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Monday, April 30, 2012

Thoughts while star gazing...

Intelligent life resides in a place light years away. They have the power to leave their place of origin and travel to other worlds/galaxies at their will. From their origin, they venture out when they are very young to seek new life and other forms of intelligence in order to up their knowledge base. One of their youths will be making a maiden voyage to the Milky Way and its surrounding area as it is believed that intelligent life will be found. When the youth gets to our quadrant, I wonder what thought will be had. The civilization that I speak of has advanced so far they are able to travel within a photon. Seen, yet unseen, the youth will drink in the sites... Funny thoughts come to me when I star gaze. Tonight I though of the above in regard to time travel. Imagine if a photon were intelligent (perhaps it is), what type of data would it gather from us to bring to its place of origin? Imagine the millions of years that this youngster would be able to ingest in so very little time. What is time? ~ Arachne ~ April 29, 2012 @ 1:27 a.m. EST

Lately, I have been wanting to paint balls.  Will it look like the nucleus of an atom?  I don't know yet.  If I did know, I wonder how many protons I would add?  Ninety-two just won't do.

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