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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I Named It Not~

I named it not, but through a volley of words a name was given by another.  A name that I had to clarify and verify.  Indeed I know what it is.  However, what is the value?  Would not comrade, friend, brother, or pal bear more value or more substance?  Me believes yes as those do not contain within the definition of their name OR.

When dealing with OR, I am looking at one thing or another as the word is not both.  This is not just a matter of perspective, it is a matter of definition regardless of my perspective.  I see the name as named different–perhaps more vulgar or crude–one devoid of emotion–senseless and superficial.  Where lies depth and feeling?  It lies on the other side of the OR–the side that is not being utilized by the other.  Back to prediction of percentage: 98.99%.

Absorb I did and so wanted it named and claimed, but I could not do it.  I would not do so as to cause error, but throw words I did!  With clarification made and program run, decision is now left to work its magick.

To settle on the definition is not in me, but friendship is.  Within friendship lies an everlasting bond of real love.

Of all things, there are two sides.  Love can go unloved.  Friendship can go un-befriended.
However, if substance of either course is maintained within ONE, it become whole and held in heart.  It is here that superficiality is diminished for depth. ~ Maggie ~ Penned sometime in 2008 prior to 3:00 p.m. EST

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