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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tri monad neo eon/aeon


Tri as eye mite smaller not aye bee
When an eon is not neon
How bright will we see?

Monad, Dyad, and Triad
Ogdoad Ad Infinitum
Ennead Ad Infinitum
Zero is not nothing but is Ad Infinitum at Uroboros

Imagine looking out into what is and upon a pondering it vanishes with thought.  What comes into focus in piecemeal form is that of visions overlaid on the here/now.  When reading things dealing with math, science, biology, et al, I often run experiments in my head and what I see is the making of my vision.  Focused are these that even if I could spill to you what I see, I could not do so in words.  I had once written about not needing bodies as we could produce via thought.  Mere meme replication which is capable of building itself within our world (the thinker) based on all previous knowledge be it personal experience and/or otherwise.  Maybe I am wrong, but what I see in simple form is that even upon a collision, something else arises.  Call it a phoenix if you will which exists in round time. ~ Maggie ~ April, 19, 2009 @ 10:37 p.m. EST

The first line was inspired by my friend Ryan. !Erauqs ton era ew.

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