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Monday, October 22, 2012

Non-voter to Registered Voter...

The following is my debate in a thread about voting.  Although I thought I would never vote, I felt it necessary to get off my duff and register.  Granted, the changes that I demanded were not met, but in good conscious, I could not let go of my vote.  I am now a registered Democrat and I am voting for Obama.  Indeed there are two sides to a coin and they are connected by the middle, therefore, a conscious choice to choose the lesser evil was made.  Perhaps at some point, the system will either get repaired or there will be an evolution revolution.  Time will tell.
The day I cast my first vote, the following changes will be made to the system: I would vote providing the system were changed to eliminate corporate lobbyists, corporate campaign donations, corporate campaign funding, the electoral college, smear campaigns, vague answers to important issues, grand conventions, propaganda techniques, corporations as persons, religious reference from money, law, and schools, et al.

The day I cast my first vote, the following changes will be made to the system: I would vote providing the system included, equal access to promote the candidate's position in a neutral media zone, a clear and concise plan for their time in office, clear answers to public debate questions without going off topic, runs only on merit not money, more than a two party system, public education on how government works and what each party stands for, transparency, local/city/state representatives must have an agreement from all those they represent before making, breaking, or modifying a policy or policies, et al.

I refuse to vote in a broken system. 

NOTE:  Religion should not play a role in politics PERIOD.

Thank you E. Even if I were to push my thoughts forward, how many people would agree with what I propose? How can my vote matter when the electoral college makes concessions for only a certain number of votes? New York, for example, has 29 electoral votes. At present, the state is strongly Obama. Does my vote really count if the actual number of voters are not taken into consideration? I think the system is crooked to the core. If I am waiting on a fairy tale, which I happen to agree with you, then my vote will never be counted. In good conscious, I cannot vote in this system.

I have broken my own rule and will vote for OBAMA! This will be the first time in my life that I have ever voted for a politician. I hope to hell Obama wins!

Edit: I would like to thank all you conservatives, especially Hardick and Burke, for making me see the light. However, I also saw the light in Obama himself as he addressed the nation in his second debate with Romney.

I would like to thank all of you as well as President Obama. It feels odd to be a first time registered voter who registered as a Democrat. However, I cannot, in good conscious, stay silent with Romney running as an opponent. Yes, I would prefer four more years of Obama.

Despite my breaking my own rule about voting, I still would like to see that which I noted earlier in this thread come to be. Change is required. Peace to you all and to all a good night.  ~ Arachne ~ Friday, October 19, 2012 in the p.m. EST

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