Dear Lady I reflect your words back to you in non-mirrored form as what comes from a mirror is backwards. Flow Lady flow in the shades of the rainbow and color your world. Waves and their lengths do follow you in tone of musical character and color which strike chords and paint lovely illustrations.
Passion acts as your pallet for which you paint your life. I believe you are purple; a blend of red and blue, but at times a hint of white is added to lighten the mix. The violet at the end of the spectrum has a greater frequency then that of red, and yet red, for what passion it possesses has a much longer wavelength yet a lower frequency.
White light carries us. And in doing so, we see that where there is contrast, there is definition. ~ Maggie ~ December 15, 2011 at 4:46pm
Inspired by Nellie. She does have a "Fire in Cider."
This blog consists of thoughts, poems, stories of fiction, and stories of fact. In a nutshell, this is my life. Being that I started to write in 2006, I am posting from the date I started to write up until the present. Therefore, I will be posting a great deal as four years of writing IS a great deal. NOTE: all pieces will appear as new until I have the time to place them in their correct time slots. To those of you who happen upon my blog, I thank you for dropping by.
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Thursday, December 15, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
The Waning
As seen on 12/11/11 @ 8:15:26 PM EST Courtesy of my Nikon. It would seem that "museum" setting is good for shooting the moon.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Half Truths~
Why bother telling a half truth when silence will equal a lie just as well? The silence may not be caught unless it breaks a pattern that is known to exist. However, to speak a half truths one day and then speak the full truth four days later when something that he said is not jiving with the listener (me) is fucked. Yes I listen very well. Perhaps he thought it might go unnoticed, but no. Well not just no, but FUCK NO! If he is lying and he gives me some details of truth, such as he and Annie the shithead are getting together to go to the movies, no biggie as she is PATHETIC and I don’t give a shit that he hangs with her. Then again, it makes me start to wonder how PATHETIC he is to hang with her. Maybe he needs ego boosting, but I find that NEEDY and I despise NEEDY. Awww he needs company. Boo hoo and wha wha wha. Will no one else come hang with him? According to him: NO.
This is the same bitch that cyber stalked me. This is the same bitch who I blasted publicly via a blog with information that he provided me with. This 40+ year old woman NEVER had a relationship with a man. Why? First off, she is ugly and fat. Second, she is a cling-on in that if a guy pays her a tad of attention she is all over him like white on rice. The smart ones (expect him) never stick around because she is nuts. Not a good nuts either. She is a fucked up insecure asshole with no life kind of nuts.
Has he ever fucked her? Yes he has, but he had done so safely and with lots of lube. Dry as a duck's ass. Uh huh. When he and his ex broke up, he HOOKED UP with this idiot on the rebound. Merrily she went around singing “I have a boyfriend.” However, that was not the case. She was his unstable fuck friend and nothing more. When she knew I would be at his house, she would call over and over and over again. This did get to me and finally I told him to talk to her as the ringing was too spastic. When this bitch was writing to me, she was all boo hoo because I met his mom 5 months into our relationship and it took her 2 ½ years. Shit, if I had a snot cloth I would leave that snot cloth in the closet too.
Anyway, had he told me that he and Annie shithead were renting a movie to watch at his house, I would not have had a problem with that. Why couldn’t that just be said? Why the wait? It is fucked to get busted in a lie isn’t it? Maybe he shouldn’t have told me the name of the movie. That was his bad. Maybe his bad was just lying in the first place. Truth is so much better. Would I have cared if that cow was at his house? No. DO CARE that he LIED? You're damned straight that I do. ~ Maggie ~ December 6, 2011 @ 11:02 p.m. EST.
From her on Jan. 12, 2009:
I love the BDSM images of you with my boyfriend in your little video. You're a piece of work, lady. Have you no self respect?
You do know he and I've been together for the last two and half years? You do know I stayed up with him two nights while he outfitted his bike, washed the clothes he wore to Starwood, and sewed his backpack the day he left for his trip? You do know that I was the rebound girlfriend he started seeing less than a week after he broke up with Heather in 2006?
And you do know that he'll treat you the way he treats me. Right?
He calls me a stalker because I've looked at your pictures and read your posts. I fail to see how that qualifies as stalking, since your life seems to be a wide open book, available for the world to see. (As a fellow abused child and incest survivor, I have bad boundaries, too.)
Truth is, he must care about you a great deal. I didn't get introduced to his family until this Christmas, whereas you were invited to his mother's house for b-day parties, scrabble and cheesecake within five months of meeting. (Thanks for sharing the sweet photos.)
I suggest you move back to New York and give this your best shot, because he really does seem to care about you. I'm sure it's not a case of a commitmentphobe giving his all to a person who's living in another country and therefore not an actual commitment threat. You do know that commitmentphobes throw themselves full force at the current object of seduction, and it's really fun when he learns you're hooked; i.e., fallen in love; and his commitment fear rears its ugly head. (For the record, I'm a commitmentphobe, too; otherwise, I'd behave with more self respect, too. I have friends who are polyamorous, although I'm not, and hopefully you are, too. If not, you're in for quite a ride.)
But if you don't move back, could you have some common decency and stop seeing another woman's man?
As for me, I'll hope this latest online insult of you blindfolded and bound, will be the blessing in disguise I need to start walking another path with a man who loves only me. The way I deserve. (And if you have the secret for how to stop loving a man who sleeps with other women, I'm all ears.)
Of course the news that you had unprotected sex with him was the all-time low for me. How cute to hear you brought your clean bill of sexual health, in French, no less. He tried to claim that the unprotected sex just happened ... and he told me about it 15 minutes before we were going to have sex on New Year's Eve ... and, of course, didn't. But contrary to what he said, it seems to me the two of you were planning to have unprotected sex; otherwise, why did you bring your medical records?
He and I have never had unprotected sex. It's just another of the many ways you're special to him, and about which I'm bitter.
I can't begin to tell you how much I dislike having negative feelings about a person I never met. It's absurd and ridiculous. Fact is, he probably won't talk to me again for having contacted you. You may be happy and satisfied to know your constant online history of your relationship with him has broken my heart and I've shed more tears about you than you could ever imagine.
Did he never tell you about me? Or did you know about me and think it was really fun to post the history of your courtship online to really rub it in? Either way, it's a messed up situation, and I know I'm the biggest fool in this whole equation because I had so much of the information.
I hope you'll be very happy together.
-Annie C.J. R. (I'm on Facebook and Myspace, too) Jan 12, 2009
Stalking again??
Am I being stalked yet again by an individual of pathetic nature who has no fucking life? If so, get a fucking life bitch!!! You really make me sick and my stomach churns at your disgustingly sad, fat, ugly, pathetic nature/life. Ah, so you did get a dog. HA HA HA You remind me of a discarded snot cloth. ~ M ~ January 2, 2010 @ 2:00 p.m. EST
A Stalking Bitch's Words and My Reply
WHA WHA WHA LMAO Ah, fuck you!
Correspondence of February 24, 2009 . By the way, she is still a dumb fuck, whining, fat bitch fuck, attention whore who is still stalking me. Hey Shithead (a/k/a Annie), in the event you read this, don't flatter yourself thinking everyone will know it is you as you are NOT the popular type. Pathetic is not popular. All that matters is that YOU know it is YOU. Let your ass be humiliated you shallow drone. ~ M ~ February 2, 2010
Shithead’s words are in blue and mine are in white and red.
Dear Annie ~
Dear Maggie,
As you were witness to one of my rawest days, you're observations are right on the money. When I get in the grip of my abandonment fears, it can feel devastating and quite overwhelming, almost as if I'm going to burst from the emotional pressure. I'm just grateful I was able to resist any urge to drive to HIS house and make a total scene. As I'm a quadruple Leo, drama is most definitely part of my personality. In fact, I'm quite a passionate person. Alas every strength has its weakness. At least that's my experience..
WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS? HIGH SCHOOL? As far as I am concerned, GROW THE FUCK UP! I was witness to your bizarre nature and I personally think you are fucked in the head and in serious need of help. I would help you as my background is in psychology, but I already did your analysis and you need MEDS. I would read you off my diagnosis, but nah!
Babes, you should have come to HIS house to show your ass as I really would have liked that. We could have had a party! Why don’t you do that next time as I am sure it would provide a most jolly experience. Recommendation, if you do that, be prepared to throw the first punch or be prepared to have a threesome. Are you willing to do either? LMFAO! Mind you, I don’t and won’t fight over a man as no man is worth it INCLUDING HE. By the way, HE KNOWS THAT! HOWEVER, when you violate ME PERSONALLY, your ass is MINE! Do you really think I care what sign you are? Get real and stick it up your ass!
You speak of passion? Meh. I just see a whinny ass crippled crow looking to hold on to a man who she does not have to begin with. Where is your mind in the scope of reality? Are you desperate? I would say YES. Will no one else look at you? From the looks of you, I would say NO. IF you had any experience whatsoever, you would use it and use it wisely and not stupidly as you have. Not for anything, from what I can make of you, you have the personality of a fluff ball and remind me of the kids I used to slap as they walked to the retarded section of the school for their SLOW CLASSES.
What you don't and can't know is that yesterday's experience is not the sum of me. I'm 17.5 years sober, on a path for self-healing for quite some time, I do take all the actions you so aptly suggested. If I were a total basket case, I doubt HE and I would have been together for so long, and the fact is we've known each other for a long, long time; albeit only in the more recent times as lovers.
Ah, but you are a basket case! I don’t care how long you have been sober or on your path to self-healing. As far as I am concerned, you are a sick bitch. Put it this way, I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS about you and if you died NOW, I WOULD NOT GIVE A FUCK. I don’t even care that you live. As for how long you and HE have been together and what you do with him and for how long, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK about that either. If you are looking to mark territory, buy a dildo and put your name on it or piss on a pole. In your desperation for a man, I would say sell that ass of yours, but I don’t think you would fetch much. Have you thought about buying a dog? You could have sex with the dog and the dog will love you! Is that an idea or what?
In the absurdity of the situation, I'm sure I provided you with quite a laugh. Perhaps I'd have done the same if someone else intruded the way I did yesterday, but then again I don't generally make light of other people's suffering. And I was suffering. Oddly enough, even your e-mail brought me some comfort. Although I may seem to have terrible self-esteem -- and it's true that at times I do -- I know that my emotional response is quite human compared to the fact that the man I've loved for so long was intimate with another, once again. In all areas of my life, I stopped punishing myself for being human a long time, and I accept myself as I am. When I fail to direct my energy in a positive fashion, it is always a learning experience. I suspect yesterday will be no exception.
Yuppers on the laugh part. Even this correspondence is giving me a jolly. I should post it to show your pathetic nature to everyone on the net. How does that sound? Would you like that babes? Only in your wildest dreams do you wish you could take it like I do. YOU CAN’T as YOU ARE WEAK AND PATHETIC and I AM NOT! If we had a threesome, I would bitch slap you silly and make you crawl like a dog! YES. I would probably boot you in the ass with my steel toe Doc Martens just for good measure.
Incidentally, I know you are no stranger to pain. I did read your Thanksgiving gratitude list in November. With few exceptions, I could have written the same list myself. And added several more for good measure. I'm not saying this to enlist your sympathy. I don't view myself as a pitiful person, even yesterday. Instead, I'm grateful that I have the capacity to feel the full range of my feelings. I know the depth and breadth of me. I don't view tears or feeling pain as a shameful thing. In fact, I believe the ability to feel so deeply it one of my gifts. It's one of the reasons I'm able to empathize with others. I'm a healer.
Oh, so you read my Thanksgiving list huh? I am flattered. However, I LEARNED and YOU DID NOT. Even if your list is bigger than mine, I DON’T GIVE A FUCK. YOU HAVE NOT LEARNED so get that through that thick lame brain of yours (if you have a brain). Back to the drawing board with you ANNIE! Come to Sister Arachne and bear your knuckles to the ruler for busting. YOU FAIL! RECALL ANNIE to the BOT FACTORY for re-programming! As you can tell, you will not get one drop of sympathy from me. YOU ARE A HEALER? HA HA HA HA and I am the second cuming of xist. I raise the dead. Did you not know that? Yo, do actually you read what you write and do you honestly believe yourself? If you believe yourself, you are worse off than I thought.
Do I wish that I hadn't felt the way I did yesterday? Yes. Do I wish that I could have recognized the state I was in and used some of the energy releasing techniques I've learned? Absolutely. Do I care if you laughed at my state, or that I annoyed HIM with my extreme behavior? Not the way you'd imagine. Do I intend to channel my emotions more effectively should such a situation arise again in the future? That is my intent. Do I wish to trouble you? Far from it. Do I think that you have similar commitment issues; otherwise, why would you be so deeply in love with a man you've spent less than a month with in real time? It's probably a bit callous of me to make such an observation this way; in fact, even writing something I sense you're unwilling to look at is a type of low blow that I know is improper for me to do.
Again, I DON’T GIVE A RAT’S ASS! YES I LAUGHED at your stupidity. As far as whether you annoyed HIM with your actions, I did not SEE annoyance as I was far too busy being jollied by your spaz. Why don’t you address him to find out if he was annoyed by them? By the way, are you a CLING-ON? A CLING-ON is a person who clings onto others like a blood sucking leech who won’t let go. Me thinks you are. Darling, don’t even attempt to think about my "issues" as you and I are different types of animals. You are WEAK and I am STRONG. Remember that. Also, I don’t NEED anyone, but apparently you do as you are CRIPPLED and INCAPABLE of doing for yourself. As far as low blows, you would not know where the fuck to start to strike me so don’t even bother trying. Ah, go for it...TRY IT! I would like to see what type of strategy you could come up with. It could be fun. At this stage of the game, ONLY I CAN HURT ME and that is a NO CAN DO. SHALL WE PLAY A GAME?
One other thing before I close. I felt bad not to respond to your e-mail that begins this chain with the earnestness I believe it merited, but certain conditions prevented me from making a timely response, and when circumstances would have allowed me to write back, I didn't feel comfortable to do so. I'll say now that I was touched by what you wrote, and I wish our interests did not intersect.
Hey, I felt for you once, but I feel nothing for you now. The door has closed so I DON'T GIVE A RAT’S ASS as to why you did not reply and I DON'T GIVE A RAT’S ASS that you were touched.
As ever, I know you're just trying to live your life, and it is with deep regret that your happiness to be with HIM seems to conflict with mine. On a spiritual level, I know there is enough of everything, including love, for everyone. But as a human being, I haven't managed to block my feelings when I feel threatened, and I'm not sure that's something to which I aspire. If I don't feel I'm getting burned, how will I learn to keep my hand out of the fire. But if I don't risk loving someone with all my heart, if I don't risk owning my desires, my needs, and who I am, how can I expect to blossom? This is what I've learned, and how I strive to live my life.
Man, you are stupid! I don’t need HIM or any man or being for my happiness as I have my happiness within myself. What is the matter with you woman? I LOVE ME FIRST AND FOREMOST ABOVE ALL INCLUDING MY OWN KID. That is the part you don’t get. EVERYTHING STARTS WITH SELF.
P.S.: Your stupid cc to HIM is very babyish. Man, get a fucking life you attention whore! How do you like me now?
Her response~
February 2009
Gosh, Maggie. You really know how to hurt someone's feelings. (wink, wink) And this is the second time you threatened me with bodily harm. What's up with that?
Clearly, we both love writing; however, I must respectfully decline your offer to play a game or continue in some kind of epistolary sparring. Besides, you've already hurt me so badly with all of those unkind observations. No doubt about it, your much spunkier than I, and clearly made of much sterner stuff.
I would prefer that you don't publish/post anything I've written to you, and you certainly do not have my legal permission to do so. We clearly have a very different sense of decorum, and I prefer to keep my private life just that.
I fail to see how I've violated you personally, but if my original e-mail or any part of our correspondence felt like a violation you have my sincere apology.
For what it's worth, I cc HIM on these e-mails because he is the only reason we're in contact, and I'm not trying to do anything behind his back. It's not out of the question that I wrote to you as some kind of cry for attention. Heck there's an element of truth in much of what you wrote. Unfortunately, you misinterpret my intentions. I'm not trying to put you on the defense or offense. I'm not out to get you at all. It was foolish for me to reach out, but I guess I'm not surprised by any of your reactions.
Here's wishing you all the best,
This is the same bitch that cyber stalked me. This is the same bitch who I blasted publicly via a blog with information that he provided me with. This 40+ year old woman NEVER had a relationship with a man. Why? First off, she is ugly and fat. Second, she is a cling-on in that if a guy pays her a tad of attention she is all over him like white on rice. The smart ones (expect him) never stick around because she is nuts. Not a good nuts either. She is a fucked up insecure asshole with no life kind of nuts.
Has he ever fucked her? Yes he has, but he had done so safely and with lots of lube. Dry as a duck's ass. Uh huh. When he and his ex broke up, he HOOKED UP with this idiot on the rebound. Merrily she went around singing “I have a boyfriend.” However, that was not the case. She was his unstable fuck friend and nothing more. When she knew I would be at his house, she would call over and over and over again. This did get to me and finally I told him to talk to her as the ringing was too spastic. When this bitch was writing to me, she was all boo hoo because I met his mom 5 months into our relationship and it took her 2 ½ years. Shit, if I had a snot cloth I would leave that snot cloth in the closet too.
Anyway, had he told me that he and Annie shithead were renting a movie to watch at his house, I would not have had a problem with that. Why couldn’t that just be said? Why the wait? It is fucked to get busted in a lie isn’t it? Maybe he shouldn’t have told me the name of the movie. That was his bad. Maybe his bad was just lying in the first place. Truth is so much better. Would I have cared if that cow was at his house? No. DO CARE that he LIED? You're damned straight that I do. ~ Maggie ~ December 6, 2011 @ 11:02 p.m. EST.
From her on Jan. 12, 2009:
I love the BDSM images of you with my boyfriend in your little video. You're a piece of work, lady. Have you no self respect?
You do know he and I've been together for the last two and half years? You do know I stayed up with him two nights while he outfitted his bike, washed the clothes he wore to Starwood, and sewed his backpack the day he left for his trip? You do know that I was the rebound girlfriend he started seeing less than a week after he broke up with Heather in 2006?
And you do know that he'll treat you the way he treats me. Right?
He calls me a stalker because I've looked at your pictures and read your posts. I fail to see how that qualifies as stalking, since your life seems to be a wide open book, available for the world to see. (As a fellow abused child and incest survivor, I have bad boundaries, too.)
Truth is, he must care about you a great deal. I didn't get introduced to his family until this Christmas, whereas you were invited to his mother's house for b-day parties, scrabble and cheesecake within five months of meeting. (Thanks for sharing the sweet photos.)
I suggest you move back to New York and give this your best shot, because he really does seem to care about you. I'm sure it's not a case of a commitmentphobe giving his all to a person who's living in another country and therefore not an actual commitment threat. You do know that commitmentphobes throw themselves full force at the current object of seduction, and it's really fun when he learns you're hooked; i.e., fallen in love; and his commitment fear rears its ugly head. (For the record, I'm a commitmentphobe, too; otherwise, I'd behave with more self respect, too. I have friends who are polyamorous, although I'm not, and hopefully you are, too. If not, you're in for quite a ride.)
But if you don't move back, could you have some common decency and stop seeing another woman's man?
As for me, I'll hope this latest online insult of you blindfolded and bound, will be the blessing in disguise I need to start walking another path with a man who loves only me. The way I deserve. (And if you have the secret for how to stop loving a man who sleeps with other women, I'm all ears.)
Of course the news that you had unprotected sex with him was the all-time low for me. How cute to hear you brought your clean bill of sexual health, in French, no less. He tried to claim that the unprotected sex just happened ... and he told me about it 15 minutes before we were going to have sex on New Year's Eve ... and, of course, didn't. But contrary to what he said, it seems to me the two of you were planning to have unprotected sex; otherwise, why did you bring your medical records?
He and I have never had unprotected sex. It's just another of the many ways you're special to him, and about which I'm bitter.
I can't begin to tell you how much I dislike having negative feelings about a person I never met. It's absurd and ridiculous. Fact is, he probably won't talk to me again for having contacted you. You may be happy and satisfied to know your constant online history of your relationship with him has broken my heart and I've shed more tears about you than you could ever imagine.
Did he never tell you about me? Or did you know about me and think it was really fun to post the history of your courtship online to really rub it in? Either way, it's a messed up situation, and I know I'm the biggest fool in this whole equation because I had so much of the information.
I hope you'll be very happy together.
-Annie C.J. R. (I'm on Facebook and Myspace, too) Jan 12, 2009
Stalking again??
Am I being stalked yet again by an individual of pathetic nature who has no fucking life? If so, get a fucking life bitch!!! You really make me sick and my stomach churns at your disgustingly sad, fat, ugly, pathetic nature/life. Ah, so you did get a dog. HA HA HA You remind me of a discarded snot cloth. ~ M ~ January 2, 2010 @ 2:00 p.m. EST
A Stalking Bitch's Words and My Reply
WHA WHA WHA LMAO Ah, fuck you!
Correspondence of February 24, 2009 . By the way, she is still a dumb fuck, whining, fat bitch fuck, attention whore who is still stalking me. Hey Shithead (a/k/a Annie), in the event you read this, don't flatter yourself thinking everyone will know it is you as you are NOT the popular type. Pathetic is not popular. All that matters is that YOU know it is YOU. Let your ass be humiliated you shallow drone. ~ M ~ February 2, 2010
Shithead’s words are in blue and mine are in white and red.
Dear Annie ~
Dear Maggie,
As you were witness to one of my rawest days, you're observations are right on the money. When I get in the grip of my abandonment fears, it can feel devastating and quite overwhelming, almost as if I'm going to burst from the emotional pressure. I'm just grateful I was able to resist any urge to drive to HIS house and make a total scene. As I'm a quadruple Leo, drama is most definitely part of my personality. In fact, I'm quite a passionate person. Alas every strength has its weakness. At least that's my experience..
WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS? HIGH SCHOOL? As far as I am concerned, GROW THE FUCK UP! I was witness to your bizarre nature and I personally think you are fucked in the head and in serious need of help. I would help you as my background is in psychology, but I already did your analysis and you need MEDS. I would read you off my diagnosis, but nah!
Babes, you should have come to HIS house to show your ass as I really would have liked that. We could have had a party! Why don’t you do that next time as I am sure it would provide a most jolly experience. Recommendation, if you do that, be prepared to throw the first punch or be prepared to have a threesome. Are you willing to do either? LMFAO! Mind you, I don’t and won’t fight over a man as no man is worth it INCLUDING HE. By the way, HE KNOWS THAT! HOWEVER, when you violate ME PERSONALLY, your ass is MINE! Do you really think I care what sign you are? Get real and stick it up your ass!
You speak of passion? Meh. I just see a whinny ass crippled crow looking to hold on to a man who she does not have to begin with. Where is your mind in the scope of reality? Are you desperate? I would say YES. Will no one else look at you? From the looks of you, I would say NO. IF you had any experience whatsoever, you would use it and use it wisely and not stupidly as you have. Not for anything, from what I can make of you, you have the personality of a fluff ball and remind me of the kids I used to slap as they walked to the retarded section of the school for their SLOW CLASSES.
What you don't and can't know is that yesterday's experience is not the sum of me. I'm 17.5 years sober, on a path for self-healing for quite some time, I do take all the actions you so aptly suggested. If I were a total basket case, I doubt HE and I would have been together for so long, and the fact is we've known each other for a long, long time; albeit only in the more recent times as lovers.
Ah, but you are a basket case! I don’t care how long you have been sober or on your path to self-healing. As far as I am concerned, you are a sick bitch. Put it this way, I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS about you and if you died NOW, I WOULD NOT GIVE A FUCK. I don’t even care that you live. As for how long you and HE have been together and what you do with him and for how long, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK about that either. If you are looking to mark territory, buy a dildo and put your name on it or piss on a pole. In your desperation for a man, I would say sell that ass of yours, but I don’t think you would fetch much. Have you thought about buying a dog? You could have sex with the dog and the dog will love you! Is that an idea or what?
In the absurdity of the situation, I'm sure I provided you with quite a laugh. Perhaps I'd have done the same if someone else intruded the way I did yesterday, but then again I don't generally make light of other people's suffering. And I was suffering. Oddly enough, even your e-mail brought me some comfort. Although I may seem to have terrible self-esteem -- and it's true that at times I do -- I know that my emotional response is quite human compared to the fact that the man I've loved for so long was intimate with another, once again. In all areas of my life, I stopped punishing myself for being human a long time, and I accept myself as I am. When I fail to direct my energy in a positive fashion, it is always a learning experience. I suspect yesterday will be no exception.
Yuppers on the laugh part. Even this correspondence is giving me a jolly. I should post it to show your pathetic nature to everyone on the net. How does that sound? Would you like that babes? Only in your wildest dreams do you wish you could take it like I do. YOU CAN’T as YOU ARE WEAK AND PATHETIC and I AM NOT! If we had a threesome, I would bitch slap you silly and make you crawl like a dog! YES. I would probably boot you in the ass with my steel toe Doc Martens just for good measure.
Incidentally, I know you are no stranger to pain. I did read your Thanksgiving gratitude list in November. With few exceptions, I could have written the same list myself. And added several more for good measure. I'm not saying this to enlist your sympathy. I don't view myself as a pitiful person, even yesterday. Instead, I'm grateful that I have the capacity to feel the full range of my feelings. I know the depth and breadth of me. I don't view tears or feeling pain as a shameful thing. In fact, I believe the ability to feel so deeply it one of my gifts. It's one of the reasons I'm able to empathize with others. I'm a healer.
Oh, so you read my Thanksgiving list huh? I am flattered. However, I LEARNED and YOU DID NOT. Even if your list is bigger than mine, I DON’T GIVE A FUCK. YOU HAVE NOT LEARNED so get that through that thick lame brain of yours (if you have a brain). Back to the drawing board with you ANNIE! Come to Sister Arachne and bear your knuckles to the ruler for busting. YOU FAIL! RECALL ANNIE to the BOT FACTORY for re-programming! As you can tell, you will not get one drop of sympathy from me. YOU ARE A HEALER? HA HA HA HA and I am the second cuming of xist. I raise the dead. Did you not know that? Yo, do actually you read what you write and do you honestly believe yourself? If you believe yourself, you are worse off than I thought.
Do I wish that I hadn't felt the way I did yesterday? Yes. Do I wish that I could have recognized the state I was in and used some of the energy releasing techniques I've learned? Absolutely. Do I care if you laughed at my state, or that I annoyed HIM with my extreme behavior? Not the way you'd imagine. Do I intend to channel my emotions more effectively should such a situation arise again in the future? That is my intent. Do I wish to trouble you? Far from it. Do I think that you have similar commitment issues; otherwise, why would you be so deeply in love with a man you've spent less than a month with in real time? It's probably a bit callous of me to make such an observation this way; in fact, even writing something I sense you're unwilling to look at is a type of low blow that I know is improper for me to do.
Again, I DON’T GIVE A RAT’S ASS! YES I LAUGHED at your stupidity. As far as whether you annoyed HIM with your actions, I did not SEE annoyance as I was far too busy being jollied by your spaz. Why don’t you address him to find out if he was annoyed by them? By the way, are you a CLING-ON? A CLING-ON is a person who clings onto others like a blood sucking leech who won’t let go. Me thinks you are. Darling, don’t even attempt to think about my "issues" as you and I are different types of animals. You are WEAK and I am STRONG. Remember that. Also, I don’t NEED anyone, but apparently you do as you are CRIPPLED and INCAPABLE of doing for yourself. As far as low blows, you would not know where the fuck to start to strike me so don’t even bother trying. Ah, go for it...TRY IT! I would like to see what type of strategy you could come up with. It could be fun. At this stage of the game, ONLY I CAN HURT ME and that is a NO CAN DO. SHALL WE PLAY A GAME?
One other thing before I close. I felt bad not to respond to your e-mail that begins this chain with the earnestness I believe it merited, but certain conditions prevented me from making a timely response, and when circumstances would have allowed me to write back, I didn't feel comfortable to do so. I'll say now that I was touched by what you wrote, and I wish our interests did not intersect.
Hey, I felt for you once, but I feel nothing for you now. The door has closed so I DON'T GIVE A RAT’S ASS as to why you did not reply and I DON'T GIVE A RAT’S ASS that you were touched.
As ever, I know you're just trying to live your life, and it is with deep regret that your happiness to be with HIM seems to conflict with mine. On a spiritual level, I know there is enough of everything, including love, for everyone. But as a human being, I haven't managed to block my feelings when I feel threatened, and I'm not sure that's something to which I aspire. If I don't feel I'm getting burned, how will I learn to keep my hand out of the fire. But if I don't risk loving someone with all my heart, if I don't risk owning my desires, my needs, and who I am, how can I expect to blossom? This is what I've learned, and how I strive to live my life.
Man, you are stupid! I don’t need HIM or any man or being for my happiness as I have my happiness within myself. What is the matter with you woman? I LOVE ME FIRST AND FOREMOST ABOVE ALL INCLUDING MY OWN KID. That is the part you don’t get. EVERYTHING STARTS WITH SELF.
P.S.: Your stupid cc to HIM is very babyish. Man, get a fucking life you attention whore! How do you like me now?
Her response~
February 2009
Gosh, Maggie. You really know how to hurt someone's feelings. (wink, wink) And this is the second time you threatened me with bodily harm. What's up with that?
Clearly, we both love writing; however, I must respectfully decline your offer to play a game or continue in some kind of epistolary sparring. Besides, you've already hurt me so badly with all of those unkind observations. No doubt about it, your much spunkier than I, and clearly made of much sterner stuff.
I would prefer that you don't publish/post anything I've written to you, and you certainly do not have my legal permission to do so. We clearly have a very different sense of decorum, and I prefer to keep my private life just that.
I fail to see how I've violated you personally, but if my original e-mail or any part of our correspondence felt like a violation you have my sincere apology.
For what it's worth, I cc HIM on these e-mails because he is the only reason we're in contact, and I'm not trying to do anything behind his back. It's not out of the question that I wrote to you as some kind of cry for attention. Heck there's an element of truth in much of what you wrote. Unfortunately, you misinterpret my intentions. I'm not trying to put you on the defense or offense. I'm not out to get you at all. It was foolish for me to reach out, but I guess I'm not surprised by any of your reactions.
Here's wishing you all the best,
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Did you ever just want to...
Shoot yourself or another in the face because of something so retarded it goes beyond words? Today I was talking with my mom and we were discussing children and the belief in santa which ended with the belief in god. Of course she hung up on me.
My opinion is that we should tell children that santa claus is not real. Thanks and praise are given to a person who does not exist whereas the true giver, the parent, does exist and does give and not just at xmas. It is the parent whom children should recognize for doing for them and not some nonexistent fat man in a red suit.
Mother said how other children would hate the child who says there is no santa. Not for anything, a child who is a Jehovah Witness, Jew, or Muslim does not believe in santa or xmas so why can’t all children not believe? Then again, how many believers love the person who says there is no god? Xmas is a xtain holiday and all good xtians hate because religious leaders program them to do so. Have you seen xtains carrying signs that say “god hates homosexuals?” How bizarre is that? Oh gag me with a soup ladle as a spoon will not do. Xtains are not the only people with issues: all believers have issues.
Mom brought up a time when my daughter had surgery and I prayed for her for which I totally admitted being stupid for doing so. I told mom that if god really exists, he is one sick and sadist fuck who listens to prayers and does not do shit to help anyone. She was going bonkers on the other end of the line, but hey I was calling it as I see it. You should have heard her yelling, “Don’t you ever call god a ‘sick and sadistic fuck’ blah blah blah” CLICK. Yes I was laughing
One paper I did in college was to analyze the book of Genesis. My paper noted that god was a sick and sadistic fuck of a father who messed with his children's minds. I also pointed out the discrepancies within the book. If people would critically read and critically listen to others and themselves, MAYBE they would come to the conclusion that the whole damned thing is just a story (a stolen one at that) and get over all the bullshit. Hey, maybe that would cause world peace, but “THEY” don’t want that. War is money! So is xmas. ~ Maggie ~ Dec 1, 2011 4:22 pm
My opinion is that we should tell children that santa claus is not real. Thanks and praise are given to a person who does not exist whereas the true giver, the parent, does exist and does give and not just at xmas. It is the parent whom children should recognize for doing for them and not some nonexistent fat man in a red suit.
Mother said how other children would hate the child who says there is no santa. Not for anything, a child who is a Jehovah Witness, Jew, or Muslim does not believe in santa or xmas so why can’t all children not believe? Then again, how many believers love the person who says there is no god? Xmas is a xtain holiday and all good xtians hate because religious leaders program them to do so. Have you seen xtains carrying signs that say “god hates homosexuals?” How bizarre is that? Oh gag me with a soup ladle as a spoon will not do. Xtains are not the only people with issues: all believers have issues.
Mom brought up a time when my daughter had surgery and I prayed for her for which I totally admitted being stupid for doing so. I told mom that if god really exists, he is one sick and sadist fuck who listens to prayers and does not do shit to help anyone. She was going bonkers on the other end of the line, but hey I was calling it as I see it. You should have heard her yelling, “Don’t you ever call god a ‘sick and sadistic fuck’ blah blah blah” CLICK. Yes I was laughing
One paper I did in college was to analyze the book of Genesis. My paper noted that god was a sick and sadistic fuck of a father who messed with his children's minds. I also pointed out the discrepancies within the book. If people would critically read and critically listen to others and themselves, MAYBE they would come to the conclusion that the whole damned thing is just a story (a stolen one at that) and get over all the bullshit. Hey, maybe that would cause world peace, but “THEY” don’t want that. War is money! So is xmas. ~ Maggie ~ Dec 1, 2011 4:22 pm
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Giving Thanks...
Being that I don’t celebrate (lower case is not accidental) thanksgiving due to what it represents, I can give thanks to having time with my guy for that dumb ass holiday.
At first I was iffy as to whether I would make it or not, but where there is a will there is a way. Therefore, I leave for NYC on Monday. He had set the plans in stone even before he was sure of my intent. Maybe he just knew that I would be able to manage it. Low and behold I did.
His mom, as of yesterday, already bought the bird which we will pick up on the day before. The day "of" will see us all working in the kitchen. However, I think we will leave him to the potato peeling. Actually, he is best on the couch while the women work.
Why am I thankful?
I am thankful that he is who he is even when I want to kill him (which is one third of the time).
I am thankful that he is honest even when honesty hurts (one or both of us).
I am thankful that he finally found out the day we met even down to the time (that was very special).
I am thankful that he can deal with my Roger Rabbit on crack personality.
I am thankful he laughs at my wha wha baby tizzy fits.
I am thankful that he started teaching me martial arts (FINALLY).
I am thankful that he has learned some Mohawk words.
I am thankful that he shows how he feels about me in the round about way he does things.
I am thankful for all the first time events we shared.
I am thankful for all the first time events he gave me.
I am thankful for his open mind.
I am thankful that I can tell him anything and everything.
I am thankful for his art (graphics, ink, and paint).
I am thankful for his eye (photography, graphics, ink, and paint).
I am thankful for his childlike manner.
I am thankful for his manly manner.
I am thankful he remembers.
I am thankful that he thinks about me.
I am thankful that we are still together.
I am thankful that when I am with him, I feel like a kid.
I am thankful that he does not care that I curse like a sailor.
I am thankful that he does not mind when I pounce on him.
I am thankful that he likes to play fight with me (even though we have both drawn blood).
Aw hell, I am just thankful I met him! ~ Maggie ~ Nov. 16, 2011 @ 9:49 p.m. EST
Regarding the picture, it is of my family. Now you know why I don't celebrate. Center stage: my great great grandfather. The woman with him is my great great grandmother. The children are: my grand aunt to his right and my grandfather to his left. The man standing on the far left is my great grandfather (an in-law to the two in front) and the woman to his right is my great grandmother (daughter to the couple in the center).
At first I was iffy as to whether I would make it or not, but where there is a will there is a way. Therefore, I leave for NYC on Monday. He had set the plans in stone even before he was sure of my intent. Maybe he just knew that I would be able to manage it. Low and behold I did.
His mom, as of yesterday, already bought the bird which we will pick up on the day before. The day "of" will see us all working in the kitchen. However, I think we will leave him to the potato peeling. Actually, he is best on the couch while the women work.
Why am I thankful?
I am thankful that he is who he is even when I want to kill him (which is one third of the time).
I am thankful that he is honest even when honesty hurts (one or both of us).
I am thankful that he finally found out the day we met even down to the time (that was very special).
I am thankful that he can deal with my Roger Rabbit on crack personality.
I am thankful he laughs at my wha wha baby tizzy fits.
I am thankful that he started teaching me martial arts (FINALLY).
I am thankful that he has learned some Mohawk words.
I am thankful that he shows how he feels about me in the round about way he does things.
I am thankful for all the first time events we shared.
I am thankful for all the first time events he gave me.
I am thankful for his open mind.
I am thankful that I can tell him anything and everything.
I am thankful for his art (graphics, ink, and paint).
I am thankful for his eye (photography, graphics, ink, and paint).
I am thankful for his childlike manner.
I am thankful for his manly manner.
I am thankful he remembers.
I am thankful that he thinks about me.
I am thankful that we are still together.
I am thankful that when I am with him, I feel like a kid.
I am thankful that he does not care that I curse like a sailor.
I am thankful that he does not mind when I pounce on him.
I am thankful that he likes to play fight with me (even though we have both drawn blood).
Aw hell, I am just thankful I met him! ~ Maggie ~ Nov. 16, 2011 @ 9:49 p.m. EST
Regarding the picture, it is of my family. Now you know why I don't celebrate. Center stage: my great great grandfather. The woman with him is my great great grandmother. The children are: my grand aunt to his right and my grandfather to his left. The man standing on the far left is my great grandfather (an in-law to the two in front) and the woman to his right is my great grandmother (daughter to the couple in the center).

My Time With HIM~
When I walked in, the wall space that I had intended to use was blocked with objects due to his fixing up the apartment. What to do? How might I throw him against the wall and take him when there is no wall? “I’ll be right back.” he said. “I have to use the bathroom.” With this, I thought of the times he would enter that room and place his cock in my mouth as I let loose my water. The feeling of being open as such and taken as such much delighted me. How might it delight him? Much like I always do, I followed him into the bathroom and sat on the edge of the tub to which he thought nothing of it. However, when he was done with his business, I made a bee line for his cock before he could even attempt to pick up his pants. What started with me giving him wicked head from my seat at the edge of the tub continued to the floor where he was ramming his cock down my throat. Perhaps we were going at it for about half an hour or so before we headed to the bedroom. Once in the bedroom, something came over me; I thought of the wall! He, with his boots still on and his pants at his ankles, was mine for the taking. Surely, I did throw him on the bed and did jump upon him to have my fill. Usually, I can hear him cum, but not this time. My own vocals drowned his out to where I did not believe he came. Normally, I am loud and the neighbors have complained, but this time he said that I was screaming. I knew not that I was. --------------------------------------------------------- I had told him that I was re-reading “The Story of O” and that there was a movie made of the book. Although, the movie falls very short of what the book actually contains, I could say the same about the movie “9 ½ Weeks” as opposed to the book of the same title. He asked me if I would like him to get it so that we may watch it together. I agreed to this, but also I noted much was not in the movie. Despite this fact, in the middle of us watching the movie, he went to our bag of “things” and withdrew some items. Much to my delight, I was placed in my corset. He then chose which stocking and shoes I was to wear. He also pulled out a black lace shawl that served as a skirt, which he lovingly tied at my waist. When I was prepared, he commanded that I bend over the couch. After some teasing, he did enter me, but that too was a tease for he was not done. Out came the cuffs, collar, and chained nipple clamps that he also applied. Having my hands behind me and sitting in a most awkward position, he left the room to get himself a chocolate snack. From my position, seeing what he was eating was easy. He then asked me if I would like one to which I replied yes. Coming back from the kitchen, I could see that he had the treats in a dish. Although I thought he was going to feed it to me, he laid it down on the end table and told me to find a way to get to it and eat it. He hampered my ability to move by the way he had me bound. Nonetheless, I was able to wiggle over to the table. The chocolate treats were almost flush with the plate which made them almost impossible for me to get. As he watched, he laughed as I did my best to eat that which was placed in front of me. With time and effort, I did manage the feat. My chocolate-covered face gave him a good laugh to which he used his iPhone to capture my dismayed image. He saved the best treat for last. With his help, I stood up and he led me to the bedroom. ~ Maggie ~ November 16, 2011 @ 2:16 p.m. EST | |
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
As I believe in freedom, I don’t like rules and thus would prefer to break them especially when they stray away from my own being.
According to Oxford University Press Dictionary:
rule >noun 1 a regulation or principle governing conduct or procedure within a particular sphere. 2 control or government: British rule. 3 a code of practice and discipline for a religious community. 4 (the rule) the normal or customary state of things. 5 a straight strip of rigid material used for measuring; a ruler. 6 a thin printed line or dash. >verb 1 exercise ultimate power over (a people or nation). 2 exert a powerful and restricting influence on. 3 pronounce authoritatively and legally to be the case. 4 make parallel lines on (paper).
-PHRASES as a rule usually, but not always. rule of thumb a broadly accurate guide or principle, based on practice rather than theory. rule out/in exclude (or include) as a possibility. rule the roost be in complete control. run the rule over Brit. examine cursorily.
-ORIGIN Old French reule, from Latin regula 'straight stick'.
What I see here is pure and simple control. We all know right from wrong in the most basic sense. “Do as you will but harm no one in the process.” Therefore, why should another/others dictate to us? I see no reason. If respect is considered a rule, then society sucks.
respect >noun 1 a feeling of admiration for someone because of their qualities or achievements. 2 due regard for the feelings or rights of others. 3 (respects) polite greetings. 4 a particular aspect, point, or detail. >verb 1 feel or have respect for. 2 avoid harming or interfering with. 3 agree to recognize and abide by.
If taking this to the arena of BDSM, talk is had or not and things are done or not. It would depend on the people involved. Should one partner say: I would like to strangle you until you are unconscious so that I can fuck you in that state AND should the other partner agree, that is not a rule. The question was asked as a matter of respect. However, if we take away the asking and the strangling partner knocks out his mate, well then, no respect is had unless the other partner indicated a liking to it. This may be a bizarre example, but what the hell.
Cheating on a partner is not respectful as it can harm the other partner’s feelings. If, however, the partner who wants to sample other finery were to tell his/her partner of such, the telling allows for discussion. Through this discussion, the other partner is given the choice to stay in or leave the relationship. If the partner has already cheated and tells later, again, he/she allows for discussion and freedom to stay in or leave the relationship.
To lay down law and state you cannot do this; that; and the other thing, OR you have to do this; that; and the other thing is too caged.
Are there rules here? You tell me.
The focus of my power can only lie within as I don't have and don't want to have power over another/others. It is for another/others to have power over themselves. However, it is hoped that the power that is gained is understood and not made a power over another/others. That would defeat the purpose of freedom. ~ Arachne ~ Oct 18, 2011 5:04 pm
According to Oxford University Press Dictionary:
rule >noun 1 a regulation or principle governing conduct or procedure within a particular sphere. 2 control or government: British rule. 3 a code of practice and discipline for a religious community. 4 (the rule) the normal or customary state of things. 5 a straight strip of rigid material used for measuring; a ruler. 6 a thin printed line or dash. >verb 1 exercise ultimate power over (a people or nation). 2 exert a powerful and restricting influence on. 3 pronounce authoritatively and legally to be the case. 4 make parallel lines on (paper).
-PHRASES as a rule usually, but not always. rule of thumb a broadly accurate guide or principle, based on practice rather than theory. rule out/in exclude (or include) as a possibility. rule the roost be in complete control. run the rule over Brit. examine cursorily.
-ORIGIN Old French reule, from Latin regula 'straight stick'.
What I see here is pure and simple control. We all know right from wrong in the most basic sense. “Do as you will but harm no one in the process.” Therefore, why should another/others dictate to us? I see no reason. If respect is considered a rule, then society sucks.
respect >noun 1 a feeling of admiration for someone because of their qualities or achievements. 2 due regard for the feelings or rights of others. 3 (respects) polite greetings. 4 a particular aspect, point, or detail. >verb 1 feel or have respect for. 2 avoid harming or interfering with. 3 agree to recognize and abide by.
If taking this to the arena of BDSM, talk is had or not and things are done or not. It would depend on the people involved. Should one partner say: I would like to strangle you until you are unconscious so that I can fuck you in that state AND should the other partner agree, that is not a rule. The question was asked as a matter of respect. However, if we take away the asking and the strangling partner knocks out his mate, well then, no respect is had unless the other partner indicated a liking to it. This may be a bizarre example, but what the hell.
Cheating on a partner is not respectful as it can harm the other partner’s feelings. If, however, the partner who wants to sample other finery were to tell his/her partner of such, the telling allows for discussion. Through this discussion, the other partner is given the choice to stay in or leave the relationship. If the partner has already cheated and tells later, again, he/she allows for discussion and freedom to stay in or leave the relationship.
To lay down law and state you cannot do this; that; and the other thing, OR you have to do this; that; and the other thing is too caged.
Are there rules here? You tell me.
The focus of my power can only lie within as I don't have and don't want to have power over another/others. It is for another/others to have power over themselves. However, it is hoped that the power that is gained is understood and not made a power over another/others. That would defeat the purpose of freedom. ~ Arachne ~ Oct 18, 2011 5:04 pm
Friday, October 14, 2011
Thanks for your thoughts, it was just something that came to me one night. Cute syllogism *sarcastic smile* but one could just as well substitute women for men and females for males and something less flattering, but after seeing some men when they have a cold or are sick I can find some truth in your syllogism.
You posed a cool question, however, you laid it out in formula form. Did you know the formula? Your posing of the question brought to memory "philosophical truth formula" to which I made the query as I am rusty in doing it. Here is the link I used to brush up: propositional formula on wiki.
The one thing that I did not note in the formula under number 3 was "Therefore..." Unfortunately, when some men get a cold, they act like whining babies that are dying. This leaves their woman to act as mommy. I would not say that all men are babies, however, I would say: some (or many) men are babies in that regard. "All men" cannot be logically used.
Based on my little program, the answer would come up with a TRUE value despite its false nature.
Men are babies is a false statement. Men are adults and babies are not. Despite the formula pulling a TRUE value, logic dictates it to be a FALSE true.
If saying: some males are babies, the answer would be true. There are male babies born everyday.
If saying: men are males, the answer would be true. The definition of man is an adult human male.
If saying: males are men, the answer could be false. The definition of a man would then be open to subjectivity by the person answering the question. Have you heard the term: He may be a male, but he sure isn't a man.
Thanks for tickling my mind. ~ Oct 14, 2011 9:17 pm
Thanks for your thoughts, it was just something that came to me one night. Cute syllogism *sarcastic smile* but one could just as well substitute women for men and females for males and something less flattering, but after seeing some men when they have a cold or are sick I can find some truth in your syllogism.
You posed a cool question, however, you laid it out in formula form. Did you know the formula? Your posing of the question brought to memory "philosophical truth formula" to which I made the query as I am rusty in doing it. Here is the link I used to brush up: propositional formula on wiki.
The one thing that I did not note in the formula under number 3 was "Therefore..." Unfortunately, when some men get a cold, they act like whining babies that are dying. This leaves their woman to act as mommy. I would not say that all men are babies, however, I would say: some (or many) men are babies in that regard. "All men" cannot be logically used.
Based on my little program, the answer would come up with a TRUE value despite its false nature.
Men are babies is a false statement. Men are adults and babies are not. Despite the formula pulling a TRUE value, logic dictates it to be a FALSE true.
If saying: some males are babies, the answer would be true. There are male babies born everyday.
If saying: men are males, the answer would be true. The definition of man is an adult human male.
If saying: males are men, the answer could be false. The definition of a man would then be open to subjectivity by the person answering the question. Have you heard the term: He may be a male, but he sure isn't a man.
Thanks for tickling my mind. ~ Oct 14, 2011 9:17 pm
Every Truth: A response to a question
(Someone submitted this to me for my thoughts on the matter. Lucky for me there is a formula for such.)
Tell me your thoughts on this statement. "Every truth is wrapped in a lie and every lie is wrapped in some truth, and yet there are lies and there are truths." True or False? Just kidding I would like to have your thoughts on the above statement in quotation marks.
"Every truth is wrapped in a lie and every lie is wrapped in some truth, and yet there are lies and there are truths." True or False?
1) If every truth is wrapped in a lie AND
2) Every lie is wrapped in some truth
3) There are lies and there are truths
The answer is TRUE based on the philosophic truth of statement formula. Albeit, it could be argued in some definitive way. However, I do not see wiggle room in a TRUE or FALSE question.
Note: The question you pose “supposes” based on the IF/AND principle. Regardless of the IF/AND, the statement contains enough information in its presentation to be rendered true. There are lies and there are truths. Where is my gray area?
I now pose a question to you without IF and AND. *snicker
100 INPUT “All men are males ”; ANS$
110 IF ANS$ = “True” OR ANS$ = “T” THEN GOTO 200
150 IF ANS$ = “False” OR ANS$ = “F” THEN PRINT “Explain” AND GOTO 250
200 INPUT “Some males are babies” ANS$
210 IF ANS$ = “True” OR ANS$ = “T” THEN PRINT “Men are babies” ELSE PRINT “No?”
250 END
*Giggles loudly ~ Arachne ~ Oct 14, 2011 12:03 am
Tell me your thoughts on this statement. "Every truth is wrapped in a lie and every lie is wrapped in some truth, and yet there are lies and there are truths." True or False? Just kidding I would like to have your thoughts on the above statement in quotation marks.
"Every truth is wrapped in a lie and every lie is wrapped in some truth, and yet there are lies and there are truths." True or False?
1) If every truth is wrapped in a lie AND
2) Every lie is wrapped in some truth
3) There are lies and there are truths
The answer is TRUE based on the philosophic truth of statement formula. Albeit, it could be argued in some definitive way. However, I do not see wiggle room in a TRUE or FALSE question.
Note: The question you pose “supposes” based on the IF/AND principle. Regardless of the IF/AND, the statement contains enough information in its presentation to be rendered true. There are lies and there are truths. Where is my gray area?
I now pose a question to you without IF and AND. *snicker
100 INPUT “All men are males ”; ANS$
110 IF ANS$ = “True” OR ANS$ = “T” THEN GOTO 200
150 IF ANS$ = “False” OR ANS$ = “F” THEN PRINT “Explain” AND GOTO 250
200 INPUT “Some males are babies” ANS$
210 IF ANS$ = “True” OR ANS$ = “T” THEN PRINT “Men are babies” ELSE PRINT “No?”
250 END
*Giggles loudly ~ Arachne ~ Oct 14, 2011 12:03 am
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The Fake Relationship...
The Fake Relationship~
In relationship status...the best fucked up chain ever...
by Arachne on Tuesday, August 9, 2011 at 11:59pm (This comes via my FB status which was later made into a published FB "note." Yes all my friends and family saw this, however, they KNOW me.)
(So that you guys know, this was planned to be a spoof. The conversation went as a smooth like dance even without prepared responses. Our nature did the work. However, we did cheat while in chat to punk it up more and to end it in tragedy. What came of this dialogue is raunchy comedy via friendship and cooperation. Thanks K!)
Arachne is now in a relationship with K.O.S.
A. wrote "awww Too cute So happy for you Arachne!!"
Arachne wrote “It is wonderfully cute. K. is such a young man. I am so surprised that his young hunky butt got together my my old ass. lol"
A. wrote "LMAO!! Age ain't nuttin but a number.. You lil cougar you!"
K. wrote "hahaha Well we had to sometime with how madly in love we are! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH TOO BABE."
Arachne wrote “Oh baby I love you too! Our love will go on and on. We have our own Titanic music in the background and I will never let go!"
Arachne wrote "A., he is even younger than my daughter. I am forever lucky as I have a man that will actually outlive me."
Arachne wrote "Right honey?"
K. wrote "aww, You make me blush Arachne. lol You're far more beautiful then any young woman inside and out"
A. wrote "Outlive you!! hahahaha That's one way to look at it I guess "
Arachne wrote "That is the best way to look at it. *-)"
K. wrote "awwww 19 ain’t so young babe. I'll live fast and go with you."
Arachne wrote "19 is your prime hun."
K. wrote "hehe We know that first hand "
Arachne wrote "Yes we do. Our passion is boiling HOT!"
K. wrote "Magma hot babe!"
Arachne wrote "Grande Hot sugar bear!"
K. wrote "Oh what a lucky young man I am to have such a wonderful goddess!"
Arachne wrote "My love, I treasure that you are willing to die when I do! How romantic."
K. wrote "There’s no way I would rather go then in your arms with you."
Arachne wrote "Oh dear love...we will be knocking on heavens door together. We shall wear black at our wedding and white at our funeral.
K. wrote "Sounds wonderful to me babe. Here's to a happy life together and into the next."
Arachne wrote "I agree my WOLFman!"
K. wrote "Hugs and kisses to my wonderful witchy woman!"
Arachne wrote "Hugs to my snuggle muffin!"
Arachne wrote "HOWL!
K. wrote "awoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"
Arachne wrote "Woof and growl!"
K. wrote "grrrrrrrr "
Arachne wrote "Panting....
K. wrote "heh...heh..heh.."
Arachne wrote "*wink"
K. wrote "*kiss"
C. wrote "Dis is interesting... lmbo"
K. wrote "Glad you think so. ;D I feel so lucky and happy ?"
Arachne wrote "I am glad she thinks so too. I wonder how many people think so? We are so lucky and happy aren't we sweetie, sugar pie, lamb!"
K. wrote "I could never ask for better babe. You're all I want and need."
Missing something here...
K. wrote "Indeed we are my love and if you keep calling me that I'm really gonna blush. haha"
Arachne wrote "You never blush in the heat of the moment, so why blush here? Let it ALL hang out."
K. wrote "haha You got a point there my love. And as for hang, well we both know about that. hehe"
Arachne wrote "We both do know that you are HUNG like a horse"
K. wrote "Pfff like a horse? The horse is hung like ME "
C. wrote "Awww All this is going up in my fantasy data base to become reality in my head, heart & soul experience. ? ! Just sayin... lol"
C. wrote "Well, for me in my own way, not to interrupt or some' suches your'alls experience! "
Arachne wrote "Darling, you are so right. The horse is hung like YOU. How dare the horse copy your wonderful male member. Actually, he does not copy you fully for when we had our romp in the stable, the horse was crying when he saw what you had. I too cried in delight despite the poor horse's dismay. C., would you like a threesome with us? He and I are so willing and able. Aren't we honey?"
K. wrote "hehehe Indeed we are babe "
Arachne wrote "Coolio!"
K. wrote "Could I ask for a better lover? Never!"
Arachne wrote "Darling...I am feeling...well...I am feeling that I might not love you as much as I said I love you. I feel that I need to see other men who are hung like hamsters so that I may taste the variety of life. You are like Gomez Addams and surely will understand if we do fall apart and I go off and frolic with many many men. I may return to you older and wiser, but perhaps diseased. I know you will love me anyway. I will know later if this is what I choose to do. Yes..I will let you know as my whoredom is calling me pricking at my ears to sample a variety before I depart this earth.
K. wrote "Ah very well babe. Do as you feel you must do. If we do part I will be ever waiting."
Arachne wrote "This I know and that is why I tell you of my longing desire to sample the fruit of others. I had thought about being with 10 at a time...maybe 50 just to see what that is like. It is not like you wold have sloppy seconds or anything. I would use bleach and bathe my body clean for you. I still have time to decide. I wonder if I can do it in a plane? Or can I do it in a lane? I am getting hot for Dr. Suess."
K. wrote "Planes, lanes, why not trains? travel the world and sample the men like wine. All different ages and every one a different taste."
Arachne wrote “YES! That sounds ideal! Why didn't I think about that? You are so wonderful. Yes yes I may return to your arms after my adventure lest it kills me. However, you did promise to join me in death."
K. wrote "We will see each other again one way or another babe if you come back or die trying. And, if you come back, just think of how much more experience you will have! It will make for an interesting welcome home romp."
Arachne wrote “I may just die trying as I am a nympho. Would you mind if I brought some men home as cabana boys?"
K. wrote "Not at all so long as you bring a set of cabana girls for me too. Twins if you would be so kind. Start a collection along with all our various strapons and handcuffs. Oh and I can't forget the whips, oh joy oh joy."
Arachne wrote "What happens if I find a baby man? A man who likes wearing diapers? Oh to be a new mom again! Would you mind that? We could make him shit his diaper while we have him on the rack. If he shits his diaper, we can spank him. Do you mind if you cabana girls are scat girls?"
K. wrote "Not at all so long as I have nose plugs. I've been meaning to put that iron maiden in the basement to use for awhile now. I didn't know you had a rack! I wanna be on it, it sounds like so much fun. Stretch me like ya meeean it!"
Arachne wrote "Oh Gomez! I knew you would understand. Yes I will stretch you like pulled pork and Playdoh. I will even have images of comics all over your body! I had been keeping the rack a secret because I have been having my way with Uncle Fester. Nose plugs it is! You have an iron maiden? When did you get that? Why have you not done me in it? I am truly upset with you!"
K. wrote "For the same reason you kept the rack from me my love. I was keeping it as a surprise! I'll be sure to get you in it tonight I'll get a pair of nose plugs right away! I will need them soon! hmmmmmmm or balls of cotton, yes that would work too."
Arachne wrote "Cotton balls? Will we mate like rabbits and then will the wolf in you tear me apart? Actually, when I think of cotton balls, I think of Brando playing The Godfather. Oh to do you as Brando! Bring some butter and I will lube your corn for porn! Oh yes...needle nose pliers must be brought into the equation...what can be done with those and some weights! Yes bring fishing weights and line...a thick needle as well! We shall make DeSade look silly! Would you kill me for yourself? I read your diary in secret and know you to be a this, I sacrifice myself to you and then we shall part ways."
K. wrote "Nah this wolf mates for life so there will be no tearing unless it's by my giant member known to make horses cry. oho I shall have to dress up as Brando and do an impersonation it seems. Just no horse head in the bed. We must gather all this wonderful equipment! We shall make wonderful painful love and I'll accept your sacrifice when the time cums! I'll need a lot of formaldehyde though."
Arachne wrote "Wolves do mate for life. Supposing I am wolf are we then incestuous? *-) Yes that monstrous member of yours is the envy of nations and shall tear at me this night and the world's horses will cry out of jealousy! In our painful and wonderful last seduction, I bring you the twin cabana scat girls who I have also designated for sacrifice in our doom chamber. With them comes my harem of men and the man baby in diapers (his diaper is very very soiled - I whipped him silly, but I didn't change him.). My diseased self who drips with the ejaculations of 10,000 men will be OPEN to disposal. What will you do to CUM with me into the afterlife after you have CUM with me when I am pickled? I want to know the measure of your demise? Will it be painful? *wringing hands in delight" I also have a copy of Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham!"
K. wrote "oho If we are incestuous then why does something so wrong feel so right? hmmm Brings a whole new meaning to loving family. muahahahaha My monstrous trouser python is just one long, hard, massive muscle. I know just where to put those cabana girls. I have a nice meat locker were they will be preserved in ice forever with us. I will cum with you into the afterlife in the most painful way imaginable: death by Justin Beiber CD torture. I'll strap myself to a chair and blast it in the sound system as loud as it can go until I die in extreme pain...until my head explodes into the pure torture and horror of it and I explode inside you one last time. Oh what a glorious and horrid way to go. Good that you got something for us to read when we reach the other side. We must have literature with us."
Arachne wrote "Everything was fine until you mentioned JB! My love for you has died. You killed it with the mere mention of his name. I guess I will have to move along now. HOW COULD YOU!!! That kind of torture by all us righteous sick fucks! Don't you know that? What caused you to become so dysfunctional? Did you eat something that disagreed with you? Woe is me and my eternity...I shall have to end my relationship with you and find another who will love me, do for me, accept my whoring and my harem, my man baby, my love of Dr. Suess and the arousal he causes with his words, and die with me as you would have. So this night I give up all that I had with you including your massive meat and move on to men of lesser means. Oh this too too cruel world! Our love ends so tragically! Yes our literature will live on, but I cannot be with someone who mentions the name of JB. Hey, do you mind if we just remain friends?"
K. wrote "I don't mined at all *shakes your hand*"
Arachne wrote "Friends we are...*shakes your hand and gives a high five for a job well done!*" ~ Arachne ~ Oct. 13, 2011 @ 1:38 pm
In relationship status...the best fucked up chain ever...
by Arachne on Tuesday, August 9, 2011 at 11:59pm (This comes via my FB status which was later made into a published FB "note." Yes all my friends and family saw this, however, they KNOW me.)
(So that you guys know, this was planned to be a spoof. The conversation went as a smooth like dance even without prepared responses. Our nature did the work. However, we did cheat while in chat to punk it up more and to end it in tragedy. What came of this dialogue is raunchy comedy via friendship and cooperation. Thanks K!)
Arachne is now in a relationship with K.O.S.
A. wrote "awww Too cute So happy for you Arachne!!"
Arachne wrote “It is wonderfully cute. K. is such a young man. I am so surprised that his young hunky butt got together my my old ass. lol"
A. wrote "LMAO!! Age ain't nuttin but a number.. You lil cougar you!"
K. wrote "hahaha Well we had to sometime with how madly in love we are! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH TOO BABE."
Arachne wrote “Oh baby I love you too! Our love will go on and on. We have our own Titanic music in the background and I will never let go!"
Arachne wrote "A., he is even younger than my daughter. I am forever lucky as I have a man that will actually outlive me."
Arachne wrote "Right honey?"
K. wrote "aww, You make me blush Arachne. lol You're far more beautiful then any young woman inside and out"
A. wrote "Outlive you!! hahahaha That's one way to look at it I guess "
Arachne wrote "That is the best way to look at it. *-)"
K. wrote "awwww 19 ain’t so young babe. I'll live fast and go with you."
Arachne wrote "19 is your prime hun."
K. wrote "hehe We know that first hand "
Arachne wrote "Yes we do. Our passion is boiling HOT!"
K. wrote "Magma hot babe!"
Arachne wrote "Grande Hot sugar bear!"
K. wrote "Oh what a lucky young man I am to have such a wonderful goddess!"
Arachne wrote "My love, I treasure that you are willing to die when I do! How romantic."
K. wrote "There’s no way I would rather go then in your arms with you."
Arachne wrote "Oh dear love...we will be knocking on heavens door together. We shall wear black at our wedding and white at our funeral.
K. wrote "Sounds wonderful to me babe. Here's to a happy life together and into the next."
Arachne wrote "I agree my WOLFman!"
K. wrote "Hugs and kisses to my wonderful witchy woman!"
Arachne wrote "Hugs to my snuggle muffin!"
Arachne wrote "HOWL!
K. wrote "awoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"
Arachne wrote "Woof and growl!"
K. wrote "grrrrrrrr "
Arachne wrote "Panting....
K. wrote "heh...heh..heh.."
Arachne wrote "*wink"
K. wrote "*kiss"
C. wrote "Dis is interesting... lmbo"
K. wrote "Glad you think so. ;D I feel so lucky and happy ?"
Arachne wrote "I am glad she thinks so too. I wonder how many people think so? We are so lucky and happy aren't we sweetie, sugar pie, lamb!"
K. wrote "I could never ask for better babe. You're all I want and need."
Missing something here...
K. wrote "Indeed we are my love and if you keep calling me that I'm really gonna blush. haha"
Arachne wrote "You never blush in the heat of the moment, so why blush here? Let it ALL hang out."
K. wrote "haha You got a point there my love. And as for hang, well we both know about that. hehe"
Arachne wrote "We both do know that you are HUNG like a horse"
K. wrote "Pfff like a horse? The horse is hung like ME "
C. wrote "Awww All this is going up in my fantasy data base to become reality in my head, heart & soul experience. ? ! Just sayin... lol"
C. wrote "Well, for me in my own way, not to interrupt or some' suches your'alls experience! "
Arachne wrote "Darling, you are so right. The horse is hung like YOU. How dare the horse copy your wonderful male member. Actually, he does not copy you fully for when we had our romp in the stable, the horse was crying when he saw what you had. I too cried in delight despite the poor horse's dismay. C., would you like a threesome with us? He and I are so willing and able. Aren't we honey?"
K. wrote "hehehe Indeed we are babe "
Arachne wrote "Coolio!"
K. wrote "Could I ask for a better lover? Never!"
Arachne wrote "Darling...I am feeling...well...I am feeling that I might not love you as much as I said I love you. I feel that I need to see other men who are hung like hamsters so that I may taste the variety of life. You are like Gomez Addams and surely will understand if we do fall apart and I go off and frolic with many many men. I may return to you older and wiser, but perhaps diseased. I know you will love me anyway. I will know later if this is what I choose to do. Yes..I will let you know as my whoredom is calling me pricking at my ears to sample a variety before I depart this earth.
K. wrote "Ah very well babe. Do as you feel you must do. If we do part I will be ever waiting."
Arachne wrote "This I know and that is why I tell you of my longing desire to sample the fruit of others. I had thought about being with 10 at a time...maybe 50 just to see what that is like. It is not like you wold have sloppy seconds or anything. I would use bleach and bathe my body clean for you. I still have time to decide. I wonder if I can do it in a plane? Or can I do it in a lane? I am getting hot for Dr. Suess."
K. wrote "Planes, lanes, why not trains? travel the world and sample the men like wine. All different ages and every one a different taste."
Arachne wrote “YES! That sounds ideal! Why didn't I think about that? You are so wonderful. Yes yes I may return to your arms after my adventure lest it kills me. However, you did promise to join me in death."
K. wrote "We will see each other again one way or another babe if you come back or die trying. And, if you come back, just think of how much more experience you will have! It will make for an interesting welcome home romp."
Arachne wrote “I may just die trying as I am a nympho. Would you mind if I brought some men home as cabana boys?"
K. wrote "Not at all so long as you bring a set of cabana girls for me too. Twins if you would be so kind. Start a collection along with all our various strapons and handcuffs. Oh and I can't forget the whips, oh joy oh joy."
Arachne wrote "What happens if I find a baby man? A man who likes wearing diapers? Oh to be a new mom again! Would you mind that? We could make him shit his diaper while we have him on the rack. If he shits his diaper, we can spank him. Do you mind if you cabana girls are scat girls?"
K. wrote "Not at all so long as I have nose plugs. I've been meaning to put that iron maiden in the basement to use for awhile now. I didn't know you had a rack! I wanna be on it, it sounds like so much fun. Stretch me like ya meeean it!"
Arachne wrote "Oh Gomez! I knew you would understand. Yes I will stretch you like pulled pork and Playdoh. I will even have images of comics all over your body! I had been keeping the rack a secret because I have been having my way with Uncle Fester. Nose plugs it is! You have an iron maiden? When did you get that? Why have you not done me in it? I am truly upset with you!"
K. wrote "For the same reason you kept the rack from me my love. I was keeping it as a surprise! I'll be sure to get you in it tonight I'll get a pair of nose plugs right away! I will need them soon! hmmmmmmm or balls of cotton, yes that would work too."
Arachne wrote "Cotton balls? Will we mate like rabbits and then will the wolf in you tear me apart? Actually, when I think of cotton balls, I think of Brando playing The Godfather. Oh to do you as Brando! Bring some butter and I will lube your corn for porn! Oh yes...needle nose pliers must be brought into the equation...what can be done with those and some weights! Yes bring fishing weights and line...a thick needle as well! We shall make DeSade look silly! Would you kill me for yourself? I read your diary in secret and know you to be a this, I sacrifice myself to you and then we shall part ways."
K. wrote "Nah this wolf mates for life so there will be no tearing unless it's by my giant member known to make horses cry. oho I shall have to dress up as Brando and do an impersonation it seems. Just no horse head in the bed. We must gather all this wonderful equipment! We shall make wonderful painful love and I'll accept your sacrifice when the time cums! I'll need a lot of formaldehyde though."
Arachne wrote "Wolves do mate for life. Supposing I am wolf are we then incestuous? *-) Yes that monstrous member of yours is the envy of nations and shall tear at me this night and the world's horses will cry out of jealousy! In our painful and wonderful last seduction, I bring you the twin cabana scat girls who I have also designated for sacrifice in our doom chamber. With them comes my harem of men and the man baby in diapers (his diaper is very very soiled - I whipped him silly, but I didn't change him.). My diseased self who drips with the ejaculations of 10,000 men will be OPEN to disposal. What will you do to CUM with me into the afterlife after you have CUM with me when I am pickled? I want to know the measure of your demise? Will it be painful? *wringing hands in delight" I also have a copy of Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham!"
K. wrote "oho If we are incestuous then why does something so wrong feel so right? hmmm Brings a whole new meaning to loving family. muahahahaha My monstrous trouser python is just one long, hard, massive muscle. I know just where to put those cabana girls. I have a nice meat locker were they will be preserved in ice forever with us. I will cum with you into the afterlife in the most painful way imaginable: death by Justin Beiber CD torture. I'll strap myself to a chair and blast it in the sound system as loud as it can go until I die in extreme pain...until my head explodes into the pure torture and horror of it and I explode inside you one last time. Oh what a glorious and horrid way to go. Good that you got something for us to read when we reach the other side. We must have literature with us."
Arachne wrote "Everything was fine until you mentioned JB! My love for you has died. You killed it with the mere mention of his name. I guess I will have to move along now. HOW COULD YOU!!! That kind of torture by all us righteous sick fucks! Don't you know that? What caused you to become so dysfunctional? Did you eat something that disagreed with you? Woe is me and my eternity...I shall have to end my relationship with you and find another who will love me, do for me, accept my whoring and my harem, my man baby, my love of Dr. Suess and the arousal he causes with his words, and die with me as you would have. So this night I give up all that I had with you including your massive meat and move on to men of lesser means. Oh this too too cruel world! Our love ends so tragically! Yes our literature will live on, but I cannot be with someone who mentions the name of JB. Hey, do you mind if we just remain friends?"
K. wrote "I don't mined at all *shakes your hand*"
Arachne wrote "Friends we are...*shakes your hand and gives a high five for a job well done!*" ~ Arachne ~ Oct. 13, 2011 @ 1:38 pm
Monday, October 10, 2011
A most splendid dialogue...
Your response comes as a pleasure. Thank you.
It is a bugger to have typed something only to have it go poof in a seeming nanosecond. You have my sympathy in that regard as well as my empathy.
Unfortunately, I won’t be free until next Monday and Monday should find me dead: dead tired that is. Are you free the following week? The Cloisters and The Frick do have a great deal to offer despite their small nature. I gather you are into architecture and/or art? History perhaps? What drew you to those museums? New York is like no other city in the world, then again, I have not been around much. My biased opinion is a result of my relationship to it. I am a native of the city within a city called Brooklyn. Ergo, I have a funny accent or so I am told. You would think that my speech classes would have eradicated such and in its stead I would have no accent. Why would a university seek to take accents away? Why would IPA be mandatory to learn for writing purposes? I have often pondered this as the reason I was given did not satisfy me. By the way, I like your perception.
Personally, I find covens filled with the “insecure” who need a group atmosphere in order to thrive. What is a witch in your personal opinion? Yes they do seem to be an eclectic lot to which I could give praise and condemnation. What do you think they hope to gain? Do you think they believe in their type of magick? How real is it or isn’t it?
Labels are made to create division. Why else would such be assigned? Does not light divide day into night causing us to make notice? Yet what of the difference? Alas, I only speak of that which is not human. The human division is vast and made so for a purpose. Do you see? Imagine living in a world where you have no body? Imagine living in a world where the only way to judge is based on feeling? Would it then be possible for a straight man to love another straight man as man would not exist be he straight or otherwise? What of gender, age, race, height, weight, religion or lack thereof? These things would not exist. How would you define utopia?
Fluid? According to “The 48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene, Law 48: Assume formlessness! Would this not then make someone fluid taking shape only when necessary without ever being that shape at all?
What is creative chaos to you? What does chaos mean? Are we not our own gods and are we not immortal in ways we do not lend our minds to? Then again, we did as we discussed earth and the feeding thereof through the organic. Ah, but what of the electric?
Gladly, I would take your book. However, what would cause you to part with your library? Death? If death, would you not take the ingested contents with you even if you are unaware that it had followed? If not parting from it via death, what then would cause a parting? As conversation can be viewed as trade, would I not be benefitting two to your one? Where is the equality? Do you mind the disadvantage?
As you are not yet dead, you still have time to study that which interests you. Education is not limited to the walls of the academic institution. Like any institution, it has its downfalls and limited capacity due to structured nature of the system. In regard to marketable, the greatest things in life are free. Would it then be considered prostitution to make money from one’s knowledge as opposed to giving it freely as when one loves? Academic Earth welcomes you! If I could learn of brutino postulates today, what is to stop you from learning something as well? What shall be gained from my knowledge? Self satisfaction. Do you seek to self satisfy? May I answer for you? I would say you do.
Interesting peculiar has a wonderful ring to it as it arouses curiosity and curiosity demands inspection for fulfillment thereof. What is normal? Who judges what normal is? Could it be said that what is viewed as normal from our perceptive is in fact abnormal in its construct because it was constructed? Do you find society civil? This will address acceptance and/or tolerance.
What brings about the feeling that you will end up in the woods? Regardless of how things turn out, you must have a plan on the back burner to bring what you state to manifestation or some sort of alternative route. Do tell. Aye. Ad infinitum to the Nth degree!
We are polar; we are electric; we are magnetic; and we are electromagnetic. Have you seen your static and will a balloon stick to your head when rubbed? We are both - and + just like a battery. Check into parts of an atom or, as Dr. Joseph Brown called them, balls.
When looking at the monad think of a needle’s head and the virtual nature of the point. There is no point as the point is an illusion to us. Under a microscope, the blunt nature is seen. As for the Ouroboros, it is much like the ogdoad in the ad infinitum. Eight laid on its side is the symbol for infinity. The seeming monad is tri and thus a product of monad and dyad. The triad is the creation. If thinking in terms of man, woman, and procreation, it will seem clearer. If one (monad) is virtual and Ouroboros in number form is only a placeholder, what then would signify complete or whole? Would it be decad or ennead?
You are really making me think. Thank you for the pleasure and be advised that I do look forward to your reply. Arachne ~ Oct 10, 2011 11:23 pm
It is a bugger to have typed something only to have it go poof in a seeming nanosecond. You have my sympathy in that regard as well as my empathy.
Unfortunately, I won’t be free until next Monday and Monday should find me dead: dead tired that is. Are you free the following week? The Cloisters and The Frick do have a great deal to offer despite their small nature. I gather you are into architecture and/or art? History perhaps? What drew you to those museums? New York is like no other city in the world, then again, I have not been around much. My biased opinion is a result of my relationship to it. I am a native of the city within a city called Brooklyn. Ergo, I have a funny accent or so I am told. You would think that my speech classes would have eradicated such and in its stead I would have no accent. Why would a university seek to take accents away? Why would IPA be mandatory to learn for writing purposes? I have often pondered this as the reason I was given did not satisfy me. By the way, I like your perception.
Personally, I find covens filled with the “insecure” who need a group atmosphere in order to thrive. What is a witch in your personal opinion? Yes they do seem to be an eclectic lot to which I could give praise and condemnation. What do you think they hope to gain? Do you think they believe in their type of magick? How real is it or isn’t it?
Labels are made to create division. Why else would such be assigned? Does not light divide day into night causing us to make notice? Yet what of the difference? Alas, I only speak of that which is not human. The human division is vast and made so for a purpose. Do you see? Imagine living in a world where you have no body? Imagine living in a world where the only way to judge is based on feeling? Would it then be possible for a straight man to love another straight man as man would not exist be he straight or otherwise? What of gender, age, race, height, weight, religion or lack thereof? These things would not exist. How would you define utopia?
Fluid? According to “The 48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene, Law 48: Assume formlessness! Would this not then make someone fluid taking shape only when necessary without ever being that shape at all?
What is creative chaos to you? What does chaos mean? Are we not our own gods and are we not immortal in ways we do not lend our minds to? Then again, we did as we discussed earth and the feeding thereof through the organic. Ah, but what of the electric?
Gladly, I would take your book. However, what would cause you to part with your library? Death? If death, would you not take the ingested contents with you even if you are unaware that it had followed? If not parting from it via death, what then would cause a parting? As conversation can be viewed as trade, would I not be benefitting two to your one? Where is the equality? Do you mind the disadvantage?
As you are not yet dead, you still have time to study that which interests you. Education is not limited to the walls of the academic institution. Like any institution, it has its downfalls and limited capacity due to structured nature of the system. In regard to marketable, the greatest things in life are free. Would it then be considered prostitution to make money from one’s knowledge as opposed to giving it freely as when one loves? Academic Earth welcomes you! If I could learn of brutino postulates today, what is to stop you from learning something as well? What shall be gained from my knowledge? Self satisfaction. Do you seek to self satisfy? May I answer for you? I would say you do.
Interesting peculiar has a wonderful ring to it as it arouses curiosity and curiosity demands inspection for fulfillment thereof. What is normal? Who judges what normal is? Could it be said that what is viewed as normal from our perceptive is in fact abnormal in its construct because it was constructed? Do you find society civil? This will address acceptance and/or tolerance.
What brings about the feeling that you will end up in the woods? Regardless of how things turn out, you must have a plan on the back burner to bring what you state to manifestation or some sort of alternative route. Do tell. Aye. Ad infinitum to the Nth degree!
We are polar; we are electric; we are magnetic; and we are electromagnetic. Have you seen your static and will a balloon stick to your head when rubbed? We are both - and + just like a battery. Check into parts of an atom or, as Dr. Joseph Brown called them, balls.
When looking at the monad think of a needle’s head and the virtual nature of the point. There is no point as the point is an illusion to us. Under a microscope, the blunt nature is seen. As for the Ouroboros, it is much like the ogdoad in the ad infinitum. Eight laid on its side is the symbol for infinity. The seeming monad is tri and thus a product of monad and dyad. The triad is the creation. If thinking in terms of man, woman, and procreation, it will seem clearer. If one (monad) is virtual and Ouroboros in number form is only a placeholder, what then would signify complete or whole? Would it be decad or ennead?
You are really making me think. Thank you for the pleasure and be advised that I do look forward to your reply. Arachne ~ Oct 10, 2011 11:23 pm
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Vacation of Festivals
Having left Kanadian hell early on Sunday, July 10, I arrived in NYC with time to have a good night’s rest. Albeit, my partner was not quite packed, we left late on Monday thus arriving at the campground around 12 a.m. Calls had been placed to us to ensure we were en route as able bodies were needed and schedules needed to be made. Luckily, upon our arrival we were able to find our friends via flashlight and slight calling out into the woods. Having found our merry friends, we hurriedly put up our easy open solar tent, while our friends lent a hand with pegs and with light. Normally, this tent is used to house our necessities, but this night it housed us as there was no way in the world we would be able to master the other tent’s construction in pitch-dark.
Once our little sleeping quarters were in order, we headed to the Roundhouse to make our arrival known. At registration, we did check to see what our work schedule was, but the schedule was make-shift and shortly thereafter changed.
How long would one guess it takes one to walk less than a quarter mile? It takes long when you are joyously saying hello to folks you haven’t seen in a year. Besides, that is what one is supposed to do...say hello and hug your neighbor. Upon arriving at the Roundhouse, we became festive with the beat of the drums, the dancers, and the greetings that were robust and plentiful.
Where do I start? Tuesday a.m. brought the sun and the sun brought heat and hunger to weary travelers who were eager to greet the dawn as well as those who have not been greeted during the night. Hurry was had as a meeting was called to advise us of our correct shifts and what was to be expected for each shift. Each shift also has a pit boss. I find it interesting to work under different bosses as each has their own way of going about things. There was one instance where I thought a rebuild was necessary, and I stated so to a higher up than the pit boss. I was advised that if I see something that needs fixing, just do it. Much to the dismay of my pit boss for that evening (my partner), a partial rebuild was done.
The following may sound like work, but there is merrymaking in the chore. 10 a.m. is the start of field work and all are more or less expected to show for a four hour shift prior to the first fire tending shift which starts at 9:00 p.m. The last shift starts at 3:00 a.m. ends at 6:00 a.m. Fieldwork is about gathering wood from the wood shed or field (logs), loading and unloading them from a tractor (these suckers are heavy and usually require two people to pick them up), or gathering slat which either has been or will be cut so that the wood bins (which are very large) may be filled with everything to maintain a night’s or nights’ fire(s). We also build and stuff the cabins/cages, groom the circle, and create corn meal mandalas when need be. During one of the builds, I lost my sole. Yup. My Harley boot sole fell off. A friend of mine had epoxy, but after three years of wear and tear, I opted for a new pair which await me in NY. Luckily, I had my Doc Martens as backup, but those are usually only used when hauling and not tending. Nevertheless, they worked!
I don't remember what night it was, but we were running late and no one had a chainsaw to create the notches for the build. Therefore, a couple of my fire brothers took to axes. One of the blows to the wood made the axe bounce and it almost took my partner's leg off. Heck, they were hacking away only with flashlights and the light of the moon.
All was fine the first couple of days and then wham I was hit with heat stroke on Friday, July 15. Not for anything but it was 103 degrees Fahrenheit and, working in the sun with dark tight clothes and little or no water or food, you will drop like a fly. I dropped like a fly, but I wasn't the only one.
I remember feeling like I needed a Pop Tart and went over to the fire tender’s pavilion to search my bag, but luck did not have it. I then advised my partner that I was in need of something to which he later stated that I was delusional as I had wanted to walk to the grill. From what I can remember, we made it over to the Avalon camp where I sat at a table and then proceeded to the deck where I actually dropped. Before the medics got there, one of the people from Avalon said “grab some bags of ice and get her pants off.” The medics were called and my pants (mind you I go commando) were removed and ice was placed on both sides of my neck, under my arms, and in my groin area. With all those bags being applied, I only felt one. I was hit hard. Despite wanting to disobey their orders, I held to them for fear of being grounded. Grounded means getting the boot from Fire Tribe for the rest of the festival as I would be a liability in that I could fall out again by the fire and cause damage to myself and/or others.
Being the good little thing, I received an IV bag, a large quantity of water, Gatorade and some food. The problem with heat stroke is that the body rejects that which it needs. Therefore, all my intake was made into output just following the full moon ritual of which I had to be driven to and where my ass sat slumped in a chair while everyone else was having fun. After being driven back to the area of my camp, I vomited my brains out.
Saturday’s sun saw me working at the Avalon camp as I was not allowed in the sun nor was I allowed to do proper fieldwork until I improved. Thankfully, my partner was demanding as were all those who were looking out for my welfare. Luckily, I was able to do some relatively mild fieldwork towards dusk, but I was in full gear for the tending of the fire on Saturday night. That was one hell of an awesome fire. Luckily the build was already done, so only the stuffing remained.
The following week (the week of Summerfest) seemed grand save for mad headaches. Nonetheless, I participated in the rest of the week’s fieldwork and tending duties without a glitch. To some this may sound like work, but when you love what you do and love those that you do it with, then the task is a joy to endure and a sorrow to leave. Ah, the prows...not to be wasted from Sirius, were used for builds of the Roundhouse fires.
Last year we replaced a large ass log (burniture a/k/a whale) as someone thought it funny to burn the whale. Well, they did it again this year and the sucker had to be replaced. Burniture is what we sit on as furniture when around the fire. Being that these whales of a log are used for sitting purposes and are sometimes burnt, the name burniture is apropos.
After the big fire of the following Saturday, I wanted to stay up until Sunday’s dawn and pushed my partner to keep his eyes open to the coming sun. He did comply with my wishes. When the light was dwelling nicely around us, I decided to hula hoop with some massive hoop that was laying around. I was doing fine until a young fire brother decided that he would toss wood chips at me as opposed to putting potato chips on my hat.
Oh, there were a few gags going on for sure in the two weeks that I was there. Suspender tag was on thing that I was saying “You're shitting me!” to, but then again, so was everyone else. Once your suspenders have been pulled, you have to find another suspender wearer and tag him/her. You just never know when it will be you and then you are the leper to be avoided at all costs. Also too, my hat was being used to toss potato chips on. Meh! Ah, but I had my own wicked plan. Another one of my young fire brothers had a problem with falling asleep wherever. The deal was that should he be found, he would have one hand duct taped to his crotch and another to his ass while also binding his legs. He was forewarned and I did have my scouts. Even his mom said that “one of these days he is going to wake up with a banana in his ass.” The last bonfire also saw a fellow tribe member change at the height of festival from pants to a skirt and then someone ran off with his pants. When his pants finally came back, my partner tried to run off with them only to hear our brother screaming “Don’t take my pants. Please, don't take my pants!”
Sunday morning saw many people leave and it also saw me back in the med shack as I had a relapse due to the heat of the flames within the heat of the evening and my early morning hula hoop bonanza. Luckily, my partner made sure to check in on me on a regular basis (even though I was out cold) and he even brought me food that he was able to dig up. Sunday also saw most of the festival goers leave as only a few opted for one more day. The others that stayed were the seasonal campers. It was on this night that I asked for a received a burning star although I meant a balanced and burning flower. Nonetheless, a fellow fire brother did create a wonderful interlocking pentacle which upon a good burn fell into the flames.
Monday saw us closing our camp and packing our gear to head back to NYC. Even before arriving to the city limits, I was once again barfing to the tune of a mad headache. The rest of the week was spent almost in a comatose state as we both did a great deal without too much time for ourselves. C’est la vie! Hell, I can’t wait until next year!!
Hey, at least my car did not get hit by the Amish, the police did not have to be called by me or the Amish, I did not have a log fall on my collarbone, nor did my finger get squashed in a port-a-potty door. Yup. This was a good season!
My yearly festival videos have been created and are out. It seems that the community is happy with my work. This pleases me to no end.
Once our little sleeping quarters were in order, we headed to the Roundhouse to make our arrival known. At registration, we did check to see what our work schedule was, but the schedule was make-shift and shortly thereafter changed.
How long would one guess it takes one to walk less than a quarter mile? It takes long when you are joyously saying hello to folks you haven’t seen in a year. Besides, that is what one is supposed to do...say hello and hug your neighbor. Upon arriving at the Roundhouse, we became festive with the beat of the drums, the dancers, and the greetings that were robust and plentiful.
Where do I start? Tuesday a.m. brought the sun and the sun brought heat and hunger to weary travelers who were eager to greet the dawn as well as those who have not been greeted during the night. Hurry was had as a meeting was called to advise us of our correct shifts and what was to be expected for each shift. Each shift also has a pit boss. I find it interesting to work under different bosses as each has their own way of going about things. There was one instance where I thought a rebuild was necessary, and I stated so to a higher up than the pit boss. I was advised that if I see something that needs fixing, just do it. Much to the dismay of my pit boss for that evening (my partner), a partial rebuild was done.
The following may sound like work, but there is merrymaking in the chore. 10 a.m. is the start of field work and all are more or less expected to show for a four hour shift prior to the first fire tending shift which starts at 9:00 p.m. The last shift starts at 3:00 a.m. ends at 6:00 a.m. Fieldwork is about gathering wood from the wood shed or field (logs), loading and unloading them from a tractor (these suckers are heavy and usually require two people to pick them up), or gathering slat which either has been or will be cut so that the wood bins (which are very large) may be filled with everything to maintain a night’s or nights’ fire(s). We also build and stuff the cabins/cages, groom the circle, and create corn meal mandalas when need be. During one of the builds, I lost my sole. Yup. My Harley boot sole fell off. A friend of mine had epoxy, but after three years of wear and tear, I opted for a new pair which await me in NY. Luckily, I had my Doc Martens as backup, but those are usually only used when hauling and not tending. Nevertheless, they worked!
I don't remember what night it was, but we were running late and no one had a chainsaw to create the notches for the build. Therefore, a couple of my fire brothers took to axes. One of the blows to the wood made the axe bounce and it almost took my partner's leg off. Heck, they were hacking away only with flashlights and the light of the moon.
All was fine the first couple of days and then wham I was hit with heat stroke on Friday, July 15. Not for anything but it was 103 degrees Fahrenheit and, working in the sun with dark tight clothes and little or no water or food, you will drop like a fly. I dropped like a fly, but I wasn't the only one.
I remember feeling like I needed a Pop Tart and went over to the fire tender’s pavilion to search my bag, but luck did not have it. I then advised my partner that I was in need of something to which he later stated that I was delusional as I had wanted to walk to the grill. From what I can remember, we made it over to the Avalon camp where I sat at a table and then proceeded to the deck where I actually dropped. Before the medics got there, one of the people from Avalon said “grab some bags of ice and get her pants off.” The medics were called and my pants (mind you I go commando) were removed and ice was placed on both sides of my neck, under my arms, and in my groin area. With all those bags being applied, I only felt one. I was hit hard. Despite wanting to disobey their orders, I held to them for fear of being grounded. Grounded means getting the boot from Fire Tribe for the rest of the festival as I would be a liability in that I could fall out again by the fire and cause damage to myself and/or others.
Being the good little thing, I received an IV bag, a large quantity of water, Gatorade and some food. The problem with heat stroke is that the body rejects that which it needs. Therefore, all my intake was made into output just following the full moon ritual of which I had to be driven to and where my ass sat slumped in a chair while everyone else was having fun. After being driven back to the area of my camp, I vomited my brains out.
Saturday’s sun saw me working at the Avalon camp as I was not allowed in the sun nor was I allowed to do proper fieldwork until I improved. Thankfully, my partner was demanding as were all those who were looking out for my welfare. Luckily, I was able to do some relatively mild fieldwork towards dusk, but I was in full gear for the tending of the fire on Saturday night. That was one hell of an awesome fire. Luckily the build was already done, so only the stuffing remained.
The following week (the week of Summerfest) seemed grand save for mad headaches. Nonetheless, I participated in the rest of the week’s fieldwork and tending duties without a glitch. To some this may sound like work, but when you love what you do and love those that you do it with, then the task is a joy to endure and a sorrow to leave. Ah, the prows...not to be wasted from Sirius, were used for builds of the Roundhouse fires.
Last year we replaced a large ass log (burniture a/k/a whale) as someone thought it funny to burn the whale. Well, they did it again this year and the sucker had to be replaced. Burniture is what we sit on as furniture when around the fire. Being that these whales of a log are used for sitting purposes and are sometimes burnt, the name burniture is apropos.
After the big fire of the following Saturday, I wanted to stay up until Sunday’s dawn and pushed my partner to keep his eyes open to the coming sun. He did comply with my wishes. When the light was dwelling nicely around us, I decided to hula hoop with some massive hoop that was laying around. I was doing fine until a young fire brother decided that he would toss wood chips at me as opposed to putting potato chips on my hat.
Oh, there were a few gags going on for sure in the two weeks that I was there. Suspender tag was on thing that I was saying “You're shitting me!” to, but then again, so was everyone else. Once your suspenders have been pulled, you have to find another suspender wearer and tag him/her. You just never know when it will be you and then you are the leper to be avoided at all costs. Also too, my hat was being used to toss potato chips on. Meh! Ah, but I had my own wicked plan. Another one of my young fire brothers had a problem with falling asleep wherever. The deal was that should he be found, he would have one hand duct taped to his crotch and another to his ass while also binding his legs. He was forewarned and I did have my scouts. Even his mom said that “one of these days he is going to wake up with a banana in his ass.” The last bonfire also saw a fellow tribe member change at the height of festival from pants to a skirt and then someone ran off with his pants. When his pants finally came back, my partner tried to run off with them only to hear our brother screaming “Don’t take my pants. Please, don't take my pants!”
Sunday morning saw many people leave and it also saw me back in the med shack as I had a relapse due to the heat of the flames within the heat of the evening and my early morning hula hoop bonanza. Luckily, my partner made sure to check in on me on a regular basis (even though I was out cold) and he even brought me food that he was able to dig up. Sunday also saw most of the festival goers leave as only a few opted for one more day. The others that stayed were the seasonal campers. It was on this night that I asked for a received a burning star although I meant a balanced and burning flower. Nonetheless, a fellow fire brother did create a wonderful interlocking pentacle which upon a good burn fell into the flames.
Monday saw us closing our camp and packing our gear to head back to NYC. Even before arriving to the city limits, I was once again barfing to the tune of a mad headache. The rest of the week was spent almost in a comatose state as we both did a great deal without too much time for ourselves. C’est la vie! Hell, I can’t wait until next year!!
Hey, at least my car did not get hit by the Amish, the police did not have to be called by me or the Amish, I did not have a log fall on my collarbone, nor did my finger get squashed in a port-a-potty door. Yup. This was a good season!
My yearly festival videos have been created and are out. It seems that the community is happy with my work. This pleases me to no end.
Monday, August 8, 2011
I have been meaning to write...
Time sometimes escapes us in the busy world. Right now I am in the busy world and am trying to set things at ease so that I may create. In the reading of Sex At Dawn (a book), I had come up with what I view as a funny phrase or joke: What is the difference between a partner and a fling? The answer? A condom. This is not to say that I disagree with the book nor do I agree with it. However, there are instances where "what if" arises. Anyhow, as time is limited, I must be gone, but will write something real when time allows. Hell, I still want to share of my vacation as it was rather cool if even very hot (temperature wise). |
Saturday, July 30, 2011
By The Fire
The last of the big fires is always the saddest. However, I do like the photo that came from it so I share it with you. Of course stories will follow when times allows, but that won't be until next week. I look forward to reading all my subscriptions and well as picking back up where I left off in regard to precious interaction with wonderful and insightful writers.
The crazy person in front of the fire is me.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Getting Ready For My Camping Trip...
Today was spent packing my personal crap for my trip. The gear (tent, tarps, med kit, batteries, shovel, blankets, towels, dish cloths, lantern, flashlights, work gloves, welding gloves, suspenders, kitchen items such as pots, pans, dishes, and silverware (real silver) et al) was packed yesterday and the day before. That part was easy to get together as it is more or less standard, however, when it comes to clothes and such, I want to pull my hair out by the roots. What to bring?
Each bag that I have is labeled as to the contents and the all the small bags (small is subjective) are put into this massive bag for transport. Thus far, I have all my dresses, shorts, shirts, other tops, jeans, leggings, arm warmers, garter belts, stockings, bandanas, hats, caps, masks, panties (just for show), toys, bras, jewelry, coats, cloak, corsets, steel toe boots and other footwear, sweat shirts, PVC, toiletries, tripod, cameras, chargers, and what have you. It would royally suck to get where I am going and not have something that I need.
YES I AM STRESSED! More or less, I only have until tomorrow night to ensure that everything is present and accounted for as well as placed into my vehicle prior to Friday night. That damned 120 quart ice chest takes up a great deal of room, but it is NECESSARY. Hell, as I write this, I realize I do not have a tub to wash my dishes. Shit! I guess I better go get that and get the hell out of here for a bit. So much for creativity. Bah!
Each bag that I have is labeled as to the contents and the all the small bags (small is subjective) are put into this massive bag for transport. Thus far, I have all my dresses, shorts, shirts, other tops, jeans, leggings, arm warmers, garter belts, stockings, bandanas, hats, caps, masks, panties (just for show), toys, bras, jewelry, coats, cloak, corsets, steel toe boots and other footwear, sweat shirts, PVC, toiletries, tripod, cameras, chargers, and what have you. It would royally suck to get where I am going and not have something that I need.
YES I AM STRESSED! More or less, I only have until tomorrow night to ensure that everything is present and accounted for as well as placed into my vehicle prior to Friday night. That damned 120 quart ice chest takes up a great deal of room, but it is NECESSARY. Hell, as I write this, I realize I do not have a tub to wash my dishes. Shit! I guess I better go get that and get the hell out of here for a bit. So much for creativity. Bah!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
My Status and Comments
The ditty I wrote here for the 4th of July was my status. Can you tell I am not a holiday type person? These are some of my family/friends responses.
MY STATUS: Considering the tyranny we are under, why do we celebrate independence? We became independent of Britain in 1776, but we are now dependent on a system that will tear the rug out from under us. If you think about what is now and celebrate supposed independence, question your thoughts/actions.
Anna ~ I'm not doing anything today...packing...would rather have bonfires, drumming, concerts and friends.
Em ~ I am with you there hun and ? you for pointing it out as always ^_^ btw.. I am going to steal it.. I was trying to figure out what I wanted to say as a status.. lmao
Savvy ~ That's because people don't elect the people who really represent THEM. They either don't vote or listen to the hype instead of checking out the candidates for themselves. We MUST start electing our peers and not politicians.
Em ~ Unfortunately our "peers" are politicians and we as people forgot that even though we "elect" them, they are supposed to work for us.
Tell me when was the last time an elected official actually put to vote something in their areas to the citizens and then placed their vote accordingly? We have forgotten that they are supposed to work for us.. and we have/had the right to hold them accountable to do so. Yes they misrepresent themselves and never ask us a damn thing on laws that are being made. Did you get to vote on the Patriot Act or allowing the TSA to violate us? I sure the hell didn't... Just say'n ^_^
Nikki (my daughter) ~ if people like you had it your way wed celebrate nothing, question everything, and run around naked in the forest. No thank you... bring on the hot dogs and the fireworks!!
E~ lmao Arachne's daughter .. Hey enjoy your hot dogs and fireworks.. your mom and I have no issue with that.. speaking in her behalf though as she didn't actually tell me that... lmao
Me to Anna ~ like you, I am getting my gear in order. In addition, I too would prefer bonfires, drumming, concerts, and friends. Some packing of my car has been done, but there is more to go. I can't wait until next week!
Me to Em ~ feel free to take what you will. I was just busting a nut over the day and figured that rather than quoting someone, I would put it in my own words and state how I feel about the state of things. Thanks for you response to my daughter.
Me to Savvy ~ you are so right. However, wouldn't it be ideal if government were like the community of Brushwood? Wouldn't that work in the people's favor without need for any type of election or overlord who works for self interest only?
Me to my daughter Nikki, don't forgive my anti-capitalistic nature. Maybe one day you will figure it out and understand why I do what I do and why I think what I think. Do bring on the running around naked in the forest! I don't begrudge you your hotdogs and fireworks. However, you should note that you can celebrate EVERYDAY of your life. Don't be limited by the holidays.
Em ~ ?" However, you should note that you can celebrate EVERYDAY of your life. Don't be limited by the holidays." Right on sister!
Me to Em ~ You bet your ass "SISTER!"
Anna ~ My Sicilian grandfather used to say, "Everyday is a holiday." You don't need a reason or excuse to do something, just go ahead and do it. Which is the reason why I stayed home and packed. My holiday starts this weekend…all two weeks,of it.
My daughter Nikki to Em ~ when i said like u that was all to my mom lmao
Em to my daughter Nikki ~ I know hun ^_^... but had to comment, as it's what i
Jon ~ "divide & conquer, just like days of old, divide & conquer, when slaves were bought & sold..."
Me to Anna ~ your grandfather was a wise man and you are a wise woman for getting your butt in gear for true celebration.
Me to my daughter, "E" was aware you were not referring to her in regard to your statement: if people like you had it your way wed [sic] celebrate nothing, question everything, and run around naked in the forest. Hell, daughter, we should celebrate everyday and QUESTION EVERYTHING lest we are a sheep. Running around the forest naked is an merely an option for one to choose if one is so inclined.
Me to Jon ~ today's people apply their own shackles and becomes slaves to the system because of all their WANTS. If sticking strictly to their NEEDS, they would have more freedom.
Jon ~ Thanks...learning to question my 'wants' & minimize my 'needs' what a true letting go...
David ~ to me this holiday is just an excuse to get drunk.....I am too nihilistic to care....empires, nations, civilizations all rise and fall....when I die nobody will even know who to write with a pen....everyone will text....I will be dead and my soul will go to some wicked planet with no government where sex, drugs and R&R are the only gods
Anna ~ I wouldn't mind running around naked in the forest with a hot I need to find some guy with a hot dog...ROFLMAO!!!
Me to David and Anna ~ thanks for making me smile. I love you both! ~ Jul 5, 2011 12:33 am
Thursday, June 30, 2011
This past Sunday...
Although this was a correspondence to someone, I thought it fit to share what I did this weekend as it was interesting to say the least.
This Sunday's work day was cut short and another type of work was done for my friend/boss. I drove her ass to N.B. and back in 20 hours. She needed someone to drive her ass there to drop off her grandchildren so that her ass could go to Florida to collect her jewels. I figured what the hell...I could use the money.
So big deal I worked 25 hours straight without sleep, drove through torrential rain and fog, got stopped by the po-lice on the return in N.B. for driving in the passing lane and speeding (but officer I was only doing 104), but they let me go because I didn't understand their stupid highways. No shit when I tell you that I believe those roads to be designed by a drunk. That is what I said to the officer. Anyway, this trip left me tripping as I could not sleep when I got home, so I stayed up until about 8 p.m. Having last slept on Saturday night and only getting 4 hours sleep, I experienced visual and audio hallucinations by Monday evening! Oh mang!
Seriously, I thought we were taking my Terrain, but we took her son's Escalade just because it had a dumb DVD player for the kids. Here I thought this vehicle should have more bells and whistles than mine, but NOOOOOO. The steering column was doing a shimmy at 135 kph and at night in the rain that is DANGEROUS. Also, it had no Onstar phone, nor did it have turn by turn navigation. Boo, hiss, and spit!
Being that kids were in the car, I did not smoke going to N.B., but on the return, I smoked in the vehicle. As the bitch doesn't smoke, it was tough titty suck it for her. I smoked my brains out.
Her grandchildren are twins are they are little monsters. Before the trip started, I warned them to be good as I kill children. In playing the wicked witch, I got the kids to eat their food on threat of having it presented to them for every meal henceforth...oh the tears they shed as they ate the damned food. They received the Riot Act in regard to wasting food. LMAO All in all, the experience was entertaining and made me some bucks for my upcoming camping trip. Wee ha! ~ Maggie ~ June 30, 2011 3:26 pm
This Sunday's work day was cut short and another type of work was done for my friend/boss. I drove her ass to N.B. and back in 20 hours. She needed someone to drive her ass there to drop off her grandchildren so that her ass could go to Florida to collect her jewels. I figured what the hell...I could use the money.
So big deal I worked 25 hours straight without sleep, drove through torrential rain and fog, got stopped by the po-lice on the return in N.B. for driving in the passing lane and speeding (but officer I was only doing 104), but they let me go because I didn't understand their stupid highways. No shit when I tell you that I believe those roads to be designed by a drunk. That is what I said to the officer. Anyway, this trip left me tripping as I could not sleep when I got home, so I stayed up until about 8 p.m. Having last slept on Saturday night and only getting 4 hours sleep, I experienced visual and audio hallucinations by Monday evening! Oh mang!
Seriously, I thought we were taking my Terrain, but we took her son's Escalade just because it had a dumb DVD player for the kids. Here I thought this vehicle should have more bells and whistles than mine, but NOOOOOO. The steering column was doing a shimmy at 135 kph and at night in the rain that is DANGEROUS. Also, it had no Onstar phone, nor did it have turn by turn navigation. Boo, hiss, and spit!
Being that kids were in the car, I did not smoke going to N.B., but on the return, I smoked in the vehicle. As the bitch doesn't smoke, it was tough titty suck it for her. I smoked my brains out.
Her grandchildren are twins are they are little monsters. Before the trip started, I warned them to be good as I kill children. In playing the wicked witch, I got the kids to eat their food on threat of having it presented to them for every meal henceforth...oh the tears they shed as they ate the damned food. They received the Riot Act in regard to wasting food. LMAO All in all, the experience was entertaining and made me some bucks for my upcoming camping trip. Wee ha! ~ Maggie ~ June 30, 2011 3:26 pm
Friday, June 24, 2011
The Pisser
Twas this past Saturday (June 18, 2011) and I was doing my p.m. shift, however, the light was brightly shining and the air was warm. As I was working with “dead boy,” I figured I would take my book “Being In Time” by Martin Heidegger outside and enjoy the sun. One of my favorite things to do besides reading is to wear offense t-shirts. Being that I am in Quebec, the shirt that I had on this day became more offensive to the pisser for reasons you will note. The shirt read “Welcome to America Now Speak English.”
Anyway, with my glasses on in a relaxed state, I notice a car pull to the side and a guy getting out. I see him head to a tree where he pulls out his weasel and takes a piss. As I found this offensive, I started yelling at him.
The guy who was shirtless and sporting shorts, looked like he was a steroid addict as his muscles were huge. Those huge muscles were beautifully adorned with a thick tribal tatt. When he was done draining his weasel, he approached me yelling in French. As I don’t understand French, I was yelling back “I don’t speak French!” By the time he got to me, I asked him “would you like me to go piss on your lawn?” He was all up in my face and all of a sudden he could speak English. Amazing! The car he had come out of was now in front of me with another guy in the back seat and a woman at the wheel.
Imagine him telling me to “shut up” and “sit down and read your book” to which I replied “no.” Who the fuck was he except some pig who can't ask to use the bathroom. He kept on insisting that I “shut the fuck up and sit down,” but I couldn’t. He was so mad he raised his fist and said “I’ll punch your face.” At this point I take my glasses off and stare him right in the eye and say “do it.” That fist stood in mid air wavering as I eyed him never taking my eyes off of his. When his arm finally dropped and he got in the car, he was making jerk off movements with his hand and movements as if he were playing with a pussy. For every gesture that he made of a sexual nature I responded loudly “YOUR MOTHER” bringing all the brilliance of my New York accent to his ears.
Eventually, they pulled away and I went inside. Having asked "dead boy" “did you hear or see what happened?” He replied “no.” Now you know why I call him "dead boy." His name does not even deserve capitalization.
Not for anything, if the hulk would have hit me, I would have had carte blanche to go to town on him with a good can of whoop ass providing he did not knock me out with the first punch.
Anyway, with my glasses on in a relaxed state, I notice a car pull to the side and a guy getting out. I see him head to a tree where he pulls out his weasel and takes a piss. As I found this offensive, I started yelling at him.
The guy who was shirtless and sporting shorts, looked like he was a steroid addict as his muscles were huge. Those huge muscles were beautifully adorned with a thick tribal tatt. When he was done draining his weasel, he approached me yelling in French. As I don’t understand French, I was yelling back “I don’t speak French!” By the time he got to me, I asked him “would you like me to go piss on your lawn?” He was all up in my face and all of a sudden he could speak English. Amazing! The car he had come out of was now in front of me with another guy in the back seat and a woman at the wheel.
Imagine him telling me to “shut up” and “sit down and read your book” to which I replied “no.” Who the fuck was he except some pig who can't ask to use the bathroom. He kept on insisting that I “shut the fuck up and sit down,” but I couldn’t. He was so mad he raised his fist and said “I’ll punch your face.” At this point I take my glasses off and stare him right in the eye and say “do it.” That fist stood in mid air wavering as I eyed him never taking my eyes off of his. When his arm finally dropped and he got in the car, he was making jerk off movements with his hand and movements as if he were playing with a pussy. For every gesture that he made of a sexual nature I responded loudly “YOUR MOTHER” bringing all the brilliance of my New York accent to his ears.
Eventually, they pulled away and I went inside. Having asked "dead boy" “did you hear or see what happened?” He replied “no.” Now you know why I call him "dead boy." His name does not even deserve capitalization.
Not for anything, if the hulk would have hit me, I would have had carte blanche to go to town on him with a good can of whoop ass providing he did not knock me out with the first punch.
Monday, June 6, 2011
The Best Fuck Ever as a reply to ANON
He had asked me to pick up some rope and I was like “what for?” He never did tell me, but told me I best not come home without it. Frantically, I went into every store where I thought I could buy actual rope. Mind you, I had to say my man wanted to put up a clothesline. I truly was at a loss for words as I had no idea what he was planning. As most of the stores carried the plastic type of clothesline, they tried to sell it to me, but I couldn’t take it. Trust me when I tell you the clerks at the store gave me odd looks because of my insistence of the real thing. All in all, the real thing could not be found. Thus I headed home with a synthetic type of rope which I was hoping would be good enough for whatever he wanted. Upon handing him the synthetic rope, the look of pissed came across his face and words were exchanged. He told me he was going to my girlfriend’s and that I should come there in a few hours.
Upon arriving at my friend’s place in Staten Island, she, her boyfriend Eddy, and Drew were there sitting on the couch looking like rats. Something was up, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
We were all sitting around hanging out when all of a sudden he said “let’s go upstairs.” Mind you, my friend only had a storage attic up there and nothing else. He blindfolded me and walked me up there. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, he took the blindfold off and that is when I saw the setup. There was a Spalding ball, the rope I had bought, a bottle of vodka, rubbing alcohol, and a little dish. At this point I had not noticed the metal thing-a-ma-bobs that were placed into the wood of the slanted roof.
I forgot to mention, he had me dress a certain way that night. He had this thing about picking out what I was to wear although he did not always do it. From what I can remember, I had on a black garter belt, black stockings, no panties, a black bra, a skirt and some sort of top.
He led me to the center of the room where I was questioning him as to what was going on. He didn’t tell me, but he did proceed to take the rope and tie my hand firmly to which point he pulled my arm out and connected it that thing-a-ma-bob in wall. The same happened with my other arm as well as my legs. Felling like a suspended rag doll at his mercy was a wonderful feeling, however, this was not just about sex. I did nag the sucker to pierce me so many times and he never took me up on it. This night he did, but I still did not know that was what he was going to do.
When he had me the way he wanted me, he told me to take a few swigs of vodka stating that I would need it. After the swigs, he placed the Spalding ball in my mouth (which he then cut in half) and put a bandana over it and my mouth and secured it to the back of my head. At this point he goes over to the little dish and pulls out two stud earrings that don’t match. These type are the ones that have a point and are used when you get your ears pierced. Now I knew what was going to happen. I could feel my already heightened and excited nature go wild and I had no room to move.
He had a Polaroid camera in hand and was taking shots. He was talking as he was doing so telling me that my juices were running down my legs. When he had his fill of photography, he proceeded to push those studs through my pussy lips (which hurt like hell). He then fucked me from behind as hard as he could and for what seemed to be an eternity. When he was done. He removed he gag and kissed me.
After untying me and dressing me back up, we headed downstairs. I have to say that I was walking like I had been on a horse for a month. My girlfriend and her boyfriend were sitting there laughing at me.
She told me that he had used her to set up those rings to which he attached the rope as he wanted to make sure it would work. Also, she said despite the gag, she could hear me screaming downstairs. Everyone had known but me. This was one hell of an awesome experience. So much so, I had him do it again only I was not tied.
Upon arriving at my friend’s place in Staten Island, she, her boyfriend Eddy, and Drew were there sitting on the couch looking like rats. Something was up, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
We were all sitting around hanging out when all of a sudden he said “let’s go upstairs.” Mind you, my friend only had a storage attic up there and nothing else. He blindfolded me and walked me up there. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, he took the blindfold off and that is when I saw the setup. There was a Spalding ball, the rope I had bought, a bottle of vodka, rubbing alcohol, and a little dish. At this point I had not noticed the metal thing-a-ma-bobs that were placed into the wood of the slanted roof.
I forgot to mention, he had me dress a certain way that night. He had this thing about picking out what I was to wear although he did not always do it. From what I can remember, I had on a black garter belt, black stockings, no panties, a black bra, a skirt and some sort of top.
He led me to the center of the room where I was questioning him as to what was going on. He didn’t tell me, but he did proceed to take the rope and tie my hand firmly to which point he pulled my arm out and connected it that thing-a-ma-bob in wall. The same happened with my other arm as well as my legs. Felling like a suspended rag doll at his mercy was a wonderful feeling, however, this was not just about sex. I did nag the sucker to pierce me so many times and he never took me up on it. This night he did, but I still did not know that was what he was going to do.
When he had me the way he wanted me, he told me to take a few swigs of vodka stating that I would need it. After the swigs, he placed the Spalding ball in my mouth (which he then cut in half) and put a bandana over it and my mouth and secured it to the back of my head. At this point he goes over to the little dish and pulls out two stud earrings that don’t match. These type are the ones that have a point and are used when you get your ears pierced. Now I knew what was going to happen. I could feel my already heightened and excited nature go wild and I had no room to move.
He had a Polaroid camera in hand and was taking shots. He was talking as he was doing so telling me that my juices were running down my legs. When he had his fill of photography, he proceeded to push those studs through my pussy lips (which hurt like hell). He then fucked me from behind as hard as he could and for what seemed to be an eternity. When he was done. He removed he gag and kissed me.
After untying me and dressing me back up, we headed downstairs. I have to say that I was walking like I had been on a horse for a month. My girlfriend and her boyfriend were sitting there laughing at me.
She told me that he had used her to set up those rings to which he attached the rope as he wanted to make sure it would work. Also, she said despite the gag, she could hear me screaming downstairs. Everyone had known but me. This was one hell of an awesome experience. So much so, I had him do it again only I was not tied.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Guide, Mentor, and Teacher~
You act like a reflection. A reflection that may not be seen by the viewer upon initial view, however, the image that gazes back upon a dialogue sees where spots lie. Sometimes it just takes a moment or mere mention of something that allows for thought to perform the proper function and at which junction it is to occur.
For all things one does, there has to be something in it for them. A reward. That something does not have to be a grand article of material nor anything of substance in tangible form, but there is always something. Delving into the psychological realms tells me this. Yet there is something else as well. I can call it an experiment of sorts to see if there is a shift in behavior.
Perhaps you have studied Skinner or Pavlov, then again, you might have studied Plato’s work on Socrates in which you seek an elenchus. Who knows. Nonetheless, it is always wonderful to see the truth in the mirror rather an illusion one has conjured up.
Much thanks and respect. ~ Arachne ~ June 3, 2011 @ 1:34 pm EST
For all things one does, there has to be something in it for them. A reward. That something does not have to be a grand article of material nor anything of substance in tangible form, but there is always something. Delving into the psychological realms tells me this. Yet there is something else as well. I can call it an experiment of sorts to see if there is a shift in behavior.
Perhaps you have studied Skinner or Pavlov, then again, you might have studied Plato’s work on Socrates in which you seek an elenchus. Who knows. Nonetheless, it is always wonderful to see the truth in the mirror rather an illusion one has conjured up.
Much thanks and respect. ~ Arachne ~ June 3, 2011 @ 1:34 pm EST
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I forgive, but I can’t forget~
I believe I got it all out. I really think I did. Now what? There is nothing left to read and I don’t have much to say. What can be said? Could I rant on how things suck and how other things are so divine? Yes I could. However, what point should I pick up on? What should I let out? Perhaps present resentment could be expressed, but where would that get me? I have reflected out on what could be...
I forgive, but I can’t forget~
He told me had gone against my wishes because of a hard on. Okay I give the guy credit for telling me the truth. In turn, I forgave him, but advised him that I would not forget what he did. How can I forget? Unconditional love? I had spoken of this and find that I have reached an elenchus here in that I do not believe what I thought I believed. Yes I do find conditions. Conditions which, when I allow myself to be affected, turn me sour. I have soured and have lost love toward him. Not all of course, but enough. Enough that leaves me not sure if I can even be a good friend despite the fact that I am in a relationship with him. How bad is that? The only thing he has going for him at this moment is his truthfulness. Hypothetically speaking, he could essentially do what he did again and tell me of it. As it is, I am just about ready to depart the scene. When an agreement is reached and a breech of agreement is had, despite the nature of truth being told, the violation is there and trust is gone. The only thing I have left to trust in him is that he will tell me of another breech. That being said, the relationship would be null and void. Polyamoury means multiple LOVES. It does not mean LUST and simply thinking with one’s dick. ~ Arachne ~ May 25, 2011 @ 6:42 PM EST
P.S.: Intercourse was not had, however, playing with each other still counts as sex.
Why the fuck are you people reading this? Don't you have other places to be? Be gone!
I forgive, but I can’t forget~
He told me had gone against my wishes because of a hard on. Okay I give the guy credit for telling me the truth. In turn, I forgave him, but advised him that I would not forget what he did. How can I forget? Unconditional love? I had spoken of this and find that I have reached an elenchus here in that I do not believe what I thought I believed. Yes I do find conditions. Conditions which, when I allow myself to be affected, turn me sour. I have soured and have lost love toward him. Not all of course, but enough. Enough that leaves me not sure if I can even be a good friend despite the fact that I am in a relationship with him. How bad is that? The only thing he has going for him at this moment is his truthfulness. Hypothetically speaking, he could essentially do what he did again and tell me of it. As it is, I am just about ready to depart the scene. When an agreement is reached and a breech of agreement is had, despite the nature of truth being told, the violation is there and trust is gone. The only thing I have left to trust in him is that he will tell me of another breech. That being said, the relationship would be null and void. Polyamoury means multiple LOVES. It does not mean LUST and simply thinking with one’s dick. ~ Arachne ~ May 25, 2011 @ 6:42 PM EST
P.S.: Intercourse was not had, however, playing with each other still counts as sex.
Why the fuck are you people reading this? Don't you have other places to be? Be gone!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Red Emma...
In Emma Goldman I find love, strength, dignity, passion, desire, and inspiration. If I were a man and she were alive, I would have her for my own, but not. No marriage of course as she and I agree against such contracts. Yet we do have the ability to share under proper circumstances of understanding. ~ Arachne ~ May 23, 2011 @ 3:48 p.m. EST
Monday, May 9, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
To lead or not to lead? That is the question.
God (we are our own gods) helps those who help themselves can be viewed as a true statement. On the other hand, no human is an island.
Q&A: Are there ever differences in leaders? Is it not the leader's right to rule? Who rules a leader? IF in self-rule (A), self-rule would not require leaders nor followers. If one must lead even if they don't want to, what then happens upon the leader's death? What happens to the dependent children? In using the term "children," I speak figuratively. I refer to those who are dependent on leadership. Should there be this type of dependency? Where lies independence? Can independence be had? As, no human is an island, independence from a top down system can be had. You can call it interdependency or selfish altruism. It can work.
Arachne~ May 2, 2011 @ 10:00 p.m. EST
Q&A: Are there ever differences in leaders? Is it not the leader's right to rule? Who rules a leader? IF in self-rule (A), self-rule would not require leaders nor followers. If one must lead even if they don't want to, what then happens upon the leader's death? What happens to the dependent children? In using the term "children," I speak figuratively. I refer to those who are dependent on leadership. Should there be this type of dependency? Where lies independence? Can independence be had? As, no human is an island, independence from a top down system can be had. You can call it interdependency or selfish altruism. It can work.
Arachne~ May 2, 2011 @ 10:00 p.m. EST
Толерантность должна руководствоваться разумом. Когда причина будет исчерпан, больше нет порог терпимости. ~ Me ~ May 2, 2011 @ 6:59 p.m. EST
Toleranz sollte von der Vernunft geleitet werden. Als Grund erschöpft ist, gibt es nicht mehr eine Schwelle für Toleranz.
Tolerance should be guided by reason. When reason is exhausted, there is no longer a threshold for tolerance.
Toleranz sollte von der Vernunft geleitet werden. Als Grund erschöpft ist, gibt es nicht mehr eine Schwelle für Toleranz.
Tolerance should be guided by reason. When reason is exhausted, there is no longer a threshold for tolerance.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Transition in progress~
In 2004 I was something that I did not like so I decided to take the bull by the horns and return to my old self. In the process I got rid of much and changed much. Some did not recognize me, but had they in fact known me? Had they known Max? Probably not. The metamorphosis was accomplished with speed and precision. Unfortunately, between success and now, I seem to have lost my edge somewhere, but I want it back. I want my dark nature to return in full force. I want my limbs and mind to work in the same fashion and I don't want to feel.
I have already noticed that I am self-serving and I am enjoying it. There are some aspects of Max that I will not allow to surface, but who knows, she may beat me out and take over. If I think about it, that might not be so bad. She did serve me well. Perhaps she serves me now as what was attempts to rise like cream to the surface. ~ Maggie ~ April 25, 2011 @ 7:01 p.m. EST
I have already noticed that I am self-serving and I am enjoying it. There are some aspects of Max that I will not allow to surface, but who knows, she may beat me out and take over. If I think about it, that might not be so bad. She did serve me well. Perhaps she serves me now as what was attempts to rise like cream to the surface. ~ Maggie ~ April 25, 2011 @ 7:01 p.m. EST
Friday, January 7, 2011
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