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Saturday, July 21, 2007

What would you do?

What would you do?

What would you do if you saw the end was near?

Would you close your eye and close your ear?

What would happen when you see the light?

Would you slice your throat or from building take flight?

What if when spread, your wings did not work

At the rate of gravity you'd fall and then jerk

What if you spoke in numbers and such? And...

What if others understood you and contributed as much?

Would that create insanity per se?

In you it might, in me I say nay!

When you think that you have lost it all

At that point you'll be on the ball

Bags of marbles or marbles in bag

When spread out wide creates a lag

Point A to point B and then to point C

Trilateral agreement between you and between me

Box of gold the contents is sought

Yet what is supposed to lie within is actually naught

This: the cup and the contents

The contents and the cup

Look within to know what's up

All that you work for your whole life through

In the end will mean nothing to you

Look now and look within

Look before you find the din/DIN

Has the din found you? ~ Maggie ~ 7/21/07 @ 11:51 p.m.

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