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Monday, June 7, 2010

A Turn On~

Did you ever hear something that set off a chain of mental events?  Imagine if you will someone stating something which they would like to do for a turn on and that something turns you on.  Now also imagine that you will not be privy to that which is being done by the individual who is turned on by the prospect.  However, the prospect of them being turned on makes for fire within the imagination.

Spoken statement of turn on
Turned on by statement alone and its possibilities
I would feel nothing, but the idea of not feeling or knowing is a turn on
Mind over matter and the imagination
Switched into high gear

Spoken statement of might not be turned on
Turned off to original turn on to a degree
Why?  Again, it is the idea alone
It is the factor of the other being turned on by the prospect of reality
If the prospect is no longer a turn on to the other, it kills the design but not the idea

What turns an individual on to begin with?  Is a turn on strictly physical?  Is touch even required?  I so wish that I could elaborate on this, but I know not how.  Using fantasy, the turn on could be internalized and cut from the source who created the original arousal.  Then again, it was the prospect of it being real that played so heavy on me.  Yes that was a driving force.  So, how do I resurrect that which may not be?  Perhaps I could place myself in another’s shoes and play it so that I would do what may have been done by the other.  In looking at it this way, I am doing to me what I want to have done by another without having ever said what I want.  Regardless of being able to think up possible scenarios, the idea that it will not be presents a downer of sorts. Could it be that so long as the idea is on the table for manifestation the turn on will be stronger?   Does this make sense? ~ Arachne ~ June 7, 2010 at 10:32 p.m. EST

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