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Thursday, June 30, 2016


3nt3rt41n th3 1d34 1f y0u w1ll th4t 4ll 4r3 cr34t3d 3qu4l. Tun3 1n 4nd y0u w1ll find th3 1d34 1s str1ctly th4t-4n 1d34 wh1ch w4s n3v3r m34nt t0 c0m3 1nt0 fru1t10n. 3qu4l1ty 1s 4n 1llus10n. Th3 f4t4l m1rr0r must b3 br0k3n. ~ Arachne Thurs. June 30, 2016 in the PM EST

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Avoiding Tragedy...

The light bulb has finally come on and, with full realization, I am grateful.  I had thought I felt something and wanted something, however, the advance notice of the foghorn laid clear my direction.  Although I had opposed the direction, I see that had I got what I thought I wanted, I would be running for my life as the idea is not ideal. Nay!  A fool’s wish is best wished for and never exacted nor enacted.  Oh the tragedy it would have created.  Some tragedies create lovely literature whilst others make none.  The unfortunate, which is truly fortunate, circumstance remains simplistic and acts as a cradle of safety in which I will nestle and become part of while maintaining an unnamed role. 

How do you feel?  I am not sure that I do.
What do you see?  Not much.  How about you?
What do you taste?  It is not the bitters of hate.
What do you hear?  I hear it’s too late.
How does it smell?  It could be worse.
What do you think?  Juxtapose a blessing with a curse.

Eight is Ogdoad, that which when tipped, represents ad infinitum.  However, nine being Ennead is fine and mine.  Ennead, for all intents and purposes, represents both the beginning and the end much like Uroboros (zero) for a return to Monad (one) is inevitable.  How might Ouroboros come to Monad?  In its constant coming into being and not, the plausibility of the virtual remains.  And, while in its virtual nature, all things are possible.