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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Vision:

Where do I begin? A blank sheet of paper in which I see what has not yet been drawn or the starting of a drawing that leads me in other directions as the vision morphs.

Some visions cannot be committed to paper at this point, but the colors and beauty lie within my head.

One specific vision left me in awe as I was there and sought to see more by trying to peer around objects. Like a child, I asked to see more. What I was shown was not like anything I have seen nor like anything that I have read about. The sky was a magnificent shade of glowing purple alive with all it was! Although there was no land, a tower of translucent or ghostlike quality rose from the sea of foam green waters. Hard as I might, I tried to see if there was a wall or other structure attached. The tower top was like that of Russian architecture in that it was like a mushroom with a pointed top. The water itself did not have the same characteristics as the water we know. It was neither tranquil nor raging. It too was so alive! Alive with a strange motion as the waves did not follow each other in a streaming pattern, but clashed unto themselves forming first an arch then upon impact, it blasted outward. If you reflect a 5 (regular vision and then backward) and place them together, that would look similar to the waves generated in the sea of green.

A massive snail skimmed just above the water and within the snail’s shell were beings. The shell’s interior was like that of abalone...white yet full of rainbow colors. Noted within, there were no individual dwellings nor were there anything to indicate separateness. It seemed that the inhabitants needed not for anything to sustain them.

The birds that were seen were that of gliders as not once did they flap their wings for flight. Massive and rainbow colored, they glided about. Perhaps they too had no need for sustenance as there was no land seen for them to perch upon.

The last part of this vision is unclear as it was just a shadow. It may have been a large bird with its wings spread or it was a hooded and robed being who had outstretched its arms.

Note: This vision was had while awake and straight as a board. In order to see beneath my closed eyes, I had to turn my head to look. ~ Penned within the past month ~ Maggie this date 11/14/07 @ 4:27 p.m. EST

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