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Saturday, December 21, 2019

An attempt at dictation~

Oh my fickle brain how are you cease to be lying idol diamond tired and spent weekly weekly there are things that you haven’t thought about an avenue shit to be explored.  What mistakes could be made from Siri as she wrangles with my words like bullets shit out of a machine’s ass? How do I examine such? How do I begin to explore this apparatus? Is it even worth the bother? As a back up my hard drives, not once but twice, I sit here and think I can.  I contemplate why would I go through all this effort only to possibly wreck two computers? Technically I wouldn’t be wrecking them although they might be kind of splintered for a bit until I could put them back together again. He thinks I should step away from Chuckie shit although I haven’t Kentucky shit for quite a while and step back into philosophy. All the granting And Gloria’s philosophy. Whose dick is splintered now? Dictation should be left to tape as machines in themselves have not conquered human language to perfection nor can it recognize the different catchy accents. I will leave this bumbling mess to be what it is, but it is not what it started to be. Oh it’s far far too altered.

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