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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I Say~

Graced with patience and guided with balance
Words thus far gently escorted to ears
Gently I say.  Aye.  With understanding of my doing
Holding back with bridle of my own doing yet again
Words are weapons and are more mighty than a sword!
I have yet to leave understanding of where toes lie in shoes
Dance gracefully.  Gracefully I say!
I watch with abstract precision
Gathering, but not with glee
Oh, patience whence forth you give out?
One can play games of childish and childlike fashion
When being a child!
Make room for that which is embedded in us all
Parent, Adult, and Child (Transactional Analysis (TA))
Parent to Child/Child to Parent does work
Parent to Parent does not
Child to Adult/Adult to Child does not work
Adult to Adult is best
Do I remember it?
The Adult embodies all three...TRI...TRY (Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP))
Communication is fundamental

Sometimes it is about what we say.  Sometimes it is about what we do not say.  Sometimes it is how we say something.  Sometimes it is how something is not said. ~ Maggie ~ September 16, 2009 @ 11:13 p.m. EST

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