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Monday, November 30, 2009

The Card/Mark~

Words versus actions lead to an opposing result.  Perhaps truth is not quite told in the full.  Regardless, the card is being played at a most interesting rate.  I can’t say that I care at this moment.  Then again, how could I care about something so pathetic?  Suffice it is to say that the “mark” is intensely called upon out of NEED and responses by the "mark" are made out of NEED.  Tis rather a NEEDY scenario.  This is the "marker" of events yet to come.  How long shall I give it until it comes to be what I saw? Misery does love company and the cocktail contents seem to mix well in a supposed explosive fashion.  However, it would seem that the game is liked as it is being played by both.  Despite that fact, I still maintain it is wrong and misleading.  Then again, I suppose some people just have no conscience while others are cling-ons.  NEED causes such.  Wouldn't this make a deserving scene?  If not, it does make for a dandy game of double usage.  When shall it finally hit the sheets?  Who the fuck knows.  However, that should be a laugh.  Regardless, my progressive wheels shan’t halt, but they can go in another direction: that is what spokes are for. ~ Maggie ~ February 2, 2010 @ 2:00 a.m. EST 

I see a card and that card has been played before.  The card could also be called a “mark” or marker to a past event or an event to come.  Does the use of the card say something in regard to the way the dominos line up?  You bet it does.  I see the card being played in the now for a later use.  I also see use of the same reasoning and for the same reason and both are so wrong and misleading. ~ Maggie ~ November 30, 2009 @ 9:16 p.m. EST

The Act of Doing Nothing...Not posted (until today)

What if I were to cease doing something that I have been doing faithfully?  What would be the result of my action?  Would something change?  What is that something?  Had I not acted in the first place, it would not be what it is.  Then again, what is it?  I don’t know!!!  For the life of me,  I don’t know.

If I had to guess, I would say that had I never acted in the first place, the something of which I know not would not be nor would it have ever been.  If I ceased my current actions, the something of which I know not would cease to be.  What has it been?  Again I don’t know.  Do I have a surety that it would cease to be?  Probability provides that surety providing that I do not load the dice.

If I had to look into the future in regard to that which I know not, what would I see?  Frankly put, I see much of the same without change.  Am I being critical?  No.  I am being truthful.  There are two ways to bring about change.  I have mentioned one.  As for the other, I leave that to myself for further pondering or total abandonment of the *idea(s).

I see a card and that card has been played before.  The card could also be called a “mark” or marker to a past event or an event to come.  Does the use of the card say something in regard to the way the dominos line up?  You bet it does.  I see the card being played in the now for a later use.  I also see use of the same reasoning and for the same reason and both are so wrong and misleading. ~ Maggie ~ November 30, 2009 @ 9:16 p.m. EST

*Feelers were placed in regard to my idea(s) not too long ago and I wrote about it **today, but will not post it just yet.  Hell, I may never post it.  There are three people who are aware of my idea(s), but no one, including myself, knows what I will do.   **Today being 12/14/09.

Exploring Two Quotes~

I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts. ~John Locke - Never act until you have clearly answered the question: "What happens if I do nothing?" ~Robert Brault

Based on the above quotations, I have generated some thoughts. Regarding John Locke’s quote, I must state that I agree with it to a degree. To expand upon that minimal agreement, I have come up with two scenarios. In the first scenario a human is thinking about something that they want to do. To achieve their end, whatever their end may be, the goal must be thought upon and run in various ways to create the action. The problem I find with the action is that we cannot explore the thoughts themselves in full form. What I mean is that one cannot get into another’s head and experience their processing of information. If we see only the result and we see that result judged as good (What is good?) or bad (What is bad?), how are we truly to interpret their thoughts?

If an average Joe living a simple life grows extra food to help his neighbor, we could see it as good. However, what if Joe has an end that has not yet come to fruition yet? What if Joe wants something from his neighbors that perhaps they would not be willing to give otherwise? How long of a history do we give to a man’s actions before we can say what Joe did was good or bad? How do we interpret their thoughts if the course is not yet full run or full known? Let us say that Joe gives for the rest of his life simply because he wanted to and sought nothing in return. Would Joe’s thoughts be easier to judge in this one specific regard? What if Joe’s neighbor told Joe he knew that Joe was cheating on his wife and they struck a deal for life? What if that tad of information were kept just between them? How then is the action viewed if KNOWN?

In exploring Brault’s quote, I have to mention that “doing nothing” is in fact doing something. It is in itself an action. Say hello to Joe again as I must use the poor pseudo man for my endeavor. Joe has his sights on something which is based on interaction with a group of individuals. Joe has been active within the group for five years, but wants out without having to say why he wants out of the group. The group has a good rapport with each other and is open for the most part. Joe feels that he no longer belongs although he still gets on with the other members. Thus, he has thought up various reasons to leave, but feels that it will create ill will.

When Joe joined the group, it was on the contract that the joining was for life and that those within the group would never part from the whole. Within the past five years, Joe’s views had changed leaving him feeling out of sorts and uncomfortable. He thought about “what happens if I do nothing?” and came to the conclusion that he would remain exactly where he is now by default. Thus, his participation would still be within the group.

Another way to look at this is what if Joe decided that his “doing nothing” would mean not showing up for the meetings, ignoring their calls, and ignoring their house visits. These too are actions, however, is it clearly thought about? No. How long would Joe expect to live with their calling and visits? How would this affect other aspects of his life?

If the ties of the individual are very good despite contract and, respect is a factor of the group/individuals, then it might be in Joe’s interest to calculate each individual’s reaction to his proposal to leave. The “doing nothing” in staying while he thinks, gives him the opportunity to speak to all and perhaps tell the truth in hopes of being respected despite the contract while still maintaining the friendship of the group. This would be an interesting feat.

I guess I could have gone more in depth with this, but my facilities are on the wane. ~ Maggie ~ November 30, 2009 @ 7:42 p.m. EST

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Beak Break...

At times I wonder if I am inside the egg trying to get out or if I am outside the egg trying to get in.  What if a break in either direction leads back to here wherever here might be. 

Inside the egg it is dark, but I see things as bright as day and as dark as night.  I see every color in the spectrum and I also see that which I have never seen before.  Of course I speak of my imagination which takes a surreal quality. 

Outside the egg it is both dark and light.  Here too exists every color in the spectrum, but I cannot see per se or possibly could see per se see that which I have never seen before PROVIDING they exist.   Outside the egg imagination can take on a surreal quality, but interference can bust the bubble of the imagination. ~ Maggie ~ November 26, 2009 @ 6:50 p.m. EST

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

There is not name for this as it was not intended to be posted


Addendum to this post:  The wheels are in motion and the process has begun.  Granted, the motion is not set to the speed of light, but doors have been opened thus the process is going forward.  I suppose when the thought made it to word, of the verbal kind, it set off the dominos that had been waiting to spill.  The dominos have started to show themselves in their placement of this space/time.  At present they sit well.  The scattergories are being watched as are the portals for opportunity. Welcome goes out to complexity.  I love it!  All is as it should be.  ~ Maggie ~ January 26, 2010 @ 11:09 EST

There is no name for this as it was not intended to be posted

Never Posted...*posted November 25, 2009 @ 6:28 p.m. EST

At times, but not all the time, I am alone in a room which is surrounded by what appears to be televisions.  They are not merely around me in the sense of around (around >adverb  1 located or situated on every side.  2 so as to face in the opposite direction.  3 in or to many places throughout a locality.  4 here and there.  5 available or present.  6 approximately. >preposition  1 on every side of.  2 in or to many places throughout (a locality).  3 so as to encircle or embrace.  4 following an approximately circular route round.), but they also lie below and above me only I do not see me in the literal sense of the word.  From this stand point, I can see various scenarios of a plot run simultaneously.  Like a complex domino setup, the falling of one piece sets off a chain of events that can go in various directions which is in actuality one direction.  A plot does not necessarily equate to one dimension as there are various routes, various obstacles, various levels, and various people and places.  When viewing, account has to be taken as to quickness, efficiency, probability, benefit, consequence, and other effects that may come into play which would require rerouting.  To say that any specific set is viewed as the primary would be a false statement.  I suppose the best way to relay my thought process would be to say that the first move predicts all subsequent moves based on what has been run.  A move from set 45 may best be followed by that which is on set 72, yet when X happens, take from set 6633 and apply it to set 9.  It is not linear to say the least.  However, from the observer's perspective, it is most linear. The only time such occurs is when it is necessary to run such a program.

The program has been running based on several issues, but as I am not the one to make a decision at this point, the running is just for the view.  If called into action, the process will go forward in the best manner possible for the best end.  “Best” is subjective to all those concerned.  Quickness is always sought, but not at the expense of precision.  Even in the case of hardship, the end result could be greater than the duration of said hardship. “Hardship” is also subjective.

Everything depends on how bad someone wants something and to what lengths they would be willing to go to achieve their want.  This applies to me as well as it is MY motivating factor. ~ Maggie ~ November 17, 2009 @ 9:54 p.m. EST

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Just Call Me Miss Potato Head - posted for about ½ a day.

Just Call Me Miss Potato Head - posted for about ½ a day.

Yup.  I am a potato.  Yesterday, the words popped out of my mouth after the vision and I laughed.  Of course I shared my words along with my jolly vision.  He did not laugh though.  WTF!  Hell, I can only see what I see and I don't see FUCKING CHANGE.  When there is no change stagnation begins and the water starts to smell.

It is not that possibility is not there for growth, but if potato and soil to do merge, well then there is a problem.  I see a problem for which my hands are tied by that of another.  Go ahead and keep your door closed and don't allow the vampire in.  I know that I can handle it, but I don't think you can handle it.  Hell, maybe you don't want to.  Shit happens mang.  We are cool. ~ Maggie ~ November 24, 2009 @ 12:55 a.m. EST

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Love - Nov. 23, 2009 @ 4:51 a.m. EST

Ideas of idealism circulate and navigate through all known passages of experience. Not lost for a moment in time nor space. Keenly I focus on that which I desire: a desire that I willingly cling to. With a full heart, I realize that ideas and ideal situations are not just limited to the mind's compass.

In exploration of ideas, one can readily find that which started as an idea or ideal (in suitable form) and manifested itself when its point in time had come for it to manifest. Perhaps if we look to the stars we may note there is a time for all things. It is possible that certain situations do not present themselves as ideal for the moment, but the idea remains and the reality of the manifestation is plausible when the situational constructs offer a different and workable variable.

To the reader this may not seem poetic nor romantic. However, it is what it is. My heart is my own to feel as it does. This expression is but that: an expression of that which I hold back in words, but not in deeds. ~ Maggie

How do I love thee... 

Although I use the words of another, I do so by choice as the poem is a favorite of mine and it goes out to someone I love (in a romantic way). To write what I dream in that regard cannot be performed at this time for the words escape me as the visions are simply visions (dreams). However, with vision comes life and possibilities (the manifestation).

As with all things I look toward the positive aspects of the situation(s) as there is a bright side to all things. Yes. Even those things that which we feel are hopeless. There is hope and there is always knowledge gained even if not loved in return. Hell, love is not about hoping for a return of love. Love is the act of loving. It is by this act which makes love so selfless and thus not selfish. ~ Maggie


How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

-- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Monday, November 16, 2009

This Life...

This life has been amazing thus far even with all the lumps and bumps that I have hit.  Yet I feel that I have something to do.  It is not a matter of a single thing as nothing is really singular as each event connects to many things and many people.

Much is going on right now and I feel rather like taffy being pulled in many directions.  Any and all actions/reactions or lack thereof will bear consequences and benefits.  At this crossroad the spokes are before me, but I know not which way to walk.

Many thoughts are being pondered and of course the best path will be chosen, then again, how will I know if it is the best path indeed?  The idea of returning to school has been on my mind as of late, but will it be as it was several years back when I had started to write my master’s proposal only to leave it as it was not quite what I wanted?  The idea of a master’s in education (social studies), was not all that appealing nor is it appealing today.

Loved ones are also on my mind in a deep way that I cannot even begin to define.  If only the definitions were simple complexities such as schematics would pose when dealing on multiple levels, the interconnected design effect would be much more visible than that which I hold in abstraction.  To say that I do not see within the abstraction would be false, but at the same time, I really cannot define the contents in concrete form.  Air holds much.

A beautifully painted wooden stallion glides gracefully up and down while going round and round.  Each time I approach a certain point, I eye the brass ring and a reach is presented.  To date, I cannot say how many rings I have collected nor can I say how many more I will collect, but ride I shall on my stallion forever reaching...

Saline solution is bottled and sold
Some are labeled joy
Some are labeled sorrow
Some are labeled pain
Some are labeled laughter
Some are labeled tired
And some bear dual or multiple labels
All in all they are but tears

It is odd how we produce a single product via various reasons.  The bottle that bears the dual label joy and sorrow would not bear a distinguishable taste from one another.  Tears are not like foodstuffs that a taster can say this particular food seems to contain the following ingredients that make the product one.  The tasting of the tears would not tell the taster which is which unless he or she filled the bottle themselves.  Only they, upon the tasting, can reflect back and recall the scenario.  An example of joy and sorrow could be the tears of sorrow at losing a loved one while at the same time, the experience of fond memories fills their orbits with tears of joy.  This memory can branch off as well and produce tears of laughter as the joy of remembrance strikes a chord of an event which could even cause a belly laugh. ~ Maggie ~ November 16, 2009 @ 6:37 p.m. EST

The Ability To Travel...

To someone watching a body seated in a tranquil state may assume the individual to be there resting their body and their eyes.  Yet what the viewer fails to see is that the individual being viewed is not really there seated before them.
I cannot say that I know what other writers or artists see or feel nor shall I assume.  However, from my own perceptive, I go to another place even if my eyes are open.  It may start as a single image and from that single image a story develops not from my intent to write it, but from something else.  Sometimes during a discussion, I note a topic and before I know it, I have a short story.  Again, I have to see it.

In the phase of the view overlay, what is solid before me disappears and is replaced by something else.  Often I type with my eyes closed so that I am better able to catch most of what I see.  I could say the same about drawing.  It is not a matter of “hey, I am going to go write or draw now.”  It calls upon me and not I upon it.  To me, I am neither a writer nor an artist in the sense that those are my labels, but more so that I can do these things.

Right now I wish to travel to another time and space to see what else lies beyond my anatomical.  If only I could go beyond that which I can call up upon a moment’s notice.  Do you travel into your own past and see it, smell it, and feel it?  It is so easy to do that, but at the moment, too mundane for me to attempt.  Fantasy can be created from what is known based on prior knowledge, but that too would be a mundane endeavor right now.

If only I could go back to the sea of the snail!  I do remember it and can envision it again from memory, but I want to see past the translucent tower to see what lies beyond it.  In this place I can move between the solid or seemingly so into the sky in which I see massive birds of many colors that only glide.  It is the place of seafoam green seas that do not follow what we view as natural wave patterns and in which the sky is purple without a sun.  Here, the people need for nothing and seem content.  Here, there is no land in sight.  It is a place where I do not know what I am yet I am not alone as I am being guided while awake and sitting in my chair. ~ Maggie ~ November 16, 2009 @ 4:24 p.m. EST

Addendum: Perhaps it would be worth investing in a tape recorder as so much is lost when flying.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thoughts of the day...

Thoughts of the day...sometime in November 2009 the placement is about right in sequence.  Me thinks it was written on the same day as Just Call Me Miss Potato Head.

It would seem that my words are met with blocks.  Participation is not had for the most part.  I feel that what I say is not understood or cannot be dealt with for various reasons at most times.  Most being 99.99%  I question if he understands me at all.  Ah, for fuck’s sake!  Give me a cement wall and let me bang my head so that I might penetrate it if nothing else.

It is not about me.  No.  It is about him.  I gather that in full.  And although love is given on my part, I sometimes want to say FUCK IT!!!  What holds me back?  Will it be more than it is?  For this I question.  I have placed offers, but yet the door does not swing the other way.  That is fine as that is free will.  I have gone so far as to see if other men would accept my terms and the answer is no. (Post Script the men questioned would not be willing to allow for polyamory.)