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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My correspondence with G.~

Why would you endorse me if you know nothing about me? What if I were an anarchist plotting the overthrow of a country? What if in the position of an anarchist, the only skills that I posses are those of a propagandist? What if my skills were a list of lies? How would you then feel about your endorsement? I must question you.

The chuckle was a result of the way you worded your response in a so matter of fact way. I couldn't help but chuckle. Your response is not what I had expected not that I really had an expectation of something in particular. Your wording reminds me of when someone asks me why I did something and I respond, "Because I can."  Do you like Alice? Couriouser and Couriouser!

A Gypsy? Hum. That is a new one on me. What brought you to that conclusion?

After perusing your profile, I see a person who seems to be interested in health through food. Is this so?

You state that you "know that is not to be the case." What if I told you that I was just an anarchist? What does your insight/intuition tell you? Would you say yay or nay to that possibility?

Why are you here? I often question why I am on here, but then again, my reason may be different from yours. Would you care to trade information?

When was the last time you checked yourself out? You know what I mean. When was your last inventory taken? What has life taught you that translates into wisdom? What could you profess from said wisdom? Would you then be considered a professor of life? Are we not all professors of our own lives? Is the information you possess valuable?

“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”

What if the so-called evidence was an illusion? Perhaps the evidence is something that exists in Wonderland and what is isn't. Impressions are also left by teeth in goods that allow for said impressions. What is reliable?

Nay to the highlights. Truly, why are you here?

Agitators exist in washing machines to toss about the clothes. Moi an agitator? Pray prey not! I simply seek to find the mind of the individual I correspond with. Life without an intelligent challenge would be a fate worse than death. Nonetheless, I am intrigued by anarchy and thus for it.

Can a student profess? Can a professor still study? When the two cross, doesn't one leave residue on the other? If so, can it then be said that one leans from the other? Could this be applied to people in general?

Kudos on you inventory taking. Time and love are part of your inventory. Is that correct? Doesn't time and love have branches that touch other things that take your time and your love? Would those things then make your inventory longer?

Time and love are very important to humans, but so is thought. I see a sea of ideas that float in the mind of the thinker. They are time takers and are loved for taking the time “to be” even if the idea does not manifest itself in the real supposed now. Nonetheless, the concocted lies in the cranium for possible use in the future when said idea can be put into form.

I profess, we are students of life with the ability to share and compare! As we rub, we leave residue. Ay, there's the rub!

Let's pretend we live in Wonderland and the White Rabbit is behaving in a secretive way. As he checks out his watch and proclaims he is late, Alice runs after him. She was curious about him. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, the March Hare, the Mad Hatter, and the Cheshire Cat were bizarre from the beginning, but isn't the bizarre an invitation for adventure?

Here Alice speaks of self: 'Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English); 'now I'm opening out like the largest telescope that ever was! Good-bye, feet!' (for when she looked down at her feet, they seemed to be almost out of sight, they were getting so far off). 'Oh, my poor little feet, I wonder who will put on your shoes and stockings for you now, dears? I'm sure I shan't be able! I shall be a great deal too far off to trouble myself about you: you must manage the best way you can; —but I must be kind to them,' thought Alice, 'or perhaps they won't walk the way I want to go! Let me see: I'll give them a new pair of boots every Christmas.'

Longer periods of time come at any time. Writing allows for length which can be written in segments and saved until such time as one is supposedly finished. “Ay, there’s the rub” comes from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. People do rub when they touch someone mentally or physically. However, Shakespeare’s rub bears a different meaning. 3 (the rub) the central or most important difficulty. [from Shakespeare's Hamlet (iii. i. 65).] Reiterated: I profess, we are students of life with the ability to share and compare! As we rub, we leave residue. Ay, there's the rub!

Your FB did indeed show your relationship and it looks lovely in its collage form splashed in the background. How does FB feed your ego? Do you compare yourself with others or do you wait for them to wish they were you? Hope for the hopeless? What does that mean? Love is a wonderful thing, but not having a partner is not bad. Isn’t is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all? To have one’s hopes tied up in the wanting of a relationship snips away at other hopes as it bites into resources that could be used more constructively. Would you agree? If you were alone, would you feel alone? If so, what does alone feel like?

Me thinks you assess me wrongly, however, that is just my opinion. We can continue to correspond and thus leave residue of ourselves upon one another. Tis a good thing.

Adventures can be carried out in the physical form as well as the mental form. When Charles Lutwidge Dodgson a/k/a Lewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland, he was on an adventure of lovely weirdness. Scientists who study quantum physics are on adventures as well. What is weird to you? Please define. Is "nuked" meant as a positive thing or a negative thing?

The residue is what we come away with after an interaction. It could be described as a skid, smear, emotion, or memory. It could also be described as something that has no name as it is felt. Who am I to say?

Do you love all things the same way, some things the same way, nothing the same way? When you experience time, is it sometimes longer or shorter despite the time chunk being the same?

The feeling is mutual as you are allowing me into you. Thank you for doing so.

If FB no longer feeds your ego, why did you send me there? What did you want me to see? What did you expect me to say?

If you think yourself to be a slave to society, why do you allow for such slavery? Please explain how you are a slave to society. When comparing self to others, do you see commonalities? When comparing self to others, do you see differences? Which holds more sway and why?

When being told of failed relationships, what words do you offer up to the teller if any words are offered at all?

The assessment is wrong based on the way I think and feel about myself. Am I smart? Yes, however, there are others who are smarter and I respect them for being so. Emotions? Where did that come from? I do have them, but they were not on the table. :D Indeed, I am a student of life, however, I am not a genius by any stretch of the imagination. We see from different perspectives, but that is cool.

Thank you for sharing your mind and time as it is truly appreciated. Shall we continue?

This course of correspondence plays lovely in my mind. All of the correspondence does. The interaction allows for mind crank and exploration of another.

I am back at branches and the love time issue. If all things are not loved the same and time holds different value based on variables, would these differences or should these differences be packed in the same lunch box?

Ah, you have given me a new word. Thank you!

Eldritch ~ Of uncertain origin. Possibly from Middle English eldrich, from earlier elrich, equivalent to Old English el- (“foreign, strange, other”) (see else ) + ri-c.e (“realm, kingdom”) (see rich ); hence “of a strange country, pertaining to the Otherworld”; compare Old English ellende "in a foreign land, exiled" (compare German Elend "penury, distress" and Dutch ellende "misery"), Runic Norse alja-markir "foreigner". Alternatively related to Elf + ri-c.e (“realm, kingdom”); hence "fairyland

Weird, you say? I say, fascinating! Your weird has potential. Do you see it? Since you see yourself back in history, what leads you to think it is the 1500's? Whom do you think you are in that time, i.e., what is your role? What country do you think you are you in? Who seems to be in power? What are/were you doing? What is going on around you? Are you alone? Hey, if you fill in the blanks, you may have a story.

Without negatives we would not realize positives. Contrast is required for recognition.

After the eruption of a volcano, the land is more fertile. Life is energy and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. How lovely and weird is the process of recycled...stuff?

Thank you for getting back to me. As your day was long, what is considered a short day? What makes a short day so? We had spoken about time and how it passes. Didn’t we? When is one hour like five? Was that how it was today? That is how it was for me today. I hate to shop and that was what today was about. Unfortunately, there is no magic when making purchases.

Where were we? Ah yes...Facebook!

Do you think that photos speak more than words? What falsehoods can read from photos? Actually, what falsehoods can be passed in sessions like this? I learn more about a person through interactions and I care not whether that person is a man or a woman nor an adolescent or adult. I am so often surprised what comes out of the minds of babes. Sometimes, the mystery is better as I am then dealing with the being.

I didn’t read any posts you wrote, but maybe I should have. It would be interesting to see what you share with those in your close circle. I wonder if you are deep with them or not. Perhaps I will check. My look-see was superficial. Sorry.

Do you see the same lame mundane banter on FB? Does it make you want to barf? Inquiring minds want to know.

If you are afraid of not being financially independent, you may remain a slave. If you don’t care, you could take some type of job that may not give you what you have now, but it may give you a greater sense of “I can leave because I have nothing to lose.” Does what you own own you?

Which holds more weight when comparing yourself to others? If differences are what holds more weight, would you say that it is not just your differences? Would you...could you apply these differences to others in that the difference is what makes something worthy of investigation? Birds of a feather flock together, but opposites attract. Which actually holds true or are both true to a degree?

Let me know how the new inventory list turns out as I would be interested to see it.

The 1500's were not the dark ages. Actually, it was the Middles Ages with an opening to enlightenment of the Renaissance which started in the 14th century. The 1500's were the 16th century and although there were wars, lords, kings, and peasants, your way of transferring wisdom to a king within a catholic society may have been viewed as heresy. As the Bolivian people were conquered by the Spanish, I would have to know if you were a product of Spain or a native of Bolivia. How might you have lived comfortably in such a society?

Bolivia's Colonial Era. Bolivia's history changed dramatically when in 1532 the Spanish defeated the great Incas, and other ethnic groups that had historically inhabited the area. The Incas were so severely weakened by European diseases brought over by the Spaniards that they were unable to properly defend themselves and were conquered by an army of about 180 men led by Francisco Pizarro. The Spaniards were interested primarily in the silver mines discovered in the area and exploited the region and its inhabitants mercilessly, forcing them to work as slaves to extract massive amounts of minerals for export to Spain over the next 300 years.

As of July, 2014, Bolivian President Evo Morales is proposing to remove the European names of streets and cities in the nation and return them to their indigenous origins, beginning with stripping every street named after Christopher Columbus. Do you blame them? "He (Columbus) was an invader, a looter that brought us another form of life, in which we are looted and left in poverty." In reality, the Spanish crown broke their initial contract with Columbus and denied him the riches recovered from the Americas upon his return, and he died poor, but comfortable, in Valladolid.

The natives could not war against their Spanish conquerors. With this new perspective, how do you feel about what you saw?

The 1st Law of Thermodynamics is a version of the law of conservation of energy, adapted for thermodynamic systems. The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed.

The level of detail depends on the individual. Personally, I like to make note of differences as they wake me to something and thus belong in the new lunch box. The new lunch box allows me to investigate the differences further so that I may taste of them by themselves.

If we are talking about food, you would be right. However, my lunch box is not really a lunch box at all. It is a place in my mind in which to weigh things out. It is a place to incorporate what I view as valuable or to hold for a later date when the differences find their proper place within my life. An example of such is my view on homosexuals. Their difference used to be something I was not comfortable with (not loved by me), however, though investigation of my own thoughts, I realized that I should not be uncomfortable because two beings love each other (loved by me). It would seem that the difference fell into my common box as love is common.  Did I isolate the difference?

The time I spend shopping is long and tedious. The time I spend on interesting dialogues or reading is time that flies. There is a difference which I note and I love one more than the other. Hate is too strong a word to use for that which is tedious.

Can you give me a real life example of your lunch box? Have you digested its contents?

Would you say that time is longer when you do things that are unpleasant?

Wouldn’t the day be short if it were pleasant? If your body were in pain for one minute, would that minute seem longer than if your body were experiencing pleasure for that same minute?

How can someone find the truth in another if in fact a truth exists? What truth exists in self? Is that truth subject to change? Why?

How often to you post something on FB which allows you and your friends to crank your brains? How often do your FB friends post something in which you can have a friendly argument? Can you give an example of something that alerts us, makes us think, and touches our spirit? Are these things the creation of the poster or are they something the poster found and posted without comment? I am basically looking for your FB experience. I hope you don’t mind.

Today is yesterday's tomorrow!

To wonder and ponder upon a thought is an ideal way to spend time. All that you say I do you, in turn, do the same. We each stand as transmitters and receivers and one without the other would be as useless as tits on a bull. Imagine a tennis player with a ball and racket, a court, and a net. Now, imagine the tennis player smacking his ball with the racket and sending his ball to the other side of the court. If another tennis player is not on the other side of the net to send the ball back, the player cannot play nor could the player clap with one hand.

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