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Friday, September 25, 2009

A Stumble~

This *stumble (see the Stumbled Upon site) was just that. A stumble over my own feet as I wanted to explore something a lecturer had said. It is not enough just to hear the words, but more so to seek further upon them. Lucky me that I should end up here. There are some things that I would not want to share for fear of those having a weak stomach or to point said to have myself removed for violation of showing truth of the horrors committed on this earth. Sure I can look upon them in curiosity and say "why did he/she die so?" as I ponder the corpse or parts of it on a still bloodied street. A mind is a terrible thing to waste so I ponder on all avenues and in all avenues that my feet may fall upon. Thankfully, this was a lovely one. ~ Maggie ~ September 25, 2009 @ 3:01 a.m. EST

The "Stumbled" and discovered site: Based on a lecture given at:

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