You act like a reflection. A reflection that may not be seen by the viewer upon initial view, however, the image that gazes back upon a dialogue sees where spots lie. Sometimes it just takes a moment or mere mention of something that allows for thought to perform the proper function and at which junction it is to occur.
For all things one does, there has to be something in it for them. A reward. That something does not have to be a grand article of material nor anything of substance in tangible form, but there is always something. Delving into the psychological realms tells me this. Yet there is something else as well. I can call it an experiment of sorts to see if there is a shift in behavior.
Perhaps you have studied Skinner or Pavlov, then again, you might have studied Plato’s work on Socrates in which you seek an elenchus. Who knows. Nonetheless, it is always wonderful to see the truth in the mirror rather an illusion one has conjured up.
Much thanks and respect. ~ Arachne ~ June 3, 2011 @ 1:34 pm EST
ich wünsche dir ein frohes fest
Ich wünsche Ihnen ein glückliches Neues Jahr. Besser noch, ich wünsche Ihnen ein frohes neuen Tag!
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