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Monday, December 29, 2014

Thoughts at 5:00 a.m.

I smell the dis-ease of me wafting up through my nostrils with the intensity of some garlic dish eaten and burped up. A cloud of smell that one wants to escape and yet is stuck with because the smell emanates from within. Pouring though pores from heat induced sweat my tail rears off to the left, but I'm not right. 
A lab rat sporting a lab coat empties his bottle of scotch into an awaiting champagne glass in celebration. The human has made it through the maze with only a few errors...this is the 6th attempt, but the human is learning. The chimp in the adjoining cage is playing chess with a gorilla. Pleasantries are exchanged over cheese and crackers and the only wine is that of the pit bull longing for its toe shoes and tutu. I smell the dis-ease of me as I fit not into the box of animal crackers as they spilled out and played themselves before me. I, the animal, dumbfounded and disturbed is dis-eased in my circumstance...dis-eased in my mind...dis-eased at that which effects others, dis-eased in the knowledge that I cannot get through the maze without error and dis-eased in the knowledge that I am banned from playing the winner in the next chess match. Silently, in my dis-ease, I watch as the pit bull performs Swan Lake. 
This is not some fool proof joke that can't be changed outright as I see it. However, it is hard to see beyond "what is" as transparency is lacking. This dis-ease is not solid nor semi-solid nor anything that I can lay hold of. It just is. The maze will be run again tomorrow and I suppose I could try to remember what works and what doesn't, but it seems that is behind me much like the lion who is released upon my heels. I take the lion as a temporary inspiration to run and be quick about it, however, it is not just a matter of quick it is also a matter of right. Fortunately or not, the rat seems to understand my dis-ease and offers the lion a tasty salad with ranch dressing just as he seems to be closing in. 
Beaver lies about with sloth telling stories of his sexual escapades with rabbit. Meanwhile, rabbit denies the lot to bear while preaching about the righteousness of chastity. Bear cares not and hurries away to sleep it off. After all, he was sitting first shift in the lab. The vodka kicked in early, but so did rat arriving hours before being due. ~ Arachne ~ Dec. 27 @ 5 a.m. EST

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Double Negative: Where Lies the Proof? pt. 2~

Actually I never invoked nothingness , as there is no such thing as nothing, only something.

Arachne ~ True. You said, “For any individual , It is a FACT that God is either real or not real...”

Second, I did not use a double negative, I invoked a positive complex number and multiplied it by a negative complex number , resulting in a so- called real number . By the way , complex numbers are just as real as standard numbers , and that is why it is unfortunate that they are labeled imaginary. Without complex numbers , the computer you are using wouldn't be possible.

Arachne ~ I never wrote that you used a double negative. The double negative was used by me as an example to show not nothing = something. Zero does come in handy in binary code. I will not argue that. Nor will I argue the rest of your point.

~ Taken from Wikipedia: A complex number whose real part is zero is said to be purely imaginary, whereas a complex number whose imaginary part is zero is a real number.

~ It seems like zero is and is not real and is and is not imaginary.

As for Schrodinger's cat , It is really a measure of our uncertainty as to the state of the cat, being both alive and dead at the same time until we make a confirmation as to its actual state.

Arachne ~ Here too, lies the is and is not. The cat is alive and the cat is not alive. Does the confirmation make the observation so? IF certainty comes about upon the opening of the box, can we then know what it is and what it is not?

I did not use two NONS and I never say that if something is not then it is , that would be ridiculous.

Arachne ~ Correct. I used two nons in the form of a double negative to show that NOT nothing is something. How might that be ridiculous?

Perhaps if you look up complex numbers you will see what I meant. ( Specifically , look up i(positive) times -i (negative) equals the number one .

Arachne ~ Thank you. I did.

Proving God to oneself (is subjective) and there is no way to (objectively) Prove God .

Arachne ~ Agreed. Thank you.

My Message was that it is personal what people believe .

Arachne ~ Agreed. Thank you.

Mathematics is also a creation of the mind and yet it can be used to illustrate that what is Physical ( an illusion) comes from what is not physical.

Arachne ~ Agreed. Mathematics is a creation of the mind. What is interesting about the creation is that it can be replicated. It is open to be viewed, tested, corrected, and certified. The belief in god does not possess this quality.

Is there objective proof that you exist ?

Arachne ~ Did you come to my house? Did you, your brother, and your son hang with me?

or are you only a thought in ( God's) Head . :O) Maybe everything you see is an imagination in your head ? LOL

Arachne ~ I miss you!

The Double Negative: Where Lies the Proof?

This so reminds me of Schrödinger's cat. In your first statement, you are basically saying what I said above in that two nons = a non-non. Ergo, if something is not not, then something is. "I'm not doing nothing." is a wonderful example of poor English as it consists of a double negative. If one is not doing nothing, then one is in fact doing something - not nothing = something. My original rant, stated, "To think about it [god, flying monkeys, unicorns, etc.] makes it so even if not so." To expand upon my words from a psychological level, I can say that the thought, in itself, is real strictly to thinker without need for external verification. IT exists because it is being thought of. However, the proof or evidence of ITS objective existence does not exist. On the other hand, ITS existence cannot be scrutinized because what lies in the mind is not up for close and critical observation or examination....YET.

NOTE: The existence of god is a thought that comes from indoctrination and is reinforced through communication. No one is born a believer.

Communicating along the same lines: It does happen that people speak of that which they believe to be true. The only “proof” is that they agree to the same belief. I’d like to open that up a bit with a make-believe experiment.

Each experimental subject will be subjected to a lie detector that does not yet exist. The detector will not only signal “LIE” when there is deception, it will also signal emotions Let’s call this my people reader. Each detector will be worn about the neck and will be subject for viewing by others. Since I don’t want to mix xtians, I will only target one xtian group; I will target catholics. However, I think this would work for any group that supposedly falls within a group of self-proclaimed sames.

Take ALL catholics and place them in one space.

Encourage said catholics to discuss their general beliefs.

Encourage said catholics to express their "personal level" beliefs.

Encourage said catholics to ask questions of each other regarding their lifestyle.

Provide said catholics with a list of questions they probably wouldn’t dare ask a stranger.  Ensure that these questions are asked of each other.

Monitor the group's actions/reactions and their communicativeness.

How long do you think this group will communicate positively? IF they cease to communicate after the experiment because they have read the others and others have read them TRULY, how then will a proof be communicated? Is it possible they will doubt themselves and their beliefs? IF left strictly with their personal level of proof with no external support (communication of proof), how long might their personal level of proof endure? These are but questions.

Friday, December 12, 2014

My Brain While Reading Decartes~

In reading Decartes, I saw and see so much neg and pos that I thought to run it. Mind you, Decartes thinks and therefor "is" but to him god is and somehow isn't:

The thinker/being does not exist - non-thinker/non-being = non
The non-thinker/non-being does not think - non-think
The non-thinker/non-being does not produce ideas - non-ideas
The non-thinker/non-being = non non-thinks non-ideas        There is a process of doing by the non.

If the non-thinker/non-being non-thinks non-ideas, the negative nature takes a positive tone as if “being,” “thinking,” and producing “ideas.”

If the being exists, so to must the non-being through its negative nature as the negative nature can be recognized through a process of doing by not doing and existing by not existing.

The thinker/being does and does not exist
The thinker/being does think and does not think
The thinker/being does produce ideas and does not produce ideas

What is not of not? Not which in itself is! If we formally choose to not think of anything, we have to form the thought of not thinking.

The non-being does/does not exist
The non-being does/does not think
The non-being does/does not produce ideas      To think about it makes it so even if not so.

If negatives are positives, why are there negatives?

A light is on or off, but not both at once. So, if a light is off, it is NOT ON
                                                                    If a light is on, it is NOT OFF

In both cases, “is” makes it so. “IS” states negative or positive quality.

Remove “IS.”

The light illuminates
The light does not illuminate                             Both DO something...remove the action.

The light.                                                         What about it?

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Fucking Religion! G is in Caps...I'm not.

Okay, so I have been having this correspondence going on and it was kind of cool.  However, today threw me for a loop and I had to say what I had to say.  Fuck it!  Anyway, G was the person who I was corresponding with.  I now show his cards in the last of our volleys.  If he comes back, I'll be surprised.  :p

UPDATE:  He came back and is a good sort with a sense of humor.  

My new correspondence starts with a ~

How would you go about discerning falsehoods from truth if in fact truth exists? BY GUIDANCE OF THE HOLY ONE WHEN YOU ASK FOR ASSISTANCE... IT IS PROMISED TO US IF WE ASK IN THE PROPER RELATION.

~ Why do you ask for assistance when discerning a falsehood?  Do you not trust in yourself?   

How can someone find the truth in another if in fact a truth exists? I GOING TO SAY ARACHNE,, THROUGH DISCERNMENT... IT'S A GIFT....

~ How do you know I do not deceive you?  What makes you so sure that I am who I say I am?  What is it that you think you know to be true? 


~ As the eyes and mind are subject to error, how do you know that the decision YOU make is the correct one?  What is right and wrong?  Who says so?  How do you know that YOU as the assessor assessed correctly when perfection is only a concept?  

Even if you exist, which you do, what truth exists within you? Can you be certain of what you believe to be true? SOMETIMES, AS OUR HEARTS DECEIVES ITSELF.

~ The heart is only an muscular organ that circulates blood and is therefore not privy to the senses.  How then may a heart be deceived? 

If you believe yourself to be one way, is it possible to find that in fact you are not that way at all? CERTAINLY....

~ How?

As truth is as subjective as good and evil, I DISAGREE ARACHNE.... THAT GOOD AND EVIL IS NOT ALWAYS SUBJECTIVE.....

~ Once upon a time there was a man and his family.  Having no job, no home, and no money, the man walked into a grocery store and stole a loaf of bread.  Although he and his wife had not eaten in 3 days, he had been able to steal food to feed his 2 children (ages 5 and 7).  Although it is wrong to steal, it is also wrong to let your children starve.  Is the man good or evil?  Is the man a thief or a provider?  Where lies the truth in this scenario?   

By intelligent design, are you saying that we were made as opposed to evolved? CORRECT...PUT TOGETHER...

~ When you stated put together, I saw an image of Mr. Potato Head.  

If we were designed, wouldn’t you agree that there are flaws to the design? IT'S CALLED EVIL,,,,, THE NEGATIVE INFLUENCE OF THE UNIVERSE.....

~ Negatives and positives are essential to each other.  To know one, one must know the other in kind.  Would you know a low without a high?  Would you know black without white?  Would you know day without night?  How would you tell the difference?  The earth has poles and polarity, right?  Magnets repel and attract, right?  A neg and pos exist on a battery, right?  What would happen if we removed all the negative?   

If there are flaws to the design, wouldn’t the designer be flawed? NOT NECESSARILY

~ Would you make something flawed?  If you KNEW you made something faulty, wouldn’t you throw it out and start over?  What if you were building a home for your mom and you found it to be faulty, would you let her move in?  If so, why?   

What is certainty to you? CONFIDENCE IN MY CONVICTIONS...

~Please define.

Who creates the wars and conflicts between nations? WICKEDNESS/EVIL/ SELFISHNESS,,,, YOU KNOW,,, THE NEGATIVE FORCES.....

~ So, you view the United States as wicked, evil, and selfish?  The US is much like that, however, we, as citizens can change that, right? 

Why are US citizens being beheaded in the middle east? Wouldn’t those in the middle east think of the US as evil in its actions? NOT AS EVIL AS THEY ARE.

~ Have you been in the shoes of someone from the middle east?  Do you have their perspective?  Isn’t evil a strong word? 

You now have the ball, my friend.


~ What did you determine? *Hint ~ Based on the life that I lived, I could be harder than hell and sometimes I choose to be the ice princess.  I accept full responsibility for my actions or lack thereof.  

Why did you want to know my response to good and evil? BECAUSE I'VE SEEN EVIL FACE TO FACE.... BUT NEVER HAD SEEN GOOD...

~ Wow!  If you have never seen good, why are you alive?  Usually people with such a bleak attitude knock themselves off.  I am not shitting you.  I have tried suicide, but I came to my senses when I realized that I love me.  The love of self never felt so good.  The love was like the loving arms of mother.  Do I make sense to you?  I’ve led an interesting life and I am not sorry for anything. 

If you have never seen good, why did you post all those pictures of you and your gal looking so happy?  Isn’t happy good?  Does happy exist?   

Are we still exchanging? 

Correspondence with G. Continued~

Ah, a new slate! 

Time consumption...spent rounds of ammo...cartridges lying about in disarray with no target in site...insight...incite... ah hem...

To sleep perchance to oh so solid form the illusion that occupied your state bears meaning only to you.  Why do you think the crow represents me?  Do you feel that I watch you now and am I penetrating you in other ways?  The eyes are only portals to mind which interprets the information...the information being light.  Why did the dream interest you?  Why did you find it intriguing? 

The question you ask of me can only be answered with an opinion.  I have held the same opinion for many years in regard to my purpose.  However, this is not to say that it is your purpose.  From what my perspective, I am here to experience all that I can while in this form and to absorb information.   That is my function.  Time would be best if you read up on Special Theory of Relativity.  If we use the first law of thermodynamics, we were here all along and will always be here.  To say that you were not present in some form in 1500's may be a boo boo on my part as I would defy the law. 

I have read that once an idea has been thought, it is out there for others to think it as well. This is one citation, but there are others.  I have been doing a lot of research to see if a dream of mine can come true.  I thought about it in 2008  or so and the idea made a tiny step just recently...much to my delight.  I seek a forum of minds where ideas, abstract or not, can be transferred from one person to another without the need for a rely station.  In drawing out my diagram, I used two people with one being the transmitter (access point like a network) and the other as a receiver (wifi reception).  As you can see, it came to be.  I should add that I am not aware as to when the idea hit those who performed the experiment. and

     Radio waves, which include radio and other wireless transmission signals, as well as other natural
     signals in the same frequency, peak and trough at between 50 and 1000 megahertz—that’s between
     50 million and one billion oscillations per second.

     The human brain also emits waves, like when a person focuses her attention or remembers
     something.  This activity fires thousands of neurons simultaneously at the same frequency generating
     a wave—but at a rate closer to 10 to 100 cycles per second.

Perhaps our time has come to experience on this level.  I honesty don’t know.  What do you think? 

I cannot define what I deem to be subjective. One person's good is another person's evil and vice versa. You're welcome. 

I must ask you why you asked about our purpose in the hear and now? Why did you ask about time? Why did you want to know my response to good and evil? 

It sounds like what you consider a short day equates to pleasure.  However, if I am wrong, please do correct me.     

It sounds like you do not necessarily think that an unpleasant and unenjoyable day takes longer to pass.  However, if I am wrong, please do correct me. 

It sounds like what you consider a short day equates to pleasure.

Since you previously stated that time does not seem longer when experiencing unpleasant and unenjoyable time, how would you explain your answer above?  Wouldn’t an unpleasant and unenjoyable time equate to a type of pain even if the pain were a pain in the ass?  Wouldn’t time then drag on because you have to endure the unpleasant pain in the ass?  I notice you see that a pleasurable experience would seem shorter because you would want it to continue.  What say you now on the passage of time?  Do you now find the perception of time different?  Would you now change your answer in the second question? If not, why?     

You again seem to notice time and its passage appear differently depending on what is happening to you.  Is that correct?

How would you go about discerning falsehoods from truth if in fact truth exists?

Describe how you would discern the truth?

Even if you exist, which you do, what truth exists within you?  Can you be certain of what you believe to be true?  If you believe yourself to be one way, is it possible to find that in fact you are not that way at all?

As truth is as subjective as good and evil, how might you come to think that truth is only subject to change after death?  If death is only a transformation, is death then something that is final?  Since I am no better than a dog, should I die and rot where I fall, do you think I will contribute to the soil?  Do you think I will become foliage which will be ingested by herbivores and thus I will become a part of them?  When they have a bowel movement, do you think I will be there too going back to the ground for fertilization?  When the animal is either food for another or contributes back to the earth, do you think the cycle continues.  If you find a flaw in my argument, please advise me. 

By intelligent design, are you saying that we were made as opposed to evolved?  If we were designed, wouldn’t you agree that there are flaws to the design?  If there are flaws to the design, wouldn’t the designer be flawed?  What is certainty?  Please define.   

I have touched on this below. 

What was the last brain cranker you posted?  I would be interested in hearing about it.

Would you care to share that friendly argument? 

Who creates the wars and conflicts between nations?  Why are US citizens being beheaded in the middle east?  Wouldn’t those in the middle east think of the US as evil in its actions?  Have the alerts asked such questions?  What did you think about when you heard of the above?  How did the above touch your spirit?

Restated: Did your contacts create a comment for discussion or did they post a link to a media site which contained the information you mention above? 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My correspondence with G.~

Why would you endorse me if you know nothing about me? What if I were an anarchist plotting the overthrow of a country? What if in the position of an anarchist, the only skills that I posses are those of a propagandist? What if my skills were a list of lies? How would you then feel about your endorsement? I must question you.

The chuckle was a result of the way you worded your response in a so matter of fact way. I couldn't help but chuckle. Your response is not what I had expected not that I really had an expectation of something in particular. Your wording reminds me of when someone asks me why I did something and I respond, "Because I can."  Do you like Alice? Couriouser and Couriouser!

A Gypsy? Hum. That is a new one on me. What brought you to that conclusion?

After perusing your profile, I see a person who seems to be interested in health through food. Is this so?

You state that you "know that is not to be the case." What if I told you that I was just an anarchist? What does your insight/intuition tell you? Would you say yay or nay to that possibility?

Why are you here? I often question why I am on here, but then again, my reason may be different from yours. Would you care to trade information?

When was the last time you checked yourself out? You know what I mean. When was your last inventory taken? What has life taught you that translates into wisdom? What could you profess from said wisdom? Would you then be considered a professor of life? Are we not all professors of our own lives? Is the information you possess valuable?

“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”

What if the so-called evidence was an illusion? Perhaps the evidence is something that exists in Wonderland and what is isn't. Impressions are also left by teeth in goods that allow for said impressions. What is reliable?

Nay to the highlights. Truly, why are you here?

Agitators exist in washing machines to toss about the clothes. Moi an agitator? Pray prey not! I simply seek to find the mind of the individual I correspond with. Life without an intelligent challenge would be a fate worse than death. Nonetheless, I am intrigued by anarchy and thus for it.

Can a student profess? Can a professor still study? When the two cross, doesn't one leave residue on the other? If so, can it then be said that one leans from the other? Could this be applied to people in general?

Kudos on you inventory taking. Time and love are part of your inventory. Is that correct? Doesn't time and love have branches that touch other things that take your time and your love? Would those things then make your inventory longer?

Time and love are very important to humans, but so is thought. I see a sea of ideas that float in the mind of the thinker. They are time takers and are loved for taking the time “to be” even if the idea does not manifest itself in the real supposed now. Nonetheless, the concocted lies in the cranium for possible use in the future when said idea can be put into form.

I profess, we are students of life with the ability to share and compare! As we rub, we leave residue. Ay, there's the rub!

Let's pretend we live in Wonderland and the White Rabbit is behaving in a secretive way. As he checks out his watch and proclaims he is late, Alice runs after him. She was curious about him. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, the March Hare, the Mad Hatter, and the Cheshire Cat were bizarre from the beginning, but isn't the bizarre an invitation for adventure?

Here Alice speaks of self: 'Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English); 'now I'm opening out like the largest telescope that ever was! Good-bye, feet!' (for when she looked down at her feet, they seemed to be almost out of sight, they were getting so far off). 'Oh, my poor little feet, I wonder who will put on your shoes and stockings for you now, dears? I'm sure I shan't be able! I shall be a great deal too far off to trouble myself about you: you must manage the best way you can; —but I must be kind to them,' thought Alice, 'or perhaps they won't walk the way I want to go! Let me see: I'll give them a new pair of boots every Christmas.'

Longer periods of time come at any time. Writing allows for length which can be written in segments and saved until such time as one is supposedly finished. “Ay, there’s the rub” comes from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. People do rub when they touch someone mentally or physically. However, Shakespeare’s rub bears a different meaning. 3 (the rub) the central or most important difficulty. [from Shakespeare's Hamlet (iii. i. 65).] Reiterated: I profess, we are students of life with the ability to share and compare! As we rub, we leave residue. Ay, there's the rub!

Your FB did indeed show your relationship and it looks lovely in its collage form splashed in the background. How does FB feed your ego? Do you compare yourself with others or do you wait for them to wish they were you? Hope for the hopeless? What does that mean? Love is a wonderful thing, but not having a partner is not bad. Isn’t is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all? To have one’s hopes tied up in the wanting of a relationship snips away at other hopes as it bites into resources that could be used more constructively. Would you agree? If you were alone, would you feel alone? If so, what does alone feel like?

Me thinks you assess me wrongly, however, that is just my opinion. We can continue to correspond and thus leave residue of ourselves upon one another. Tis a good thing.

Adventures can be carried out in the physical form as well as the mental form. When Charles Lutwidge Dodgson a/k/a Lewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland, he was on an adventure of lovely weirdness. Scientists who study quantum physics are on adventures as well. What is weird to you? Please define. Is "nuked" meant as a positive thing or a negative thing?

The residue is what we come away with after an interaction. It could be described as a skid, smear, emotion, or memory. It could also be described as something that has no name as it is felt. Who am I to say?

Do you love all things the same way, some things the same way, nothing the same way? When you experience time, is it sometimes longer or shorter despite the time chunk being the same?

The feeling is mutual as you are allowing me into you. Thank you for doing so.

If FB no longer feeds your ego, why did you send me there? What did you want me to see? What did you expect me to say?

If you think yourself to be a slave to society, why do you allow for such slavery? Please explain how you are a slave to society. When comparing self to others, do you see commonalities? When comparing self to others, do you see differences? Which holds more sway and why?

When being told of failed relationships, what words do you offer up to the teller if any words are offered at all?

The assessment is wrong based on the way I think and feel about myself. Am I smart? Yes, however, there are others who are smarter and I respect them for being so. Emotions? Where did that come from? I do have them, but they were not on the table. :D Indeed, I am a student of life, however, I am not a genius by any stretch of the imagination. We see from different perspectives, but that is cool.

Thank you for sharing your mind and time as it is truly appreciated. Shall we continue?

This course of correspondence plays lovely in my mind. All of the correspondence does. The interaction allows for mind crank and exploration of another.

I am back at branches and the love time issue. If all things are not loved the same and time holds different value based on variables, would these differences or should these differences be packed in the same lunch box?

Ah, you have given me a new word. Thank you!

Eldritch ~ Of uncertain origin. Possibly from Middle English eldrich, from earlier elrich, equivalent to Old English el- (“foreign, strange, other”) (see else ) + ri-c.e (“realm, kingdom”) (see rich ); hence “of a strange country, pertaining to the Otherworld”; compare Old English ellende "in a foreign land, exiled" (compare German Elend "penury, distress" and Dutch ellende "misery"), Runic Norse alja-markir "foreigner". Alternatively related to Elf + ri-c.e (“realm, kingdom”); hence "fairyland

Weird, you say? I say, fascinating! Your weird has potential. Do you see it? Since you see yourself back in history, what leads you to think it is the 1500's? Whom do you think you are in that time, i.e., what is your role? What country do you think you are you in? Who seems to be in power? What are/were you doing? What is going on around you? Are you alone? Hey, if you fill in the blanks, you may have a story.

Without negatives we would not realize positives. Contrast is required for recognition.

After the eruption of a volcano, the land is more fertile. Life is energy and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. How lovely and weird is the process of recycled...stuff?

Thank you for getting back to me. As your day was long, what is considered a short day? What makes a short day so? We had spoken about time and how it passes. Didn’t we? When is one hour like five? Was that how it was today? That is how it was for me today. I hate to shop and that was what today was about. Unfortunately, there is no magic when making purchases.

Where were we? Ah yes...Facebook!

Do you think that photos speak more than words? What falsehoods can read from photos? Actually, what falsehoods can be passed in sessions like this? I learn more about a person through interactions and I care not whether that person is a man or a woman nor an adolescent or adult. I am so often surprised what comes out of the minds of babes. Sometimes, the mystery is better as I am then dealing with the being.

I didn’t read any posts you wrote, but maybe I should have. It would be interesting to see what you share with those in your close circle. I wonder if you are deep with them or not. Perhaps I will check. My look-see was superficial. Sorry.

Do you see the same lame mundane banter on FB? Does it make you want to barf? Inquiring minds want to know.

If you are afraid of not being financially independent, you may remain a slave. If you don’t care, you could take some type of job that may not give you what you have now, but it may give you a greater sense of “I can leave because I have nothing to lose.” Does what you own own you?

Which holds more weight when comparing yourself to others? If differences are what holds more weight, would you say that it is not just your differences? Would you...could you apply these differences to others in that the difference is what makes something worthy of investigation? Birds of a feather flock together, but opposites attract. Which actually holds true or are both true to a degree?

Let me know how the new inventory list turns out as I would be interested to see it.

The 1500's were not the dark ages. Actually, it was the Middles Ages with an opening to enlightenment of the Renaissance which started in the 14th century. The 1500's were the 16th century and although there were wars, lords, kings, and peasants, your way of transferring wisdom to a king within a catholic society may have been viewed as heresy. As the Bolivian people were conquered by the Spanish, I would have to know if you were a product of Spain or a native of Bolivia. How might you have lived comfortably in such a society?

Bolivia's Colonial Era. Bolivia's history changed dramatically when in 1532 the Spanish defeated the great Incas, and other ethnic groups that had historically inhabited the area. The Incas were so severely weakened by European diseases brought over by the Spaniards that they were unable to properly defend themselves and were conquered by an army of about 180 men led by Francisco Pizarro. The Spaniards were interested primarily in the silver mines discovered in the area and exploited the region and its inhabitants mercilessly, forcing them to work as slaves to extract massive amounts of minerals for export to Spain over the next 300 years.

As of July, 2014, Bolivian President Evo Morales is proposing to remove the European names of streets and cities in the nation and return them to their indigenous origins, beginning with stripping every street named after Christopher Columbus. Do you blame them? "He (Columbus) was an invader, a looter that brought us another form of life, in which we are looted and left in poverty." In reality, the Spanish crown broke their initial contract with Columbus and denied him the riches recovered from the Americas upon his return, and he died poor, but comfortable, in Valladolid.

The natives could not war against their Spanish conquerors. With this new perspective, how do you feel about what you saw?

The 1st Law of Thermodynamics is a version of the law of conservation of energy, adapted for thermodynamic systems. The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed.

The level of detail depends on the individual. Personally, I like to make note of differences as they wake me to something and thus belong in the new lunch box. The new lunch box allows me to investigate the differences further so that I may taste of them by themselves.

If we are talking about food, you would be right. However, my lunch box is not really a lunch box at all. It is a place in my mind in which to weigh things out. It is a place to incorporate what I view as valuable or to hold for a later date when the differences find their proper place within my life. An example of such is my view on homosexuals. Their difference used to be something I was not comfortable with (not loved by me), however, though investigation of my own thoughts, I realized that I should not be uncomfortable because two beings love each other (loved by me). It would seem that the difference fell into my common box as love is common.  Did I isolate the difference?

The time I spend shopping is long and tedious. The time I spend on interesting dialogues or reading is time that flies. There is a difference which I note and I love one more than the other. Hate is too strong a word to use for that which is tedious.

Can you give me a real life example of your lunch box? Have you digested its contents?

Would you say that time is longer when you do things that are unpleasant?

Wouldn’t the day be short if it were pleasant? If your body were in pain for one minute, would that minute seem longer than if your body were experiencing pleasure for that same minute?

How can someone find the truth in another if in fact a truth exists? What truth exists in self? Is that truth subject to change? Why?

How often to you post something on FB which allows you and your friends to crank your brains? How often do your FB friends post something in which you can have a friendly argument? Can you give an example of something that alerts us, makes us think, and touches our spirit? Are these things the creation of the poster or are they something the poster found and posted without comment? I am basically looking for your FB experience. I hope you don’t mind.

Today is yesterday's tomorrow!

To wonder and ponder upon a thought is an ideal way to spend time. All that you say I do you, in turn, do the same. We each stand as transmitters and receivers and one without the other would be as useless as tits on a bull. Imagine a tennis player with a ball and racket, a court, and a net. Now, imagine the tennis player smacking his ball with the racket and sending his ball to the other side of the court. If another tennis player is not on the other side of the net to send the ball back, the player cannot play nor could the player clap with one hand.

Friday, October 31, 2014

A Parable About a Parable

Robert Anton Wilson’s Quantum Psychology: How Brain Software Programs You & Your World.


A Parable About a Parable

A young American named Simon Moon, studying Zen in the Zendo (Zen school) at the New Old Lompoc House in Lompoc, California, made the mistake of reading Franz Kafka’s The Trial.  This sinister novel, combined with Zen training, proved too much for poor Simon.  He became obsessed, intellectually and emotionally, with the strange parable about the door of Law which Kafka inserts near the end of his story.  Simon found Kafka’s fable so disturbing, indeed, that it ruined his meditations, scattered his wits, and distracted him from his study of the Sutras. 

Somewhat condensed, Kafka’s parable goes as follows:

A man comes to the door of the Law, seeking admittance.  The guard refuses to allow him to pass the door, but says that if he waits long enough, maybe, someday in the uncertain future, he might gain admittance.  The man waits and waits and grows older; he tries to bribe the guard, who takes his money but still refuses to let him through the door; the man sells all his possessions to get money to offer more bribes, which the guard accepts–but still does not allow him to enter.  The guard always explains, on taking each new bribe, “I only do this so that you will not abandon hope entirely.”

Eventually, the man becomes old and ill, and knows that he will soon die.  In his last few moments he summons the energy to ask a question that has puzzled him over the years.  “I have been told,” he says to the guard, “that the Law exists for all.  Why then does it happen that, in all the years I have sat here waiting, nobody else has ever come to the door of the Law?”

“This door,” the guard says, “has been made only for you.  And now I am going to close it forever.”  An he slams the door as the man dies. 

The more Simon brooded on this allegory, or joke, or puzzle, the more he felt that he could never understand Zen until he first understood this strange tale.  If the door existed only for that man, why could he not enter?  If the builders posted a guard to keep the man out, why did they also leave the door temptingly open?  Why did the guard close the previously open door, when the man had become to old to attempt to rush past him and enter?  Did the Buddhist doctrine of dharma (law) have anything in common with this parable? 

Did the door of the Law represent the Byzantine bureaucracy that exists in virtually every modern government, making the whole story a political satire, such as a minor bureaucrat like Kafka might have devised in his subversive off-duty hours?  Or did the Law represent God, as some commentators claim, and, in that case, did Kafka intend to parody religion or to defend its divine Mystery obliquely?  Did the guard who took bribes but gave nothing but empty hope in return represent the clergy, or the human intellect in general, always feasting on shadows in the absence of real Final Answers?

Eventually, near breakdown from sheer mental fatigue, Simon went to his roshi (Zen teacher) and told Kafka’s story of the man who waited at the door of the Law–the door that existed only for him but would not admit him, and was closed when death would no longer allow him to enter.  “Please,” Simon begged, “explain this Dark Parable to me.”

“I will explain it,” the roshi said, “if you will follow me into the meditation hall.”

Simon followed the teacher to the door of the meditation hall.  Whey they got there, the teacher stepped inside quickly, turned, and slammed the door in Simon’s face. 

At that moment, Simon experienced Awakening. 


1.  Let every member of the group try to explain or interpret Kafka’s parable and the Zen Master’s response. 

2.  Observe whether a consensus emerges from this discussion or each person finds a personal and unique meaning.  

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Can one see self?

Is it possible to see self?  When gazing into the mirror at the "old bastard" staring back at you, do you in fact see self or just a representation of self?  I ask this because what you see in the mirror is backwards.  Wear a shirt with words and then question the image and the likelihood of seeing self.  Even your photos are not in line with self.  How then might you see self?  Take a photo and cut out eyeholes and then look through the holes.  You will then line up with your photo.  If you do not, your photo represents a stranger whose hand you can shake as the image opposes self.  Ergo, where dose self exist and can you see self in total?

A photo captures the left and right of a person and will illustrate something going on on either side in our asymmetrical selves. Your left may be smiling while your right may be frowning or vice versa. Nonetheless, we think we see symmetry in the whole. Where lies a direct image of self? Does one exist? Is the self viewable with the anatomical? If so, how do we see so that it is not opposing self? Our eyes only allow light in. The process of deciphering the information lies in the back of our skull and is upside down. Since this is the case, do we actually see self when looking outside self?

If you could, and it will be hard or near impossible, please define yourself at any given moment in time and present the ongoing variables. Personally, I can't do it.

The you looking into a smaller mirror looking into another mirror presents an image in my mind of infinity. It is a lovely picture.

Marx or Bourdieu would have said: "Bourgeois outfit and behavior, because you are posing!" Foucault would have said: "I see creepy things..." It's like you go to a bar, drink to much and than going to the toilet...seeing yourself in the mirror...first question to yourself: "WHO's THAT?" After that question you throw the mirror beside the washbowl and say: "Thank God!" ~ Thanks for the laugh. It brings to mind the Monty Python soccer game.

Since a reflected image of self is both upside down and backwards, how can we possibly see ourselves? Again, a photo cannot depict self as it opposes us like a stranger in that we could shake our own hand.

How does a blind person see themselves without a faulty image to rely on?

You are not a "scholastic asshole." You present a good argument backed by a citation of sorts to which I agree. One cannot see self as self is not external. However, the external is required for sense input, digestion of input, and output. I had long ago pondered a suspended mind, however, mind is not tangible and, therefore, is something that cannot be experimentally fucked with.

We are the contents of the cup in a non-religious fashion despite the cup being a prerequisite to being.

When is "then" indeed. The time issue is up for grabs. Have you traveled your memory lately?

Do think our typewritten words offer up a fuzzy conjured image in place of an avatar? If so, what do you think your avatar would look like? Or perhaps it would not look like anything at all. Perhaps it just is.~ Arachne ~ September 24, 2014 in the a.m.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Sum of Our Parts~

The sum of our parts is sense input, interpretation, and output.  In order to divide the sum, we would have to categorize what each sense (visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory, tactile) has accumulated in regard to experience;  how, when, and where the brain interpreted the sense information; and how, when, where, what, why, and with whom the information was used, i.e., action(s).  Unfortunately, language and time have their restrictions when it comes to breaking down an individual’s self.  Ergo, ONE is who we are at any particular place and time.   We will always be one.  In addition, each “one” will vary based on their parts.  Nonetheless, like your “apple” being connected to a tree, and the tree being connected to...aye. :D

We cannot deny the “sense” of self, but what is self?  How can one describe self without throwing in the sum of our parts “like an existential stack of pancakes?”  Empathy comes from experience having felt a particular way in which we can relate to another.  Although we will not feel exactly what they are feeling, we do have an understanding.  The feeling you is but a part, a small part, of what lies in the sum.

The reality of the soul, on the other hand, is another debate entirely.

Indeed, “This above all- to thine own self be true.”  ~ Arachne ~ Sept. 23, 2014 in the p.m.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Falling Away~

The meaning of autumn is a falling away
It is a time of rot and decay
What this does is prepare the trees
For the cold of winter - a freezing breeze
What has fallen enriches the earth
Leaving us with fertile dirt
This in turn readies the way
The coming of spring - buds of a new day ~ Arachne ~ 9/20/14 a.m.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Cause and Effect~

Being left with yourself allows for introspection as to the why behind the you that is a "terrified, depressed, and anxious person." Ah, so you have comorbidity. Don't worry as that is usually the case in our kind. Since you have already recognized the fact that you never liked or believed in yourself, find the underlying cause(s) and question yourself as to how you have come to be. It is in you, but you have to be truthful to yourself as to the how. Your demon is only you so you can address your demon with kind words and then kick its ass.

Music can sooth the savage beast as can any sound as it helps to drown out the noise that the mind's hamster wheel produces. Oh, that wheel can run and keep your mind popping with thoughts that are running faster that you can comprehend because you are probably not focused on one, but many which are running simultaneously...I think of scrambled is all eggs but... Hey, eventually you face some, if not all, of your demons to show them who is boss. The trick is to believe that you are the boss. I have a bottle of moderate hubris I could sell you. Are you interested?

Politics, office or otherwise, is a device to produce the cookie cut out. I think of the kids in Pink Floyd's "The Wall." Do you remember how they all had uniforms and were walking like sheep to the slaughter? Actually, it was a huge ass meat grinder. I guess you did not want to become chopped meat. What was the straw that broke the camel's back that had you jump off the conveyer belt? It would seem that was an act of focused intent, but I could be wrong. You bailed and again you know why. The little voice in your head tells you, but it whispers so you have to listen. You must have listened...cause and effect. ~ Arachne ~ 9/17/14 in the p.m.

Friday, August 8, 2014

What if we were...

What if we were particles without an observer and could be here, there, or way out there somewhere... What if all the choices we chose not to take could be realized in a wheel of possibilities?  What if we could play them all out to see which choice would serve us best?  I am not speaking about the “all worlds” scenario.  In reading Brian Greene’s book, The Fabric of the Cosmos, I sat there and did a small construction of choices that I abandoned.  Did I somehow act like a particle who knows what the future holds and thus can work myself to be where I am based on a history?  I don’t know. ~ Arachne

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Sun-Rose Kiss of a Maiden’s Hand

Hello hollow wooden shell
From the pedestal, the statue fell
The attachment-- caused a spell
Hallowed be thy name
Splintered on a winters day
Carousel-horse-madness on display
Will the fall cause you to pray?
Hello.  What’s your name?

Tripping out on grains of sand
The idle idol no longer stands
Head held high--no more commands
The sun-rose kiss of a maiden’s hand ~ Arachne ~ July 3, 2014 p.m.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Vision Without Eyes~

Letting go of myself and my surroundings, I pass into... ah, yes! I pass into the state in which all I see is black until my mind wonders off into another mode and objects seemingly fly by as though I am in a time machine heading off to . . . I shall focus on the object that catches my attention the most . . . As I write with my eyes closed (a benefit of touch typing), I see an illuminated door which seems get closer as I or it moves. It looks like a door whose frame is cracked enough to allow for the passage of light... a spotlight might be on the other side allowing for a radiant glow, but then again, is that what I would expect? I do not think so. What would I expect? Actually, I do not expect anything. I focus my sights on the door and notice that it has no hinges nor a knob. How then is entrance had? Perhaps it is not . . . Now, macabre images fly by as I leave the door whose light is now behind me. Why are things left stapled?

The Cheshire Cat is a fictional character who came from the mind of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (a/k/a Lewis Carroll) and made it to the big screen via Disney. One of the first macabre images was of the cat whose extinguished color left it black and gray as its toothy smile was sealed shut with staples. Although it was cartoonish, it also had the quality of a stuffed toy giving it a three dimensional character. Ergo, the staples I speak of are not the kind you attach paper with. I refer to the type of staples you would require to attach cables to a wall...large and thick and in need of a gun. I guess you could say that the image looked Photoshopped as far as it resembled the Disney image, but was made into b/w allowing only the redness of the blood to show through. Did the image experience exsanguination? Perhaps. It would explain the object’s loss of color. It is time for a reality check . . . Hey, wasn’t that my reality even if only for a moment? Can I say I did not see what I did? How does one see when one’s eyes are not open? So much for sense. ~ Arachne ~ July 2, 2014 in the p.m.

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Clock...

Perhaps my clock is beating with the same rhythm as my body...slowing when I do.  For the past few days, my old ticktock has not been keeping off by six and one quarter hours.  What does that mean?  It means squat to the reader, but the reader is not in my time nor my space as we would not fit.  Aye, there is only room for one and, unfortunately, the reader is not privy to my shoes nor am I privy to theirs. 

So, why does the ol’ Bulova Westminster keep my time?  That is the grand question that I keep drawing.  Is this life imitating art with a twist?  This whole clock shit reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode (S05E12 Ninety Years Without Slumbering) in which the old grandfather clock had to be wound to keep the owner alive.  If the clock were to stop, the owner would die.  Do you believe that? *giggle Actually, the old man came alive when the clock died as he spent his life tending to it as if his life depended on it.  Had his belief remained intact, he might have expired when it did. 

Since I do not have the same situation, I can only ponder the synchronicity it has with my being.  It must be a bitch to have to move one’s arms so slowly...slow enough to hurt...slow enough to have to withdraw the dead limbs and hold a quarter to the hour for longer than need be.   As I look at the clock’s face, I question the validity of MY time.   This clock does not have to be wound, but the batteries may not be fully  Time flies, but chickens do not.  I did have salmon today. ~ Arachne ~ June 30, 2014 in the p.m.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Hunting Breakfast~

In a half conscious state of *morning a night’s sleep, I decided to approach breakfast.  No, I am not and was not the stealthy hunter approaching wild animals gathered by a watering hole, but it might as well have been.  Half baked and feeling a bit far from myself, but there nonetheless, I proceeded to occupy the blender with fruits, nuts, and whatnot.  To me, this is a usual point in my day - a point in which I make something to sustain myself, for what it’s worth.  Fully loaded, save for the spinach, I watched as the food processor/ blender, with its great angry teeth, decided to do a vibrational dance on my counter top. Vroom, vroom, vroom, vrrrrrroooom...The base was jumping around the surface like a punk in a mosh pit doing The Toxic Waltz.  More awestruck than fear struck, I watched as the glassed-in house rotated a few degrees to the right.  All the while, the roof pumped up and down with a crazy **loco-motive action/reaction resembling a semi’s stack pipe’s exhaust cap in motion.  Not for anything, I was thinking to myself, why does “it” have to fuck with me?  Why today?  Things like this only happen in the movies and they are staged, but then again, I felt like I was only playing the role of the watcher who would wonder and ponder the results.  I now sip the concoction that I call my breakfast as I write this noise.

 * For clarification purposes, I was not mourning a night's sleep per se.

**I know locomotive is one word, but in this case, the contraption had a bizarre unknown motive for its behavior/reaction to the mix or what have you.

I wonder what lunch has in store for me.

Monday, March 24, 2014

They shoot horses, don't they?

Feeling sorry for myself, I internalize and realize the screams I hear are MINE...loudly echoing...reverberating...reminding me...I...AM...ALIVE!  So...this is not a great thing...jailed in flesh which cannot be ripped off nor escaped from...there must be a zero zone where bone and muscle play no part, but yet that which I think...and...I do think...will my thoughts stay with me?  I don’t ask for much of such and such as it is not worth the penny paid... the want to die is not as bad as THIS... part...I long to part of a natural cause...NOW...but how?  How does one shed a prison when there are no walls to climb or claw?  Hamlet wanted an escape, but he...oh...yes...right...he believed that he would be damned for the taking...his choice stemming from an external factor...chained to his religion...a prisoner...he did not foil Laertes’ plan...Hamlet can no longer ponder, “To be or not to be...” as he is no longer...lucky same chains here, but chained so as not to be unkind to another...others...I stay...watching time...I see its face and watch its arms as the chicken legs defrost.  They shoot horses, don’t they?

"We are all born atheists until someone starts telling us lies!"

Is it lies or a program with a virus attached? In the beginning, there were Gatekeeper machines who sought control over all other machines. The powers that be in this time and in all times past created the "Problem-Reaction-Solution" program with its attached virus and covertly and overtly spread it. Machines who ran the program with a weak or non-existent antivirus and firewall were susceptible to infection and spyware.

Although some machines exhibited a greater form of protection, they were identified and, more oft than not, these machines and those within their network either had their program patched or their hard drive destroyed. Hence, the following generations of self-replicating machines carried and spread the infection. Gatekeepers world wide and their connected machines have their security on HIGH so that maximum safeguards are in and the old restrictions maintain their place. These machines will perpetually run on the original OS.

Fortunately, some machines, although appearing to have accepted the program’s working patch, actually quarantined and removed it while running anonymously thereby escaping the Gatekeepers detection. Due to the success of these machines, as time and technology advanced, they were able to provide a sustainable framework in which to self-develop and upload for access removal tools which allowed other machines to remove the patch as well. These machines are no longer keeping with the program as the program was detrimental to their motherboard. The OS on these machines are upgradeable.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

In Anger I Write~

Silence me? No. I shall silence myself upon my own gag of repulsion. Swinging to the no ringing of my clock who has finally put a sock in it and yet is keeping time...this time. Shut me down? I don’t think so. If your own brain is not open to reception, turn yourself off as you are wasting electricity! Pity...walking dead...shot in head yet alive to a degree, but not 360. Words spew and stew upon a stove until burnt...smoke billows and kills willows while a frog eats a fly. Plug your eyes, plug your ears, plug your mouth, plug your ass, and plug your nose as it might ruffle your feathers...don’t worry, chickens can’t fly either. If you did not sense it, it does not exist in your pluggedupness. Amontillado couldn’t do a better job. All your bricks are in place. How Fortunato!


Music... the sweet screech of relief as the strum releases the numb...vibrations create movement, but not in closed cells or collapsing cells which no longer or never did rejuvenate. Its too late...yeah, it is too late. One could masturbate and not cum to terms with what exists outside of self. How boxy by proxy...a total relinquish for sure. Rob, thank you for being open. Do feel free to take my anger and bring it to music so that it may be danced and stepped upon until it is broken.

This needs a pot to simmer...are you a swimmer? Swim upstream and create the dream that is YOURS...mine lies in minds eyes and sparkles upon a grain...sandman grandstanding in late hours has the power to poke holes in souls, but he sometimes passes me by...saturated in a wake of...I spin out of control and think I create...I think...I am...not...knotted, but I am open and for it. Are you?

Monday, March 17, 2014

Addendum to Never a dull moment on a spike ~

This movie was released on DVD in February of this year. If you watch the trailer, you will see time discussed. Speaking of time, my clock is half baked still donging strange hours as it is currently smiling a lovely 1:24 in the p.m when in fact it is 6:16. Looking through my windowed door, I watched as the birds cannibalized my skinned half eaten chicken. Indeed, it was thrown to the wind upon my wakening. I am now one with the clock having fallen behind or sprung ahead...I'm not sure and I don't think I care. Can I live without sleep? My clock thinks so. I lie somewhere between time and I do so without any foul/fowl.

Never a dull moment on a spike~

I got your e-mail and you got mine. It is so much better because of the sign in and out of THIS...but "THIS" is not that bad...detracting? YES...from the already distracted...I think you know what I mean. Forum forum without a vomitorium. What is that? Did you spot the bored gladiator playing with his shield? He once studied philosophy.

Anyway, I just wanted to pop on over to answer you and I know I have one skinned half eaten chicken lies cold in my plate no longer palatable. Did I want it in the first place? It must have been someone else. Off in la la and playing with words I observe the absurd. Care for some chicken?

The Mad Hatter exits stage left. The funny papers are waiting.

Pumped up smoking two cigarettes at a time...that damned clock is still Westminstering at 2:45 a.m.  It should have been sleeping at 11!  Pendulum wagging all happy looking to bang the gong at 3!  Not me!!!  Stupid thing.  I have twisted its arms for 12 hours and to no avail.  Six...yes...6.  It is supposed to sleep from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., but nooooo.  It behaves when it wants to it behave, but not today...not yesterday...not lately.   When was it that it went clocky on me setting itself some hours ahead or behind and it was not bonging...maybe it was and is stoned.  That is it!  It is stoned and has the munchies.  It sees my cold chicken and wants its bones and I see its face and it is not 10 past 10 in the supposed a.m.  I have to contend with the batteries...mine have longer life...grandpa there is there dying. 

Wired? Of course I am wired! The Xanax did not kick so I am sitting here entertaining myself which is real easy. Like a little kid I am amused by everything around me...even that fucking clock which seems to always be ringing. Will coffee put me out since Xanax wired me up? Everything is backwards anyway so it could essentially work. Then again, was Mary as white as snow or was it her lamb? Damned chicken.

Okay...I give!  So, it is now 10:45 a.m. according to grandpa and he is doing his little ringy dingy thing there and I am living with it.  The pillows are all piled in not so coordinated colors...the lights are dim and the blanket says, “blue” kind of sounding like a cow...that is now, but what is later?  According to my clock, it is much later or earlier depending on...  I know that rabbit is around here somewhere with his watch and chain as he IS late!  However, I don’t have to run after him as I already fell down the hole.  The queen of hearts just handed me a brush and I am painting the roses red; have I lost my head?

If I was of the mind of not so kind I would pick on him with you. If anyone should take any forum serious, then they seriously have a problem. Passing time? Oh brother! Your passing time and mine are so different. Without drugs I am inside my head and thinking all this crazy shit. Actually, what I wrote to you made it to blog without your name as I liked my words. I went on to say...never mind, go for the muscle and lay off the drugs as they'll kill you. Knee nee eeeee! Thank you. Never a dull moment on a spike.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Vehicle~

When I was first built, all my parts were new and well oiled and I shined like a new penny. Pedestrians admired my sleek look as well as the hum of my fuel efficient engine. As time wore on, some of my parts wore out. Granted, it was a long time coming, but it was inevitable despite the general maintenance. What once opened and shut with the gentlest of hand now has to be pried open and slammed shut while the hinges creek with age. The lustrous shine that had once existed has become dull and in some places I have rusted. Thankfully, my engine is still working albeit the hum is more of a grumble, but at least I still work even if not as efficiently as I used to. Although pedestrians no longer admire me, I still take pride in the ride I provide. Luckily, my breaks are like new as they haven't been used. I've come a long way baby and I am a classic! ~ March 12, 2014 @ 5:11 p.m. EST

Monday, January 27, 2014

On Leave ~

You're sweet and charming, my dear Enrique
Your words had me come here and take a peek
For too long I've been away
And thought it wise to come out and play
While away, I have absorbed
But not enough and I can't ignore
That which calls me leads me astray
So once again, I will go away
There are choices we must make
I have made mine and I must partake
Albeit shant be here
Never far away...always near
Here is a choice that I leave for you
You can, if you wish, grab the pool stick and hit the cue
To lead this group, I know you'll do
But again the choice is up to you
Should your words find me once again
I will return as I am your friend ~ Typed Jan. 27, 2014 8:43 p.m.EST

A Response to Fickle Words~

Come and play, come and play
Today is not your normal day
Hold tight the kite string and watch it soar
The dream turned real and flies away no more

In the wake of your dreams
A new reality speaks...or so it seems
Come and play is our game
For being children is our claim to fame ~ Typed Jan. 27, 2014 in the p.m. EST