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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Letter:

I was watching a show on The History Channel and it also spoke of global warming and the earth's destruction. There are many ways the world could be destroyed, however, if someone or something does not destroy the "COMPANY" the "COMPANY" will kill us all. Maybe microbes will still exist and maybe another life form will be established, but all life as we know it will be extinct in the name of the almighty dollar. There has to be people out there that want this stopped as bad as I do. The end may not come in our time, but we need to think of future generations. The cement age needs to be destroyed and those in charge need to fail. With things as they are, you may see another Atlantis or many new Atlantis cities under water and lost forever as bodies of land will sink below the water upon the melt down. People know of the problem, but the government and companies want to stick with money and power. The sad part is that many people feel that there is nothing they can do. This is not true. If we all chip in and do our part, we can change things. The problem is how many people will jump on the band wagon to rid ourselves of our present prison? The comfort of protection is an illusion and will show it's true colors eventually when it cannot be hidden from the public any longer. Even the stupid will wake up and realize that problems are arising with our earth that will cause our demise. How far will we let it go before we revolt and take over to start again...start anew? It is hoped that we have the ability to gather great audiences and have them join a cause that will free them from their unrecognized slavery and inevitable destruction. ~ December 27, 2006 @ 8:30 p.m. EST

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