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Monday, January 27, 2014

On Leave ~

You're sweet and charming, my dear Enrique
Your words had me come here and take a peek
For too long I've been away
And thought it wise to come out and play
While away, I have absorbed
But not enough and I can't ignore
That which calls me leads me astray
So once again, I will go away
There are choices we must make
I have made mine and I must partake
Albeit shant be here
Never far away...always near
Here is a choice that I leave for you
You can, if you wish, grab the pool stick and hit the cue
To lead this group, I know you'll do
But again the choice is up to you
Should your words find me once again
I will return as I am your friend ~ Typed Jan. 27, 2014 8:43 p.m.EST

A Response to Fickle Words~

Come and play, come and play
Today is not your normal day
Hold tight the kite string and watch it soar
The dream turned real and flies away no more

In the wake of your dreams
A new reality speaks...or so it seems
Come and play is our game
For being children is our claim to fame ~ Typed Jan. 27, 2014 in the p.m. EST