheless, you guys should be able to figure out what the question was.

If a god(s)/goddess(es) really existed, he/she/they should be held accountable for murder and a slew of other charges and the penalty should be death. This would then leave people accountable for their own actions or lack thereof while they live. Those who believe in something other than themselves do not believe in themselves to the full extent that they should.

"God on Trial" was a video that I viewed some time ago in which concentration camp victims held a trial against their god. Of course the movie was based on a book called "The Trial of God" by Elie Wiesel. So as not to give away the ending, I present you with the video which can be viewed on You Tube.

If you have a chance to watch it, please do so and then let me know what you think. You now have the opportunity to judge the work for yourself.

In regard to murder and the statute of limitations, you are correct to the best of my knowledge, but this may not apply to ALL countries. As for being tried in absentia, certain factors would have to be met in order for this to occur. It would also be based on the offense committed and which country it was committed in as ALL countries may not have the same provision.


Arachne ~ Wednesday, August 21 @ 7:21 p.m. EST

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Words to a beautiful person...

Thank you kindly for sharing of yourself in simple form and art form. The simple you bears more merit as there is life in you and it beats in your smile and in your words. The mind is where beauty lies. If left only to the eyes, the mind would be lied to. Self exists not on the surface to be blown away by a light breeze. Nay! Self exists in depth and darkness where a blind person sees the best. What is it that we behold and would like to hold for the sake of feeling? As you might have guessed, I like to play with words. In addition, I love to experiment and have made note about the lies that a mirror tells, but I shant go on about that as it is backwards.

Once again, I thank you for YOU in more ways than one as you are beautiful. ~ Arachne ~ June 27, 2013 @ 11ish p.m. EST

Friday, June 14, 2013

Let's Talk About Sex Baby...

L Wrote:  Your dick will smell like fresh watermelons after W spanks you off!

Arachne Wrote:  Don't you mean after W WANKS him off? Spanking someone off sounds like it could hurt. What instrument would be used? A wet leather glove sounds interesting. 

L Wrote:  Yes, I did mean wank, But now that you mention it. A wet leather glove may me too intense for those two old timers... I'm thinking more along the lines of, is a wet piece of lasagna pasta... Their safe word can be "Metamucil"

Hey, I just remember something. I saw a porn vid a while ago where a girl made this guy blast his load, not my masturbation, but by sticking a finger in his ass & massaging his prostate I guess?? Have you heard of any such thing? 

Arachne Wrote:  Thanks for having me almost piss myself with your first paragraph. As for your second paragraph, if a woman can cum from anal, I don't see why a man cannot. If his water is hot enough, his kettle will whistle. 

S Wrote:  Why use a wet leather glove when a wet hand would be just as effective and more personal? Using a glove would be like a race car driver using a steering wheel cover or a guy getting a lap dance while wearing underwear. 

Arachne Wrote:  As they are being put in the sub position, why should they be touched by a hand? Would they be deserving? A wet glove will do well enough for slaves who need to have their cocks spanked. Touch by a hand is earned. I would think you knew that. 

S Wrote:  I have to admit that as I composed the post, my mind was distracted. Not by thoughts of spanking V, but by thoughts of spanking you. That's probably why I didn't realize the non-intimacy of the situation. Blush

Arachne Wrote:  The wet hand is intimate and bears more meaning as more than the act is going on. On the other hand (excuse the pun), the wet glove slapping a bald pussy would work nicely if in punish or tease mode. Oh, spank me already! Wink

S Wrote:  If I had the opportunity to spank you, it wouldn't be with just a hand wet with water. You would deserve something much more than that. My fingers would be spread and I would spank you only with my fingertips, which would be moistened with my own saliva. 

Arachne Wrote:  As I read this, my pulse quickened, my pussy twitched, and I came. You just wowed me with your words. I love cumming to words as it has to have that "SOMETHING." *breathes Thank you kind Sir. *bow  It feels like we are having sex in public and I like it.

NOTE: The brain is a sensitive and powerful sex organ that many people are not aware of. Yay to those who are aware of the power of words in providing an orgasm.  ~ Arachne ~ June 14, 2013

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hello Russia~

Hello Russia,

How are you this fine and dandy day?
Will you say?  Will you say?
Your visits are nice
But I notice the slice
Of the time that is taken from play
The posts that you view are but a few
And the few are viewed over and over again
Not by one and just for fun
But a few of your countrymen
Therefore, kick back awhile
And check out my style
As you may find something you like
If that's not the case
I'll take it with grace
That you would rather be riding your bike

Arachne~ April 3, 2013 @ 12:28 AM EST

Monday, March 25, 2013

Today's Debate Over Yesterday's Comment - Yup, it is about god.

Robert said • Arachne
Why not make a beautiful home and invite a bunch of homeless people to live there wit hthe priviso they keep the place tidy. and if not eject them??

Oh yah, that is being cruel and mean and nasty ... well let them destroy the place and you do all the work of cooking and cleaning. Show God how it is done.

 Arachne • Robert, you are quick to assume a homeless person would be untidy IF they had a home. Bah, pish, and fie! Hell, god made them homeless in the first place right? God would have also made them untidy right? You believe that don't you?

IF god is love, why is god not loving them and taking care of them? Is he/she/it just waiting to bump them off so that he/she/it can have a sick thrill? I guess you don't see god as a serial killer do you? However, I do find it odd that you would find me being cruel, mean, and nasty IF I showed them the door.

So, you enjoy deSade too huh? However, you have to admit that hellfire is far worse as it lasts longer than what was in 120 Days of Sodom. Right Robert? Baaah!

 Arachne • Kiran, the symbol of Baphomet (the two horned goat) is considered a satanist symbol by some that believe in the devil. The only problem with one believing in the devil is that one would have to believe in god. I am not saying you believe in anything at all. A symbol only carries the meaning that people apply. To me, it represents five (penta) pentagram.

Robert said • Arachne,
Oddly enough I think people are people and if you were not trying to evade the question you would have understood it better and perhaps even attempted to answer it.

BTW I have been on ***** for some time and quite familier with atheists avoiding issues and posing a lot of silly questions to evade the central issue that they themselve posed. So until you tell me what you do when people disrespect what you own I will not entertain your questions.

I will say this much, I know God created you but not your attitude, you created this yourself.

 Arachne • Robert, I am my own god; I don't need crutches. I also don't subscribe the label atheist. Your question lacks merit, however, I will answer it despite the fact I find it retarded being that it is based on something that does not exist save for in the mind of the human creator. After I answer your question, answer mine. Can you do that big boy?

Arachne •  Robert originally said • Arachne
Why not make a beautiful home and invite a bunch of homeless people to live there wit hthe priviso they keep the place tidy. and if not eject them??

A: IF I provided a provision that they keep the place tidy, or be ejected, they would be ejected if they did not comply. This can be looked at as a contract be it verbal or written.

Now it is your turn. Entertain my amended questions.

Robert, you are quick to assume a homeless person would be untidy IF they had a home. Bah, pish, and fie! Hell, god, if god exists, made them homeless in the first place right? If god exists, he would have also made them untidy right? You believe that don't you?

IF god is love, why is god not loving them and taking care of them? Is he/she/it just waiting to bump them off so that he/she/it can have a sick thrill? I guess you don't see god as a serial killer do you? However, I do find it odd that you would find me being cruel, mean, and nasty IF I showed them the door.

So, you enjoy deSade too huh? However, you have to admit that hellfire is far worse as it lasts longer than what was in 120 Days of Sodom. Right Robert? Baaah!

Your god did not give me my attitude? Oh my! Do you mean that I created it all by myself without divine intervention? You surely jest. *cough

Arachne • Robert • Rajesh
YOU do not need God's help. I do not think you are in a position to speak for all of humanity unless you are suggesting you are God. You do understand this goes both ways, God certainly has no need for us. You remind me of a mother telling her son he dos not need to marry the woman he loves because he has mom. Does notwork for me ..sorry.

Correction: God does need sheep to maintain the MYTH of its survival. Santa survives by the same MYTH, however, the santa myth is eventually outgrown.

Why do you imply incest? Couldn't you have used a better example?

 Robert • Arachne
Your contract is God's contract. If we live the right way we florish. If the wrong way we suffer the consequences. You act as if God had no control over nature and so He has to actively punish people. Do you not understand the idea of consequences? If you take drugs you suffer the effects? You call this god????? You talk as if people are supposed to be able to do anything and still have a good life.

You see yourself as created by causality yet you think you have free will? SO who created you except you. You do not find that strange but you think God who created man in his own image created automatons? Your ideas are contradictory, and inconsistent and even your divine right to punish people for not living as you say does not help you understand God also has a right to make conditions.

If I have missed something out ask a plain question because you are asking questions and answering them so I assume you do not need my input.

Arachne • Robert • Arachne
Your contract is God's contract.

* I neither agreed to nor signed such a document; ergo, there is no contract. What you do with your fictional character is another story.

If we live the right way we florish.

* What is the "right way" and who decides? Doesn't every individual have their own "right way?" Wouldn't flourish mean different things to different people? What is your brand and why? Do you think that ALL should subscribe to your brand?

If the wrong way we suffer the consequences.

* Scenario:  I am poor and I steal a loaf of bread. I have committed theft which is wrong, but the consequence of my doing so has rewarded me with a full belly. I am suffering no more. Did god allow that theft to happen even though "thou shalt not steal?"

You act as if God had no control over nature and so He has to actively punish people.

* I am not acting. How could a vicious invisible male friend manipulate the weather much less punish anyone? He has to actively punish people? Is your invisible friend a top in an S&M scenario?

Do you not understand the idea of consequences?

* Yes indeed I do.

If you take drugs you suffer the effects?

* What kind of drugs are you talking about? I have never taken an illegal substance that did not make me feel good. LSD opened my eyes to EXPERIENCE. I am very happy that I experimented with the drug on numerous occasions.

You call this god?????

* I only call myself my own god.

You talk as if people are supposed to be able to do anything and still have a good life.

* Life is what you make it. I have done many things and I have a wonderful life. You would really be surprised. Do you not think it to be possible?

You see yourself as created by causality yet you think you have free will? SO who created you except you. You do not find that strange but you think God who created man in his own image created automatons?

* Man created god in his own image. There is no bearded lady on a gold throne who must actively punish people. Patriarch!

* Free will is limited by our physical bodies, our environment, and our society. If a 90 year-old with advanced lung cancer expects to win a gold for a triathlon, they would be very hard pressed due to physical limitation. However, if you take a 17 year-old dog with arthritis or hip problems and expect it to run as it did when it was two, that dog would also be very hard pressed due to the same bodily limitations. Mind you, the dog is not aware of god.

Your ideas are contradictory, and inconsistent and even your divine right to punish people for not living as you say does not help you understand God also has a right to make conditions.

* Would you mind pointing out my contradictory and inconsistent statement? I would like to see where I made an error. I have no divine right to punish anyone as I am only divine unto myself. Are you doing some 420 or something? How can your vicious invisible male friend make conditions on me when I am not taking part in your delusion?

If I have missed something out ask a plain question because you are asking questions and answering them so I assume you do not need my input.

*Me thinks you did not address the questions as I put them. However, you now have a whole new batch. When answering questions, it is much clearer to do so point by point so as not to miss anything.

 Arachne • Robert, if you have a problem answering my initial questions, I can pose them one at a time so that you may answer them in good form. What say you?

Rick • Arachne if don't believe in God then you will not understand his word. Revelation 14. This for those who refuse to believe in him. So it does not matter if you believe or not,

*  As your supposed god did not have his crayons when the bible was created, those who did write it were men.  Are you suggesting that I do not understand the written word?  Shouldn’t the written word speak for itself or does a type of program have to run in the mind for comprehension to be had?  If a program has to run, is that program called indoctrination?  

You can not see the wind but it exist.

*  The wind can be seen as it blows the trees, one’s hair, sails, people’s clothing, flags, et al. 

You can not see electricity but it exist.

*  Electricity can be seen in a lightening storm or when sparks fly due to static electricity. 

Like it or not that is how things will happen. Jesus fulfilled all sixty prophesies which was mention in over 300 places in the old testament. So before trying to make logic of a subject you have no idea of. I suggest you try knowing the subject before commenting. So your statements do not make since to those who have took time to study this subject in great depth.

* Having been forced into believing as a child, as an adult I did look for truth and logic within religion and the bible.  Unfortunately, I found no such animal. 

So go ahead and believe what you want,It wont change the truth and what will come.

* I shall believe what I want, but truth differs from person to person as we all have our own perspective.

I know a lot of people will say that is what you believe so be it. But if I'm right what will that mean to those who refuse to believe the truth? So take your chances its your choice. God gave you free will to do that but like a parent he will punish you.

*  What do you mean “if [you] are right?”  Are you unsure?  According to the bible, supposedly god’s word, are you one of the 144,000 individuals getting into heaven?  Do you cut the mustard to be in that small margin of ticket holders? 

So where did love come from? Where did fear come from? So ask yourself when was the earliest time and how did you come to know love and fear?

*  Love and fear are emotions.  As such, they are defined as: A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.  Any of the particular feelings that characterize such a state of mind, such as joy, anger, love, hate, horror, etc.   

*  Other animals experience fear as fear is something that you can view based on the reaction of the animal.  Unfortunately, we cannot read their facial expressions, but we can read their body language.  See Spot run.  Run, run, run. 

Where does the energy in you body come from and how does it exist you can't see it but it is there.

*  It comes from the nutrients in food.  You may not see it, but you will feel it.  Unlike a supposed feeling of god, if your energy level is not high, you will not be able to do as much as someone with a higher energy level.  This article explains it better:

 Arachne • I did not come up with the number of 144,000. How did the book of Revelation 14:1 get that number? Did you read it? Read it. I will present it to you. If you say that the 144,000 individuals are teachers, cite it. Hatred? What hatred? A body can go days without food, but the body also experiences very low energy. Have you every tried to drive your car on fumes instead of gas?

From Revelation 14:1:

They sang as it were a new song before the throne, before the four living creatures, and the elders; and no one could learn that song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who were redeemed from the earth. 4 These are the ones who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These were redeemed[c] from among men, being firstfruits to God and to the Lamb. 5 And in their mouth was found no deceit,[d] for they are without fault before the throne of God.[e]

The Sheep(le)~

If God is love then why do we fear God...? That is a good question. I suppose you would have to believe in the critter to begin with. Love and fear should not be in the same sentence because if we combine love with fear, then it is not love. The abused housewife loves to get her ass beat and she stays with her man because she loves the color violet that only he can provide. Yeah right!

The creation of god(s) was a means in which to keep the sheep in order. The sheep bleeped along in their pasture living their happy little lives while they questioned how they came to be. Sometimes, some would believe that the rain created them and sometimes some would believe that the grass created them. Every week, there was a new creator to believe in and to argue over.

One day, a wolf entered the pasture and thought it would be a breeze to be the Grand Pooh-bah of them all. The sheep, having never seen a wolf were frightened as the wolf snarled and growled at them. “What big teeth you have!” they sheepishly said.

The wolf said to the sheep, “What do you do?” The sheep responded in unison, “We eat grass, question where we came from, wonder why there is day and night, water and air, ah, just everything that is.” As the wolf had been around the block a few times, he figured he could easily rise to power. The wolf told the sheep that he was God, the creator of all things. To gain their confidence, he told them how he sacrificed his only pup because they, the sheep, were born baaad. Most of the sheep were happy to believe this as it would mean an end to having a new creator every week, however, some questioned this tale. Those who questioned the wolf and did not go along with his program were made into a stew. Those who questioned but feared that they too would become stew pretended to believe so as not to be stripped of wool and boiled alive. (This wolf was talented.) Then again, some truly believed that the wolf was their creator. These sheep so hailed and loved him that they made him some attractive sheep’s clothing. Silly sheep.

The wolf screamed out, "Hey sheep! Yo, are you listening? I created you and I will tear you a new one if you do not worship and love me. Don’t ask questions, just do as I tell you. Hey, you know what? Hee, hee, hee, I was kidding. Do what you want as I had my pup killed for you. I know I contradict myself, but make sure you love and obey me so that when you die, you earn a raffle ticket to the pearly gates where Wolf Peter will meet you. (I hear the music of Peter and the Wolf.) Now don't y’all get your hopes up on entering the pearly gates as I am only taking a select number (see Revelation 14:1). The best part of being god is...turn this over...the best part of being god is...turn this over...the best part of being god is...” Do you get it?

Does anyone who believes thinks they made the count? Are you part of the 144,000? Please do notice all the love in these passages...NOT. Me thinks de Sade could have gotten some of his ideas from the bible. ~ Arachne ~ March 24, 2013 at approximately 3 a.m. EST

Revelation 14 (King James Version)

1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.

2 And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:

3 And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.

4 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.

5 And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.

6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,

7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

14 And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.

15 And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.

16 And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped.

17 And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.

18 And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe.

19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.

20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Demanding respect?

How can respect be demanded?  Demand is a strong word.  Demand used in conjunction with respect (which must earned) and civility (which is fake), is out and out wrong.  Should a belief, idea, or opinion not sound sound, then it is only logical that such beliefs, ideas, or opinions be open for a debate.  Should the debate become heated because someone believes in jesus, mary, and jose, has this idea that pigs can fly, or is of the opinion that shit does not stink, they open themselves to provide proof or to STFU.  If feelings are dinged and dented, the prissy folks ought not engage in arguments they are emotionally incapable of handling. 

C, how do you deal with irrational human beings who demand undeserved respect? Do you pacify them with agreement? How do you define respect and when should respect be administered?

C, can you provide an example of a situation?

Why do you sometimes pacify irrational beliefs, ideas, or opinions with agreement? Would this tie into false respect?

Why provide false respect? Would the false respect be used as a ploy by the kitten with the ball of yarn?

If the fools are a ball of yarn and I am a kitten, I would be playing with the ball of yarn by slapping it all over the floor, biting it, and digging my front claws into it while my back claws rake the ball repeatedly. It sounds like a debate baiting ploy before an attack on the beliefs, ideas, or opinions. Please advise me if I am wrong as I don't mind being wrong.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Correspondence of March 19, 2013

Hi P~

I wish it was easy. Big Boy is the computer which had issues in which Windows would not backup the system due to the following errors: 0x80070001, 0x81000037, and 0x80070003. Microsoft provides the steps to fix these errors, but the steps they give you to take are not steps you can take because they send you to a dead end. After reading numerous forums regarding this problem, I see that I am not alone in noting that there is a dead end.

As Big Boy is used to create my home network, I had to find my router's drivers before I could have access to my other computers. Unfortunately, the drivers do not come on the installation disk as they were updated on the internet some time before. Luckily, I keep folders on such things and was able to install based on my keeping such on my old desktop which was copied in full to a folder before I took my system down. A copy of all my downloads also had to be keep so that I could go back and redo what had been undone.

Although I brought the system down and back up again, it would seem that the new install created a partition which I am not fond of and I can't get rid of due to it belonging to the "system." I have found a "work around" and will go back and reinstall when time finds me. There is no sense to finish installing all my programs and preferences only to have to undo them. Until then, I can use Little Man, Baby Girl, or my iPad. :-) If I did not have so many damned programs to reinstall and if I did not want to configure my system to exactly the way I had it, it would have been finished already. It took me a week to get it to where it is now. Meh!

On keeping information: I maintain so much data that I require 1 external 3TB HD, 2 x 2TB external HDs, and 1 1.5TB external HD. Big Boy keeps his information not only on his 1.5 TB internal drive, but he also uses the the 2x2 TB and the 3 TB.

Sorry for the rant, but I have my work cut out for me. Out of curiosity, how long does it take to get a laptop back to the exact way you had it? Back in the day, reinstalling Windows 95 on an old Compaq computer, which consisted of a 1 GB HD, took 10 hours as I would then create a FAT drive and restore all my data and preferences. Compression was necessary as 1GB is nothing. I don't miss Windows 95, but I do miss Windows XP. :-)

Have an awesome day P!

~ Arachne

Dear M~

Excuse the tardy reply, but my Big Boy system was having backup errors that caused me to do a reinstall of Windows 7.  I met success in doing so and in collecting the saved drivers for my wireless router so that my other systems could connect to the internet.  Unfortunately, I will take Big Boy down again due to the reinstall’s creation of a 99MB system partition that was not there when I purchased the system.  I want that sucker gone and have found a “work around” in which to rid myself of it.  The problem with redoing my system is that thus far it took a week to reinstall and reconfigure it to my liking and it must come down again. As I sit here on Little Man, I can answer you while I ponder what needs to be copied from my other computer so that the updates will show in my next revival. 

Waters are muddied on purpose to impose a seek and find.  No one appreciates a gem that is too easily found as much as one that must be exhumed.  A clear puddle will produce one’s own image as will a muddied puddle as it acts like a mirror. Unlike a mirror with a reflection of self, the mud can act as an individual’s shield in which they portray the reflection, but the inner self lies in the mud.  Again, it is about exploration.  

The problem I find with specialization is tunnel vision that is too honed on the specific.  Being a Jack or Jane of all trades does not allow for honing as the vision is scattered and/or fractured, but in the scattering and/or fracturing there is a vision of connectedness.  All things are connected and woven together like a cool cardigan sweater.  Viewing the macro allows for closer inspection of the micro providing a micro inspection is warranted.  Micro vision is warranted when greater information is necessary.  

At what point in your life could you not say that you “wouldn’t change a thing in [your] life?”  What caused you to be able to say it now and to be “grateful for it all?” 

In regard to your books, isn’t the transformation about envisioning what you want and then achieving it?  Does it matter if it is a group or individual who is doing the achieving?  Originally, I stated, “I see a similarity in both books in that you must see something to make it be.”  How are transformations made?  How does one make a transformation if one does not see something in which to transform to?  Would you agree that transformation requires vision?

On being one...are we like cogs in the machine in which if one cog breaks the machine does not work?  We are all connected in that we are part of all that is.  At the same time, we, as individuals, have our own life experiences while we occupy our shell.  Where is home?  Who do we think we are?  Would you mind extrapolating on the “illusion?”

Speaking for self, I am part of all that is and my life will touch others who are part of all that is.  Upon my supposed death, I will return to my original form of energy; the energy that did not have the opportunity to experience in life as I currently know it.  No one can stand in my shoes and see the same points I do as I occupy my space/time and thus I am privy to it.  From my space/time I see, hear, feel, smell, and taste what the external has to offer, but from within my subjectivity comes into play giving me my own perspective.

M, if you could live forever, what would you do with your time?  What would be your ultimate achievement?  I too am enjoying our volley as I am not only getting to know you, you are getting me to think.  What more could I ask for? 

I look forward to your reply. 

Cheers my friend!

~ Arachne

Hey M~

Sorry for the tardy reply, but I was and am having issues with Big Boy (my main computer). 

Thanks for the complement, but some could view me as a professional nut not that I would give a flying fuck or a rat’s ass.  Hell, when not occupied with pet projects, I love intellectual rumbles with no holds barred.  There should be no holds barred in all discussions, unfortunately, there are some prissy people out there who fail to realize they shit too and thus hold their nose in the air fearing the stench of others when their own stench is equal even if hidden.  At the risk of sounding like a woman, I mixed two colors of Chromasilk Vivids...Violet and Orchid.  I have since done a more violet job and thus the color is much more purple.  I’m sorry to say that there is no romantic name for the color unless you want to call it Purple Concoction a la Arachne. 

*** is restrictive and biased.  Hell, you should be able to legitimately slam someone when they need slamming.  It should be up to the individual to defend themselves.  Oh well, I guess they need ma and pa moderator to protect their prissy asses. ***** is a much better group of individuals and, thus far, I have not seen any restrictions. 

Pie fillings...hum.  A pie filling could be construed to be a pussy filled with cum.  Then again, it depends on who is thinking the thought.  Sex is always a good subject, but some are afraid to talk.  It seems that the women were open to the bonobo topic while the men were quite quiet.  I guess they are a walrus.  Oh well.  I wonder how a link to ***.*** would go over?  Imagine creating a question like, “Have you ever been on ***.***?”  I think the topic would be banned in any forum.   

My best guess on those who have lived in China from ancient times to now is that they are acclimated to their environment.  Imagine bringing an Eskimo there?  The Eskimo would have heat stroke.  A Chinaman would probably freeze in his tracks upon getting to the arctic.  I laugh as I think about that.  Although I have not heard of such houses, it does make sense. 

As it has been awhile, you must be ready for your close-up now.  Are you?  Inquiring minds want to know. 

~ Arachne

Dear B~

The scales of Libra is really unbalanced. Don't you find it odd that it is the only sign in the zodiac that does not represent something living? What does that say about the sign? The scales are meant to weigh, but what do they weigh? Self? Others? Horse shit? I don't know. My daughter is also a Libra who was born on the 25th, but she and I are polar opposites. Miss pink tutu glam queen is a stark contrast to my steel toe Doc Martens/Harley boots matched with black clothes with insulting logos. I can't say that she and I are the same and I highly doubt that I am the same as other Libras. If I were to use the Chinese sign, I am metal rat. The name suits me in that I enjoy rat behavior and metal music. Other than that, I find that the signs provide generalities that can be applied to anyone. I saw an experiment in which individuals were given the information for another sign. The majority knew their sign yet subscribed to that of the of an alternate sign. Why? Because it is too general. A long time ago, I did that online tarot thing for money and it was a scam. I was providing generalities while pulling information from clients. The longer I kept them on the phone, the more money I made. I find it sad that people buy into that. It is like believing in god. There is no supporting evidence.

I believe an old friend of mine was a Pisces, but I was too stoned at the time to really remember. That was years ago...light years ago.

Heinlein is a man who saw things in a different light. I admire his writing and his view of utopia. My favorite Heinlein quote is:

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

Soup? Why not steak? lol

~ Arachne

Dear B~

I went on over today and had a look and I almost fell out of my chair because I was laughing and crying so hard.  I can’t help but wonder how many are offended by your literature.  It would be great to have a system where you could record the facial expression of those who visit your profile.  Think about it.  The closet people may actually admire your balls, but would be too afraid to say so.  You know the type, “Gee willikers, I wish I could say that.  I so want to but what will ‘they’ think?  I best run away as I could be viewed as guilty by association.”  LMAO

Damn woman!  You have been through a great deal and are still going through a great deal.  Is the new development something that can be corrected or is it something that you will have to experience for the rest of your life?  What kind of accident were you in?  Were you able to sue anyone (Not that money makes the body feel better.)? 

Why did you have something to hide to begin with as you have nothing to hide anymore?  Do you think that you will lose your wife at this point?  When you state that, “everything else that I give two or three shits about is gone...” what are you referring to?  I ask because I want to know if you really had it to begin with.  I ask these questions to myself in order to know myself.

The honor is all mine, B.  It is hard to find people who are willing to say FUCK YOU out loud and be proud of saying it. 

Fuck the cogs and the frogs and those who wish to control
Just give me sex, (no more drugs), and some rock n roll

Peace out Princess.  Gotta love ya!

~ Arachne

Monday, March 4, 2013

Notes for now...

Knowledge state of person or self.  Knowledge is an achievement and is thus earned.

Belief does not equate to knowledge if not supported by evidence even if the belief is true.
True opinion is not enough for knowledge.

Knowledge requires truth of what it is that we know.  Belief - have to be committed to think that the belief is right and it must be justified.

It is not enough to believe
It is not enough to believe even if you are right
It is not enough to be certain as certainty can later be proven to be false and therefore there is no knowledge

Self 4


1 - Cognitive - Has to do with what you know i.e., memory or confident belief.   My teacher’s name was Mary Smith, I used to live at 123 Main Street, and I graduated in 1929.

Affective - Emotions and Moods

2 - Moods are states of feeling that do not have content.  Moods are not created in someone because of any specific object or any particular situation.  For example, if a person gets angry, he expresses that emotion towards someone.  If a person is in a sad mood, he cannot express it to others.  Mood is something you may not express whereas an emotion can be expressed.  Coffee causes anxiousness, we know how we got anxious, but cannot say why we are anxious.  I know I am being a bitchy, but I don’t know why.  I feel ashamed, but I’m not sure I should be.  Boy, I woke up bouncy and I wonder why.  Moods are contagious.

3 - Emotions: Anger, joy, sorrow, love have reasons for existing and can be answered.

Experiential: External or Internal - affects 5 senses.

All this can be intertwined.  Ex:

As my car approaches my friend’s house, I see her and some of her family members sitting outside on a cold fall day enjoying a small bonfire.  I get out of my car and approach them.  Seeing the bonfire, smelling the smoke, feeling the heat, and hearing the crackle (senses), remind me of (cognitive) all the festivals that I attended including my first one.  I met him and fell in love with him at my first festival and this memory brings joy and sorrow (emotions) because   (shows why and has reason for being) even though it has been almost 5 years, we are together and yet we are apart.  I also remember the fear (cognitive/emotion) that welled up inside me at being attracted to him as I did not want to get involved.  All in all, the memory leaves me in mellow (mood), but I cannot state why.    

Disentangle strands - They are broken down above.

4 - Character Traits:

Impatient, generous, good sense of humor, mean, nice, brave, lazy, creative, etc.

Some are dispositional, i.e., can lie dormant until such and such appears to bring about the trait.
Ex: Although Henry is a very generous man when he is drinking, which is most of the time, when he is sober, he is a penny pincher.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Correspondence and Reply with M~

Dear M~

Did I really clear anything up?  Sometimes I like to muddy the waters so that clarity is not had.  The bottom of a puddle might uncover a coin or gem that is otherwise hidden and left for discovery on a dry day.  Nonetheless, you are correct with your assumption that I will not easily be nailed down to anything.  I would prefer to go hungry then to be at someone’s will and I have gone hungry before.  Finding yourself on the bottom after coming from the top is earth-shattering, but it is also enlightening as the fall makes you smarter.  

The menial I works in sales and I am good at what I do.  As previously stated, I have open time for others who need me for sales.  However, I never turn away when someone needs their computer fixed, has software issues, needs a contract, a will, or power of attorney.   Having served as my own attorney against the powers that be, I can help people like myself who strive for their rights as Native people.  I invested more than twenty years in a legal battle that I realized was not worth the war.  I won the battle and a settlement of $20,000 for my endeavor, but in the end I saw that I was fighting to get into a system that I am against.  To this, I advised the government that I would not abide by their laws.  

If I had to interpret the poem or quote that you note, I would say that the youth did not see his or her years pass them by.  I would then question if the individual had the opportunity to stop and smell the roses?  What did you want to do with your life before the gift was bestowed?  If you could, would you change anything?

I did find your books on Amazon “******************************” and “***************.”  I see that you have a five star rating on both.  I see a similarity in both books in that you must see something to make it be.  I have added your books to my wish list as I do enjoy reading those I have come to know personally and those I have come to know in cyberspace.  Your books are fundamentally related.

Perhaps you have stopped and smelled many roses on your trip through life.  When you state your “purpose is to go and be ‘home’,” do you refer to your residence or where your heart is?  Is the “world of illusion” what you view as external?  My best guess is that you are a helping individual with spirit and heart whom is fulfilled by doing.

As I did pose a few questions, should time find you, would you mind keeping our volley going?  Meanwhile, do have a wondrous and enchanting evening.





Well, that clears it all up!:))

I'll just assume you will do things as you like and won't be easily nailed down to anything specific, and leave it at that. You are delightful just the way you are, and you don't need me to tell you that, do you?

There's a poem or a quote from a poet that goes something like this: "I turned my face and then eighteen years had passed." I took a job as a management consultant and lo and behold I had a career that has kept me going for more than half my life. Since I didn't aspire to it, it was a gift, and I rarely forget that.

I'm also an author of one business book with another one on the way, and one "spiritual" novel. You can look me up on Amazon. The apparent (to some people) unrelatedness of that is a key to my life -- my purpose is to go and be "home", and meanwhile, in the world of illusion, to meet people and be useful and to fulfill on whatever there is in front of me to do.

I think I'm trying to answer you in kind, but this might be the best I've done to say a few words about who I am as a person.


February 28, 2013 @ 10:53 p.m. EST

Monday, February 25, 2013

A Volley With "E" ~

Dear E~

We are connected in more ways than one.  That is good, yes?  It is nice to hear from you as well.  How are you doing today?  Was your day all that you wished it could be?  Did you dream during the day?  If so, what did you dream and how do you see it coming to fruition?  Better said, would you like to see your dream(s) come to fruition?  If I seem to ask odd questions, it is because I assume there are day dreamers and night dreamers.  As I do not remember my dreams of the night, I dream during the day.  The advantage of dreaming during the day is the memory and the involvement in the infolding of the novella or a magnus opus.  Much like a child’s book, there are pictures/scenes available to the reader and yet like a mutoscope, without participation by the viewer, there lies no life.  Unlike the mutoscope, there is no crank to turn and thus I turn to myself.  The experience is like a book in which there is a scene available to the reader, however, lying neatly and beautifully over the scene are transparent sheets where overlays can be made to build actions and dimension to what would otherwise be flat.  The distant farmhouse can be viewed by the minimal rays of a rising sun giving way to a crowing cock.  This in turn brings a light to a window which had previously been dark.  As there really is no book, the overlays are made in this supposed reality and I do create lovely stories which are entertaining and sometimes sad when they fade away.  I sometimes lose my lasso. 

Ah yes the old AT&T Audix!  Only two people from my company went for the certificate and only one person did the initial setup and  Actually, I still have my papers of successful completion and all the material for the course.  My course was taken on July 8, 1991 and concluded on July 11, 1991.  At the time, I found it a cool challenge.  Then again, working for AIA during that time was a challenge as they had one of those old reel to reel computer systems located on an otherwise abandoned floor.  I not only had my own office, but I had my own floor.  Unfortunately or fortunately, no one knew how to use the system.  Therefore, I had to not only teach myself how to how to work the bugger, I also had to learn to get the bugs out of the bugger as much was not correct.  The greatest part of that job was not only the challenge to learn the system, but to fix all the errors that I found within it.  I sometimes miss such challenges of the corporate world, but I like my slice of menial heaven right now.  Thankfully, when I worked my brief stint at Prudential, I had time to teach myself Paradox.  I would rather learn than be idle and then apply my knowledge.  And so began a database love affair.    

You are lucky that no damage was had by you and yours during the storm(s) that have beset the northeast.  Much to my dismay, the only damage I have had this winter was when my roof vent got covered with snow which caused both snow and ice to enter my attic.  This little ditty lead to my ceiling falling down.  Oh, the woes of owning a home.  Meh.

As we are into late February, look to the trees as they should be speaking very shortly.  Their silent buds are the indication.  Much like fall has a smell to it, so too does spring.  The phoenix arises from the ashes and the cycle begins once more. 

Being that I have written quite a bit, I best lay myself down now as Hitchcock puts me to sleep.  Silence leaves the hamster wheel in my head rolling and squeaking; noise blocks the wheel’s movement somewhat. 

While I have you here, have you ever read “Woman on the Edge of Time?”  If so, can you tell me how it affected you?  If you haven’t read it, I suggest you do.  I read it years ago and cried.  Much of me wished to be in the land that was the possible utopian society as opposed to the possible dystopian society.  Maybe, if we take a good look around, a dystopia may be creeping up on us: hence the dream and the dreamer.

Stay warm and stay in touch.  Correspondence is a lovely thing when one has time.  Be thee well my friend and do stay warm.  Adieu.

~ Arachne ~ February 25, 2013 @ 1:57 a.m. EST

Friday, February 22, 2013

An Answer for "M."

Dear M~

Endorsing you was my pleasure.  I do apologize for my tardy reply, however, I have been keeping myself occupied in other areas.  How might you be doing this fine evening?  Has the winter left you cold or have you kept the internal fires raging?  There is nothing like a good internal fire to get one going in the direction they desire.

Ah, the question of my profile.  I guess it would leave one wondering now wouldn’t it, however, I rather like that aspect of my profile.  What do I do?  Hum...that is a good question.  Let us just say that what I do leaves me the ability to be me in all aspects of my personality.

As my profile states, I don’t care for the corporate experience as I have been there, I have done, that, and I have the T-shirt to prove it.  Since that is the case, I work doing something that allows me to be me in all my glory without the binds of conformity in the land of beige.

What I do for money is not as important as what I do for pleasure.  My pleasures are about learning new things or expanding on what I already know...Jack of all trades, but master of none.  I do not seek a job within ********, but I do seek minds in which to read or interact with when time finds me.

Regarding work, I do work two days a week which allows me to have my cake and eat it too by granting me twenty days of the month to spend as I so choose.  Summer and winter finds me with two weekends off which means that I am away from home for three weeks at each shot.  This is not too shabby huh?  Nevertheless, what do I do, right?  How many employed can travel almost 1,000 driven miles per month to be with loved ones for a week?  I bet only a few may do that and I am one of them.

Having owned a similar business to the one I now work for, I know the ropes of not only how to manage the place, but how to make sales even with hagglers.  My strongest point is my human factor which allows me to know that everyone shits and that all things are subjective.  My vulgarity/quirkiness is taken into consideration and is also a selling point as are my discussions with customers.  Mind you, what I do is not everyone’s cup of tea, but it works for me.  Being that I only work two days a week, I am open when other businesses need me be they in the same trade or not.  One woman that I worked for said that I could sell snowballs to Eskimos.  Personally, I don’t believe that as I never push a sale.  Rather, I let the person “think” for themselves and base their decision not on what I tell them, but more so on their own experience.  My boss may not like my selling style, but I bring her the most profit so she shuts up and puts up lest I quit.

What I do is not corporate by a long shot and may even be considered menial by many, but I am happy with my freedom.  By now you must be wondering, “What does she sell?”

M, it is your turn.  Tell me about you and your likes and dislikes in the corporate world.  What would you like to change in your life to make it better?  If you had the option, would you opt for free time over labor?  What makes your motor run?  What cranks your cranium?  I too do not have an agenda, but would like to know more about you to satisfy my curiosity.  I may not be able to connect you to others, but we can make a human connection right here and right now.  What say you?  Shall you go for it?  I hope so.

In looking forward to your response, I bid you adieu.

~ Arachne ~ Feb. 22, 2013 @ 10:26 p.m. EST

Mixed lines, but life goes on...

I have read a couple of posts and posted replies. As the hour is late and my meds are kicking in (kicking my butt), my brain turns fuzzy and thoughts are not clear as clarity is lost in the fog of Xanax.

Time should find me this week to read and respond providing nothing comes up. The cue ball is aligned to the 8 which is poised by the right side pocket. The 8 shall fall while the cue falls to rest nearby.

Please forgive my late reply to this correspondence, however, it was buried and I was gone. Does that make any sense? However, to over think a thought as to whether I am here or not here is another question. Here I be reading lines from a time that was. Did you ever find time to take in the flick? Odd, but I never tire of seeing it. Each time I watch the video, I come away with something more. I wonder when I will find the well empty?

"To sleep, perchance to dream.." :)

I truly appreciate your words and your time. As was said in the movie Wayne's World, "I am not worthy!" However, I do thank you.

"Trust me"--

I thank you for the fine recommendation which I do not feel that I deserve. Nonetheless, I accept and with the hope that I can live up to it. Coming from you, it feels like a gold medal.

The Olympian thanks you again.

The limitations of time... So long as one dreamer remains, that dreamer will weave the web of dreams and make them available to others. For this we can be thankful. To look at loss is not positive. To look at what is available is positive. I thought it well to address this issue. Dreamers dream, but if they do not act, the dream does not come to fruition. My dream is knowledge and knowledge, as well as life, has kept me from here. How might I look to heavenly bodies or photograph them if I am only here? How might I learn about the cosmos if I do not do the research? How might I seek to find new programs which will do what I want them to do? How long does it take to learn various programs when teaching one’s self so that the best program is chosen from the lot? It has come down to the complexities of challenges. This is not to say that I have dropped out of here, but my devotion also lies in other areas of interest which I do for sport and not for profit. Unfortunately, some of my interests cannot be discussed here for various reasons. Nonetheless, if a dreamer falls from here, perhaps that dreamer has chosen to make their dreams come true and may return to share of them. There is a positive side to all things. One just needs to seek.

I thank you kindly and wish you likewise. Time willing, I will try to keep in the loop, however, the loop is larger than I. It makes me wonder how it is possible for so many to write in many areas of this site in the course of the day. Where does their time come from? Surely, if I had to look at the economics of simply writing where I had already written, I would not be able to keep up. It would be a 25 hour per day job. I did say 25 hours. I see a gambler seated at a one armed bandit. His pants are baggy and his hopes are high. Despite the fact he is maintaining a fluid intake, he fails to leave the machine. I suppose he 'DEPENDS' on winning. It is not much of a metaphor, but I am sure you understand where I am coming from.

• to pee or not to pee that is the question.

Correct. However, he can feel free to pee as he depends on his DEPENDS and therefore does not have to leave the machine. A number two could leave him to be a stinker giving him access to surrounding machines.

Being that the odds are in the house's favor, he has the ability to go home penniless. Then again, there is that possibility that he could hit the jackpot. Unfortunately, I do not believe the payoffs are in the millions. Oh, how is the poor man behaving badly? He is wearing his diaper and not soiling his nice baggy pants? For all we know, he could have doubled his Depends depending on how long he planned to sit and not stink.

• OK I withdraw! Uncle Uncle Uncle

Trouble should be everyone's middle name. I'm as serious as a heart attack when I say that. What we've got here is failure to communicate...failure to elaborate...failure to enunciate...failure to extrapolate...failure to reciprocate...failure to al. This culture is programmed to be clones in mind and manner. Manners are not manners...more at politically correct which is a contradiction and restriction of freedom of speech. I have nothing against gay people and I know that faggot means a bundle of sticks or chopped liver. If I feel pretty witty and gay, questions might arise. Do I love women? Maybe. Does it matter? No. Hail to anarchy and for being sexy when causing trouble. Not for anything, bad boys are always sexy. Aren't bad girls sexy too?

A DVD burn of *.avi files was made possible by VSO ConvertXtoDVD 4. This is not to say that I did not give Roxio Creator 2011 Pro a shot. This one comes out best in my personal opinion. Excuse the shitty picture.

A DVD burn of *.avi files was made possible by Nero 11 in either Nero Video or Nero Digital - Nero Vision Express. I used so many damned programs, I am confused. Mind you, I had to get them before I could use them.