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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Notes of July 31, 2007

In typing this out, it was fun to color the numbers as each color has meaning and individually is itself, yet together or divided makes something NEW.

? November 18, 2007 = 11 (11=2) + 18 (18=9) + 9 = 38 = 11 = 2 or
2 + 9 (=29=11=2) + 9 = 20 = 2

? September 11, 2001 = 9 + 11(11 = 2) + 3 = 23 = 5 or
9 + 2 + 3 = 14 = 5

Observation: Asymmetrical - Human face and body. One side is different than the other. Bigger/smaller = nostril, eye, breast, testicle, foot, hand, etc. et al. We have four extremities equal in design yet differences are noted.

Experiment Performed on 7/31/07 p.m.

Call side "A": Right *my right is ugly

Call side "B": Left *my left is rather nice

Call side "C": Total *me as I see me whole

Call side "D": Compression *becoming symmetrical using asymmetries

Take a photo of yourself both "mirrored' and "not mirrored (or regular meaning opposite or backward)" using a web camera or digital camera possessing "[] mirror image" utility.

When you attach "A" mirrored ½ to "A" not mirrored ½, you will see the first aspect of your symmetrically perfect self.

When you attach "B" mirrored ½ to "B" not mirrored ½, you will see the second aspect of your symmetrically perfect self.

The "C" image is the third aspect of you, but is asymmetrical in form (not utterly perfect yet perfect).

When compressing "A" and "B," note the start factors: 2 ears, 2 eyes, 2 nostrils, 2 cheeks, 2 eyebrows, 2 sets of eye lashes, 2 temples, 1 mouth, 1 chin 1 forehead, and 1 neck = 18 = 9.

To perform this experiment, start with a hard copy picture of self. As you fold the self into itself, you should be left with the following: 2 ears, 1 eye, zero nose, 2 cheeks, zero mouth, 1 chin, 1 forehead, 2 temples, and 1 neck = 10 or 1.

To find out if "D" is symmetrical, repeat "A" and "B." If this is asymmetrical, let me know. ~ Maggie ~ Penned July 31, 2007 p.m. after "Symmetry Gate."

A good spider goes by feeling of the waves that occur upon the landing of ??? in its web.

Symmetry Gates

One side big
The other side small          
One plus one create a ball
Symmetry of asymmetric
The eye it doth fool
With modern technology
You have a handy tool
First face side “A”
Second face side “B”
Combine to one
Then you done
The magick number three
Three being whole as it should be
That is how you “C” = SEE ~ Maggie ~ Penned prior to 3:00 p.m. on July 31, 2007

Thursday, July 26, 2007


BOING BOING is a Trademark of Happy Mutants LLC in the United States.

Are you being monitored? DO YOU CARE? If you don't care, GOOD FOR YOU!!! I love you!

Does the program "Echelon" exist?~ Arachne ~ July 26, 2007

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Note to Joe:

The night before last was crazy! I went to Peter's house which was in the ghetto and I was dying laughing. I guess it was ghetto compared to everywhere else around here. I GUESS. I am still laughing. There I was in my fuzzy black slippers and Amino Acids tee looking all wacky on hooker avenue, looking for this koo koo ex of his that he asked me to check out for fun. Mind you, he let me read about her off his computer so I got the gist of her without sight. BTW, if you think I'm nuts, you should have been with me to see him in action. Whoa boy!! What a hoot. Him screaming out the window and his flip rooms really are the icing on the cake.

I forgot to mention, when he started to get all freaky on me, I eyeballed the scissors which were laying on the table. You know what I mean? LOL 7/25/07

Monday, July 23, 2007

July 23, 2007

First things first.  Tonight I will go to Peter’s and exchange this for that and we will watch a movie called CFE.  We will then connect the dots and thus form a picture.  Our cell in time will be alive as was the cell with Marie was the cell with Denise and her husband.  The cells with Adam, Sky, Reggie, Nelson, Chantel, and numerous other and the quite one who listened and bought what he did not need.  Somewhere down the road, that item will find a place just as my dinosaur (Stegosaurus) found a place in Marie Christine’s arms. *July 27, 2007 - He now has the name RUSTY and he is LOVED!

My evolution back to me occurred in 2004.  In 2007, I saw the reason for the evolution.  My reason (reasoning) allowed me to see and to open up to things that I had blocked out or had allowed others to block out.  I proved to myself and others that mind power or reasoning give’s one the ability to overcome and to understand.

Whatever we endure good/bad is for a reason and we are the reason.  “WE” not being the royal “we,” but we as individuals: AS PEOPLE - AS ONE!

At base we are all the same.  Differences occur at operative levels (current).  The great thing is that everyone has the capacity to up their wattage.

When playing connect the dots, switches will be flipped and lights will go on.  The more switches you flip, the more you will increase the wattage.  A night light can become a beacon.

You can do what others wish to do.  You will be able to be out of the box and be accepted.  You will get other to jump out of the box and free themselves mentally from the lock down of this reality.  Ideas will be exchanged and words will become reality. ~ Maggie

~ Maggie (this was all penned in my log)
* IN THE WORDS OF ANTI-FLAG: THIS IS YOUR WORLD...TAKE IT BACK! (From the song Tearing Down the Boarders)


Fear is not real. People's main fear after "bill money," is their life or should I say eventual organic death.

You see what some do not. You see that beyond the facade of steel lies a heart of gold. You too possess the gold. Madness, much like fear, is not real. The more comfort that you find in yourself, the more the YOU will show through to others. You can be a light in the dark and a voice in the night. We are here for a purpose. I had written "What is the meaning of life?" quite sometime ago and wondered if people were picking up on the HUMAN CONNECTION. Some are and in great ways, however, a very human messenger told me that the best connection is to go out there and get real and to do that which we are meant to do. A "matrix-out" will occur regardless.

The knife can be a virtual one as is steel when viewed at atomic levels. You can poke holes in steel at atomic levels. Thus at that level the solid can be penetrated. That which seems solid is NOT or 0. Mass only appears solid as do pictures seem whole when viewed on a computer.

You speak Anglish very well. I get your drift my friend! ~ July 23, 2007

July 23, 2007

The concept of B.C.E. and A.D. are moot as time is not measured as such.  Time occurs in levels and starts with level 3.  As levels 1 and 2 have occurred, we go back to the future - back in time - back to the beginning.
Level one (1) is not known
    Level two (2) in progress.  Ends?
        Level three (3) is when restart occurs.  This progress takes time.  This has not happened yet.

However, view 1, 2, 3 as 3, 2, 1 as you would view countdown.  4 = 2 or squared.  Look at PI start and end of level.

Look how technologically advanced we have become in 200 years.  Look at how advanced we have become in 400 or 600 years.  Christopher Columbus had not even discovered the “New World” of North America yet.

A batting of an eyelash in the level progress.  What happened on level one?  Did a touching occur?  If so, by whom or what?  Levels 3 through 9 create a habitable environment and natural living place.  Level ONE is the landing or touching = human with reason - with knowledge.  We still have that missing link to think about in the EVOLUTIONARY scale. A primitive yet NOT.  Level 2 is the precursor to destruction.  Level 3 is “restart” back to the future...back to the cycle.  What will be will be as it was meant to be.

* Break the MATRIX and LOOP out on a NEW LEVEL 3!

After I placed a bead on my loom that was out of color sequence and spazzed, my teacher told me (paraphrased) not to worry as the imperfections in nature are what make nature beautiful and unique. In other words, the imperfections create perfection as we see it. I was working on a woodland design which had a yellow background to odd colored open roses. Upon completion, I had sewn the work to a fine piece of suede with a tasseled sash. It is a grand piece of work that took 3 1/2 months to complete. My mother now owns the belt.

I ask a little task of you. Take a piece of paper and draw a circle. Cut the imaginary pie in 4 sections (with your pencil/pen on paper or with your finger in your sandbox) and then place it in a box that only it will fit in. The picture can show you many things like:

A full moon directly in front of a crossed window

A pie in a box cut four ways

A flux capacitor

A bunch of 90 degree angles

A square with a circle in the middle with a cross through it

A view looking down of a 4 colored or quadrate cone on a base

The tippy top of a pyramid that becomes infinite in ascension and descension

All the answers are correct and the possibilities are as endless as are the ideas.... All in all, we are talking about the SAME object.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

July 22, 2007

I bought a great deal of school supplies and I am not in school.  However, much was needed for charts, tables, and notes.  Flags were also bought for marking points of importance: yellow, green, and red.

Sixty colored pencils were bought to make the graph paper come alive in pixel form.  What can be done mathematically can be drawn to form what appears to be solid.

What would you do?

Saturday, July 21, 2007

What would you do?

What would you do?

What would you do if you saw the end was near?

Would you close your eye and close your ear?

What would happen when you see the light?

Would you slice your throat or from building take flight?

What if when spread, your wings did not work

At the rate of gravity you'd fall and then jerk

What if you spoke in numbers and such? And...

What if others understood you and contributed as much?

Would that create insanity per se?

In you it might, in me I say nay!

When you think that you have lost it all

At that point you'll be on the ball

Bags of marbles or marbles in bag

When spread out wide creates a lag

Point A to point B and then to point C

Trilateral agreement between you and between me

Box of gold the contents is sought

Yet what is supposed to lie within is actually naught

This: the cup and the contents

The contents and the cup

Look within to know what's up

All that you work for your whole life through

In the end will mean nothing to you

Look now and look within

Look before you find the din/DIN

Has the din found you? ~ Maggie ~ 7/21/07 @ 11:51 p.m.

About Love and Life:

ana; anta awez ahebik; ana awez ahebik!


When all the designer labels (man, woman, gay, lesbian, black, white, chinese, japanese, spanish, jewish, irish, polish, german, greek, tall, short, fat, thin, pretty, ugly, rich, poor, et al) have been removed and we see each other as ourselves, we will have freedom, love, and peace. That is when the darkness will disappear and the light will shine through. At that point, all things will be possible. At that point you have created heaven!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Art is the Movement

The art is the movement
And the movement is art
The poetry is in the motion
That does not need to be spoken
Connections through an invisible umbilical cord
Join two and create a thread
A thread in which energy passes
The stimulation is cognitive
Cognition creates ignition
Heart beats out a rhythm
The essence dances electric
Organic and orgasmic
A positron of vibrance
More at sensory from a third eye
Open to vast visions
Open to the future
What will come to pass
Will be in a universe of our own
The making of gods
Crossing from realism to surrealism
Mingling the two in liquid form
To create solidity
Solid yet pliable
Bending not breaking open are the undertakings
I relish the unknown time and moment
That has yet to be
The wings of the being have been seen
Flight is the next step up
The whirlwind has yet to be beneath our feet
Elevation by a new energy source
Elevation by an ancient energy source
Mingling causes tingling
The mix of symmetric and asymmetric
Zeros, Circles, and Eights
Triangular and encircled
22.5 degrees x 3 = 67.5 = 18 = 9
Based on different math
Logical from perspective and also sequential at vision
Numbers and Pythagoras ~ Maggie ~ Penned Sunday July 15, 2007 around noon.