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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Demanding respect?

How can respect be demanded?  Demand is a strong word.  Demand used in conjunction with respect (which must earned) and civility (which is fake), is out and out wrong.  Should a belief, idea, or opinion not sound sound, then it is only logical that such beliefs, ideas, or opinions be open for a debate.  Should the debate become heated because someone believes in jesus, mary, and jose, has this idea that pigs can fly, or is of the opinion that shit does not stink, they open themselves to provide proof or to STFU.  If feelings are dinged and dented, the prissy folks ought not engage in arguments they are emotionally incapable of handling. 

C, how do you deal with irrational human beings who demand undeserved respect? Do you pacify them with agreement? How do you define respect and when should respect be administered?

C, can you provide an example of a situation?

Why do you sometimes pacify irrational beliefs, ideas, or opinions with agreement? Would this tie into false respect?

Why provide false respect? Would the false respect be used as a ploy by the kitten with the ball of yarn?

If the fools are a ball of yarn and I am a kitten, I would be playing with the ball of yarn by slapping it all over the floor, biting it, and digging my front claws into it while my back claws rake the ball repeatedly. It sounds like a debate baiting ploy before an attack on the beliefs, ideas, or opinions. Please advise me if I am wrong as I don't mind being wrong.

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